Derived direct objects in Hausa. Journal of West African Languages 21 1: HB] 1 Abdoulaye, Mahamane L. Three topic constructions in Hausa. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics Figure and ground in the Hausa "grade 2" verb. African Languages and Cultures 9 1: Presupposition and realis status in Hausa. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung The Development of Passive Constructions in Hausa. Passive and grammaticalization in Hausa. Studies in Language Comitative, coordinating, and inclusory constructions in Hausa, in Coordinating Constructions, ed. Existential and possessive predications in Hausa.
Online bibliography of Chadic and Hausa linguistics |
Profiling and identification in Hausa. Journal of Pragmatics 39 2: Two systems of Hausa deixis. Linguistik Online 36 4: Perfectivity and time reference in Hausa. Linguistic Discovery 6 1: Two types of temporal when clauses in Hausa: The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics 2: Relative clauses in Hausa: On the "compound" tone in Migaama, in African Linguistics: Essays in Memory of M. The Fifth Hausa International Conference, ed. Kano, August 7—11, [Index: HB] Abdullahi, Kawu A. Migration factor and the transformation of Hausa language and culture in the Bantu area, in Papers on Hausa Language, Literature and Culture: Kano, September 20—24, [Index: A New Hausa Writing.
A new Hausa script invented by the author. HB] 2 Abdulmumini, S. The orthography of compound words in Hausa. A preliminary bibliography of Nigerian languages: Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo. African Notes [Ibadan] 5 1: The Principles of Hausa. Crown Agents for the Colonies published on behalf of the Nigerian Government. Ward, Journal of the Royal African Society A Modern Grammar of Spoken Hausa.
Hausa Literature and the Hausa Sound System. University of London Press. Greenberg, American Anthropologist The Language of the Hausa People. Dictionary of the Hausa Language. Armstrong, West Africa Sept. Kraft, Modern Language Journal Crown Agents for the Colonies. Johannes Lukas, Africa Parsons, African Affairs Proceedings of the Second Hausa International Conference, ed.
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Kano, April 2—5, [Index: Generative Phonology and Dialect Variation: A Study of Hausa Dialects. Another look at Hausa diphthongs. Taboo and dialect variation: An aspect of Hausa culture. A survey of Hausa verbo-nominals. Fulbe's difficulties in learning the Hausa sound system.
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Annals of Borno HB Fula] 3 Abubakar, Abdulhamid. The morphosyntax of thematically transformed Hausa verbs. Towards a quantificational analysis of Hausa: A synchronic analysis of Hausa dialects. A further look at Hausa plurals, in Studia Chadica et Hamitosemitica: Akten des Internationalen Symposions zur Tschadsprachenforschung, ed. Frankfurt, May 6—8, [Index: Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 1: Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 2: Festschrift in Honour of Professor C. Imam Umaru's Hausa in his account of the Ilorin Empirate: A case of dialect mixing or a mark of linguistic competence?
Eine linguistische Reise durch Afrika. An Introductory Hausa Morphology. Isoglosses in Hausa dialectology. Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 3: HB] Abubakar, Ayuba Tanko. A Study in Deixis. HB] Abubakre, Samiat O. Affixation in Hausa und Eggon: Process of linguistic borrowing: The case of Maiurno: A Fulani and Hausa settlement in the Sudan. Code switching among the Fulani and Hausa in the Sudan: A case study from Maiurno on the Blue Nile.
Africana Marburgensia 15 2: Hausa in the Sudan: Process of Adaptation to Arabic. HB] Adamu, Yusuf M. The development of Hausa neologism: The problem of "Wurkun": New evidence for the clarification of an enigma in northern Nigerian ethnography and linguistics. African Languages and Cultures 5: Cologne, September 19—21, [Index: The Muri mountains of north-eastern Nigeria: An outline of the ethnographic and linguistic situation. The Nigerian Field Includes map of Waja-Pero area.
Contains a very small list of Hausa lexical items p. HB] Adeyanju, Thomas K. English and Hausa Sentence Structure: A comparative analysis of two Chadic tales. Aspects of Hausa Compounding. The onomastics of ward names in contemporary Kano. HB] 5 Ahmad, Mustapha. Selected Papers of Paul Newman with Commentaries, ed. African Studies Program, Indiana University.
Comparative and Descriptive Studies. Villejuif, November 24—25, [Index: Spoken Hausa for Non-Hausa Beginners. HB] Akinniyi, John, and M. A glossary of Kanuri names of plants with botanical names, distribution and uses. Annals of Borno 1: CVC reduplication and the phonology and semantics of intensives in Hausa with implications for Chadic, in Studia Chadica et Hamitosemitica: Reduplication in the Chadic Languages: A Study of Form and Function.
European University Studies, Ser. CB] Alidou, Ousseina Dioula. Evidence for foot structure in Hausa. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics HB] Alidou, Ousseina Dioula. On title page, cover, and back cover, 2nd author given as Ibrahim Abdullahi S. Quelques 'toona', in Le poney du Logone, ed. Quelques noms de poneys, in Le poney du Logone, ed.
Bondy, October 3—4, [Index: Multilinguisme et cultures du Tchad. Travaux de linguistique tchadienne 2: Language and traditions of origin among the people of Bauchi-Plateau region. Kano Studies [NS] 2 1: Some phonological features of the Hausa variety spoken in Taraba. Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies HB] 7 Allison, Sean.
Bayreuth, October 30—31, [Index: Gregersen, and Thomas Neugebauer. A drum language of Hausa youth. HB] Ames, David W. Glossary of Hausa Music and its Social Contexts. Kirk-Greene, Journal of African Languages 11 3: HB] Amfani, Ahmad H. Abstract Nouns of Games in Hausa. Essays in Honour of Kay Williamson, ed. National Institute for Nigerian Languages. The "grade" as a functional element and reinterpretation of relations in the Hausa verbal component, in Language in Nigeria: Essays in Honor of Ayo Bamgbose, ed.
Pronoun-anaphor distribution in universal grammar: A Festschrift for Kay Williamson, ed. National Institute for Nigerian Language. HB] Anderson, David D. HB] Anderson, Stephen C. From consonants to downstep in Podoko. Studies in African Linguistics Journal des voyages About 60 words collected from slaves in Brazil. First steps toward a grammatical description, in Topics in Chadic Linguistics V: Ngas — Hausa — English Dictionary.
Componential Analysis of Hausa Verbs of Motion: An areal approach to terminological neologisms in Nigerian languages. Gemination in the morphology of some African languages. Annual Publication in African Linguistics 1: HB] Arnott, David W. It's form and language. African Language Studies Some aspects of the language of his poetry, in Studies in Hausa Language and Linguistics. In Honour of F. Einige Probleme der Pluralbildung im Hausa. Gesellschafts und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe An evaluation of the adequacy of some neologisms in the Kanuri and Hausa versions of some English terms as translated in the Borno State Electronic Media.
Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 4 1: HB] Attouman, Mahaman Bachir. Les emplois du curseur koo en hawsa. HB] 9 Attouman, Mahaman Bachir. Ekkehard Wolff and Oren D. Leipzig, July 28 — August 2, [Index: Le passif en Hawsa: HB] Audu, James A. Medicinal herbs and their uses in Bauchi State. Colorado Research in Linguistics The semantic contribution of complementizers and complementation type: The case of Bolanci na.
On the function of the complementizer na in Bolanci. Leipzig, July 5—8, [Index: Language Contact and Change in West Africa, ed. La coordination et la subordination en buduma, in Aspects of Co- and Subordination: La lexicographie du buduma: Leipzig, June 10—14, [Index: Results from the loanword typology project, in Topics in Chadic Linguistics V: HB] Awagana, Ari, H. A Comparative Handbook, ed. HB] Awak, Mairo Kidda.
Floating tones in Tangale, in Studia Chadica et Hamitosemitica: Logophoric pronoun and binding. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli Same as Awak [Index: Radical alternations in Ga'anda: Logophoric pronoun and binding in Tangale. A reanalysis, in Von Aegypten zum Tschadsee. Degree of lexical relationship between Dera and Tangale and time depth. Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 7: Linguistic overview of Tangale traditional names: Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 4 2: Tone alternation in Hausa imperative constructions: Centre for African Language Learning.
A Hausa language and linguistics bibliography including supplementary material for other years , in Studies in Hausa Language and Linguistics. In 11 Honour of F. Hippocrene Practical Dictionary New York: An English-Hausa Classified Wordlist. A classified vocabulary from English into Hausa containing over items in 43 categories [Index: HB] Baba, Ahmad Tela. Lexicographical approach to the history of language movements in the Guddiri Hausa speaking area, in Guddiri Studies: Languages and Rock Paintings in Northeastern Nigeria, ed.
Berichte des Sonderforschungsbereichs "Kulturentwicklung und Sprachgeschichte im Naturraum Westafrikanische Savanne", The use of -ii ending Hausa verbal exclamatory expressions in response to a presupposed syntactic construction. Glottalisation of Hausa grade V verb in pausal position. Derived contour tones in Hausa and Kanuri: Bura orthography, in Orthographies of Nigerian Languages: An experimental study of tone-marking in Bura. Frankfurt, December 13—16, [Index: Lexicalist hypothesis and Hausa.
Studies in African Linguistics 2: HB] Bagari, Dauda M. Some Aspects of Nominalization in Hausa. NP complementation in Hausa. Reanalyzing the Hausa causative morpheme, in Papers in Chadic Linguistics: Leiden, September 15—17, [Index: Marburg, October 1—5, [Index: Phonological adaptation of borrowed words in Hausa.
Proceedings of the First Hausa International Conference, ed. Kano, July 7—10, [Index: A Guide for the Language Learner]. El Maarif Al Jadida. Hausa Subordinate Adverbial Clauses: DAb 37, A [Index: Leben, and Faye McNair Knox. Manual of Hausa Idioms. Indiana University Linguistics Club. Jaggar, Journal of West African Languages 15 2: Printed for private circulation. Full text available on Google Books. HB Fula] Bak, Edyta. Phonological subsystem of Arabic loan-words in Hausa. Hausa Studies Warsaw 3: HB Arabic] Baldi, Sergio. Sviluppo della lingua hausa moderna: Etnologia — Antropologia Culturale [Naples] 4: Collana di Studi Africani, 3 Rome: Arnott, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 1: Pearse, New Nigerian, October 26, p.
Book is published version of M. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 38 [N. Review article on Frank A. Salamone's bibliography [Index: Les emprunts arabes en swahili et haoussa. Kaye Journal of Semitic Studies Based on Paris thesis. Manuale propedeutico di hausa con glossario e lessico concettuale di base [Preparatory manual of Hausa with glossary and basic conceptual vocabulary].
Boulder, May 1—2, [Index: Paris, September 11—12, [Index: Hamito-Semitic, Berber, Chadic, ed. Some additional remarks on Arabic loan words in Hausa. Il verbo nelle lingue ciadiche con particolare riferimento allo hausa [The verb in Chadic languages with special reference to Hausa], in Sem Cam Iafet. Milan, June 1, [Index: Arabic loanwords in Hausa, Kanuri, Songhay [Index: Addenda to Newman's Hausa and Chadic Bibliography.
HB Kanuri] Baldi, Sergio. Presenza del portoghese in alcune lingue africane [The presence of Portuguese in some African languages], in Il Portogallo e i mari: Ancient and New Arabic Loans in Chadic. Arabic Loans in Bidiya. Studi Magrebini NS 2: Florence, April 18—20, [Index: Un primo tentativo di dizionario hausa-italiano [A first attempt at a HausaItalian dictionary], in Studi Afroasiatici: Bergamo, June 5—7, [Index: L'esperanto e la lingua hausa [Esperanto and the Hausa language], in Loquentes linguis. Studi linguistici e orienatali in onore di Fabrizio A. Arabic loans in West African languages: A study in semantics.
Dictionnaire des emprunts arabes dans les langues de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et en swahili. A semantic shift, in When Languages Meet. Maroua, October 31 — November 3, African and European Perspectives, ed. Kano, February 10—17, [Index: Les emprunts arabes en fulfulde, hausa et kanuri: Actes of the 11th Conference of Africanists, ed.
Moscow, May 22—24, [Index: Mots d'origine arabe en mubi. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Hausa Studies: African and European Perspectives. Historical inferences from the linguistic geography of the Nigerian Middle Belt. Pronouns, concord and pronominalization. Regional languages in Nigeria: Hausa and Yoruba, in African Languages: Bamako, June 18—20, [Index: Miller, African Affairs Ahmadu Bello University Press. Photo-reproduction of edition. A Series of Conversations and Readings in Hausa.
Conversations and readings with English translation and notes; accompanied by two records; Katsina dialect [Index: HB] 16 Barmou, Salifou. Le mofu-gudur, langue tchadique du Nord-Cameroun. Africana Marburgensia 10 1: Caprile and Herrmann Jungraithmayr, pp. Essai de transcription phonologique d'un texte mofu-gudur, in Cinq textes tchadiques Cameroun et Tchad , ed. La transcription d'un texte mofu-gudur: Analyse des pronoms personnels du mofu-gudur, in Multilinguisme dans les domaines bantou du nord-ouest et tchadique: Du mbara au mofu-gudur: Ivry, December 8—12, [Index: Du vocalisme en tchadique, in Langues et cultures dans le bassin du lac Tchad, ed.
Online bibliography of Chadic and Hausa linguistics
Paris, September 4—5, [Index: CB] Barreteau, Daniel, ed. Langues et cultures dans le bassin du lac Tchad: Liste comparative tchadique, in Langues et cultures dans le bassin du lac Tchad, ed. Travaux et documents, Paris: Vowel and tonal variations within the consonantal framework of the verbal stem in central Chadic languages, in Studia Chadica et Hamitosemitica: Les langues, in Le nord du Cameroun: Paris, September , [Index: Calculs lexicostatistiques et glottochronologiques sur les langues tchadiques, in Datation et chronologie dans le bassin du lac Tchad: Bondy, September 11—12, [Index: Bibliographie des langues camerounaises.
La poterie chez les Mofu-Gudur: Progress of the African mission…. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society Vocabulary of about words in Hausa and Songhay [Index: HB Songhay] 19 Barth, Heinrich. Vocabulary of Budduma, spoken by the inhabitants of the islands of Lake Chad. Auszug aus einem Briefe des Dr. Justus Perthes Reprint with an introduction by A. Frank Cass [Index: Congress took place in Paris, [Index: HB] Batagarawa, Ahmad Lema. HB] Batic, Gian Claudio. Towards a Hausa metaphorical lexicon. Lexicon and grammar of space in West Chadic, in Space in Language.
Proceedings of the Pisa International Conference, ed. The Semantic Scope of Negation in Hausa. Thematic Arguments and Semantic Roles in Hausa: Morphosyntax and Lexical Semantics Interface. Kano, August 17—20, [Index: HB] 20 Bature, Abdullahi. Papers in Honor of Russell G. Studies in African Linguistics, Supplement 11 Columbus: Journal of the African Society 2: Grammatikalisierung im tschadischen Aspektsystem. The Kano and Arewa dialects of Hausa some contrasts in the aspect systems.
Comparative and Descriptive Studies, ed. HB] Bello, Baba Mai. The Spread of Hausa in Maiduguri and Yola. HB] Bello, Muhammad Yahuza. Indigenous Hausa number system. HB] Ben Cheikh, Abdelkader. Linguistic interference and genetic relations between Arabic and Haussa. HB Arabic] Benton, P. Notes on Some Languages of the Western Sudan. Frank Cass Notes: Notes on Bole, pp.
Studies in Hausa Language, Literature and Culture: The Fifth Hausa International Conference. HB] Bickmore, Lee S. HB] Binanci, Usman Abdullahi. For Hausa Language Learners]. Federal College of Education. Avoidance of the marked in Miya pluractional allomorphy. Les poissons du bassin du Tchad et du bassin adjacent du Mayo Kebbi. Includes names for fish in various Chadic languages.
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Toward determining the position of Mokilko within Chadic a lexicostatistic analysis , in Perspektiven afrikanistischer Forschung: Zurich, September 23—25, [Index: The microsystem of personal pronouns in Chadic, compared with Afroasiatic, in Studia Chadica et Hamitosemitica: Lexicostatistics applied to the East Chadic languages. Why reconstructing comparative Ron is so problematic, in Topics in Chadic Linguistics: Die tschadischen Sprachen, in Suffixkonjugation zur Aussagebildung in den "Hamitensprachen", pp.
Rekonstruktion des semitohamitischen Stativs in tschadischen Sprachen. Hausa plurals and optimality, in The Complete Linguist: Papers in Memory of Patrick J. Multilinguisme dans les domaines bantou du nord-ouest et tchadique: Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee. Numerals and some twenty words in Hausa. A stratificational analysis of Hausa, in Stratificational Analysis, ed.

Languages of the World, 27 Munich: Review article on two native language manuals: The Lala people and their customs. Journal of the African Society Urban linguistics in Nigeria: HB] Brann, Conrad M. The spread of Hausa in Maiduguri. Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 6: There are two page The first page of this article and the last page of the previous article by Munkaila.
Herrmann Jungraithmayr, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika 3: Batu na Abubuan Hausa [Comments on Hausa things]. Toponymie als Zeugen der Vergangenheit: Dialectuntersuchungen zum Hausa Nordnigerias: Eine Studie am Beispeil der Handwerksfachsprachen. Berichte des SFB , 6 Frankfurt. On the classification of extinct languages: Hausa, in Das Afrika-Lexikon: Hausa in Maiduguri, in Aktuelle Forschungen zu afrikanischen Sprachen: Hamburg, October 11—14, [Index: Results of a matched guise test on Hausa in Maiduguri.
Maiduguri Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies 5: Factors of the distribution of the definite article: Prague, October 11—12, [Index: L2 speakers, koinezation and the spread of language norms: A Contribution to the Study of Indirect Globalization, ed. Construction of a furnace among the Guddirawa: Description and linguistic remarks, in Mitteilungen des Sonderforschungsbereichs Burkina Faso und Nordostnigeria , ed.
Dictionary of Hausa Crafts: Pots, potters and their language among the Hausa and the Bole: Frankfurt, December 16—19, [Index: Origin and integration of loanwords, in West African Savannah: Glavda morphology, in Morphologies of Asia and Africa, ed. Journal of African Cultural Studies Deixis Demonstratives and Adverbials in Hausa. On the deictic features of speaker-based Hausa demonstratives, in Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of African Linguistics, Leipzig, , ed. Leipzig, July 28 — August 2, Cologne: The pragmatics of addressee-based Hausa demonstratives.
South African Journal of African Languages Vocabulare der Sprachen in und um Gava Nordnigerien. Kanuri loanwords in Guddiranci. Linguistic landscape of Borno area. CB] Bulakarima, Shettima Umara. From the legendary Sau: The existence of Chadic traits among the Kanuri. Ibrash Islamic Publications Centre.
HB] Burquest, Donald A. A Preliminary Study of Angas Phonology. A Grammar of Angas. Angas, in Ten Nigerian Tone Systems, ed. Semantic parameters in Angas kinship terminology. Afroasiatic Linguistics 5 6: Evidence for object-verb ordering in Chadic. The pronoun system of some Chadic languages, in Pronominal Systems, ed. CB] Burquest, Donald A. A note on Hausa plurals. An introduction to the use of aspect in Hausa narrative, in Language in Context: Essays for Robert E. Hwang and William R. HB] 26 Burquest, Donald A.
Is there PRO in Hausa? An introduction to the distribution of stative clause types in Hausa narrative. Journal of West African Languages 21 2: HB] Camburn, Janet K. Printed by Baraka Press. Africana Marburgensia 4 2: Les langues du Tchad, in Atlas pratique du Tchad, pp. Ganslmayr and Herrmann Jungraithmayr, pp. Travaux sur le tobanga. Africana Marburgensia 6 2: Includes small French-Tobanga word list and Tobanga place names with tone marked [Index: A study of quantity in Hausa. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Transactions of the Philological Society: Gemination in Hausa, in Studies in Linguistic Analysis, pp.
Transactions of the Philological Society, Special Edition. The coming of the Fulani: A Bachama oral tradition. Categories of the verbal piece in Bachama. Pitch, tone, and intonation in Bachama. Acta Universitatis Carolinae 1, Symposium on Intonology, ed. Bachama and Chadic, in Hamito-Semitica, ed.
Hausa orthography and Abraham's transcription, in Papers in Honour of R. Abraham , ed. Causatif et extension verbale en -k- en haoussa de l'Ader. HB] 28 Caron, Bernard. Bibliography on Hausa dialectology. Hausa Dialectology Newsletter 1: Le haoussa de l'Ader. Center for Theoretical Study. From body to space and time: Hausa gaba and baya, in Language and Location in Space and Time, ed. Grammatical notes and vocabulary.
Commentary on "Facts count: An empiricist looks at indirect objects in Hausa", in Chadic and Hausa Linguistics: Selected Papers of Paul Newman with 29 Commentaries, ed. Grammatical notes, vocabulary and text. La grammaticalixation de l'enfance en haoussa. Question, subordination et focalisation: Wordlist and grammatical notes, in Semito-Hamitic Festschrift for A.
Includes extensive wordlist [Index: Actes du colloque de Caen, octobre , Sciences pour la Communication, 53 [Index: HB Fula] Castelnau, Francis de. Tons et accent en masa goumaye. Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Nice 2: Les oppositions de tension en masa. Douze contes masa, avec une introduction grammaticale. The meaning "to be" and "to have" in Hausa. Hausa Studies Warsaw 4: HB] Centre for Islamic Studies. Report of the Hausa Ajami Standardisation Committee. HB] Charlton, Captain L.
Anaphora interpretation in Hausa narrative: Application of topic-set theory. Institute of African Studies, University of Rabat. Some Arabic Loanwords in Hausa are quoted at p. Is Hausa a suprasegmental language? Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University. Ohio State University, [Index: HB] Churma, Donald G.
Rule inversion in Chadic: One Hundred Birds of the Niger Province. Hausa names of birds for the most common species [Index: Our life is made of "contrast" between what we call "good" and "bad", "negative" and "positive", what we like and what we do not like. Live better and manage your hypersensitivity and emotions Hypersensitivity, a vast subject: This state is an integral part of the personality of the gifted, it is a neurophysiological reality.
It is an attempt to explain what tree thinking or analog thought is about linear or sequential thinking. The gifted and love 1This fear will stop him. But his desire for love, his idealistic side will often push him beyond. It is a very great strength.
Because if we have our weaknesses, we also have strengths. The pleasure of nipples in menNipple Gay Mark is a young Gay that the pleasure of nipples puts in a trance.