Laying the Foundations for the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in Morocco

This would help lay the foundations for a data-driven government, and would also allow the government to build effective feedback loops for policy monitoring and permanent adjustment. Making it concrete and effective: With this transformation, it will remain imperative to remember that across all levels and policy areas, new talent and skills will be required to cope with the complexities of the new policy environment.

Establish a national chief digital transformation officer CDTO , with a clear mandate, political support and an institutional basis, to be a champion of the digital transformation of the Moroccan public sector.

Morocco < Country specific requirements < Admissions < Studying < Tallinn University of Technology

Strengthen the mandate of the Digital Development Agency, reinforcing its financial and human resources and attributing monitoring and co-funding authority. Establish an inter-ministerial committee responsible for the oversight and co-ordination of digital government initiatives. Develop institutional instruments to streamline digital technology investments across the public sector, namely a budget threshold for ex ante evaluation, a business case mechanism and a standardised project management model. Continue efforts already mede to promote openness, transparency and accessibility of digital services to reinforce trust in government and create a more transparent and accountable public sector.

Education in Morocco

Create positions of chief security officers across sectors and levels of government to co-ordinate and implement cybersecurity policies. Develop and promote the uptake of digital government enablers across the public sector, such as a digital identity system, a digitised civil register and an effective interoperability framework. Your feedback is very helpful to us as we work to improve the site functionality on worldbank. Working for a World Free of Poverty.

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  • Birmingham City University.

Where We Work Morocco. Morocco - Emerging by Investing in Intangible Capital.

  1. Tot ist tot, und Schnaps ist Schnaps!: Kommissar Engelmanns spannendste Fälle (German Edition)?
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  3. Morocco Regional Area Study.
  4. Tweet Share Share LinkedIn. The report outlines the economic governance reforms that could facilitate the achievement of an ambitious, albeit realistic, scenario of faster sustainable economic growth and more inclusive human and social development. Advancing a social contract aimed at promoting an open society; Strengthening inclusive institutions; refocusing government action on its core functions Developing the human and social capital needed to flourish in the XXI century.

    MOROCCO Country Studies A brief comprehensive study of Morocco

    By reforming the labor framework to relax labor regulations and strengthen the effectiveness of active labor market policies. Estimates suggest that overhauling the labor code would significantly raise formal employment, especially among young people and women.

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    Improving public institutions and services Improving public service governance is the keystone to enhanced public service efficiency. Such reform should aim to put the user at the center of the system as a beneficiary and regulator and to ensure more efficient administrative services, simplified procedures and greater accountability. Strengthening the rule of law and justice by sending a strong signal of a paradigm shift to achieving improved security of persons, property and contracts.

    Developing early childhood care and education to ensure equal opportunities for all children and greater economic outcomes.

    Birmingham City University

    An effort must be made to ensure that all children have access to early childhood education and are properly nurtured and cared for. Investing in social capital Achieving gender equality by improving access to economic opportunities and empowerment for women. Public policies can be designed to both combat gender inequalities and discriminations and to promote their economic inclusion.