La filosofia come combattimento fu per Gentile norma di vita nel senso classico e romano del termine: Il saggio di Primo Siena, purtroppo poco pubblicizzato e ingiustamente trascurato in questo Giovanni Gentile. Il saggio si articola in tre parti distinte ma perfettamente complementari: La riforma della scuola del Il quale non suole mancare a chi compie il proprio dovere. E i nemici continueranno a inchinarsi alla nazione che anche attraverso la sventura abbia dimostrato la sua natura immortale [6].

Parole retoriche forse, ma di cui abbiamo estremamente bisogno in questi tempi estremamente difficili. Un italiano nelle intemperie , ed. Solfanelli, Chieti, , p.

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Siena, Giovanni Gentile , op. Avvertimi via email in caso di risposte al mio commento.

Coltiva soprattutto, ma non esclusivamente, l'arte del racconto breve e fa frequenti incursioni nel fantastico. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Irene a mosaico Italian Edition Feb 06, Available for download now. La lametta nel miele Italian Edition Jan 28, Est di Cipango Italian Edition Jan 21, Il gioco della masca Italian Edition Jan 20, Ragazza brutta, ragazza bella: In his patriotic speech, he stressed the necessity to fulfil the duty towards the nation during the war saying that: Catalanotti estimated that half of the hundred thousand Italians living in Tunisia needed to be considered as poor and did not have any savings.

Nevertheless, the richer half of the Italians of Tunisia subscribed to national loans proportionally like the Italians in North America, in France and in Argentina. During the First World War the community responded actively to the call to arms issued from Rome. Even if born in Tunisia, they were registered in the military district of their fathers or ancestors. For example, many of Leghornese Jews were enrolled in the Livorno military district, while the Sicilians born in Tunisia were registered in their regional military district, mainly Trapani or Palermo.

An article in the Bulletin of Alliance Israelite Universelle in was dedicated to celebrating the alumni who had died during the Great War. They were born in the same city, went to the same school, enrolled in the same troop, and eventually died during the same attack during the Third Battle of Isonzo in Santa Lucia, a little hill near to Tolmino and Kobarid Caporetto , now in Slovenian territory. In these memorial plaques names are engraved. On the other hand, we cannot accept without a doubt the number of 1, declared by the fascist Magliocco, who wrote in a period of political tension between Italy and France during which the fascist regime easily exaggerated the number of Italians in Tunisia. Consolata Lanza: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle

True or not, social conditions in Tunisia were rough and got worse with the beginning of war. The Italian consular authority and local associations were aware that the situation was getting critical. In order to respond to this challenge, they created a welfare system that helped the impoverished Italian working class. Private donations coming from the Italian bourgeoisie financed this kind of spontaneous welfare system.

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The families of the young men sent to the front suffered the most and Italy, through its wealthy members, had a moral duty to improve the situation of the poorest defenders of the nation set abroad. These poor families were assisted by local committees set up in several Tunisian cities and villages. Economic subsides were allocated in all Italian centres in Tunisia: Italian welfare in Tunisi a Furthermore, this web of charity associations allowed Italy to maintain a connection with the Italian immigrants.

The necessity to create and sustain this welfare network for Italians in Tunisia shows the extreme poverty of the great majority of these immigrants. Many of them suffered greatly when the economic situation worsened as a result of the economic crisis and the war. As pointed out before, social and regional differences played a fundamental role in determining the features of the expatriate community. The Italian southern question had consequences in Tunisia as well. When considering the regional origins of the indigent families that benefited from Italian welfare in Tunisia, it becomes evident that Sicilian immigrants remained among the less prosperous: The Sardinian families were , Tuscans , from Puglia 85 and from other regions This high percentage of Sicilians among the needy underlines not only the correlation between regional origins and the social composition of the Italian population of Tunisia, but also the fact that the poorest members of the community often lived in the urban area of Tunis.

This big amount of needy among families of migrants is surprising when one considers that in the Italian Consulate and the Patronato degli Emigranti 70 had repatriated many poor Sicilian workers. Since unemployment among Italians living in Tunisia was very high, the journey was paid by the Italian government. When Italy entered the war, thousands of young men of working age joined the Italian army. Their departure exacerbated the already difficult economic situation of their families.

In different kinds of social assistance towards the kids of the community took place. An orphanage, called Principe di Piemonte , hosted the children between 6 and 11 years old whose fathers had died on the battlefield. Pro lactentibus was another initiative of social assistance towards the families of soldiers, giving free milk to needy children. To manage the children of the soldiers was also inscribed in the war effort.

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The social consequences of the warfare were the militarisation of the society and a flourishing social assistance organised by the local bourgeoisie. South Tunisia and Tripolitania became a southern battlefront of the Great War. Concerned by the attitude towards French colonial authorities he declared: Such friendship between Italy and France cannot last if not underpinned by mutual respect, absolute respect of rights of both sides, keeping a unique privilege of equal civilization: Moreover, he continues the report by repeating that the Italian experience in Tunisia prepared the country for the take-over in Libya: We have to consider that Tunisia was to us a precious camp of experience in the study of colonial politics and economics […].

We have in Tunisia all the necessary organisations to make it the starting point of a rapid assimilation of Libya to the Italian interests, and a point of economic and industrial expansion towards Algeria and Morocco.

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Furthermore, it underlines the importance of the Italian colonial rhetoric in nationalising emigrants. To conclude, Tunisia played an important role in Italian colonial aspirations. Emigration rubbed salt into the wound. As a result of this humiliation, the Kingdom of Italy started looking at the conquest of Tripolitania as a way to soothe its wounded ego and strengthen its weak international position. Meanwhile, the national identity of the Italian community in Tunisia was shaped by the necessity to coexist with the French and the Tunisians.

Italian colonial aims and the wartime — which lasted from to, at least, — shaped the position of the Italian settlers within the Tunisian colonial society. Several events highlight the importance of the Libyan conflict and of the Great War: All these can be interpreted as signals of a nation building process that took place among Italians living in the south coast of the Mediterranean. The war in Libya and its aftermath coupled with the initial neutrality of Italy during WWI and the later intervention of the country allowed the nationalist bourgeoisie to strengthen its social and cultural hegemony on the whole Italian community in Tunisia.

This elite wanted to lead a renewed, greater Italy, a country finally able to show its power and strength through colonial possessions. In the rhetoric of Italian colonialism, Tunisia was the first step towards the creation of this new Italy: Sicilian farmers and Sardinian miners would lead the way to the conquest of Libya.

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  3. Irene a mosaico (Italian Edition).
  4. Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali. Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici. Divisione studi e pubblicazioni, Aracne , Siciliani nel Maghreb Mazara del Vallo: Manela, eds, Empires at War Oxford: Oxford University Press, , La stampa italiana in Tunisia: T, , Una storia coloniale e postcoloniale Roma: Tunisi e Tripoli Torino: Harvard University Press, North Africa and Europe in an Age of Migration, c.

    University of California Press, La Colonia italiana di Tunisi durante la Guerra Tunis: Cooperativa Italiana di Credito, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Gli antifascisti italiani in Tunisia tra le due guerre Rome: Italian National Identity in the Scramble for Africa. Les colonies dans la Grande Guerre: Repenser les migrations Paris: Presses universitaires de France, La guerra italiana per la Libia, Bologna: Revue de sciences humaines , , , , Mahmud Hamdane Larfaoui La Nostra colonia di Tunisi Milano: A proposito dei recenti avvenimenti di Tripolitania Tunis: Nei margini della Grande Guerra.

    Note e ricordi Tunis: Coloni italiani in Tunisia Roma: Finzi editore, ,