Wer Facebook nutzt, nimmt damit automatisch an der Auswertung durch Datalogix teil. Die Kommission hat am It claims its user data are rendered anonymous, though this is difficult to verify. Due to the huge volume of material available to them, such companies are naturally in a position to reverse the anonymisation process at a later stage.
Datalogix is now merging these addresses with Facebook account information. Anyone using Facebook automatically participates in Datalogix evaluation. Facebook users can only deactivate this function on the Datalogix website. Data protection groups also have difficulty with this and demand that it should only be possible to evaluate this data with the express agreement of users. If it is possible to link customer data with Facebook data under EU data protection rules, is the Commission planning to revise these rules, so that these data can only be evaluated with the express agreement of users?
It will clarify and further strengthen the rights of data subjects in the context of online activities, such as social networking. In particular the Commission proposal clarifies that consent shall be prior informed, specific and explicit. Un recente rapporto pubblicato da HRW, denuncia la difficilissima condizione nella quale vivono oggigiorno le donne del Bangladesh, costrette a confrontarsi quotidianamente con leggi discriminatorie nell'ambito di matrimonio, separazione e divorzio.
Nonostante i piccoli ma significativi passi in avanti degli ultimi anni, soprattutto riguardo al riconoscimento delle perdite economiche quali atto di violenza domestica, molto resta da fare. A recent report published by Human Rights Watch sheds light on the extremely difficult situation currently experienced by women in Bangladesh, who are forced every day to face discriminatory laws in terms of marriage, separation and divorce. For many women and girls, marriage is their only guarantee of financial security.
Often, however, these marriages involve financial difficulties, caused mainly by social pressures on women, who are forced to leave their jobs once they are married, are unable to manage income and savings and are frequently excluded from the world of work if they become separated. Personal law in Bangladesh often forces women into violent marriages or into extreme poverty if they get divorced.
This situation is made worse by the slow legal bureaucracy of the courts which are responsible for guaranteeing women minimum rights with regard to marriage and the dissolution of marriage. Social care programmes are also inadequate and the obstacles for women often become insurmountable. Marital instability has been established as a real cause of poverty among female-headed households. Despite the small but significant progress in recent years, particularly with regard to recognition of financial losses as an act of domestic violence, there is still a long way to go.
The protection of destitute women will continue to be a cross-cutting concern during the forthcoming programming cycle At present, the trial of opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov is taking place in Kazakhstan. The trial is entering its final stages and a judgment is expected shortly. The presence of representatives from European institutions and international organisations has resulted in the acquittal of other opposition leaders, as well as a reduction in sentencing severity.
Does the High Representative agree that monitoring the Vladimir Kozlov trial in Kazakhstan is necessary? Does the European External Action Service plan to send its representatives to Kazakhstan for the Vladimir Kozlov trial, which is entering its final stages and in which a judgment is expected shortly?
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Will the High Representative, acting in accordance with the requirements of the Resolution, present a report on these observations to the European Parliament? The European External Action Service is available to answer any questions and to inform the European Parliament on the developments regularly. Inoltre, l'Unione europea ha destinato, secondo il Trattato UE art. In che modo l'UE intende anticipare il via libera e sollecitare l'invio degli aiuti per concludere l'operazione di risanamento economico delle popolazioni terremotate?
Non possono essere rifusi danni ai privati. Around four months have passed since the earthquake that struck Emilia-Romagna and reconstruction has not yet begun. The damage to the economy is huge since Emilia-Romagna produces 1. These include the restoration to working order of infrastructure, temporary accommodation, the cost of the rescue services, the protection of the cultural heritage and cleaning-up. Private damage may not be compensated.
The regulation specifies that the implementation of the grant, including the selection of individual projects, is the sole responsibility of the Italian authorities. The free movement of persons allows European citizens to travel more often to other Member States or within their own country. For those who love nature and want to cycle or walk along various tourist routes there are still insufficient resources to allow them to identify these routes or the various facilities available. The Commission shares the view that new technologies represent an important factor for promoting travel between Member States, as well as for obtaining tourist information and procuring services.
Particularly in the tourism field, the Commission is co-financing several cross border projects which aim at supporting transnational thematic tourism products including, among others, transnational long distance cycle routes or European cultural tourism routes. Some of these projects include mapping of the routes, strategies for their development and promotion of potentially attractive tourism offers, and encourage the use of new technologies including geolocation technologies.
The aim is to create a B2B instrument which provides information and up-to-date ICT-tools to tourism companies to help them set up, manage and promote tourism businesses. It is the ambition of the Commission to continue along the same lines in the future, provided that sufficient resources are made available by the budgetary authorities. It is the Commission's view that a structure in which the rail infrastructure manager is a fully controlled subsidiary of a railway holding creates a potential for conflict of interest.
This potential conflict exists in the role of the infrastructure manager to offer non-discriminatory access to all railway undertakings, whether they are part of the holding or external new entrant operators, and his function within the holding where he has to take account of the interests of the holding and its transport subsidiaries.
There are numerous examples in the reports of national competition authorities, regulatory bodies and in informal complaints from competitors of practices resulting from this conflict of interest. The Commission has announced to strengthen the independence of infrastructure managers in its forthcoming Fourth Package proposal, beyond the existing independence requirements for track access charging and path allocation.
Even where Member States have implemented these existing requirements and created independent allocation and charging bodies, there are other functions of infrastructure management which can be the origin of discriminatory practices, such as investment and maintenance. Currently an impact assessement is prepared for the Fourth Rail Package which will contain a thorough impact analysis of the functioning of the market and the need for such measures.
How does the Commission explain the silence of anti-trust and competition authorities when faced by railway operators such as SNCF, Deutsche Bahn, NS Cargo, Transfesa and others using their financial power to buy out and price-dump on new entrants and potential competitors? The press also reported proceedings pending before the French competition authority against SNCF, regarding notably a number of alleged pricing abuses. The Commission and NCAs also assess under their respective merger rules whether acquisitions by incumbent railway undertakings would substantially reduce competition.
Will the Commission set out why, in its view, the British taxpayer pays much more in support for the railway sector than what taxpayers in other Member States pay, despite higher fares? In principle it is for the Member States to decide how to balance income from taxpayers and farepayers, whilst taking account of EU rules on financing of railway infrastructure and on public service passenger services.
Such financing decisions often take consideration of investment programmes in Member States, including renewals of, enhancements to and construction of new infrastructure. In the UK, infrastructure expenditure increased substantially following the Hatfield accident as inherited underinvestment was addressed. Along with the irregular patterns of large investment programmes, geographical characteristics, overall transport policies and broader sustainability objectives of the Member States may mean that no definitive short period comparatives can be made on sector support.
Sir Roy McNulty's report developed options and recommendations to reduce the upward pressure on fares and the burden on the taxpayer through reductions in total UK system costs. However, the suggestion that the UK taxpayer subsidy is excessive in comparison to other countries is not confirmed by all indicators.
Additional information can be found in the annex which is sent directly to the Honourable Member and the Secretariat of the European Parliament. Will the Commission set out — country-by-country where applicable — the role of resistance to railway liberalisation and maintenance of the role of the state in exacerbating the debt problems of Member States?
The Commission has on several occasions commissioned inquiries about the financial situation of railway undertakings and infrastructure managers, including their debt problems. The Commission pursues a coherent policy of revitalisation of the railway sector, through market opening and the creation of sound financing conditions for infrastructure. It is convinced that market opening will increase the attractiveness of rail transport and improve financial conditions for infrastructure financing and transport operation.
For passenger traffic, the Commission will make a proposal in its Fourth Railway Package to liberalise domestic services which will have a great potential for savings in the Member States. As regards the state aid dimension of the question, detailed information by country can be found in the respective report:. Railway equipment, especially locomotives, have to be approved for use in different member states and by different railway administrations before they can enter traffic: They also report restrictive interpretations of the legislation by the National Safety Authorities.
Allegations were also made by operators concerning the use of these administrative barriers to prevent competition. There are huge differences between the current interest rate levels in EU Member States. Ironically, countries dealing with serious economic problems Spain, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus have the highest interest rates. This is making their recovery attempts extremely difficult. What action will it take to rationalise the situation and converge interest rates, which is a necessary condition for achieving economic and monetary union and promoting the single market?
Interest rate differentials among EU Member States are reflecting risk perceptions in addition to differences in their cyclical conditions and macroeconomic fundamentals. At the current juncture, high interest rate spreads seem to also include ungrounded redenomination risk premia in several Member States. The European Commission, together with the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the respective national governments tries to boost confidence in these countries through the promotion and implementation of economic and financial reforms aiming at reducing debt and restore competitiveness in higly-indebted Member States.
These creditibility enhancing measures have already resulted in a clear downward trend of interest rates on the secondary market for euro-area peripheral Member States, particularly for Irish and Portuguese Government bonds. However, tax evasion is particularly problematic in countries hit hard by the crisis, as it substantially reduces state revenues and the effort to consolidate public finances.
The actions envisaged are intended , inter alia , to enhance administrative cooperation and to support the development of the existing good governance policy, more specifically in regard to tax havens and aggressive tax planning, both of which are potentially very harmful to Member States tax revenues. It has been proven that international rating agencies have played a negative role in the creation and the continuation of the European crisis.
What action does the Commission intend to take to deal with this negative situation? The Commission shares the opinion that credit rating agencies have significantly contributed to the market turmoil by underestimating the credit risk of structured credit products. As market conditions were worsening, credit rating agencies CRAs failed to reflect it promptly in their ratings. This proposal is currently being negotiated between Council and Parliament. Moreover, this could put private market players to a disadvantage. For these reasons, the Commission decided not to pursue this idea further.
The Commission remains open to further explore possible ways to foster ratings that are of quality and that are issued by independent actors. The trend of young people migrating from southern European to northern European countries continues to grow. What will it do to help combat this problem, which many crisis-affected countries face? Marie Curie Actions projects provide experience in the best institutions and training in skills demanded by employers, thus increasing career opportunities within or outside academia.
The proposed programme Horizon will help to increase investment in research and innovation. Since then, progress has been very slow, while the situation of young people has aggravated and no sign of reversing trends are in sight. In its many reports on the Cypriot economy, the Commission has found that Cyprus has low pensions and that this must be improved. Official Eurostat statistics show that Cyprus spends only 7. Furthermore, these statistics show that the number of elderly people living below the poverty line in Cyprus Nevertheless, the Troika, which includes a representative from the Commission, appears to be introducing further reductions in pensions.
How will it act as a member of the Troika to ensure that pensions will not be further reduced? A balanced approach will be necessary to address sustainability and adequacy of pension systems. With the second part of the compulsory pension introduced only in , the Cypriot pension system is still maturing.
Therefore, it is expected that in the long-term, sustainability concerns will come to the forefront. While the GSIS is partly financed through contributions by employees and employers, the government is contributing significantly to the scheme for every ensured person. In the GEPS employee contributions were introduced in , but it is mostly financed by general taxation.
So in absolute terms, it can be said that the number of students Denmark is paying for is greater than the number of Danish students being paid for by other EU countries. As a result, the Danish Government has chosen to put increased pressure on educational establishments, resulting in the rejection of several hundred EU citizens every year.
Does the Commission consider that this initiative to introduce new practices contravenes the principles of freedom of movement and non-discrimination? What action does the Commission intend to take against Denmark if it believes that these new practices contravene the principles set out in the abovementioned decision? Denmark is also an attractive Erasmus destination, with inbound flows around 2. Imbalances in student flows between countries are a common phenomenon. It has been agreed within the Bologna Process that where imbalances are sustained, governments should investigate the causes, try to increase flows in the weaker direction and ultimately seek solutions bilaterally with partner countries.
The Commission believes that this balance should in particular be achieved in the spirit of the Bologna mobility strategy, that is by increasing outward mobility. Student exchanges within the Erasmus programme are governed by the Erasmus charter, which aims to ensure the highest quality in the organisation of exchanges.
In this particular case, the Commission has no evidence of restrictions in access to Danish higher education based on the nationality of students. The Erasmus Mundus programme mainly concerns non-EU students approx. As a consequence, the balance of mobility flows is not an issue in this programme. Brugen af lodser er obligatorisk ved navigering i mange nationale farvande. The use of pilots is mandatory when navigating in many national waters. This may be necessary to ensure the safety of shipping, as the pilots have knowledge of local conditions.
Estonian regulations governing the obtaining of a PEC state that the examination may only be taken in Estonian. Does the Commission consider that the language requirement is a form of protectionism? If the Commission believes that the abovementioned may be a form of protectionism, will it contact the Estonian authorities?
Is the Commission aware of any other EU Member States that enforce similar requirements and, if so, what does it intend to do to improve the legal framework with a view to ensuring a maritime transport sector without barriers? The requirements for obtaining PECs should be reasonable and should not be protectionist. The Commission will now assess which further measures could be undertaken to render the issuance of PECs easier. The measures will need to take into consideration the possible impact on safety and be proportionate.
The Commission is planning to come up with a new PEC initiative in mid In view of this, the Commission does not envisage contacting the Estonain authorities separately. In the last few years, Deutsche Bahn has experienced significant problems with train delays and passengers have consequently found it difficult to catch their onward connections, resulting in considerable time wastage. If the ongoing journey is no longer relevant as a consequence of the delay, compensation of the full ticket price, including the return ticket, shall be provided.
This results in considerable difficulties for many commuters, in particular commuters having to change trains during their journey. Can the Commission state whether it has an overview of the frequency of delays for Deutsche Bahn train connections and the extent to which these have been increasing. In particular, this should apply in cases where such a delay results in passengers failing to catch their onward train, where this connection has been purchased as part of the same ticket. According to that report, in , the overall punctuality in passenger long distance services was Connectivity was at Delays are calculated at the point of arrival.
Thus, missed connections in multi-segment journeys are covered by the regulation when the delay on arrival exceeds 60 minutes. As a result, whilst delays represent indeed a huge problem for the individual traveller, there is no indication of significant non-compliance of DB, nor of other EU railway undertakings which, after less than three years of operation, would justify an amendment of the regulation with a view to shorten the delay after which compensation is due. It must also be taken into consideration that in all other modes of transport passengers may request compensation only after much longer delays.
Moreover, do these measures include some form of a derogation from an internal decision not to allow the hiring of temporary agents as TA 2 a s, as an interim measure to address such shortages of staff between EPSO competitions? As regards the competitions for Maltese translators, the relatively low number of recruitments is the direct consequence of a limited number of applicants. This issue is not specific to linguistic competitions but appears in other competitions involving Maltese applicants too. In order to foster applications from nationals of underrepresented member states, EPSO has endeavoured to involve the concerned Member States e.
Both the University of Malta and the European institutions make a continuous effort to raise awareness about career opportunities within the European Union, organising high-level visits to Malta, taking contacts with the media, organising career days and the like. This is not the case for Maltese translators, whose functions are of permanent nature. However, temporary agents of type 2 b , i.
Further to the 13 readmission agreements with third countries that have entered into force, can the Commission provide the following:. However, this strategy explicitly calls on Member States to revise their national Roma integration strategies, leaving responsibility for the Roma primarily with the Member State. In some cases, this is likely to render the process painfully slow, given the existence of ingrained practices and attitudes in some countries. Unless exclusion, criminalisation, and under-par education are tackled directly and across Europe, we will condemn the next generation to the same stigmatisation experienced by past and present Roma generations.
Can the Commission explain what it is doing to ensure that the momentum on this issue is not lost and that pressure continues to be exerted on Member States to implement the necessary changes? Are there any other provisions for dedicating more EU Structural Fund monies to investing in the future of the Roma?
In addition to the meetings of the network of the National Roma Contact Points, bilateral meetings with the relevant Member States are organised to follow up the implementation of national strategies. Such meetings took place with France, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania and a further meeting is scheduled in Slovakia. A roundtable with civil society as well as a meeting of the European Platform for Roma inclusion are also planned.
Finally the Commission aims at improving the quality and relevance of EU funding for Roma inclusion by proposing to link the allocation of EU funds to national Roma Integration Strategies for the programming period. In considerazione dell'attuale situazione critica del settore siderurgico, fortemente penalizzato dalla negativa congiuntura economica, si rivolgono alla Commissione i seguenti quesiti:. Esso dovrebbe consentire all'industria siderurgica europea di continuare a ricevere celermente informazioni sui cambiamenti intervenuti sul mercato. La Commissione ha indicato che non ha intenzione di proporre il prolungamento del meccanismo di sorveglianza a priori per le importazioni di certi prodotti siderurgici.
The system has no protectionist aims, as import licences are granted by Member States automatically, nor is it a burden on the Commission's organisational structure, as it is already fully up and running. In view of the current critical situation in the steel industry, which has been heavily affected by the economic downturn, can the Commission answer the following questions:. How does the Commission intend to safeguard the ability of the European steel industry, which is characterised by a strong tradition of technology and innovation, to react quickly to market changes in the absence of prompt information on developments in import flows?
Does the Commission not believe that, as things stand, it would be more appropriate to renew the current system for the next two years, as called for by the European steel industry and its associations EUROFER and ESTA, rather than remove this source of information that has proven to be important in recent years? This mechanism already works very well for the monitoring of textiles imports. It should allow the European steel industry to continue getting quickly informed of market changes.
The Commission has indicated that it has no intention to propose the prolongation of the prior surveillance mechanism for certain steel imports. There has been a steady decrease in actual imports since the beginning of — a trend which does not. In addition, the licences issued by EU authorities do not indicate any rise in imports of the products under surveillance in the near term. Finally, the maintenance of a prior surveillance mechanism would contradict the EU's broader trade facilitation agenda. The project is a bottom-up initiative with no legislative aims.
The project is run in a transparent way. The conclusions of the project will only reflect the opinion of the authors and will not represent the views of the European Commission. The Commission will not be an owner of the Clean IT final result, however, as a part of the project's final evaluation, the Commission will assess whether or not the project has produced the deliverables as described in the project proposal, as it is the case with all projects co-funded by ISEC. The CEO Coalition to make the Internet a better place for Children is an industry-led initiative where the member companies have endorsed a Statement of Purpose and committed to work towards its implementation on five concrete points out of which one is to identify if they can speed up the time to removing notified content.
The role of the Commission is to facilitate the self-regulatory process and not to force specific actions on the members or to fund its activities. What will be its recommendations regarding the immediate recapitalisation of Greek banks by the European Support Mechanism? Will the Greek Government be required to redeem at face value Greek bonds held by the ECB and purchased on the secondary market? This is 16 pps. The debt ratio is projected to rise to Thereafter it is expected to fall at an accelerating pace, supported by stronger nominal GDP growth and an improving budget balance.
While the last assessment concerning debt sustainability can be found in the Second Economic Adjustment Programme for Greece. The disbursement of funds for the recapitalisation and resolution process of Greek banks is carried out by the EFSF. Is the Commission aware of national regulations or directives on the use of such vehicles? If so, are specific proposals or criteria already available?
Currently, the Commission does not have any plans to propose any dedicated legislation on this topic as the operation of vehicles is specifically addressed and governed at international level. An adaptation of the Vienna Convention is necessary to address questions in relation to further development in the area of partly automated or fully automated driving. According to the declaration, Parliament calls for the establishment of a European cardiac arrest awareness week. This process — while not disease-specific — should help identify added value action at EU level in support of the Member States.
Would the Commission consider it useful and necessary to introduce speed limiters in cars as part of the type approval for new cars sold in the internal market? Has the Commission carried out any impact assessment study on the matter? However, the Commission does not consider introducing such speed limitation devices in passenger cars. Consequently, an impact assessment study concerning the possible introduction of speed limitation devices in passenger cars with respect to type approval is not envisaged.
To what extent does the Commission support, directly and indirectly, the activities of Save the Children in Pakistan? What evidence, if any, does the Commission have regarding the veracity of the alleged involvement of Save the Children in the operation to identify the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden?
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The Commission has no official information on the reasons for the expulsion of Save the Children staff and no evidence concerning the veracity of the its alledged involvement in the Bin Laden case. Assistance includes emergency food security, nutrition and multi-sector support to flood-affected people as well as to Internally Displaced Persons IDPs in the North. Despite the the expulsion of its expatriate staff, Save the Children's activities in support of flood-affected and conflict-affected populations are continuing uninterrupted.
Gender segregation in schools and businesses is becoming more and more prevalent in Israeli society, with one radio station not allowing women, and on at least one occasion a woman was forced to sit in the back of the bus. Segregation on the basis of gender is illegal in Israel. A majority of the Israeli population, the Israeli Government and most of the Israeli media have condemned such actions, and have tried to police the issue, but it remains unresolved. The EU holds regular meetings with Israel to discuss human rights issues in the framework of its bilateral relations.
As you rightly point out, the Israeli government has condemned the actions mentioned in your question. La normativa dell'Unione in fatto di sicurezza sociale dispone il coordinamento e non l'armonizzazione dei sistemi di sicurezza sociale. La tessera europea di assicurazione malattia TEAM certifica tale diritto. Se al viaggiatore viene addebitato il costo integrale della cura, questi dovrebbe chiedere il rimborso all'istituto competente al ritorno nel paese di residenza.
Si possono avere informazioni sull'uso della tessera europea di assicurazione sanitaria selezionando il paese in questione sulle pagine web della Commissione europea dedicate alla TEAM. La Commissione europea ha inoltre pubblicato recentemente una app per smartphone sull'utilizzo della TEAM e le informazioni in merito sono anch'esse accessibili da smartphone.
An Italian citizen who happened to be in the Czech Republic and had to seek healthcare was forced to pay for all the services he received, despite being a national of a Member State and having the European Health Insurance Card EHIC with him. Given that common rules and principles must be observed by all national authorities when applying national law, and that in almost all EU countries except France , healthcare is provided directly and therefore free of charge, apart from the payment of prescription charges, is the Commission aware that the Czech Republic has a health system organised in such a way that possession of the European Health Insurance Card is not in itself sufficient to obtain care without further payment by a patient who is not a resident of the country?
Persons who are staying temporarily in another Member State of the European Union, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland are entitled to necessary healthcare within the public healthcare system on the same conditions as persons insured in that country. This means that they should be treated under the same conditions, but also that they will have to pay any patient fees that might apply.
For the Czech Republic this means that a visitor should consult a doctor who has a contract with one of the Czech health insurance funds. If a visitor is charged the full cost of a treatment he or she should ask for reimbursement from his or her competent institution when returning home. The European Commission has also recently launched a smartphone application on the EHIC and such information can therefore also be accessed via smartphones. In accordance with procedure, the Greek Government has a two-month deadline to respond. In view of the above, will the Commission answer the following: What instance of infringement is being investigated by the Commission?
What problems have arisen in relation to parallel imports? Can it provide information on the progress of the case? Has the Greek Government responded and, if so, how? Similarly, if a Member State already has in its possession all the pharmaceutical particulars relating to the medicinal preparation in question, it seems unjustifiable to require a second trader who imports a medicinal preparation which is in every respect the same, to produce the particulars in question once again. For example, the obligation to submit a marketing authorisation in addition to the parallel import authorisation, or the need to submit a research and verification price sheet, seem unnecessary and difficult for the parallel importer to fulfil.
As the case is ongoing, the Commission cannot, at this stage, provide more detail on the content of the correspondence between the Commission and the Member State concerned. At present, the clinical trial SPONSOR may or may not assume responsibility for ensuring continued administration of an authorised medication specific to the disease being studied to patients enrolled in the trial for a certain period of time after the early termination of the trial.
The aforementioned proposal for a regulation does not make this compulsory. Even if action is taken to ensure the supply of medication, they are confronted with a lack of knowledge of the national legislative framework applicable to the system for granting an authorised medication for the disease studied in the country included in the trial.
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There are cases in some countries participating in trials, like Romania, where a medicinal product authorised for the relevant disease is not distributed outside of the National Programme. Generally, the National Programme has a limited number of places compared with the number of patients registered nationally with a certain disease. Therefore, although patients are guaranteed the supply of a medicinal product for a certain period of time, obtaining it is very complicated.
Can the Commission make it compulsory for SPONSORS to consult the national legislation of the country where the trial is taking place, as well as the possibility of obtaining a similar authorised medicinal product, before launching a clinical trial with an unauthorised medicinal product? This would ensure that there is no lack of continuity in the administration of specific medication if a clinical trial is terminated early, especially in the randomisation phase. This aspect is to be considered on a case-by-case basis in the context of the prior assessment of a clinical trial application.
On the basis that banks are not casinos and fearing that, if the same banking practice continues, European citizens will soon need support again, will the Commission answer the following:. Should legal banking practices be redefined by the Commission in cooperation with the European Central Bank? Should banking transactions involving products based on betting and games of chance be prohibited? The European banking sector and European citizens have suffered significant losses since the beginning of the financial crisis in Since the European Banking Authority is operational, with the task of drafting regulatory or implementing technical standards that, once endorsed by the Commission, will become legally binding.
These rules constitute a common foundation across the single market and this single rulebook is needed for the stability and integrity of the EU's internal market. Capital requirements have already been significantly amended to better take into account the risks linked to securitisation and to put in place better incentives. In order to improve the regulation of financial products several legislative measures were adopted in the last two years: All these measures should ensure that banks refrain from taking on too risky business. In the past, the Commission has expressed its intention to deal with the sensational Siemens case and in particular, procurement tenders in the health sector.
However, it does not seem to be reacting as quickly in the case of the abovementioned German company. In the end, did the Commission ask for information on this sensational case in Greece, such as the procurement tenders awarded and who they were awarded by? The Commission would like to inform the Honourable Member of the Parliament that, according to the information available, the award of contracts to Siemens by the Greek Hospitals was verified in the past by the Body of Inspectors for Public Health Services.
Subsequently, the Commission services submitted a request to the Greek authorities in order to have access to the conclusions of the above investigation. On the basis of the information communicated, it appears that the contracts in question have already been performed. What infringements are the fines for and how much is each fine?
Are there any daily fines imposed on Greece? If so, which instances do these fines concern and how much is the daily fine? All fines ever imposed on any EU Member State have been paid. The Commission is sending directly to the Honourable Member and to Parliament's Secretariat a table containing the data in the matter. Greece has paid all due amounts and the case has recently been closed. Derzeit plant die Kommission keine Harmonisierung der Anerkennung von Begleithunden.
The reason for this is the patchwork of national regulations for the freedom of movement of assistance dogs. What steps is the European Commission taking to guarantee blind citizens of the Union the same freedom of movement as sighted citizens? Are there any plans to harmonise the recognition of assistance dogs and to enable a free choice of trainer, even going outside the international interest groups of dog training institutions? The Commission attaches great importance to removing barriers to the freedom of movement for persons with disabilities, including visually impaired people using guide dogs.
These guidelines contain a section on guide and assistance dogs. In addition, the regulations on passenger rights travelling by rail, waterborne transport, and bus or coach all contain specific provisions on disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility, including blind people and guide dogs. The Commission will closely monitor the application of the waterborne and coach passenger right Regulations as soon as they are applicable in the next months.
Presently, the Commission has no plans for harmonisation of the recognition of guide dogs. The Commission will consult the EGDF and other relevant civil society organisations prior to planning any further steps in this area. Die Kommission wirkt jedoch kontinuierlich auf eine verbesserte Berichterstattungsdisziplin der Mitgliedstaaten hin. Portata e quantificazione delle frodi e dell'uso improprio ai danni dei fondi dell'UE.
Le cifre citate dall'onorevole parlamentare si riferiscono a vari anni e a diversi settori. Tuttavia, la Commissione non cessa di adoperarsi per migliorare la disciplina relativa alla segnalazione dei casi da parte degli Stati membri. Le valutazioni d'impatto esaminano le cause dei singoli problemi individuati, compresi i tipi di autori, laddove tale distinzione sia pertinente per le misure da proporre.
La Commissione invita l'onorevole parlamentare a consultare la sua comunicazione sulla strategia antifrode, la comunicazione sulla lotta alla corruzione nell'UE e la strategia di sicurezza interna dell'UE. Furthermore, the extent of fraud in general, whether committed by organised crime or not, seems to be open to different interpretations. Does the EC have reliable and detailed information and data on the extent of fraud and misuse of EU funds committed by organised crime?
If such data does exist, why is the information not shared by the competent agencies e. Why is the EC drafting legislative proposals on combating and preventing fraud without prior knowledge as to the extent of the policy issue, without identifying the key actors i. If the data is not available, is the EC ready to investigate the extent of the penetration and misuse of EU funds by organised crime with a specific analysis? Member States' reporting duties are set out in sectorial legislation which allows for a distinction between these two types of irregularities which is reflected in the Report but not between fraud committed in the context of organised crime and other.
Also, in order to reduce the administrative burden on Member States' authorities the legislation provides that Member States do not have to report all irregularities. However, the Commission is continuously striving to improve the reporting discipline of Member States further. The impact assessments look at the causes of each problem identified, including types of perpetrators where such a distinction is of relevance for the measures to be proposed. Naar verluidt krijgt BMI Regio. Het bedrijf moet naar verluidt deze steun wel investeren om de route te promoten. City Jet, de vorige uitbater van de luchtverbinding Antwerpen-Manchester stopte halverwege september met deze verbinding.
Aan welke voorwaarden en verwachtingen BMI Regio. Of de financiering van dit soort activiteiten geen verkapte steun is om een al jarenlang onrendabele luchthaven alsnog open te houden? De Commissie bevestigt dat geen steun uit de Europese begroting inclusief het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling wordt verleend voor deze luchtvaartactiviteiten.
De informatie volgens dewelke BMI Regional steun uit de Europese begroting ontvangt voor deze nieuwe luchtverbinding is onjuist. De Commissie bevestigt voorts ook dat geen van de betrokken lidstaten een openbaredienstverplichting heeft opgelegd voor de route Deurne Antwerpen -Manchester. It is reported that BMI Regional is receiving funding from the European budget for this new air traffic route. This means that the airline will have to pay no landing or airport departure charges during the first three years and will enjoy a discount per departing passenger.
Reportedly, the airline must invest this subsidy in order to promote the route. CityJet, the previous operator of the Antwerp-Manchester route, discontinued this service in mid-September. Is the Commission familiar with the reasons why CityJet discontinued this service? What are the conditions and expectations which BMI Regional must meet in order to qualify for this subsidy?
Does funding for these kinds of activities not amount to covert support to keep open an airport which has been unprofitable for years? The Commission can confirm that the European budget including European Regional Development Fund is not providing funding for these air carrier operations. The information according to which BMI Regional is receiving funding from the European budget for this new air traffic route is inaccurate. Furthermore, the Commission can also confirm that the route Deurne-Antwerp is not subject to a public service obligation imposed by any of the Member States involved.
Can the Commission confirm the current timeframe for the proposed work on nutrient profiling? When are the nutrient profiles likely to be introduced and set? This procedure does not permit therapeutic indication. Any missing information must be justified. If clinical efficacy of whole product can be sufficiently demonstrated, further information for e.
This proposal would not compromise the quality, safety or efficacy of these products. Does the Commission acknowledge the necessity to complement the authorisation requirements for homeopathic medicinal products in order to make the authorisation procedure accessible in practice for manufacturers of homeopathic medicinal products? These procedures take into account the specificities of these products without compromising the quality, safety and efficacy of these products.
The requirements for the marketing authorisation procedure, which apply also to non-homeopathic medicinal products, ensure a level playing field for all applicants under this procedure. In addition, homeopathic medicinal products can also be approved, under specific conditions, by a simplified registration procedure applying only to homeopathic medicinal products. In particular, the Maintenance Annex Guidance MAG section provides that American authorities would automatically approve maintenance companies approved already by their European counterparts and vice versa.
However, it appears that while Europe has kept its side of the agreement, the United States has not. This results in European firms being at a huge competitive disadvantage over American firms as even European aircraft owners prefer to have certification with dual approval. The situation as described by the Honourable Member is known to the Commission and has been the subject of several exchanges with the relevant US authorities, notably through the Bilateral Oversight Board of the bilateral aviation safety agreement referred to.
The Commission has voiced its continued strong concerns regarding the failure of the U. The moratorium on the issuance of new FAA repair station certifications resulting from this lack of action by the TSA has been in place since , leading to 32 European companies awaiting approval. In parallel there are currently around 30 to 50 applications from U.
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Considering that in the case of non-compliance U. The Commission has made it clear to its US counterparts that this is not a tenable situation and that there must be a resolution. Quelle analyse la Commission fait-elle de cette situation? The Commission implies that pension funds do not have a destabilising effect on the financial markets, since it fails to mention the role played by the privatisation of collective savings in the financialisation of the economy, and the connection between pension funds and investment funds.
As the largest institutional investors, pension funds do, however, play a fundamental role when, in exchange for investing in an investment fund or company portfolio, they command short-term rates of return which have nothing to do with the growth capacity of the real economy, thereby leading to the adoption of high yield techniques including leverage mentioned in the previous question.
The increase in institutional private debt is evidence of this. What does the Commission make of this situation? The Commission denies encouraging European countries to increase tax expenditure for promoting the development of private pension savings. At a time of reduced public expenditure, why does the Commission continue to encourage tax expenditure which is socially unjust and further unbalances the State budgets?
Finally, it has been established that the development of funded private pension schemes, even without financial manipulation, is not an answer to population ageing, as it is always the case that young working people, through their earnings, pay the pensions of those who have retired, whether by means of direct contributions or by means of deductions from loan repayments or dividends.
The true cost of a pension system lies in its administrative costs. Does the Commission agree with this analysis of the situation? The capacity of pension funds to act as long-term investors depends on the time horizon for investment decisions and on the size of their trading book to generate high investment returns in relation to their buy-to-hold portfolio. The directive requires IORPs to invest the assets held to cover the pension liabilities in a manner appropriate to the nature and duration of those liabilities.
The ongoing review of the IORP Directive aims to support long-term investment by making the valuation of liabilities more realistic and by providing incentives for better risk management over long periods of time. The Commission does not encourage higher tax expenditure to promote private pensions, but proposes to examine whether public resources devoted to tax and other incentives for such pensions are used in a cost-effective way, which is particularly important at times of fiscal constraint.
Public pension systems pose risks to the sustainability of public finances due to population ageing. Such risks can be reduced by raising the retirement age, lowering pensions or increasing contributions. Lower pensions and higher contributions are highly undesirable. Administration costs represent a very small share of public pension spending. Cutting these costs can at best only make a very small contribution to the sustainability of adequate pensions. The electricity company Ecotricity is proposing to develop a wind farm of 15 turbines on a stretch of open land lying between two significant woodlands: Salcey Forest and Stoke Park Wood planning application reference: Both these woods have significant populations of bats of several species.
Various UK acts ensure the legal protection of all bat species and their roosts. Since , various surveys have established that bats have been killed in and around wind farms. The numbers of fatalities recorded are so high that there is serious concern about the conservation status of several species. Can the Commission please tell me why Ecotricity is being allowed to continue to pursue this proposal notwithstanding the documented information available from several sources recording significant fatalities of these EU protected species? Under EU legislation, wind farm plans and projects are also subject to an assessment of impacts on wildlife and other environmental areas.
It is for the competent authorities in the United Kingdom to ensure that assessments of wind-farms such as the one in Stoke Heights on bats are correctly carried out. Le chiese in Kenya sono finite recentemente nel mirino di numerosi attacchi che non sono mai stati rivendicati, ma che vengono attribuiti a una vendetta dei gruppi qaedisti per l'offensiva dell'esercito keniano in Somalia contro le milizie Shebaab.
The Christian community in Kenya has once again become the target of terrorist attacks. Churches in Kenya have recently been targeted in numerous attacks. Is she aware of the dramatic developments in the explosion of violence against the Christian community in Kenya? Does she intend to urge the international community to take stronger measures to deal with the escalating violence against Christians?
She is very concerned about these incidents and follows closely the evolving situation of the terrorist threat in Kenya. It is likely that at least some of these attacks are perpetrated by affiliates of Al-Shabab or similar extremist groups, but this is not proven in the case of all such attacks. The EU regularly raises security concerns in its dialogue with Kenyan authorities to ensure the safety of all Kenyans and foreigners staying in the country. According to investigations by a number of Member States and Europol, political instability in Africa is leading to a rise in illegal immigration.
Can the Commission provide information on the extent to which illegal immigration has changed as a result of the war in Afghanistan? Civil and socioeconomic unrest, as well as armed conflicts have often triggered mixed migratory flows including irregular immigrants and people looking for international protection because of well-founded fear of persecution. Most of the people affected by crises such as the ones in the Middle East, Iraq or Afghanistan have remained in the region, notably in the neighbouring countries. Nevertheless, the Member States of the European Union have also been affected by such migratory movements.
By way of example, the total for Afghani and Iraqi nationals asylum-seekers and irregular migrants taken together were and respectively in Not having access to the capital market, most photovoltaic energy producers are facing default. The European Investment Bank EIB 's primary role is to provide long term finance for new investments — that is, to help promoters implement new investments in projects which support the EU's objectives.
Given this, projects which are already complete are not normally eligible for EIB financing hence the EIB would not be in a position to intervene in the way suggested by the Honourable Member. It is also important to note that the EIB would have to confirm that any borrower was able to repay any loan facility made available to it. The rapid development of information and communication technology ICT has led to the creation of thousands of data centres housing the servers of multinational computer giants. The data centres also have to use standby generators, which consume fuel and emit dangerous gases into the atmosphere.
However, the sector itself is also a large energy consumer. What are the total estimated CO 2 emissions of data centres in the EU? What initiatives has the Commission taken to improve the energy efficiency of existing as well as new data centres and services, and to what extent have these initiatives achieved results? Does it consider the voluntary nature for the measurement of energy consumption and emissions satisfactory? The Commission is aware of the increasing number of new data centres. Certain aspects of servers will be regulated already in The Commission will adopt an Ecodesign Regulation on computers and servers with requirements on internal power supply efficiency and an Ecodesign Regulation on networked standby i.
Description The World Bank Group has started the preparation of its new strategy to strengthen its partnership with Senegal. Launch of public consultations on the Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD To inform the SCD, the World Bank Group has started public consultations to identify and analyze the most binding constraints and the main opportunities that Senegal needs to address to achieve the twin goals of extreme poverty reduction and shared prosperity. The consultations started on March with ministries and will continue until August 31, Apart from the government, a series of meetings are planned with other key stakeholders, including: Online consultations are also organized from June 28 to August 31 to allow a wider participation.
Are sociocultural norms limiting access to opportunities by individuals? What, in your opinion, are the most binding constraints that are preventing Senegal from achieving progress in its poverty reduction efforts? Please share your views with us, taking into consideration the key questions listed above. Submit your contribution to: Ce processus comprend deux grandes phases: Mecanismo Ambiental e Social: June 19, to July 08, Kazakhstan Systematic Country Diagnostic.
Description Kazakhstan Systematic Country Diagnostic: The Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD is an empirical assessment of the constraints and opportunities a country faces to make progress toward the World Bank Group's twin goals of ending extreme poverty and building shared prosperity in a sustainable way.
The SCD also offers a list of priorities for the short and medium term, and draws upon all available information, including findings of World Bank Group analytical work, as well as research by other international and domestic partners, and incorporates feedback received during consultations. What is the Country Partnership Framework for Kazakhstan?
The process will build upon: The findings of the SCD; 2. An analysis of the World Bank Group's comparative advantage in each priority area; 3. Discussions and consultations with a wide range of stakeholders; 4. The National Development Strategies of Kazakhstan. Who will be engaged? SCD consultations will take place in Kazakhstan until July 8, The SCD team is reaching out to a wide range of stakeholders, including government counterparts national, regional, and local , development partners, private sector representatives, civil society, and academia.
In addition to face-to-face consultation, this online platform and others will allow people to submit questions and comments, as well as access SCD materials. The SCD team will seek inputs on specific questions related to Kazakhstan's development priorities, as well as insights into the real challenges faced by citizens in their daily lives.
The intention is that they serve as useful references for policymakers, civil society, and citizens. The SCD team will be available at any time to brief interested stakeholders throughout the preparation process. The World Bank Group welcomes views from civil society organizations, the academic community, think tanks, individual experts and citizens to finalize the Diagnostic report and make it relevant for the country in achieving its poverty reduction and development goals.
June 01, to June 30, Myanmar Performance Learning Review. The CPF outlines how the global knowledge, financing, and convening services of the WBG can support Myanmar and its people in transforming their country, reducing extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. Country Partnership Framework in Thailand. Meeting with local government morning and civil society, private sector, academia afternoon. Meeting with 20th National Strategy Committee morning and private sector afternoon. Meeting with civil society, private sector, academia morning and local government afternoon.
Meeting with civil society, academia. Meeting with ministries and government agencies. March 23, to June 14, Meeting with local governments, civil society, academia and private sector. Meeting with 20th National Strategy Committee and private sector. Meeting with civil society and academia. World Development Report Realizing the Promise of Education for Development. Additional videos of the consultation can be found on the Senegal Facebook page. Participants included representatives from African governments, civil society organizations, international organizations, bilaterals, private sector and foundations, and academics.
Additional photos can be found on this Facebook page. The GPE Board includes members from developing country governments and all development partners: The WDR Co-Directors presented an overview of the themes and took questions and comments from the participants. This was followed by break-out sessions where WDR Team Members separately presented and discussed specific themes. Conference participants included primarily academics and researchers.
Jakarta January 23, The World Bank's Jakarta office organized an informal discussion of the WDR with representatives of government, civil society organizations and researchers. Participants included JICA staff, academics, and researchers. Participants included government officials, as well as representatives from non-government organizations and civil society organizations. Participants included government officials, as well as representatives from non-government organizations, civil society organizations, and academics and researchers.
Description Guinea Consultation Group. Description The World Bank Group has started the preparation of its new strategy to strengthen its partnership with Guinea. Launch of public consultations on the Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD To inform the SCD, the World Bank Group has started public consultations to identify and analyze the most binding constraints and the main opportunities that Guinea needs to address to achieve the twin goals of extreme poverty reduction and shared prosperity. The consultations started on April 4, with a workshop with the government, and will continue until April 30, Apart from the government, a series of meetings are planned throughout the week with other key stakeholders, including: Online consultations are also organized from April 4 to 30, to allow a wider participation.
Description To inform the SCD, the World Bank Group has started public consultations to identify and analyze the most binding constraints and the main opportunities that Guinea needs to address to achieve the twin goals of extreme poverty reduction and shared prosperity.
March 16, to April 12, The draft Guidelines for the Development of a Policy for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects is open for public consultation to capture inputs and recommendations from all relevant stakeholders to feed into this new report. Private sector participation in infrastructure is typically structured through a public planning process in which the government initiates, develops, and procures the project.
An alternative is a privately initiated process referred to as a USP. In the case of a USP, a private sector entity reaches out to the government with a proposal to develop an infrastructure project without an explicit request from the government to do so. Accepting USPs may allow governments to benefit from the knowledge and ideas of the private sector. However, USPs also may create challenges as they risk providing poor value for money and are often associated with patronage and lack of transparency.
The recommendations in the Guidelines are based on an in-depth review of global best practices with USP policies and projects summarized in the Review of Experiences with Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects, to be used as reference to the Guidelines for the Development of a Policy for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects.
By helping governments manage USPs, including the introduction of competition where possible and improving USP governance, the Guidelines are intended to support governments to deliver resilient infrastructure. The consultation is currently open, your feedback and comments are much appreciated. While all comments received will be reviewed and documented, comments and recommendations may not necessarily be incorporated into the final version of the report. A comprehensive table will be released at the end of the consultation phase listing all feedback, comments and recommendations without attribution to the person, organization or entity that submitted it.
Kindly submit your feedback here by May 7, March 13, to April 28, Description The draft Guidelines for the Development of a Policy for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects is open for public consultation to capture inputs and recommendations from all relevant stakeholders to feed into this new report.
Description The World Bank Group has started the preparation of its new strategy to strengthen its partnership with Benin. Launch of public consultations on the Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD To inform the SCD, the World Bank Group has started public consultations to identify and analyze the most binding constraints and the main opportunities that Benin needs to address to achieve the twin goals of extreme poverty reduction and shared prosperity. The consultations started on March 13, with a workshop with the government, and will continue until March 17, Online consultations are also organized from March 13 to 24, to allow a wider participation.
Please share your views with us, taking into consideration the key questions listed above, and on the basis of the attached powerpoint presentation that has been prepared to guide the discussions. Veuillez contacter Sylvie Nenone pour soumettre vos contributions. March 13, to March 24, Tajikistan Systematic Country Diagnostic. Consultations to solicit feedback to the SCD will take place throughout Tajikistan during the months of March-June The SCD team will meet with a wide range of stakeholders, including government counterparts national, regional, and local , development partners, private sector representatives, civil society, youth and academia.
In addition to face-to-face consultation, online platforms will allow people to submit questions and comments. Online Consultations The objective of these online consultations is to seek broader feedback and comments from all interested parties, locally and internationally, on the initial findings of the Systematic Country Diagnostic for Tajikistan, which is available in the power point below. The World Bank Group looks forward to receiving views from civil society organizations, academic community, think tanks, individual experts and other stakeholders to finalize the document and make it a relevant diagnostic for the country.
Please send your comments, questions or suggestions in English, Tajik or Russian to tajikistan worldbank. If you have any questions on the process of the consultations, please email to Nigina Alieva, Communications Officer, nalieva1 worldbank. Description To inform the SCD, the World Bank Group has started public consultations to identify and analyze the most binding constraints and the main opportunities that Benin needs to address to achieve the twin goals of extreme poverty reduction and shared prosperity.
February 14, to April 30, Kyrgyz Republic Systematic Country Diagnostic. Systematic Country Diagnostic for the Kyrgyz Republic: The SCD team will meet with a wide range of stakeholders, including government counterparts national, regional, and local , development partners, private sector representatives, civil society, and academia. The SCD team will seek inputs on specific questions related to the Kyrgyz Republic's development priorities, as well as insights into the real challenges faced by citizens in their daily lives. These contributions will inform the SCD directly and be reflected in meeting summaries which will be made publicly available on the World Bank's Kyrgyz Republic website.
Please reach out to us and share your views: Bakyt Dubashov, Economist, bdubashov worldbank. Description The CPF is based on other documents. Top 3 Diagnostic Priorities: Growth in remittances and pensions can't last. Here are some questions to start with: Do the proposed pillars address Moldova's top needs? Is the future clear enough to plan our work after ? What are the main risks to our activities in Moldova? How can our investments and analysis address gender inequality? What analytical work should be a priority for ?
Should the WBG be discussing budget support to Moldova? If so, what should the conditions be? If the WBG supports education, what results should it focus on? Does anything need WBG support in more than education? What are the WBG's weaknesses and 'blind spots'? We will consult the Government of Moldova, representatives of the Private Sector, Civil Society and development partners.
Some consultations will take place in the regions. Be part of the online Consultation: January 16, to March 01, Moldova Country Partnership Framework Consultations. We are seeking your feedback and advice. You can either write to us or complete a short questionnaire. You can either write to us or complete a short questionnaire — details below. The CPF is based on other documents. Paths to Sustained Prosperity is a diagnosis which describes what Moldova must do to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a way that is environmentally, socially and fiscally sustainable.
We would like to hear your views on Burundi's future and the role that the World Bank Group can play in helping the country achieve its economic goals. The first phase of stakeholder consultations consists of the Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD , which is expected to stimulate an open and forward-looking dialogue between the World Bank Group and the country. Country Partnership Framework The process will involve consultations with a broad number of stakeholders among them, civil society, the private sector, development partners and others to exchange views on the country's development challenges and opportunities, and ways to address them through the partnership framework.
It is based on the Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD for the country which is an empirical assessment of the constraints the country has to address and the opportunities it can embrace to accelerate progress toward the goals of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity in ways that are environmentally, socially and fiscally sustainable. The process started in October with strategic discussion of development priorities and development challenges of the country with the Government of Ukraine, representatives of the Private Sector, Civil Society, bilateral and multilateral development partners to better fine-tune the strategic focus of the CPF.
Additional consultations will take place with local authorities in Kyiv and in the regions in the weeks to come.. During the discussions, 10 priority areas for potential CPF focus and engagement were identified and validated by those consulted so far. In these areas the WBG has experience, technical knowledge and comparative advantage vis-a-vis other partners.
The objective of the online consultations is to hear views and seek broader feedback and comments from all interested parties, including beneficiaries of World Bank funded projects, and from citizens of Ukraine in general on priority areas for potential CPF focus and engagement.
Description The draft updated Report on Recommended Public-Private Partnership PPP Contractual Provisions is open for public consultation to capture inputs and recommendations by all relevant stakeholders to feed into the new edition. The goal of the report is to assist its target audience, namely contracting authorities — and particularly those in emerging PPP markets, with obtaining a better and more comprehensive understanding of a number of provisions that deal with specific legal issues encountered during a PPP agreement, such as force majeure, termination rights or dispute resolution.
Following up on the edition, this new version will include: Detailed commentaries regarding key considerations relevant to contracting authorities due to different levels of PPP transactional experience; Detailed commentaries relevant to contracting authorities due to the characteristics of different legal systems; Guidance on specific matters relevant in the context of each of the selected contractual provisions in order to help contracting authorities carefully assess the issues specific to their own PPP project and jurisdiction in developing contractual language.
We appreciate your input and feedback by February 28, Thank you in advance for your feedback. November 23, to January 31, Description The first phase of stakeholder consultations consists of the Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD , which is expected to stimulate an open and forward-looking dialogue between the World Bank Group and the country. We Want to Hear Your Voice! The online consultation period is open from Monday, January 8, to Thursday, February 16, Please share your views on the following topics: In which three priority areas should the World Bank focus its attention and resources in the next five years in order to reduce poverty and promote shared prosperity?
With which groups for example civil society organizations, private sector, youth should the World Bank work more closely in order to improve development outcomes in Burundi? Please send your comments or suggestions by email to Innocent Nsabimana insabimana worldbank. The process will involve consultations with a broad number of stakeholders to exchange views on the country's development challenges and opportunities, and ways to address them through the partnership framework.
Kosovo Country Partnership Framework Consultations. Description Kretanje u pravcu nove strategije Grupe Svetske banke za Kosovo Grupa Svetske banke pokrenula je proces priprema za svoju novu strategiju partnerstva sa Kosovom za period FG Period za konsultacije putem Interneta je otvoren od Molimo unesite svoje stavove OVDE. Description Grupa Svetske banke pokrenula je proces priprema za svoju novu strategiju partnerstva sa Kosovo za period FG A series of consultation meetings with the government, the parliament, the private sector, civil society organizations and development partners will take place in the next months.
As part of the preparation of new partnership strategy, the World Bank Group is also finalizing a Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD that will be published on this website once completed. Here are some questions to guide your input: To contribute to these goals in Kosovo, in which three priority areas should the WBG focus its attention and resources in the next five years? The online consultation period is open from October 26 to December 26, Please share your views HERE.
We appreciate your input. There will also be opportunities for live discussions of these issues in the weeks ahead. We are going to continue to post materials for consultations on this page. Meeting with international organizations and donors. Meeting with researchers and academia. Meeting with national assembly. Meeting with community-based organizations.
Meeting with provincial private sector and chambers of commerce. Meeting with government representatives. Meeting with private sector. Meeting with provincial government representatives. Meeting with civil society. Systematic Country Diagnostic in Cambodia. November 23, to December 12, Would you agree that the priorities identified are the right ones for Kosovo?
The World Bank Group's goals are to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. The online consultation period is open from November 15, to January 15, Description The World Bank Group has launched the preparation process for its new partnership strategy with Kosovo for the period FY Country Partnership Framework Consultations. The online consultation period is open from October 15 to December 15, Description The World Bank Group has launched the preparation process for its new partnership strategy with Peru. The process will involve consultations with the civil society, private sector, public sector and development partners to exchange views on the country's development opportunities and ways to address them through the partnership framework.
A series of consultations with civil society organizations, private sector and the government have been planned at the following locations: Iquitos, September 23, Trujillo, October , Lima, October 27, Cusco, December , The World Bank webpage includes background materials that interested stakeholders can use to provide their input. Iquitos, Septiembre 23, Trujillo, Octubre , Lima, Octubre 27, Cusco, Diciembre , The Banco Mundial webpage incluye materiales adicionales para las personas interesadas. September 23, to December 15, Description The World Bank Group has launched the preparation process for its new partnership framework with Turkey.
The process will involve consultations with the civil society to exchange views on the country's development opportunities and ways to address them through the partnership framework. It is based on the Systematic Country Diagnostic SCD for the country which is an empirical assessment of the constraints a country has to address and the opportunities it can embrace to accelerate progress toward the goals of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity in ways that are environmentally, socially and fiscally sustainable.
The process started in September with strategic discussion of development priorities and development challenges of the country with the Government of Turkey. The objective of the online consultation, which will last until November 9th, , is to seek broader feedback and comments from all interested parties, locally and internationally, on the presentation of the CPF. October 17, to November 09, The Online Consultations will run through November 9.
International non-profit organizations, non-profit associations and academe. Regional Consultations 2 representatives from each province. Government line ministries, National Assembly and Mass Organizations. Turkey Country Partnership Stategy Consultations. Public-Private Partnerships Reference Guide. Description The Public-Private Partnerships Reference Guide is currently open for public consultation to inform a new and updated version. Thank you in advance for sharing your feedback.
It is a tool to enhance understanding of PPPs. In addition to updating its current content, the new version will also feature several new topics, including: A comprehensive table will be released at the end of the project, where all comments and recommendations will be disclosed. If you and or your organization are interested in collaborating with the team to expand on the PPP Reference Guide, please submit your comments and feedback on the Consultations Hub by November 10, We look forward to hearing from you.
September 29, to November 10, The PPP Reference Guide is currently open for public consultation to inform a new and updated version. Description This policy brief discusses the role that credit reporting systems play in financial inclusion and identifies challenges and solutions to address these issues. The document has been prepared for the International Committee on Credit Reporting chaired by the World Bank and composed by central banks and financial supervisory authorities, international financial institutions and industry associations. Description Financial inclusion has become a public policy priority in many countries.
Many policymakers and regulators are introducing measures to advance financial inclusion levels in their jurisdictions and in response private-sector stakeholders are scaling up their efforts to reach unserved or underserved populations. While of utmost importance, access to and usage of a transaction account is just an initial step in becoming fully financially included. Credit reporting service providers don't offer loans or other forms of financing and don't establish the criteria for loan approvals made by financial institutions or other lenders.
The brief builds on previous work developed by the ICCR and includes potential actions that would contribute to responsible access to credit such as: Comments to be provided by any interested party by October 15, Comments should be sent to fmontes worldbank. September 18, to October 15, Le Conseil des administrateurs approuve le nouveau cadre environnemental et social. The safeguards review included the most extensive consultation ever conducted by the World Bank.
It concludes nearly four years of analysis and engagement around the world with governments, development experts, and civil society groups, reaching nearly 8, stakeholders in 63 countries. The framework is part of a far-reaching effort by the World Bank Group to improve development outcomes and streamline its work. Le point sur le projet de Cadre environnemental et social. Le point sur les consultations. Estado del Marco Ambiental y Social propuesto.
Las partes interesadas ya han tenido acceso a dos borradores del Marco Ambiental y Social propuesto y numerosas presentaciones actualizadas, que reflejan los puntos de vista expresados en los periodos de consulta.
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Ethiopia Country Partnership Framework. This forward-looking exercise aimed to identify constraints that keep the country from reaching its full potential. For the first phase in May , and the second phase in August , multiple consultations were held on the draft CPF in five different cities across the country, with more than 1, people participating in the conversation on the country's development agenda as well as recommendations on new opportunities and challenges.
We received more than emails through our online consultation in August-September on issues that included governance, political freedoms and distribution of wealth in Ethiopia, corruption, the need to transform agriculture, weaknesses in the education system, liberalization of trade, and economic competitiveness. The contest attracted more than entries from university students in Ethiopia. The preparation of the SCD, which entailed consultations with stakeholders helped identify key challenges and opportunities for ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity in Ethiopia.
The SCD was finalized and made public in May Final Phase Starting February 21, the World Bank Group will be launching the third and final phase of consultations to share a more refined CPF approach and explain the focus areas of the CPF, which reflect feedback from the previous consultations. June 01, to September 02, We are in the process of hearing your views regarding Ethiopia's priorities and the role the World Bank Group can play in helping the country achieve its development goals. Comments from Jhuma Halder.
Input from Transparency International. Status of the Proposed Environmental and Social Framework. The document is scheduled for consideration on August 4, Description Strong environmental and social safeguards are important for sustainable development. This is why the World Bank is updating its safeguard policies to strengthen protections for people and the environment in the projects we finance. During a three-year review process we engaged thousands of stakeholders through consultation meetings and multi-day workshops, expert round tables, online discussions, conference calls, briefings, and, virtually, through this website.
Stakeholders have already seen two drafts of the proposed Environmental and Social Framework and numerous update presentations, reflecting the views expressed during the consultation periods. Input on the last proposal helped us develop the third draft, which is now in the hands of our Executive Directors, who will now have the opportunity to deliberate. We will disclose the third draft here on this website before the formal Board meeting.
May 15, to July 15, First launched in , RACE seeks to improve access to formal education for , Syrian refugee children and underprivileged Lebanese children in the country. It is expected that efforts under the RACE2 initiative will therefore significantly contribute to minimizing the short and medium-term costs of displacement for refugee families, while strengthening the long-term capacity of the Lebanese education system to prepare children for life and work once regional stability returns.
This will be achieved by expanding equitable access to schooling, improving conditions for learning, and strengthening management of the education system. It provides a fast and accessible complaint mechanism for individuals and communities who believe that a World Bank-financed project causes harm to their community. The GRS is an additional tool that supplements project-level grievance redress mechanisms.
If issues cannot be resolved at the project level, grievances can be brought directly to World Bank Management through the GRS. The GRS screens complaints and supports World Bank teams and complainants to identify a timely solution to issues raised in complaints. In terms of the support it provides, the GRS offers various services to teams, ranging from support in reviewing project documents and identifying issues of compliance with Bank policies, facilitating dialogue between the project teams and communities, to advising on possible solutions and best practices.
The work of the GRS is governed by operational procedures. The feedback submitted will be analyzed and considered when the World Bank finalizes the GRS procedures. The final document will be published on this website and on the dedicated GRS website. The GRS provides a fast and accessible way to submit complaints to the World Bank when a project may have adverse impacts on individuals or communities.
In the coming months, the GRS team will use the public feedback received to further develop the draft operational procedures. Meeting with government, civil society and villagers. Comments on the second draft Environmental and Social Framework from Brazilian civil society organizations. Expert Focus Group on Financial Intermediaries.
Fin de la 3e phase de consultations. Terminan consultas sobre el segundo borrador del marco. Description Las consultas sobre el segundo borrador del Marco Ambiental y Social terminaron el 15 de marzo de Bate-Papo ao Vivo do Banco Mundial i. Bate-Papo ao Vivo espanhol. Bate-Papo ao Vivo i fr.
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Comments from Save the Children. Submission from the Child Labor Coalition. Description The devastating floods and landslides from July to September caused significant economic hardship to the livelihoods of millions, disproportionally affecting the poor and vulnerable. The proposed Myanmar Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery project, which is under preparation, will support the recovery in priority disaster-affected areas. The project will finance the climate-resilient rehabilitation of damaged national and rural roads and bridges in line with building-back better principles.
Where appropriate, the works will use labor-intensive methods to support livelihoods and create jobs while simultaneously repairing the transport infrastructure and increasing access to basic services. This was a forward-looking exercise aimed at identifying those binding constraints that keep the country from reaching its full potential. The main results of that exercise is outlined in the first part of the PPT attached on this page.
With the SCD completed, the WBG is further consulting with stakeholders to focus the discussion into an operational prism, i. Through in-person discussions and online input, we are welcoming views of Mozambique's stakeholders as well as diaspora on the country's development agenda as well as recommendations on new opportunities and challenges. To contribute to these goals in Mozambique, in which three priority areas should the Bank focus its attention and resources on in the next five years?
Partilhe suas ideias atreves deste link. Comments from Animals Australia and Animals International. Mozambique Country Partnership Framework. We would like to hear your views regarding Mozambique's priorities and the role the World Bank Group can play in helping the country achieve its development goals. Share your views here. Comments from Vegetarian Society Singapore. Recommendations from the Narasha Community Development Group. Submission from the Human Rights Campaign. Comments from EarthRights International.

Comments from the U. Submission from Amnesty International. Labor and Working Conditions. Comments from Forest Peoples Programme. Submission from Animal Friends Jogja. Consultations on the Second Draft Framework Concluded. Description Consultations on the second draft Environmental and Social Framework concluded on March 15, Since the review process began in , the World Bank team has consulted with a wide range of stakeholders from governments and implementing agencies, civil society organizations involved in advocacy and service delivery, the private sector, as well as academia and applied research institutions.
The comments and recommendations received during this consultation phase will inform the third draft framework proposal. A summary of all feedback received will be made available on this website in the coming months. Input from Rainforest Foundation Norway. Comments from the Center for International Environmental Law. Comments from the Council for Global Equality. Community Health and Safety. Comments from Compassion in World Farming. Comments from First Peoples Worldwide. Comments by World Animal Net.
Le processus SCD favorise-t-il suffisamment la collaboration avec les acteurs nationaux? Con estas consultas, esperamos recibir comentarios de diversas partes interesadas para mejorar y simplificar el proceso del DSP. With this consultation, we aim to receive feedback from a variety of stakeholders to improve and streamline the SCD process. We would like to hear your response in the following areas: Take the survey The consultation is open between March 15, and April 30, Click here to see the summary of responses.
If you have any questions about the consultations, please send an email to scdfeedback worldbank. Through this consultation, we are soliciting online comments from all interested stakeholders on the SCD process, particularly in countries that have already completed an SCD. Tchat sur Banque mondiale Live espagnol. Tchat sur Banque mondiale Live a fr. Consultation mondiale en ligne: Tchat en direct sur Banque mondiale Live a. Systematic Country Diagnostic in Thailand. Meeting with government agencies, civil society, academia and private sector.
Meeting with government agencies, civil society, development partners, academia and private sector. Consultation with government officials. Chat en vivo del Banco Mundial. Chat en vivo del Banco Mundial i fr. Chat en vivo del Banco Mundial i. The online consultation period is open from Monday March 21, , to April 10, March 17, to May 18, Description People in Thailand can voice their views in a series of public engagements with the World Bank Group from March to May Views are sought on Thailand's development, challenges and priorities to end poverty and share prosperity widely.
Online consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean: