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The group also produce a match day programme to keep themselves abreast of team news and details of away trips. Members of the group have al- ready travelled to Benfica and Boavista with their new Portu- guese friends. We hope they keep supporting us and bring more Britons to Olhao. I am very optimistic. With 1 , fans from the Algarve, waving their commemorative scarves, they certainly made an impres- sive sight in the Stadium of Light. Despite losing the game 4- 1 , Olhanense were the equal of Benfica during the first half and even had the audacity to take the lead.

Eollowing that defeat in Lisbon in January, the team lost ground with three successive league de- feats but recent form including outstanding wins away at Boavista and the win against Portimonense have con- firmed Olhanense as promotion favourites. Tickets can be pur- chased at the ground on match days and if you enj oy the experi- ence why not become a member.

Allocated seating in the main stand, own refreshment area, pri- ority booking for major games and a match day programme in English. Eor further information con- tact: Ask in store for details. Open Monday to Friday Telephone; 10am to 7pm E-mail; albufeira thomasgreen. Hurry up though because once it's gone - it's gone! We are on the right opposite the Tourist Office.

More than just a solution to overcome the crisis, the eco- nomic-meal establishment was opened as a long-term answer for those looking to rebuild their lives. Most of those who use the fa- cility are homeless or being cared for by the social services. Many are enrolled in rehabilitation programmes and see the estab- lishment as an opportunity for a decent yet cheap meal. Between 20 and 25 people use the establishment on a daily ba- sis, but it is estimated soon that number will increase signifi- cantly. Since its launch in February the restaurant has been posi- tively received and has, in total, served , meals.

The area where most aban- doned vehicles were collected last year was Marvila, where Municipal Police gathered cars for disposal, followed by Benficawith All abandoned vehicles are first taken to Fomo do Tijolo Municipal Park where they are available for purchase as scrap and then they are dismantled for recycling if they are not bought. Speed control radar units registered less infringements during the whole of than in the first six months of their functioning in , which from July to December regis- tered , offences. The radar recording the sec- ond highest number of of- fences is located by the Campo Grande tunnel, with 14, speeders being caught on cam- era, followed by that on Avenida Gago Coutinho, which captured at least 1 2, drivers breaching the road code.

Local residents say everybody is extremely aware of the positive environmental im- pact recycling has, and that it is mostly the elderly people who do not separate their rubbish, say- ing they are too old to appreciate the difference. Altogether, Lis- bon residents separated 23, tonnes of paper, 12, tonnes of glass, 6, tonnes of packages, 27 tonnes of batteries and a further tonnes of electronic equip- ment. This environmentally friendly approach from Lisbon has also greatly contributed to the Council financially.

In the City prof- itedby 3. Of the 2, interviews, carried out personally, 40 percent said they preferred to use the train to cross the Tagus as it is less stressful and another 35 percent say- ing it gives them more free time. Other reasons for travelling on the train include saving money, better organisation and greater flexibility of time- tables. Having started circulation in July 1 , the T agus river train enabled around 23 million pas- sengers to cross the Tagus River in , demonstrating the increasing trend of people to choose public transporta- tion over private vehicles.

Inefficient incandescent light bulbs will be progressively re- placed by improved alternatives starting in and finishing at the end of As a result of these regulations, 1 1 billion euros are expected to be saved and re-invested every year into the European economy. Modern medicine provides palliatives and sedatives but these do little to help either carers or their patients overcome their deep inner suffering and their fears.

Realising that in these cir- cumstances little, if any, help is at hand in Portugal, other than from near relatives, three pio- neering ladies have set up AMARA - Associagao pela Dignidade na Vida e na Morte. This is a Lisbon-based not-for-profit association and its mission is to provide qual- ity end-of-life psycho-social accompaniment to the dying and their loved ones. Through its publications and activities AMARA works to promote medical and psychological pal- liative care and, in the future, aims to set up a hospice.

AMARA trains volunteers and health professionals to pro- vide psychological support for the dying, thereby helping to al- leviate their suffering and per- mitting them to face death with serenity and dignity. The course is given in Portuguese and in Eng- lish. The knowledge thus gained may then be supplemented by optional attendance at work- shops focusing on specific and practical aspects of bereave- ment and care for the dying.

Courses for volunteers are run in Lisbon and will also be run throughout March in the Algarve at Quinta da Calma in Almancil. Jane Fernandes Ineocivil Buy as an investment! A glowing light bulb is pictured against a European flag in Schwerin, Germany, 18 June when the European Commission announced its intention to ban conventional light bulbs in European households in The Commission has been seeking efficient energy-saving bulbs to reduce C02 emissions. The new regulation went into effect in , while the legal prohibition is to be implemented more slowly.

Conventional light bulbs are expected to vanish from Europe midway through the next decade. The weather, traffic and noise reminded us why we left and proved to us that we could not return to live. We are told that it is cheaper to live in the UK now, but we failed to see that. Heartworm transmission and lifecycle Adult heartworms, about 6 inches long, live in the heart and large blood vessels of the dog.

These adults produee thousands of live baby worms - mierofilaria - per day. These young eireulate in the bloodstream for as long as 3 years, waiting to develop fur- ther in a bloodsueking mosquito In the mosquito the heartworm babies grow into heartworm ju- veniles. The mosquito then bites another dog, infeeting this new dog with these heartworms, ready to develop into adults.

After 6 to 7 months the life ey- ele is eomplete: Canine Heartworm Dis- ease Symptoms Usually there are no symptoms until the disease is very advaneed. The owner may dismiss a mild eough that inereases with exer- eise as unimportant. As the dis- ease advanees the symptoms are those of eongestive heart failure: Prevention Waiting for symptoms to de- velop and then treating is not a realistie alternative to prevention. There are various different produets for monthly heartworm prevention and one produet for onee yearly prevention available for adult dogs. In eold elimates, preventative medieation is not neeessary in wintertime.

Here in the Algarve we tend to have mosquitoes all year round, as winter tempera- careful medieal eare and eom- plete rest at home afterwards. The next step is to kill the adult heartworms with an hires are relatively high. Ourree- ommendation is prevention all year round, permanently. Heartworm testing Before starting prevention in animals over 7 months, owners should have their dogs tested for heartworm. If you have a new puppy you ean start pre- vention at 6 months without test- ing. Heartworm treatment Although heartworm ean be fa- tal and treatment of the disease involves risk, the eondition is nearly always eurable if diag- nosed in time.

Moni, or e-mail: Economical and with a low residue - very low in bulking agents much more absorbable goodness and a lot less to shovel upl. Normal feed for a dog is ONLY 10g per day per kilogram of weight. No Wheat or Soya. Free from pharmacologically active supplements and ingredients.

The drug is administered to a sedated animal in 2 doses spaeed over 2 days, followed by several weeks ofinactivity to give the dogs system a chanee to rea- bsorb the dead worms. Exertion ean eause dead worms to dis- lodge, travel to the lungs and cause death by pulmonary embo- lism. Six weeks later, further treat- ment to kill the baby worms or mi- crofilaria is needed.

This is done by a simple injection under the skin. A repeat test is done ap- proximately 4 weeks later. Once the test results are nega- tive a preventative medication can be started. It is good to advice people of the pros and cons of our wonderful breed.

We do not want people just choosing one as a fashion item. We had a great time at Crufts and Cleo as usual did us proud, she is a darling. The journey — I feel it is a good idea to pass over our ex- perience just to forewarn any- one that is planning to do it. This is the first time I have flown a dog anywhere so it was a bap- tism of fire! I know many of you out there will have done it many times. Checking in at Faro was painless, problem free and fast. Yes I worried about her, leav- ing her was tough as i watched her little face inside her crate.


On arrival at Gatwick we had to collect her from Cargo. Well what a performance. It was a case of being sent from pillar to post. We went to first office, only to be sent to another fur- ther down the complex. Pass- port was checked then much complaint about Faro not hav- ing sent an airways bill so there would be a long delay whilstthey located the paperwork and sent faxes here and there. Very true it took ages. They had informed me that Cleo had been taken out of her crate and put in a ken- nel — that would be a shock to Cleo!

Very gen- tle and a bit shy with people she does not know. She needs pa- tience and lots of love. She was found on the street with 3 pup- pies. The puppies were adopted and she stayed in the shelter. She became depressed, she was hid- ing in the dog house the whole day. But she loved walking on the leash, outside of the shelter she became a different dog.

T o date we know that the following are missing — how- ever with these events you keep findingother things rnissingas the days pass. The products appear to have been fairly carefully selected so we are sure that the burglary was carried out by someone who had already been in the store and knew the details regarding the foods. It is very much the goods that would be picked up on a large shopping trip. I have been advised that they may well be on their way to a local market, if anyone sees any of them, or is offered any of them we would be grateful to know.

Meanwhile please accept our apologies if we have not answered a message, various paperwork on the desk is missing as well. Please ring us if you think we should be ringing you, that sounds mad but hopefully it makes some sense! Anyone with any information can call us on anytime or advise the GNR anonymously.

She was badly spooked and stressed but settled after a few minutes. The really infuriating thing was that the Airways Bill from F aro was taped on the crate, stamped and initialled by F aro, so they had sent it still cannot work out why they could not see it as it was obvious to me. Cleo coped well with the air- port, hotel, noisy comfort breaks, the monorail, lifts, lots of people. She was an angel. The return trip had more has- sles for us. First at Gatwick you have to confirm an internet ticket, on confirming the electronic ticket, they announced that there was no booking for Cleo.

Back to our fim, the booking for Cleo was done by phone and linked to my internet booking so no proof.

O pomar da Timóteo da Costa (Portuguese Edition)

Eventually they found it. They gave me the electronic ticket number, but not Julies which was handwritten on mine. We sorted Cleo out, and got her ticket. W e were flying via a plane change at Lisbon. However, problems started there, same as happened when I bought Cassie back. Only one electronic ticket, finally 1 5 mins down the line after phone calls they accepted that. Then Cleo, they wanted two dog tickets, one for Lisbon and one for the plane, I only had one.

They did not have patience with her: She came back to the shel- ter even more depressed. Then I took her home even if I did not know her very well. And she is lovely: Iwouldliketofmdahome for her, someone that would un- derstand that she is shy at the be- ginning and would have patience to make her feel comfortable.

So — we got on the very full bus full of stressedpeople. Bus stopped at a rather small plane and a Guy comes up to bus and calls us off it, embarrassing Julie! Looked over at plane and under wings is my Cleo in her crate. SO, they wanted to tell me they could not get the crate on the plane! They wanted to know if my dog was quiet??

Well we decided that yes she was. So they said she would fly in the cabin, the crew loved dogs it seemed!

O pomar da Timóteo da Costa (Portuguese Edition)

Many airlines allow dogs to travel in the cabin I have been told. I had to go to get Cleo who had no lead on as they tell you not to leave one on when they travel in the crate. The poor bus pas- sengers were watching all this as they had to wait on the bus. We felt very guilty but all the measurements for the crate had been advised many months ago.

We thenhadto get Cleo to climb the very steep stairs and take her to the back of the plane and sit on the floor with her. Once everyone was on we were given three seats at the back and set- tled down. Meanwhile the Guys dismantled the crate. For adoption please contact the Association Bianca in Sesimbra: Here are the details: At the moment she has short hair. Linda means a lot to me and is already part of our family.

I ask anyone who has found her to please contact me by calling: Why not ea rn cash from some of your unused cloths and let The Fitting Room sell them on, or visit the department to find a bargain, or even maybe some- thing vintage. Pre-owned clothes and accessories can be dropped off at both Frontera Fur- niture stores, in Ayamonte, Spain, or Almancil Algarve Portugal. Fifty per cent of the sale price will be returned after sale. So if you have something in your wardrobe that you no longer like, wear or fit in to, why not let someone else en- joy wearing it and make a few euros on as well!

The Fitting Room is always on the lookoutforgood quality clothing and accessories, which must be freshly laun- dered, no stains and no repairs needed. So if you have bags, boots. She has worked for Frontera Furniture in Portugal since May , priortowhichshewasin UK retail management for many years. For a limited time only. Mister Cool is now providing an air conditioner cleaning service, offering special prices with anti-bacterial cleaning during the months of March and April. When was the last time you cleaned your air conditioning unit?

Did you know that, besides contributing to an accumulation of bacteria, a dirty air condi- tioning unit spends more energy, overworks the compressor and makes the air unfit to breathe? Af- ter a harsh winter, now is the time to clean your air conditioner; as a clean and disinfected unit is es- sential for your health and also for a better working machine. In March and April only. Telmo Rodrigues opened Mister Cool on his own as a ga rage-based shop eight years ago. Since then he has pro- gressed into owning his own showroom and has transformed the name into a thriving business with a team of five four technicians with two vehicles plus the showroom secretary working all around the Algarve.

The technicians are fully qualified to carryoutthe most challenging tasksand always finish a job in budgetand on time, leaving the customer happy and willing to call again for their professional and friendly service. Also selling air conditioning units, so- lar panels and pool heat pumps Telmo Rodrigues says nowadays more and more people are opting for better qual- ity items; mainly fortwo reasons, firstthey are cheaperto run and second because they are more environ- mentally friendly.

Daikin air conditioning units have an easy one year payment plan with I zero interest. Mister Cool also offers regular cus- tomers easy payment plans which consist of two or three instalments. Although the shop is open six days a week, Telmo is available anytime for emergency call-outs, and will sacrifice a quiet weekend to keep his customers happy. If a customer is satisfied with the service provided, the good word will spread by itself. Located near the El- ephant Carwash in Lagoa, the show- room is open weekdays from 9.

So, whatever your needs. Mister Cool can deliver. The Alan Gale Denture Studio introduces Flexident With over 35 years experience in denture prosthetics, Alan Gale is hon- oured to be the first laboratory in the Algarve to offer Flexident, monomer- free, unbreakable, flexible thermo- plastic dentures. Now in the Algarve for nine years, Alan Gale is the first laboratory south of Oporto to offerthis innovative product, which provides an ideal alter- native to visible metal clasps and pal- ates. Flexident dentures are made from a light, flexible thermoplastic Flexite that fits comfortably over teeth and gums.

It is unbreakable, highly resist- ant and the uses are limitless as it can be added to or relined.

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  • Flexident also eliminates the me- tallic taste of metal partials, and there are no unsightly clasps as it blends in perfectly with gums. Researched over nearly half a dec- ade the Flexite product has been ex- tensively tried and tested to offer the quality it does today, being bio-com- patible non-allergic and manufac- tured from Food and Drug Administra- tion FD graded plastics. Combining high flexural strength and elasticity, Flexident is super-tough yet very comfortable, and are fitted with fewer no adjustments.

    Palates are also reduced for comfort, with no loss of fit. At present, Flexident products is en- joyed by thousands of satisfied patients throughout the world. The Alan Gale Denture Studio, which is registered by the Medical Devices Agency, also offers two-hour denture repairs, as well as home visits on re- quest. Bedspreads Factory Outlet Established in 1 by long-term resi- dents Patrick and Linda Hall, Bed- spreads Factory Outlet specialises in high quality textile products that Portu- gal is famous for.

    At the time the business was estab- lished all the best quality bedspreads were being sold abroad in high quality drapers with equally high prices, but not so much in Portugal, despite being a na- tional product. They travelled to mar- kets from Sagresto Vila Real and found that there was a huge mar- ketplace for the high quality, low cost items. They had many prob- lems ensuring products arrived on time and were forced to travel to Northern Portugal every six weeks to pick up stock.

    The factories had very little need for their custom as they supplied Harrods, John Lewis, Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren to name butafew. But hard work and perseverance paid off! Aftereightyearsoutinall weather, trav- el ling to every market, they decided to open a shop. The first shop was opened in Albufeira at Clube Praia da Oura - this was very successful, butthe location was not. After eighteen months they moved to Alvor and the Bedspreads Factory Outlet began. In order to better serve their huge cli- ent base, they decided to open another Outlet Store in Lagoa on the EN 1 25 next tothe petrol station.

    Here clients can park easily, right outside the door. Quality is still the best Egyptian cotton matelasse, but the prices are one-fifth of the price abroad. Large discounts are available if you are equipping apartments, with special prices for villa management compa- nies, resorts, hotels and developments. Free delivery across the Algarve. Bedspreads Factory Outlet Call Bedspreads on: For more information or directions see website: Mister Cool Do not hesitate to give them a call for a quote or information on or speak to Telmo directly on 91 The match of the round was un- doubtedly the Greens against the Gladiators, where the winner took the title.

    Well done to the Gladiators though, who had a very con- sistent season and have some- thing to build on for next year.

    Product details

    The Cats defeated the Titans by and took all seven points, and in so doing, they sneaked past the Gladiators to claim the runners up spot. Harlequins finished in fourth after beating the Crusaders away by and six points to two. A very inconsistent season for the Harlequins who looked good at times and topped the table at one stage, but who lacked perhaps some depth in their squad. In the other match today, Tavira Ti- gers had an excellent away vic- tory over the Sinners by 37 and eight points to nil and lifting themselves into fifth spot.

    The Wanderers rested this weekend.

    Temporal de amor, Página de amigos & Não olha assim - César Menotti e Fabiano

    So the final table has the Greens on 78 points, the Cats on 73 and the Gladiators with Harlequins have 63 and the Tigers are on Wanderers have 54, Crusaders finished with 47 points and the Sinners never really got going at all and brought up the rear with 27 points. We also look forward to the Summer League and then the new Winter season next October when there may well be several new teams coming into the league to broaden the appeal and continue the posi- tive development of the game in the Algarve.

    IcCeafforfamifp I cCeaf for Beginners! Facilities include a lounge bar, restaurant, a well stocked shop, snooker room and golf school. The event was produced to spread the word of the work de- veloped by the association, as well as raising funds and recruit- ing volunteers. National and in- ternational schools from the council of Vila do Bispo took part and over people turned up to join in the fun. Apart from music and lots of playing, the Kid's Party gave lit- tle ones a chance to participate in an energetic aerobics class, tra- ditional games, crafts, face painting and loads of fun!

    The day came to an end with a talent show by children from local schools. It was the perfect op- portunity to provide the chil- dren and adults with a great af- ternoon in the company of their friends and parents! It was founded by Nita Barroca in and has since then helped thousands of children, through its activities and educational support. This includes after school care for chil- dren whose parents are at work and summer camps that give dis- advantaged children exciting rec- reational opportunities that they may not have ever experi- enced before.

    PND's main goal remains the same since its crea- tion: Currently PND are look- ing for volunteers to help with its activities whether it be at the summer camps or after school care. Please contact Nita on for more informa- tion. For more information Call Boliqueime is just off the EN be- tween Almancil and Albufeira Lets walk round Morenos Wednesday March A challenging 3 hour walk exploring the valleys and hills near Santa Caterina - an area which sees very few visitors.

    Exit the 25th A22 for Santa Caterina and once there take the road for Tavira, after 6km turn left for Morenos and when you ar- rive in the village bear left for Umbria, the restaurant is on the left. Julie Statham or www. It has a real mixture of terrain and interesting scenery. The route is around 37km, a mixture of tarmac and dirt track roads, with one rocky but not tricky river bed crossing.

    There are a few short steepish hills, but these are on tarmac and not too serious, the rest is not too chal- lenging at all. It will include Alte and the usual favoured cafe there. As usual, if you need a hire bike or a lift from Bikeland, then please call and arrange this. Metting at around 1 2. Otherwise, meet at the main car park at the bottom of the hill in Paderne ready for a 1. If you do not know where this, then please make contact for directions. Contact Paul Beesley to book or paul. Butter 2 shallots, finely sliced 1 clove garlic, sliced ml dry cider 2kg mussels, cleaned discard any that will not close when tapped on the sink ml single cream a small bunch of flat-leaf parsley, chopped crusty bread to serve Heat a knob of butter in a very large pan and cook the shallots and gar- lic for a couple of min- utes.

    Add the cider and mussels, put on a lid and leave for minutes, shaking the pan regu- larly, until the mussels have opened. Discard any mussels that have not opened. Stir in the cream and parsley and heat through. Season well and serve in bowls with crusty bread. Put the flour, cocoa, choco- late and caster sugar in a bowl. Mix together the butter, egg, milk, orange zest and stir into the dry ingredients. Divide the mix between six small ovenproof dishes about ml each. For the sauce, mix the sugar and cocoa, then divide between the tops of the puds.

    Boil a ket- tle and pour approx 3tbsp boil- ing water over each pud. Bake for 25 minutes. Y ou will end up with sponge on top and choc sauce under- neath. Finish with a dollop of creme fraiche and extra orange zest if you like. Situated in the beautiful historic location of Estoi, it is easy to find by fol- lowing the yellow signs from Estoi square. Here you can en- joy a-la-carte, fine dining of an evening, inside the restaurant or lunch overlooking the lakes and waterfalls. On offer is an a-la- carte five course degustation tasting menu with the option of five tasting wines, a vegetarian menu, plus both spa and lunch menus.

    Reservations are strongly recomended.

    Full text of "The Portugal News - Issue "

    Island Cafe is situated at the entrance of Presa de Moura, in Sesmarias, near Carvoeiro and offers American casual dining in the relaxing atmosphere of their new, modern restaurant. Your host Tony Trinder says his brilliant staff will serve up-market American food which is exceptionally good value. There are plans for live music twice a week during the winter and reservations are recommended.

    We show you how to create a show-stopping cheap menu. Dining in may be the new eat- ing out, but being the host with the most can leave you out of pocket. Unless you want to serve sand- wiches to your guests, serving up a memorable meal can end up costing a packet. The other great trick, of course, is not to let on that this extravagant feast is actually budget-friendly. Lay the thighs flat on a board. Divide the cheese between them then roll up, tucking in any extra bits of chicken to keep in the cheese. Wrap each thigh with a slice of Parmahamto make apar- cel and sit on a baking tray, seam side down, and with the ends tucked underneath.

    Roast for 40 minutes or until they are cooked through and Parma ham is crisp. Meanwhile, put a knob of butter in a pan, add the peas and stock and simmer for three minutes. Whiz with a hand blender to a puree it won't be completely smooth. This can be reheated just before serv- ing. Serve two thighs per per- son with some pea puree and the dauphinoise and carrots on the side. Heat the milk, cream and gar- lic in a pan, season well, then add the potatoes and simmer for five minutes.

    Cool a little, then fish out the garlic and layer the slices of po- tato in a large rectangular baking dish, pressing down as you layer. Pour over the liquid so it covers the potato. Bake for 1 hour 30 minutes until the potatoes are golden and tender. Take out and leave to sit for 20 minutes. To serve, either use a large cut- ter to cut six circles or cut into neat squares and slide onto the plate using a spatula.

    Add the carrots and toss together, then pour in just enough stock or water to barely cover the carrots. Cover and simmer for minutes until just tender, then in- crease the heat and cook until all the water has evaporated and the carrots are glazed. Gimlet fizz This recipe uses sugar syrup, which you can buy ready made, but it's easier and cheaper to make your own at home. Simmer gently until all the sugar has dissolved. Simmer for two minutes, then cool.

    Mix together the gin and lime juice and 3tbsp of the sugar syrup. Divide between six old fashioned glasses filled with ice. Top with a splash of soda and a wedge of lime. The opinions expressed here are those of our readers and not necessarily of The Portugal News. The editior reserves the right to edit letters or refuse publication. Send your let- ters, which must include your name and full postal address even if you wish to remain anonymous on the page , and be no more than words, to The Portugal News, Apartado 13, Lagoa.

    I was told that, on reaching Seville, I should go to the ticket office to reserve the seat coming back. We were to be collected at 7. A Frota Azul bus arrived at that time with no destination shown but the driver assured us that it was for Seville. On arrival in Albufeira we were transferred to an Eva bus the toi- let of which was out of order.

    In Seville we exchanged our tickets for a return by Damas on the following day. In fact the bus was again Eva and when we reached Albufeira we were asked to leave the bus and that another would collect us in a few minutes. This was refused by the driver who said it was a different com- pany. A supervisor was called and he co nfir med this.

    He also said that the bus which we had tried to board was the last one of the night to Portimao. We eventually arrived in Portimao about 50 minutes later, this being a local service, on arrival there the driver refunded our fare. I sent an e-mail to Eva asking for an explanation and refund of the express fare as they had failed to provide the express service promised and had cause my wife and I inconvenience and upset. Having regard to our experience I suppose that I should not be un- duly surprised by their failure to respond.

    Any reader thinking of availing of this service should be aware that they may find them- selves stranded in Albufeira. Amazingly all the clinics are fully booked for the next month! Mollie and I have been follow- ing her tragic story throughout her TV programme.

    Best wishes to Jade and her family. Those who can cast their minds back may remember when tax changed on 4- wheel drive vehicles, the result as one dealer commented is that the market for these cars is now almost extinct. As for secondhand cars - oh dear, oh dear. Dare I say the simple answer is to reduce taxes?

    We have a stand for the newspaper at our shop and put up a note to say that whilst the papers are compli- mentary, we would welcome do- nations to this worthy cause. How generous is that? Perhaps if he had been a more responsible pet owner the dog would still be alive to- day. So many things could have happened, the dog could have caused a road ac- cident, it may have chased or bitten a neighbour or worse still a child. It may even have mated and added more unwanted pup- pies for the animal charities to care for.

    The poisoning of any animal is a terrible thing but if a little more care had been taken then Jack would still be alive today. SIR, I note that yet another multimillion dollar unmanned space probe has been launched to discover whether there are other intelligent beings out there. Of course there are. And, Gwynne, we enj oyed writing that paragraph! Experts from the FBI had been in the University City of Coimbra where they demonstrated to scientists and iaw enforcement authorities the procedures to be foiiowed in capturing human DNA sampies using the iatest technoiogy.

    It is hoped that by the end of the year, more than six thousand convicted criminais with prison sentences in excess of three years, wiii be geneticaiiy identifiabie within a matter of hours on the system. Little more than a year after the publication of the law which approved it, DNA profiling is now just weeks away from being employed by Portuguese crimi- nal science investigators in the identification of individuals on the basis of their respective DNA profiles. The genetic database is being set up at the Coimbra Faculty of Medicine in a unit with stringent security levels.

    The installation of the system was the responsibility of Kenneth Portuguese for Beginners with Emilia Rosendo Today's lesson focuses on asking ''What is this? O que e isto? Find their correct equivalents: Use the words you have just learnt or any other ones you know. Isto e uma faca? Sim, e uma faca. E isto e um prato? NdOy ndo e um prato.

    W alker who was here to offer train- ing to ten Portuguese laboratory technicians. Journalists attempted to obtain additional information from the investigator, but after an appar- ent call to the United States, he opted for complete silence when confronted later by members of the media. Existing legislation will only permit authorities to retrieve a DNA sample from convicts with prison sentences of three years or more, and for now, no indication exists that DNA sampling could be extended to cover greater sec- tions of the population, such as suspects with no convictions to their name.

    However, unidentified DNA previously obtained will be valid evidence should subsequent pro- filing link a current convicted criminal with unsolved crimes committed in the past. The system is also expected to counter the recidivism rate in Por- tugal, where more than half of con- victed criminals have been found to return to a life of crime upon re- lease from prison terms. Portuguese authorities are op- timistic that the country will share the positive results enjoyed by other states which have em- ployed DNA testing. InBritain, whichin became the first European country to cre- ate a database, arrests doubled in the five years following its intro- duction while identification of sus- pects climbed by 75 percent.

    Joao Mira Gomes, speak- ing at a seminar in Lisbon on Security and Defence in the Lusophone Space, also said the Portuguese armed forces had provided training to more than 20, foreign soldiers during the period. The villa has been renovated to a very high standard offering marble features, a beautiful, fully equipped kitchen, and is a perfect holiday villa or perma- nent residence. It offers maximum privacy, being enclosed in a private, gated setting surrounded by shrubs and palm trees.

    As well as the landscaped gardens the villa also has a nice roof terrace. F or more information on this elegant property, or to book a viewing, contact Silver Holi- days on: Make the shop iwindow 1, s of copies of The Portugal News are distributed at Faro airport every week to arriving and departing passengers.

    An estate agent's window can't beat that for property exposure! Installation takes approximately two hours. The Vila is on 3 floors with a modern fully fitted kitchen, an enormous Master Bedroom and Bathroom suite and is wheelchair friendly with access to all 3 floors via an Elevator.

    Large fully enclosed walled garden with pool, garaging, BBQ terrace, plenty of storage and a producing orchard. The Vila has recently been fully decorated, is close to schools, shops and all amenities and 10 minutes away from the beach. Available now for long term let. VI 21 4 Price: Parking space in the garage. Located five minutes from the! Construction area - square 1 metres.

    Exterior parking area, commu- nal sw. Ro be rt Al g a rve P ro perty. A Robert Kootstra your professional real estate consultant Gov. Beautiful view over the Golf Course. Central vacuum cleaning sys. Top quality finishings, modem, contemporary furnishings. Fabulous views of golf course. Must be seen to fully appreciate. Huge, stunning Master Bedroom and en suite bathroom with large private sun terrace Basement: The Vila has its own bore hole. Recently decorated to a high. For sale Delaware Company by Owner at: USA mobiles and Canada. Prices do not include IVA. The Business Plan includes free minutes.

    Terms and conditions apply. Spring clean your ga- rage, cellar or cup- boards by sorting through your DIY tools and materials. You also won't dupli- cate DIY purchases be- cause you know what you've already got. What can I do about it? When you re- paint, just painting over the re- pairs may look patchy, so be prepared to do the whole wall.

    We are your roofing and facade specialists. Situated In a pretty, landscaped cul-de- sac, the apartment has a light and spacious lounge overlooking the countryside, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and two balconies. Being only 5 minutes drive to the beach and various golf courses makes It an Ideal holiday home and a great Investment. Call or email: We also supply and fit Air CondiMiMngi why not call us for sotyie friendly help and advice with regain filijdlig your new house a home.

    Magnificent south facing veranda, overlooking the private swimming pool and garden area, as well the Marina and Town. Please contact us if you have land to sell which is suitable and will we endeavor to match this to the right client. Spring is here and that means gardeners wiii be digging out their secateurs for some serious pruning as the growing season begins. So, what should you leave alone? Laburnums, Pieris floribunda, daphnes, sarcococca and some rhododendrons are also best left unpruned, otherwise you may ruin their shape or reduce flow- ering the following year.

    Most evergreens, including conifers, only need an optional summer shaping with shears. The shrubs which you should leave alone in early spring are those that flower in spring up to early summer such as philadelphus, forsythia and kerria. This is because the flowers are produced on shoots which devel- oped during the previous grow- ing season, so these flowering shoots should be cut back imme- diately flowering has finished, to allow new shoots to form.

    The ones which flower from early summer onwards including potentilla, lavatera and fuchsia, are the ones that need pruning in early spring, before growth starts. Cut back old wood hard to a low bud to encourage vigorous new growth which will produce flowers in the same year. Other plants which can be pruned in early spring include euphorbia, lavandula, passiflora and roses, although early prun- ing of bush roses before you are confident that spring has arrived is risky in cold northern gardens.

    Tidy up and prune early-flow- ering climbers as soon as they have flowered. Those which flower later in the year should be left until the following spring. Hybrid large-flowered clematis, which fall into Group 2, should be cut right back to a pair of fresh green buds about 30cm above the ground in early spring. Clematis which flower in sum- mer and again in autumn need less drastic pruning. Thin out the stems every year to keep them tidy and every other year cut back the oldest stems to 60cm above the ground.

    Some shrubs do not take to hardpmning, such as lavender and heather. There are some basic rules when pruning. Use sharp tools and keep cuts clean. Cut out weak, dead or diseased stems before anything else and cut back stems which are rubbing against larger ones. Check plants you buy are healthy 1. Check for any signs of damage or disease and look for aphids of the tips and the pale, flecking and spotting red spider mite. Check the top of the compost for masses of moss and weeds, which indicate the plant has been sitting around for a while.

    Lookfor dead and dying patches or holes on the leaves, which may indicate the presence of vine weevil. Sow seeds indoors successfully 1. Follow the instructions carefully. Different plants need dif- ferent conditions to germinate. Timings of sowing are also vital so that your plants crop and flower when they should. Really fine seed can be distributed more evenly by first mixing it with a little silver sand. Some must be left uncovered, including the fine ones such as be- gonias, lobelias and calceolarias. When mixed salad leaves in plastic bags are so expensive, have a go at growing your own now.

    Y ou can buy packets of mixed salad leaf seeds, starting them off in small pots or modules on a windowsill or in the greenhouse, for planting outside when the weather warms up. Use cloches to warm up the soil for a few weeks before plant- ing seed outside, choosing a site in full sun for early sowings, in fertile, moisture-retentive soil. Seeds can be sown at two or three week intervals for a continuous crop and water regularly, pick- ing off slugs and snails.

    The aim is to harvest small quantities of leaves as you need them and you should have two or more pick- ings from one cut-and-come-again variety, cutting off the leaves with scissors about 2cm from the compost, leaving the cut stump, add a high-nitrogen liquid feed and keep the plants well-watered and within a few weeks a flush of new leaves should have ap- peared, which can be cut as before. Try to prune so that air and light gets into the centre of the plant. If you want your shrub to spread wide, cut above outward- facing buds. If you want it to grow upwards, cut above inward-fac- ing buds.

    Hopefully, come summer, you will see the fruits of your labour as flowering shrubs and perenni- als burst into bloom with more vigour than ever before. Beautiful rural location, close to Zavial and Ingrina Beaches. Fitted kitchen and large open plan living. Spacious roof terrace with splendid views, bbq area, splash pool.

    All property pages can be viewed on-line free of charge at www. Full warranty included, Some assembly requried, collection only. Delivery Is available at an extra charge on this combo deal. Priees do not inelude IVA. The Business Plan ineludes free minutes. You ean keep your home phone number and then eaneel your PT line rental there is a small one-time eharge to transfer your number. We also offer fully mobile internet. Terms and eonditions apply. Identify the triggers, such as boredom or stress, and en- courage your child to think about when she bites her nails.

    Choose a nail that can't be bitten, so your child feels she's making progress when she leaves it alone. When it grows, introduce another protected nail, 3. Keep her nails tidy, paint them with clear or coloured nail varnish, or put little coloured stickers on them to raise aware- ness of the nails. Some girls as young as 10 have breast buds and may want to start wearing a bra. Peer pressure is a major influence, and even if she doesn't need a bra yet, if her friends are wear- ing them, she'll want to do the same. So, take her bra shop- ping, and make sure she doesn't feel left out, no matter what her stage of development Ask the expert Q: Nancy Kanter, senior vice- president at Playhouse Disney Worldwide, says: Each day, every experience is an opportunity for them to learn.

    They love to practice new s ki lls over and over, and to demonstrate their mastery of them. News for parents Lisa Salmon looks at the weird, wonderful and sometimes weary world of parenting. More than half of extremely premature babies will still require extra help at school at the age of 11, new research has suggested. As well as lower IQ levels, these children face particular struggles in maths, according to a study by the Institute for Women's Health at Univer- sity College London. Pre- term boys were more likely to have seriously lower IQ levels than pre-term girls.

    The study concluded that extremely pre-term children have a fold increased risk of having special education needs, requiring additional learning support, and 77 times more likely to have an educational statement at the age of But whatever the prob- lems at school, the parents of premature children will just be grateful they're alive. Homophobic bullying is rife in Britain's schools according to teachers, with many incidents going unreported, research suggests.

    Ninety per cent of secondary school teachers say pupils in their schools have been bullied, harassed orcaUed names because they are, or are perceived to be, gay. The Teachers' Report, com- missioned by Stonewall, found that secondary teachers believe homophobic bullying is the sec- ond most common form of bul- lying after weight, and three times more prevalent than bully- ing because of religion or ethnic- ity.

    But it notes that half of teach- ers say the vast majority of inci- dents go unreported or are never dealt with. The YouGov poll reveals that homophobic buUying is also present in primary schools, with more than two in five teachers say- ing children have experienced it. Most UK drivers think fathers are better than mothers when it comes to giving their children driving lessons, it has been revealed. But dads lose their tempers quicker while mums are more likely to panic, a survey by AA Driving School found. The UK Government have made it tougher for councils to sell off, or build on playing fields by closing a loophole about smaller pitches.

    Under the new regulations, councils will have to consult Sport England for both junior and adult football, rugby and cricket pitches. Previously, only full-size pitches were sub- j ect to Sport England approval. Sports minister Gerry Sutcliffe said: Aspiring British design- ers are invited to electroni- cally submit sketches of their original cocktail dress designs to www.

    Ask the expert Q: I'm five months pregnant and usually live in jeans. Where can I find a stylish pair to see me through the final months? With Mother's Day ap- proaching, now's the perfect time to flaunt your baby bump. When your old faithful skinnies have become redun- dant, the maternity denims at Blooming Marvellous will save you from six months in track pants. There are eight cuts and three colour washes to choose from as well as two waistband styles, which can be worn un- der or over your burgeoning bump.

    Cosmetic sale No need to scrimp on your make-up essentials. Y ou can snap up make-up bargains in store or online at thebodyshop. Mothers always seem to put everyone else's wants and needs ahead of their own. So it's little wonder so many mums admit to brushing their beauty regimes under the carpet. In the UK, March 22 is the one day of the year she can indul- gently claim back as official mum me-time. So for this years gift, treat her to something special in the pam- pering line. But forget that must-have Kate Moss dress or crazy pair of platforms.

    If you analyse your wardrobe it's the clothes you wear to work that really put in the hard graft. According to research, a poten- tial employer can make a snap de- cision in 15 seconds flat so ap- pearances count. Catwalk copycat Faddy fashion trends might seem like a waste of money but gloss over the one season won- ders and look to clas sic designers for inspiration.

    Your capsule workwear wardrobe should not only give you the feelgood factor, but be fit for purpose too. Invest wisely and shop for a few basic staples that will show you mean business. It can be worn on its own in the sum- mer or with a shirt or polo neck underneath during the colder months. You can still update your current workwear wardrobe by raiding your accessories box for one statement piece. Necklaces are big news for this season and can breathe new life into the most simple top, dress or shirt. And if you feel like going all out, try a pair of coloured tights to make a bold im- pression.

    Mark has these tips for stay- ing ahead of the fashion rat race: Get your iron out or take it to a dry cleaner. Skin Care Centre The bt Cocktail is a Strategic 3 part skin energy system resulting in Immediate, firmer, youthful appearance! It incorporates the use of the bt Micro, an ultrasonic skin peeling treatment and microcurrent device to exfoliate and provide maximum product penetration, plus a radical new product that is the ultimate in ATP synthesis.

    When this facial is carried out as part of our existing Bio Ultimate Platinum treatment you can see truly remarkable results. The facts below show just how good this treatment is. You could be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, increasingly recognised by integrated health specialists. Yet, while doctors recog- nise adrenal disease - which is quite rare - generally they do not pick up on subtle reductions in glandular function or recognise it as a medical phenomenon.

    It has a minimal effect on some, but for others who have experienced prolonged stress, it could lead on to depression, chronic fatigue and immune system problems. If you answer yes to six or more of the following questions your symptoms may be related to ad- Are you tired all the time and finding it increasingly difficult to cope with life? Adrenal Burnout Syndrome could be the cause - but unfortunately this condition is unlikely to be picked up by your GP. Adrenals are two pyramid shaped glands sitting on top of your kidneys.

    Despite their small size, they are vitally important to your health and wellbeing - they help our bodies respond to stress. Integrated health expert Dr Mark Atkinson believes that while millions may be suffering from the symptoms of this con- dition, many are unaware of why they are struggling. Would you like to be totally free of emotional distress? Would you like to take control of your life and your health? Would you like to conquer your fears, phobias and addictions? Would you like to be completely over a traumatic event or loss? Would you like to create a positive future for you and those you love?

    Consider Monte da Palhagueira Village 32 houses and apartments set in 22 acres of landscaped grounds, offering independence, peace of mind and security for retirement. Amenities include 2 swimming pools, putting green, croquet lawn, boule pitch, village hall, restaurant, hairdresser, physiotherapist, church and British trained medical staff on duty at all times. The fun way to lose weight!

    Includes free delivery and free excercise DVD. Do you experience light- headedness on standing? Feel more awake at night? Crave salty food, sugar or liquorice? Do you trem- ble when under stress? Have dark circles under your eyes or are your eyes sensitive to bright lights? Do you spend the whole day rushing from one thing to an- other?

    Experience anxiety, irrita- bility, nervousness, phobias or panic attacks? Do you keep your- self going on sugar, caffeine or nicotine? Are you absent-minded or feel your short-term memory lets you down? Healthy adrenal glands secrete very precise amounts of steroid hormones. Adrenal burnout needs to be tackled physically and emotion- ally. Atkinson advises going to a nutritional therapist or integrated health practitioner for a test to establish whether you have ad- renal burnout.

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