Comparing and contrasting the lives of Samson "sunlight" or "sun-like" and Samuel "heard of God" reveals several interesting points:. Whilst the Israelites were given into the hands of the Philistines on account of their sins , and were also severely oppressed in Gilead on the part of the Ammonites, the angel of the Lord appeared to the wife of Manoah, a Danite from Zorea, i.
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Mishpachath Dani the family of the Danites is used interchangeably with shebet Dani the tribe of the Danites: And now beware, drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean: The three prohibitions which the angel of the Lord imposed upon the woman were the three things which distinguished the condition of a Nazarite see at Num. The only other thing mentioned in the Mosaic law is the warning against defilement from contact with the dead, which does not seem to have been enforced in the case of Samson.
The promised son was to be a Nazarite all his life long, because he was to begin to deliver Israel out of the power of his foes. And in order that he might be so, his mother was to share in the renunciations of the Nazarite vow during the time of her pregnancy. Whilst the appearance of the angel of the Lord contained the practical pledge that the Lord still acknowledged His people, though He had given them into the hands of their enemies; the message of the angel contained this lesson and warning for Israel, that it could only obtain deliverance from its foes by seeking after a life of consecration to the Lord, such as the Nazarites pursued, so as to realize the idea of the priestly character to which Israel had been called as the people of Jehovah, by abstinence from the deliciae carnis, and everything that was unclean, as being emanations of sin, and also by a complete self-surrender to the Lord see Pentateuch, p.
As one can readily discern from carefully studying the context of Judges 13, this Angel is no ordinary created angel, but all indicators point to the fact that this Angel is the pre-incarnate representation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Notice the greatest number of appearances of the Angel of the LORD in the book of Judges, which describe some of the darkest days in Israel's entire history. As seen before in the Book of Judges Jdg 2: His great plan of salvation got underway when He called Abraham and Sarah and gave them Isaac. When the fullness of time arrived Ga 4: In short, the Spirit is trying to arrest our attention!
Wherever you see it hung out in Scripture, it is like an ancient sign-board, signifying that there are rich wares within, or like the hands which solid readers have observed in the margin of the older Puritanic books, drawing attention to something particularly worthy of observation. It says in effect "Listen up, all ye who would be wise in the ways of Jehovah!
Behold… you shall conceive - The announcements of the births of Ishmael Ge1 6: This promise came as a great blessing to this woman burdened by childlessness. In First Samuel God gave a similar message through the priest Eli…. The uncreated angel, the Angel Jehovah, so often spoken of in the preceding narrative, and who appeared to Moses, to Joshua, to Gideon, and others.
Evidence of this will disclose itself as we proceed. Be careful not to drink wine or strong drink Jdg Nor eat any unclean thing Leviticus And so it appears from these instructions that Manoah's wife who is never specifically named also had to share in the Nazirite vow during the time of Samson's gestation.
As the child, whose birth was now announced, was to be a Nazarite from the womb, the mother herself was to be subjected to the law of the Nazarites, that the sanctification of her son might commence from herself. She must, during the period of gestation and nursing, abstain from wine and every inebriating liquor, and all kinds of forbidden food. Things that would be lawful at another time, were to be refrained from now. The nourishment of her child would partake of the qualities of her own, and this future deliverer of Israel must be in the strictest manner and through every period an example of separation and consecration to God.
Never wine made so strong a champion as water did here. He that gave that power to the grape, can give it to the stream. O God, how justly do we raise our eyes from our tables unto thee, which canst make water nourish and wine enfeeble us! Eat not any unclean thing. Unclean meats were forbidden to all Israelites at all times; but especially and pre-eminently so to the Nazarite, Lev. It was perhaps solely for this reason that the precept was repeated at this time and on this occasion; though Scott supposes, not unreasonably, that the distinction of meats was not strictly observed at this time, as otherwise she would scarcely have needed such caution.
Or, probably, at this time she was feeling sadly her childless state; God sends comfort just when His people feel their trouble most. It could be loosely paraphrased "Pay attention! Other servants of God who were chosen before birth include Jeremiah Jer 1: A R Fausset commentary - Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing [Numb.
Nazarite naziyr means consecrated, separated or devoted and in this current context the object of consecration, separation and devotion is unto God. This institution was a symbol of a life devoted to God and separated from all sin, a holy life. As discussed more below, the Nazarite or "separated one" took a vow either for life or for a defined time to fulfill some special service to Yahweh. Naziyr is used 16 times in the OT Ge For the OT institution and regulations of a Nazarite, read Numbers 6: There are 22 uses of nezer in the OT Ex This expression "his separation to God on his head" denotes his hair, which was the proof and emblem or sign of the separation, and subjection to God.
It is interesting to note that this Nazarite requirement was even more strict than that of the regular priests excepting the High Priest cp Lv The hair of his head shall neither be shorn nor shaven. For the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb. For a full account of this peculiar feature of the Mosaic institute, see on Num. It is considered disgraceful, and a mark of the displeasure of the gods, to have a childless house.
Nezer is also used to describe a royal crown 2Sa 1: This story reminds one of Jesus' warning to the church in Philadelphia Re 3: Samson did not discipline his body, and as a result he lost both his crown and his prize, which reminds one of Paul's strong warning to the saints at Corinth….
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. The root-meaning of the word in Hebrew as well as the various Greek translations indicates the Nazirite as "a consecrated one" or "a devotee. The chief Old Testament passages are Jdg The question has been raised as to whether the Nazirite vow was of native or foreign origin in Israel.
The idea of special separation, however, seems in all ages to have appealed to men of a particular temperament, and we find something of the kind in many countries and always linked with special abstinence of some kind; and from all that is said in the Pentateuch we should infer that the custom was already ancient in Israel and that Mosaism regulated it, bringing it into line with the general system of religious observance and under the cognizance of the Aaronic priests.
The critics assign the section dealing with this matter Nu 6: It seems not unlikely that on the settlement in Canaan, when the Israelites, having failed to overcome the native population, began to mix freely with them, the local worship, full of tempting Dionysiac elements, brought forth this religious protest in favor of Israel's ancient and simpler way of living, and as a protection against luxury in settling nomads.
It is worthy of note that among the Semites vine-growing and wine-drinking have ever been considered foreign to their traditional nomadic mode of life. It was in this same protest that the Rechabites , who were at least akin to the Nazirites, went still farther in refusing even in Canaan to abandon the nomadic state. The Pentateuch, then, makes provision for the Nazirite vow being taken by either men or women, though the Old Testament does not record a single instance of a female Nazirite. Further, it provides only for the taking of the vow for a limited time, that is, for the case of the "Nazirite of days.
The conditions of Naziritism entailed: The ceremonial of initiation is not recorded, the Pentateuch treating it as well known.
The Talmud tells us that it was only necessary for one to express the wish that he might be a Nazirite. A formal vow was, however, taken; and from the form of renewal of the vow, when by any means it was accidentally broken, we may judge that the head was also shorn on initiation and the hair allowed to grow during the whole period of the vow.
The accidental violation of the vow just mentioned entailed upon the devotee the beginning of the whole matter anew and the serving of the whole period. This was entered on by the ceremonial of restoration, in the undergoing of which the Nazirite shaved his head, presented two turtle-doves or two young pigeons for sin and burnt offerings, and re-consecrated himself before the priest, further presenting a lamb for a trespass offering Nu 6: When the period of separation was complete, the ceremonial of release had to be gone through. It consisted of the presentation of burnt, sin and peace offerings with their accompaniments as detailed in Nu 6: The consecration of the Nazirite in some ways resembled that of the priests, and similar words are used of both in Lev It opened up the way for any Israelite to do special service on something like semi-sacerdotal lines.
The priest, like the Nazirite, dared not come into contact with the dead Lev The only "Nazirites for life" that we know by name are Samson, Samuel and John the Baptist, but to these Jewish tradition adds Absalom in virtue of his long hair. We know of no one voluntarily taking the vow for life, all the cases recorded being those of parents dedicating their children. In rabbinical times, the father but not the mother might vow for the child, and an interesting case of this kind is mentioned in the dedication of Rabbi Chanena by his father in the presence of Rabban Gamaliel Nazir, 29b.
Samson is distinctly named a Nazirite in Jdg It is said that he must have partaken of wine when he made a feast for his friends, but that does not follow and would not be so understood, say, in a Moslem country today. It is further urged that in connection with his fighting he must have come into contact with many dead men, and that he took honey from the carcass of the lion. To us these objections seem hypercritical. Fighting was specially implied in his vow Jdg Samuel is nowhere in the Old Testament called a Nazirite, the name being first applied to him in Sirach Wellhausen denies that it is implied in 1 Sam 1: In the Hebrew text the mother's vow mentions only the uncut hair, and first in Septuagint is there added that he should not drink wine or strong drink, but this is one of the cases where we should not regard silence as final evidence.
Rather it is to be regarded that the visible sign only is mentioned, the whole contents of the vow being implied.
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It is very likely that Nazirites became numerous in Israel in periods of great religious or political excitement, and in Jdg 5: At the time of the captivity they were looked upon as a vanished glory in Israel Lam 4: So far as we can discover, there is no indication that they formed guilds or settled communities like the "Sons of the Prophets. The case of John the Baptist is quite certain, and it was probably the means of introducing the custom among the early Christians. It was clearly a Nazirite's vow which Paul took, "having shorn his head in Cenchrea" Acts As the expenses of release were heavy for poor men, such were at times aided in this matter by their richer brethren.
We come across something of the same kind in many countries, and we find special abstinence always emphasized. Thus we meet with a class of "votaries" as early as the days of Hammurabi, and his code devotes quite a number of sections to them. Among other restrictions they were prohibited from even entering a wine shop Sect, Then we are familiar with the hierodouloi of the Greeks, and the Vestal Virgins of the Romans.
The word nezir also appears in Syriac and was applied to the maidens devoted to the service of Belthis. In the East, too, there have always been individuals and societies of ascetics who were practically Nazirites, and the modern dervish in nearly every way resembles him, while it is worthy of record in this connection that the Moslem an abstainer by creed while under the vow of pilgrimage neither cuts his hair nor pares his nails till the completion of his vow in Mecca.
Often Samson was seen as a failure, but in the perfect plan of God he accomplished that which he was destined to do—he did begin to bring deliverance. The deliverance was continued in the time of Samuel 1Sa 7: And even then he was not to complete the deliverance; he was only to begin it; for the yoke of the Philistines was not fully shaken off the neck of Israel till the time of David. One lays the foundation of a good work, another builds, and perhaps a third brings forth the top-stone. And I did not ask him where he came from, nor did he tell me his name. God often sends comfort to his people very seasonably, when they feel their troubles most.
This deliverer of Israel must be consecrated to God. Manoah's wife was satisfied that the messenger was of God. She gave her husband a particular account, both of the promise and of the precept. Husbands and wives should tell each other their experiences of communion with God, and their improvements in acquaintance with Him, that they may help each other in the way that is holy. Awesome - Jdg Awesome is the Hebrew verb yare which means to fear, to respect or to reverence.
In the present context yare conveys the sense of to be awesome or to be feared. Yare is often descriptive of deity. We see such a use of yare in….
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Spurgeon Commenting on this Psalm writes: Is terrible yare , none can resist His power or stand before His vengeance; yet as these terrors are wielded on the behalf of His subjects, they are fit reasons for rejoicing. Omnipotence, which is terrible to crush, is almighty to protect. At a grand review of the troops of a great prince, all his loyal subjects are filled with triumph, because their liege lord is so able to defend his own, and so much dreaded by his foes.
He is a great King over all the earth. Not over Judea only, but even to the utmost isles His reign extends. Our God is no local deity, no petty ruler of a tribe; in infinite majesty He rules the mightiest realm as absolute arbiter of destiny, sole monarch of all lands, King of kings, and Lord of lords. Not a hamlet or an islet is excluded from His dominion. How glorious will that era be when this is seen and known of all; when in the person of Jesus all flesh shall behold the glory of the Lord!
So called because he appeared in human form, leading her to suppose him merely a prophet sent from God. She seems, however, to have had a strong suspicion that he was something more than human. Rather, perhaps, venerable, awful, full of majesty; such as at once to inspire the deepest respect and reverence; so that according to every idea she could form on the subject, his countenance very much resembled that of an angel.
No one voluntarily took the vow for life, all the cases recorded being those of parents dedicating their children to the Lord. In fact, the prophet Samuel is not actually called a Nazirite, but the restrictions of his dedication seem to imply that he was 1Sa 1: John the Baptist's refusal to drink wine Mt His manner of living also supports this presumption Lk 1: The woman told her husband of this appearance: The woman therefore imagined the person who appeared to her to have been a prophet, whose majestic appearance, however, had produced the impression that he was a superior being; consequently she had not ventured to ask him either his name or where he came from.
If you are a parent, you might stop for a moment and entreat the Lord God in behalf of your son or daughter. This is a remarkable instance, indicative of the connection which God has established between prayer and the fulfilment of His promises. Let him teach us what we must do for the boy who will be born.
The subsequent course of events in Samson's life, sadly show that godly parents don't necessarily always raise obedient godly children. Samson's parents appear to be clearly seeking the Lord's wisdom on how to bring up Samson and yet we see Samson make choices clearly not in keeping with God's will. Some individuals take Proverbs Instead this proverb is just that, a wise saying that is generally true but which in itself is not an out and out promise to be claimed. Teach us Job The time of the Judges was one of apostasy and anarchy, but there were still Jewish homes that were dedicated to the Lord and that believed in prayer and through whom God was still working.
But the narrative contains nothing to warrant such an insinuation. On the other hand, his request appears to have been prompted by a strong faith and a high esteem of the promised blessing, and a sincere desire to receive farther intimations of duty. On this point he would be fully informed; he dreads the possibility of a mistake. Zecharias had the same message, and craving a sign lost the voice wherewith he craved it: Manoah seeks no sign for the promise, but counsel for himself.
Happy are they that have not seen, yet believed: The petition of Manoah reminds us also that the care of children is a great concern, and that those who have the parental relation in prospect can make no more suitable prayer at the throne of grace than that of the pious Danite on this occasion. Being firmly convinced of the truth of this announcement , and at the same time reflecting upon the obligation which it imposed upon the parents, Manoah prayed to the Lord that He would let the man of God whom He had sent come to them again, to teach them what they were to do to the boy that should be born, i.
This prayer was heard. The angel of God appeared once more to the woman when she was sitting alone in the field without her husband. And when this was answered in the affirmative, he said still further v. This also applies to v. Manoah meets the angel of the Lord, and declares that he has seen God.
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The angel accepts worship from Manoah and his wife as no mere angel, and refers to himself as "Wonderful, " the same term applied to the coming deliverer in Isaiah 9: The functions of the angel of the Lord in the Old Testament prefigure the reconciling ministry of Jesus. In the New Testament, there is no mention of the angel of the Lord; the Messiah himself is this person. The phraseology here is worthy of notice. He may also have had other reasons unknown to us. The divine condescension in granting a repetition of the visit is too striking to be overlooked. How clearly does it prove that nothing is more acceptable to God, than a sincere desire to know our duty, and that sooner than our prayers to that effect shall go unanswered, a heavenly messenger shall be sent for our instruction.
But thanks be to God, with the Bible and the Holy Spirit for our guides we have no need of angelic instructions to direct us what to do.
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Doubtless after humbly entreating the messenger to stay, and obtaining his consent. The time of the Judges was one of apostasy and anarchy, but there were still Jewish homes that were dedicated to the Lord and that believed in prayer; and God was still working through them. Blessed was he who had not seen, yet had believed. What shall be the boy's mode of life - Heb.
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This should encourage us to be steadfast and immovable no matter how dark things become in America written January, His parents had a fear of God and tried to instill this same fear in their son. Thus there is every indication that Samson's parents were godly and so why the checkered life? To raise a dedicated and godly child requires godly responses by both the parents and the child. When one or the other is lacking failure is often the result. Vocation Work - Manoah was confused about the child's vocation because his wife had failed to tell him everything the Angel had said, specifically failing to say anything about his future military role.
George Bush recommended resource Let thy words come to pass. This clause, as it reads in our translation, is simply the expression of an earnest wish, that the promise graciously made to his wife may be fulfilled. The former term, which is usually translated judgment or ordinance, seems to imply the divine disposition or purpose in regard to the child, and the latter the proper mode of executing or accomplishing it on their part. So also Job Let the woman pay attention to all that I said - The Angel did not answer Manoah's question but simply stated that Manoah's wife should recall everything he had told her.
Initially He revealed the divine intent to deliver His people Jdg But once Manoah's wife, who had not asked to be delivered from her barrenness, overlooked her son's role, God seemed to veil his intentions. He was content to work behind the scenes, delivering a people who did not seek deliverance through a deliverer who failed to see himself as such. Manoah inquired what conduct they should observe in regard to the child; the angel in his reply merely reiterates the charge he had before given in respect to the mother.
In explanation we may remark, that the child to be born was to be a Nazarite, set apart and consecrated to God. Until the period of his birth, therefore, and while at the breast, she was, for his sake, to abstain from all the things inhibited above. In fact it was this that constituted the very essence of his Nazarite state. The directions, therefore, relative to the child were really involved in those that had respect to the mother, and it would require no far-fetched construction so to understand them. The divine injunctions are not always given in the most direct form, but to a heart rightly disposed, they are always intelligible.
Becoming A Parent - What a great day it is when a couple discovers they're going to be parents! It's even more exciting for those who have been unable to have children. Such was the case for Manoah and his wife, the parents-to-be of Samson. The "Angel of the Lord" appeared to Manoah's wife and told her that she would bear a son, one who would "begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines" Judges He also told her how she was to live and that her son was to be a "Nazirite to God" Judges When she told her husband about it, he asked the Lord to send the Angel again and give them further instructions.
But the Angel's answer pointed primarily to the obedience of the mother Judges As parents, the question we should ask ourselves is not "How can we produce a godly or successful child? Our prayer should be: Lord, help us to be what You want us to be In character, actions, and will, For You are the potter and we are the clay— Your purposes we would fulfill. The angel of the Lord then repeated the instructions which he had already given to the woman in v.
Such food was considered a special delicacy. Hospitality of this kind was common in the ancient Near East. Proper attitude demanded that Manoah provide a meal for his guest, as Abraham had done on a similar occasion Ge So Manoah prepared a young goat, the same kind of animal Gideon offered to his heavenly visitor Jdg 6: George Bush recommended resource Until we shall have made ready a kid for thee. Not yet aware of the true character of his visitor, Manoah proposed this as an act of hospitality.
As Manoah had not yet recognised in the man the angel of the Lord, as is observed by way of explanation in v. George Bush recommended resource I will not eat of thy bread. And if thou wilt offer a burnt offering. The angel perceiving this, answers him accordingly. He does not forbid him to present a burnt-offering, but he would have him do it intelligently; he would have him assured as to the true character of the object of his worship. Here he merely intended to say, that though he might offer him a common meal as a man, yet it would not do to offer him a sacrifice as such, or while he was not in possession of full evidence that the being he thus proposed to honor was indeed divine.
The whole address of the angel appears to be framed with reference to the manifestation which he was just about to make. So the Antitype made the glorifying of God His meat and drink, rather than earthly food John 4: I need it not as food: And therefore offered Him food to eat, as if He were a man. If you prepare a burnt offering - The Angel's willingness to accept a sacrificial offering to the LORD, which is tantamount to an act of worship and provides support that this Angel is God and not a created angel.
In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John clearly teaches that God's angels shun any acts that might be taken as acts of worship, John recording…. And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he in context an angel said to me, "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things.
And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. And he said to me, "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book; worship God. Manoah did not know - Spiritual truth is spiritually discerned. Manoah at this time did not have eyes to see that this was the pre-incarnate Messiah. Fulfilled prophecy was a sign of the authenticity of a prophet Dt That he was prompted by somewhat of an unhallowed curiosity in making the inquiry is indeed supposed by many commentators, but we see nothing in the text to warrant it.
On the other hand, we know no reason to doubt that he was really actuated by the motive assigned, a disposition to render him due honor and thanks when the promise should be fulfilled. Manoah does not define which, as he is uncertain as to the nature of the angel].
Our Mysterious God Jdg When Manoah asked, "What is Your name? Then Manoah knew he had seen God in human form. Who can understand such a God—the God who wrote the 3-billion-letter software code in the DNA molecule of every human cell? Who can fully comprehend the God who knows everything, even our inner thoughts? Yet many Old Testament saints knew and loved this God. They experienced the joy of His grace and forgiveness, even though they didn't completely understand how a holy God could forgive their sins. As Christians, we too stand in awe before the majesty and mystery of an incomprehensible God.
But we have a great advantage because we see Him revealed in Jesus, who said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" John And when Jesus hung on the cross, He revealed God's compassion and love, for He died there for us. Immortal, invisible, God only wise, In light inaccessible hid from our eyes, Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, Almighty, victorious—Thy great name we praise.
Manoah then asked his name: Consider developing the habit of spending some time periodically pondering the Scriptures which describe God's "mind altering" attributes. This spiritual exercise is guaranteed to renew your mind and challenge your thinking regarding the greatness of the God we are privileged to worship and serve. In addition meditating [ Primer on Biblical Meditation ] on the greatness of God will encourage you to not become weary in well doing [Ga 6: This has at first blush the air of a rebuke for putting such a question; but comparing it with what follows we imagine it is such in appearance only.
A rebuke supposes something criminal or censurable in him who is the subject of it. But what offence could attach to a respectful and reverential question of this kind? Why was the mere secresy of the name a reason for its not being asked? Was it not in fact for this very reason that he did ask it? We admit, indeed, that if Manoah had been previously informed that the name was ineffable—that it was designed to be kept a profound secret—he would have been guilty of high presumption in demanding it.
But we see no evidence of this in any part of the sacred text, and conclude therefore that the angel made use of this interrogative form of speech merely in order to introduce in the most suitable and impressive manner the declaration that follows, constituting the real point of his reply. It is plain that it is no other than the Angel-Jehovah, so emphatically alluded to in Ex. The exalted character, therefore, which he claimed by the assumption of this title, he proceeded to display still more fully in the incident that followed.
It refers to something so awesome it is beyond human capability or comprehension see God's attribute Incomprehensible. The basic verb pala means to be wonderful or cause something wonderful to happen, and generally used to refer to acts of God, describing things considered beyond human capabilities e. The Lord's nature, his character and attributes, are incomprehensible; they are too marvelous and difficult for man to understand. The same is true with respect to the knowledge He possesses Ps. Play the music video Indescribable. Spurgeon comments on this knowledge: I cannot grasp it.
I can hardly endure to think of it. The theme overwhelms me. I am amazed and astounded at it. Such knowledge not only surpasses my comprehension, but even my imagination. It is high, I cannot attain unto it. Mount as I may, this truth is too lofty for my mind. It seems to be always above me, even when I soar into the loftiest regions of spiritual thought.
Is it not so with every attribute of God? Can we attain to any idea of his power, his wisdom, his holiness? Our mind has no line with which to measure the Infinite. Do we therefore question? Say, rather, that we therefore believe and adore. We are not surprised that the Most Glorious God should in his knowledge be high above all the knowledge to which we can attain: The idea of wonderful then is something so awesome it is beyond human capability or comprehension.
Whereas the answer was in itself in the form of a question, it was nevertheless a declaration. He told him that His name was Wonderful. All this opens out a line of study which may be followed with profit. The reading of this reply almost inevitably calls to mind two other passages of Scripture, far apart in the books of the Bible. The first is in Genesis The prophecy was concerned with the Child, the Son upon Whose shoulder government is to rest, and Whose name is also "Mighty God.
Here then we have a Christophany, and so wherever this august title "the Angel of Jehovah" appears. This note is only intended to suggest it. Life Applications from Every Chapter of the Bible. Later that same week, however, a mob called for His crucifixion Mt Few people recognized Him as the one Isaiah described as Wonderful Isa.
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If there is anyone who deserves that name, it is Jesus. He is wonderful in His deity and in His selfless love that led Him from the shining glories of heaven into the darkness of this sin-cursed world. He is wonderful in His virgin birth, wonderful in His overcoming, sinless life of service, wonderful in His teachings, wonderful in His vicarious death, wonderful in His astounding resurrection, and wonderful in His ascended glory.
Someone has observed, "In Christ we have a love that can never be fathomed, a life that can never die, a peace that can never be understood, a rest that can never be disturbed, a joy that can never be diminished, a hope that can never be disappointed, a glory that can never be clouded, a light that can never be darkened, and a spiritual resource that can never be exhausted. Do you love the Wonderful One?

If you do, your life here will be full of wonder, and the life hereafter, bliss! The word therefore is not the proper name of the angel of the Lord, but expresses the character of his name; and as the name simply denotes the nature, it expresses the peculiarity of his nature also. He had by this time become so far satisfied as to the real character of his guest, that he no longer doubted in what manner to express his grateful and reverential feelings towards him.
For this purpose he selects a rock, as did Gideon upon a like occasion, ch. Large masses of stone, of various forms, some of which are well adapted to such a use, frequently occur in the plains and valleys of Judea, and other hilly countries. Some of these are seen in their natural position, rising out of the ground, while others appear as detached fragments, thrown down from the rocky eminences.
To such insulated masses of rock there are repeated references in the Scriptures. And the angel did wondrously. Being wonderful, he performed wonderful things; probably causing fire to arise out of the rock, and consume the sacrifice; and we are expressly told that he afterwards ascended in the flame.
It also conveys the idea of being too difficult for men or beyond one's capability, and so often refers to miraculous deeds of divine intervention that are beyond human capability. In short, He being wonderful, performed wonderful deeds. The Angel of the Lord proved He was wonderful by doing a wondrous thing - ascending in the flame of sacrifice to heaven. Manoah then took the kid and the minchah , i. In what the miracle consisted is explained in v. And the angel of the Lord ascended in this flame.
When Manoah and his wife saw this, they fell upon their faces to the earth sc. When Manoah and his wife saw this, they fell on their faces to the ground. The altar - The fact that they had an altar to God is another indicator of the godly character of Samson's parents. In contrast, Gideon had to build an altar to God, because the one in his father's backyard was to the pagan idol Baal cp Jdg 6: We see the godly character of Samson's parents in Manoah's prayer life Jdg Fell on their faces to the ground -Falling on one's face is generally tantamount to an act of worship in the Scriptures cp Ge This action is clear evidence that they were worshiping deity and supports that the Angel was God.
As noted earlier in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John clearly teaches that God's angels shun any acts that might be taken as acts of worship, John recording…. Manoah knew Jdg 6: Knew yada ' means to know by virtue of relation or by one's experience. In some context yada' speaks of the most intimate "knowing" that can occur between a man and a woman. In this passage it speaks of knowing between God and man, but emphasizes a knowing based on experience. The Septuagint translates yada' with ginosko which is the Greek verb that describes knowing by experience. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.
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