Pour-on formulation of eprinomectin for cattle: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Initial data on the biology of Sphodroxia maroccana Ley Coleoptera: Melolonthidae and an estimation of the damage due to this new pest on cork-oak seedlings in the Mamora forest Morocco. Entomological research in Mediterranean forest ecosystems Lieutier F.
Annals of Botany Energy expenditure in Crocidurinae shrews Insectivora: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A Structure of the terminal ampulla in male larvae of Canthon cyanellus LeConte Coleoptera: The Coleopterists Bulletin Actes du colloque "Parcs et Recherche Agri-Environnementale: Socio-economics and conservation of Mediterranean coasts and wetlands: Trends in Ecology and Evolution Conservation de la loutre Jacques H.
Direct evidence of predation by aquatic, predatory sciomyzidae Diptera, Acalyptrata on freshwater snails from natural populations. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Comparative host-parasite population structures: Recurrent evolution of host-specialized races in a globally distributed parasite. Edited by Dyer, Lee A. Palmer, Kluwer, New York, , p. The trophic structure of tropical ant-plant-herbivore interactions: Biotic interactions in the Tropics: Olfactory conditioning experiments in a food-searching passerine bird in semi-natural conditions.
Unite to save Earth's natural capital. Origin and diversification of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni. Long term forest dynamic after land abandonment in a fire prone Mediterranean landscape central Corsica, France. Can traits predict the competitive response of herbaceous Mediterranean species? Seeing the world trough the nose of a bird: Marine Ecology Progress Series Sensitivity to dimethyl sulphide suggests a mechanism for olfactory navigation by seabirds. Using demographic invariants to detect overharvested bird populations from incomplete data.
Palatability of Thlaspi caerulescens for snails: Leaf morphology, photochemistry and water status changes in resprouting Quercus ilex during drought. Functional Plant Biology Journal of Helminthology Phylogenetic relationships within the Laridae Charadriiformes: Aves inferred from mitochondrial markers.
Principles and interest of GOF tests for multistate capture-recapture models. Migrating birds stop over longer than usually thought: Dispersal in a parasitic worm and its two hosts: Taxonomy, distribution and first eco-ethological data of Melampsalta varipes Walt, , an unrecognized cicada Hemiptera, Cicadidae. Insect Systematics and Evolution Microevolution in agricultural environments: La domestication du manioc: Farmers' management strategies and land use in an agropastoral landscape: Quality analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at complex forest sites using footprint modelling.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology Effects of neck bands on reproduction and survival of female greater snow geese. The Journal of Wildlife Management On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: Variation in dispersal traits in a narrow-endemic plant species, Centaurea corymbosa Pourret. Diversity and specificity of ectomycorrhizal fungi retrieved from an old-growth Mediterranean forest dominated by Quercus ilex.
Trade-off between current reproductive effort and delay to next reproduction in the leatherback sea turtle. Les usages de l'amadouvier en odontologie. Changes in the amino acid composition of decomposing plant materials in soil: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Tree diversity and soil biology: Tree species effects on soils: Self-fertilization and the evolution of recombination. Time to extinction of bird populations. Comparative analysis between Orchis species and their hybrid. The double vocal signature of crested penguins: Adaptative above-ground biomass, stand density and leaf water potential to droughts and clearing in Guiera senegalensis, a dominant shrub in Sahelian fallows Niger.
Journal of Tropical Ecology Notionnaire, Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris, pp. Les Dossiers de La Recherche Sexual selection and reproductive careers in mandrills Mandrillus sphinx. Mate-guarding and paternity in mandrills: Functional linkages between leaf traits and net photosynthetic rate: Between-population differences in nestling size and hematocrit level in blue tits Parus caeruleus: Canadian Journal of Zoology Impact of ectoparasitic blowfly larvae Protocalliphora spp.
Journal of Field Ornithology A natural experiment on the effects of high deer densities on the native flora of coastal temperate rain forests. Plant Evolution in the Mediterranean. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. Ecological differentiation of Mediterranean endemic plants. Niche properties and geographical extent as predictors of species sensitivity to climate change.
Climate change threats to plant diversity in Europe. The effect of habitat quality on foraging patterns, provisioning rate and nestling growth in Corsican blue tits Parus caeruleus. Extinction threat evaluation of endemic fig trees of New Caledonia: An attempt to develop a framework for restoration planning.
Monitoring and evaluating forest restoration success. Restoration of Mediterranean woodlands. Blackwell, Oxford, p. Species abundance and the distribution of specialization in host—parasite interaction networks. Can we reconstruct deer browsing history and how? Lessons from Gaultheria shallon Pursh. Specific leaf area and dry matter content estimate thickness in laminar leaves.
Haemolytic acylated triterpenoid saponins from Harpullia austro-caledonica. Joint modelling of breeding and survival in the kittiwake using frailty models. Assessing the generality of global leaf trait relationships. In situ molecular detection of some white-rot and brown-rot basidiomycetes infecting temperate and tropical woods. Anthropogenic effects on population genetics of phytophagous insects associated with domesticated plants. Diaspore removal and potential dispersers of the rare and protected Paeonia officinalis L. Paeoniaceae in a changing landscape.
The interplay of pollination, costs of reproduction and plant size in maternal fertility limitation in perennial Paeonia officinalis. Size-dependent reproduction and gender modification in the hermaphroditic perennial plant Paeonia officinalis. The impact of forest spread on a marginal population of a protected peony Paeonia officinalis L. Are mountains refuges for farmland bird species? A case study in the northern French Alps. Edited by Robert J. McClain, Elsevier Academic Press, , p. Island Press, Washington, D. Towards developing thresholds for waterbirds that take into account turnover.
Acoustic communication in the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla: Range of the Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus, metapopulation in the Mediterranean: Journal of Ornithology Local genetic diversity of sorghum in a village in northern Cameroon: Theoretical and Applied Genetics Des recherches en appui aux nouveaux enjeux et aux politiques territoriales. Modeling survival and mark loss in molting animals: Molecular Ecology Notes 7: Landscape ecology in the Mediterranean: Compte-rendu de colloque Faro, 29 mars-2 avril Coping with habitat heterogeneity: Journal of Ornithology Supplement 1: A quick method to determine root biomass distribution in diameter classes.
Individual odor recognition in birds: Journal of Chemical Ecology Between-population differences in egg composition in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus. Population biology of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans in the Crozet and Kerguelen archipelagos, southern Indian Ocean, approached through genetic and demographic methods. Journal of Zoology Survival of timber rattlesnakes Crotalus Horridus estimated by capture-recapture models in relation to age, sex, color morph, time, and birthplace. Factors affecting the invasion of Senecio inaequidens and S.
Non-photoperiodic factors and timing of breeding in blue tits: First evidence for heritable variation in cooperative breeding behaviour. Kin discrimination in juvenile mandrills, Mandrillus sphinx. Inbreeding depression in non-human primates: Why should mating system biologists be demographers? Combining population genetics and demographical approaches in evolutionary studies of plant mating systems. Changing plant phenology in response to global change. Multi-scale study of bird species distribution and of their response to vegetation change: Plant traits, litter quality and decomposition in a Mediterranean old-field succession.
Cooperation and communication networks. Nomenclature of European Plethodontid salamanders: Speleomantes Dubois, has precedence over Atylodes Gistel, Changes in mating system and social structure of the ant Petalomyrmex phylax are associated with range expansion in Cameroon. Changes in composition of cuticular biochemicals of the facultatively polygynous ant Petalomyrmex phylax during range expansion in Cameroon with respect to social, spatial and genetic variation.
Reliable selfing rate estimates from imperfect population genetic data. A northern rockhopper penguin unveils dispersion pathways in the Southern Ocean. Comparing effective dispersal in expanding population of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra in calcareous grassland. Genetic diversity of Tamarindus indica populations: African Journal of Biotechnology 6: A lifestyle view of life-history evolution. How slow breeding can be selected in seabirds: Influence of dung volatiles on the process of resource selection by coprophagous beetles.
Why do the Punan persist running after the migrating wild boars of Borneo? Le symbolisme des animaux: Animals symbolizing the Borneo forest through drawings by Tubu Punan children. Conservation and Society 5: Visions of the world and nature management. Back to the trees? Diet and health as indicators of adaptive responses to environmental change: Managing forest resources in a decentralized environment: Helping has signalling characteristics in a cooperatively breeding bird.
Nine polymorphic microsatellite markers in Crepis sancta Asteraceae. Combined effects of bottlenecks and selfing in populations of Corella eumyota, a recently introduced sea squirt in the English Channel. Diversity and Distributions Natural hybridization between a clonally propagated crop, cassava Manihot esculenta Crantz and a wild relative in French Guiana.
La lettre de l'Infectiologue Mouches piqueuses et tabanides. Can more K-selected species be better invaders? A case study of fruit flies in La Reunion. Propagule quantity and quality in traditional Makushi farming of cassava Manihot esculenta: No correlation between inbreeding depression and delayed selfing in the freshwater snail Physa acuta. Interspecific competition between alien and native congeneric species.
Assessing the effects of land-use change on plant traits, communities and ecosystem functioning in grasslands: Food availability affects the maternal transfer of androgens and antibodies into eggs of a colonial seabird. Population growth in snow geese: Molecular and morphological patterns of introgression between two large white-headed gull species in a zone of recent secondary contact.
Systematics of the Podarcis hispanicus-complex Sauria, Lacertidae I: Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie Efficiency of traps for Stomoxys calcitrans and Stomoxys niger niger on Reunion Island. Medical and Veterinary Entomology Genetic structure and gene flow along an altitudinal gradient among two Stomoxyine species Diptera: State-space modelling of data on marked individuals.
Homing abilities of dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus displaced from fish aggregating devices FADs determined using ultrasonic telemetry. Aquatic Living Resources Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: Nesting success and within-season breeding dispersal in the Orange-breasted Sunbird Anthobaphes violacea.
Patterns of morphological variation in two sexually dimorphic bird species with different tail shapes. Complementarity as a mechanism of coexistence between functional groups of grasses. Lead shot and teal Anas crecca in the Camargue, Southern France: Combined dyeing and antioxidative properties of some plant by-products. Towards sustainable management of tropical forests: Dispersal and recruitment during population growth in a colonial bird, the great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. Relating root structure and anatomy to whole-plant functioning in 14 herbaceous Mediterranean species.
Determinants of local extinction and turnover rates in urban bird communities. Nutrient vectors and riparian processing: Functional attributes in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Functional plant ecology, 2nd ed. Avian Clock gene polymorphism: Extra-pair paternity in the strongly monogamous Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans has no apparent benefits for females. Dietary carotenoid supplementation affects orange beak but not foot coloration in Gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua. Wilson's storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus recognise the olfactory signature of their mate.
Niche segregation, behavioural differences, and relation to morphology in two Iranian syntopic wheatears: Vie et Milieu Contribution of leaf life span and nutrient resorption to mean residence time: Components of nutrient residence time and the leaf economics spectrum in species from Mediterranean old-fields differing in successional status. Le bon sauvage ou le figuier de mon village. Contrasting levels of variation in neutral and quantitative genetic loci on island populations of Moor Frogs Rana arvalis: Tree colonization of sub-Mediterranean grasslands: Independent duplications of the acetylcholinesterase gene conferring insecticide resistance in the mosquito Culex pipiens.
Molecular Biology and Evolution Forty years of erratic insecticide resistance evolution in the mosquito Culex pipiens. Cavity-nesting black rats in distinct Corsican oak habitats and their potential impact on breeding Paridae. Terrestrial ecosystems in a changing world. Population dynamics in a long-lived seabird: Impact of breeding activity on survival and breeding probability in unbanded king penguins. Extinction and viability of populations: Detecting microsatellites within genomes: Estimating downward long-wave radiation on the Andean Altiplano.
Reduced density due to logging and its consequences on mating system and pollen flow in the African mahogany Entandrophragma cylindricum. Impacts of climate change on natural and semi-natural forest ecosystem. Forestry and climate change Freer-Smith Peter H. New screening test to predict the potential impact of ivermectin-contamined cattle dung on dung beetles.
Marine turtles use geomagnetic cues during open-sea homing. CO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database. Functional characterization of two p-coumaroyl ester 3'-hydroxylase genes from coffee tree: Plant Molecular Biology Distributions of epistasis in microbes fit predictions from a fitness landscape model.
Dynamics and restoration of abandoned farmland and other old fields in southern France. The influence of trophic status and large-scale climatic change on the structure of fish communities in Perialpine lakes. Stomatal regulation of photosynthesis in apple leaves: Chasse, conservation et botanique: Simulation and Gaming Stomoxys xanthomelas Roubaud, A description of unique fluorescent yellow pigments in penguin feathers.
Pigment Cell Research Restoring toward a better future. Partitioning forest carbon fluxes with overstory and understory eddy-covariance measurements: The enigmatic Squamanita odorata Agaricales, Basidiomycota is parasitic on Hebeloma mesophaeum. Variation in cold hardiness and carbohydrate concentration from dormancy induction to bud burst among provenances of three European oak species. Process-based modeling of species' distributions: Thinking upon animals symbolically. Representing the symbolic animal. Talking about the symbolic animal. Symbolic animal, social behaviors, and rituals.
Circulating corticosterone levels in breeding blue tits Parus caeruleus differ between island and mainland populations and between habitats. Spectral analysis of simulated species distribution maps provides insights into metapopulation dynamics. Ornamental colors reveal age in the king penguin. Two new species of macrocheles from France Mesostigmata: Combination of morphological characters and ITS-sequence to characterize a new species of Macrocheles Acari: Development of Issoria lathonia Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae on zinc accumulating and nonaccumulating viola species Violaceae.
Do metal-rich plants deter herbivores? A field test of the defence hypothesis. Lack of effect of the nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans on the development of the dung beetle, Aphodius constans. Small Ruminant Research A new technique for ordering asymmetrical three-dimensional data sets in ecology. The dynamics of group formation in large mammalian herbivores: Climate changes and post-nuptial migration strategy by two reedbed passerines. Impact of atmospheric CO2 and plant life forms on soil microbial activities. Patterns of denitrification rates in European alluvial soils under various hydrological regimes.
Ecological significance of inherent variation in relative growth rate and its components. What 'animal models' can and cannot tell ornithologists about the genetics of wild populations. Journal of Ornithology Supplement 2: Plant biodiversity and responses to elevated carbon dioxide. Potential contributions of capture-recapture to the estimation of population growth rate in restoration projects.
Chemical mediation and niche partitioning in non-pollinating fig-wasp communities. The unappreciated ecology of landrace populations: Plant traits relate to whole-community litter quality and decomposition following land use change. Here today, gone tomorrow. Reduction of ecosystem productivity and respiration during the European summer climate anomaly: Human impacts in pine forests: Environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung An inquiline fig wasp using seeds as a resource for small male production: Use of integrated modeling to enhance estimates of population dynamics obtained from limited data.
Distribution, diversity and environmental adaptation of highland papayas Vasconcellea spp.

Evaluation of the recovery of microbial functions during soil restoration using near-infrared spectroscopy. Applied Soil Ecology Nitrogen transfer between decomposing leaves of different N status. Fungal endophytes of grasses: Sebacinales are common mycorrhizal associates of Ericaceae.
Response to comments on "From plant traits to plant communities: From plant traits to plant communities: Vegetation and songbird response to land abandonment: Evidence of an interannual effect of maternal immunization on the immune response of juveniles in a long-lived colonial bird. Interannual dynamics of antibody levels in naturally infected long-lived colonial birds. Volatile organic compound emission from holm oak infested by gypsy moth larvae: Density-dependent parameters and demographic equilibrium in open populations. Parallel evolutionary paths to mycoheterotrophy in understorey Ericaceae and Orchidaceae: Common paths link food abundance and ectoparasite loads to physiological performance and recruitment in nestling blue tits.
Ongoing adaptation to Mediterranean climate extremes in a chemically polymorphic plant. Two measurement methods of leaf dry matter content produce similar results in a broad range of species. Quantifying the impact of longline fisheries on adult survival in the black-footed albatross. Journal of Applied Ecology The critical role of dependence among individuals in extinction models.
How relevant are instantaneous measurements for assessing resource depletion under plant cover? A test on light and soil water availability in 18 herbaceous communities. Let the concept of trait be functional! Palms tracking climate change. Interactive land-use planning in Indonesia rainforest landscapes: Cephalanthera longifolia Neottieae, Orchidaceae is mixotrophic: Phylogeographic support for horizontal gene transfer involving sympatric bruchid species. Ecological distribution and niche segregation of sibling species: Phylogenetic relationships in the Neotropical bruchid genus Acanthoscelides Bruchinae, Bruchidae, Coleoptera.
Integrating phenological, chemical and biotic defences in ant-plant protection mutualisms: Photosynthesis, growth and structural characteristics of holm oak resprouts originated from plants grown under elevated CO2. Oiseaux remarquables de Provence: Guest editors for the special issue: Journal for Nature Conservation Conceiving the science, business and practice of restoring natural capital. Nature conservation as if people mattered. Changes in needle quality and larch bud moth performance in response to CO2 enrichment and defoliation of treeline larches.
Detecting an orientation component in animal paths when the preferred direction is individual-dependent. Invasive river plants from Portuguese floodplains: Fitness landscapes support the dominance theory of post-zygotic isolation in the mussels Mytilus edulis and M. The 'design' of Mediterranean landscapes: Ups and downs in biological diversity across scales of time and space in the Mediterranean: The story of Mediterranean Blue Tits: Population differentiation on islands: Acta Zoologica Sinica 52 Supplement: A thirty-year study of phenotypic and genetic variation of Blue Tits in Mediterranean habitat mosaics.
What do European badgers Meles meles know about the spatial organisation of neighbouring groups? Response of some Andean cultivars of quinoa Chenopodium quinoa Willd. European Journal of Agronomy Evidence that blue petrel, Halobaena caerulea, fledglings can detect and orient to dimethyl sulfide. The Journal of Experimental Biology Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from Aucoumea klaineana Pierre Burseraceae , a tropical rainforest tree of Central Africa. Molecular Ecology Notes 6: The seabirds-tick-Borrelia system as a model for addressing ecological questions of epidemiological relevance: Do Blue Tits time their breeding based on cues obtained by consuming buds?
Between-population differences in egg quality in Blue Tits: Coexistence in a metacommunity: Rejoinder to Calcagno et al. Effects of undergrowth clearing on the bird communities of the Northwestern Mediterranean Coppice Holm oak forests. Landscape patterns and agriculture: The proximate basis od adaptive micro-geographic variation in reproductive phenology in male and female Blue Tits.
Simultaneous pituitary-gonadal recrudescence in two Corsican populations of male blue tits with asynchronous breeding dates. Comparison of the sensitivity of landscape-fire-succession models to variation in terrain, fuel pattern, climate and weather. Met name wordt voorgesteld om de hoogte van dergelijke inrichtingen verder te verlagen en de krachten waartegen dergelijke inrichtingen bestand moeten zijn, te vergroten. De verlaging van de hoogte leidt echter tot praktische problemen voor sommige vrachtwagens bv. Het overleg op deskundigenniveau om overeenstemming over een definitief ontwerp te bereiken, is daarom nog niet afgerond.
The Commission makes considerable efforts to improve road safety in the Union, by means of a combination of European and national initiatives. Europe has also played a pioneering role in making bumpers safer, inter alia through the mandatory introduction of energy-absorbing bumpers. If not, will the Commission take such an initiative? Have any other initiatives been promised with the aim of resolving this issue, which causes distress?
This directive was lastly amended in to require the device to withstand increased force levels. However, the height reduction raises practical problems for some heavy goods vehicles e. Could the Commission provide information on the results of this initiative for each Member State, specifying the amounts reallocated, which programmes these amounts were deducted from, how the reallocation was implemented and the results?
This information includes the number of young persons likely to benefit and the Structural Funds resources reallocated by the Member States for this purpose. The Commission has been working on Action 13 since late , in close cooperation with public and private stakeholders. Over , several targeted and open consultations, including an open conference, were held to gather the views and ideas of stakeholders and Member States on a possible European label. Since early , the Commission has been working on the procedural steps of the legislative proposal.
This should help businesses gain the trust of consumers, thus enhancing their benefits to further invest in service quality. This is particularly important for micro and small enterprises that do not have the opportunity to extend their marketing reach. The Honourable Member is also invited to visit the Commission's website for further information: Does the Commission believe that measures taken since the UN Convention came into force comply with the objectives of the Convention?
The EU ratified the Convention as a supranational entity: The database of Eurostat also distinguishes by gender or between different forms of employment, i. Concerning the specific data referred to by the Honorable Member, the Commission currently relies on information gathered by the data provision of Member States. However, the current Data Collection Framework does not include the variables of percentage of women in the sector benefiting from maternity support measures, unemployment benefit, training, pay rises, or pensions.
Can the Commission say how many inspections are carried out, broken down by Member State, in Community ports to combat illegal and unregulated fishing? Can it also state the percentage of illegal landings of fishery products that are actually punished? Can the Commission detail the measures it is implementing to control imports that could create unfair competition for the fisheries sector in EU countries? Lastly, can it say whether there is a unified control of fisheries imports to monitor the quotas being spent by other, non-EU countries?
Member States are responsible for controlling importations of fisheries products and are entrusted to refuse any importation if the provisions of the IUU Regulation are not fulfilled. Imports of fisheries products have to be accompanied, inter alia , by catch certificate, certifying that catches have been made in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and international conservation and management measures. Auch an den Arbeiten auf internationaler Ebene ist die Kommission aktiv beteiligt.
Jede politische Initiative zu den Schattenbanken wird diese beiden Aspekte im Auge behalten. What changes have been included in the new proposal, which is to be published in June, that were not contained in the proposal withdrawn at the beginning of May? Which individuals, interest groups, organisations, authorities or government representatives were in contact with the Commission following the publication of the initial proposal on the regulation of shadow banking?
Several Commission workstreams are addressing the risks posed by the shadow banking system. A public consultation was issued in by means of a Green Paper. The Commission has also actively contributed to the work carried out at the international level. According to current planning, the Commission envisages to present a communication and a regulation on Money Market Funds in the autumn of The Commission is aware of the need to take into account on the one hand the risks to financial stability, and on the other hand the role that shadow banking plays in financing the economy.
Any policy initiative on shadow banking will take into account both these objectives. The communication will only be published once it is adopted by the College. At no point in time has the Commission published a preliminary version. Hohe Dispozinsen trotz Leitzinssenkungen. Verschiedenen Medienberichten zufolge haben nach der erneuten Senkung des Leitzinses im Euroraum am 2. Im Vergleich zum sehr niedrigen Leitzins blieben die Dispozinsen damit auf einem vergleichsweise hohen Niveau. Ebensowenig nimmt die Kommission Einfluss auf die Vertragsbeziehungen zwischen Banken und ihren Kunden.
Compared with the very low base rate, the rates of interest charged on overdrafts are thus still relatively high. Does the Commission have access to data concerning the extent to which interest rates on overdrafts in individual Member States have tracked the base rate since ? Is the Commission taking specific action to protect consumers from high overdraft rates?
If so, what kind of action is it taking? If not, why not, and are there plans for any future action of this type? The European Central Bank and Eurostat make data available on their websites regarding overdrafts and revolving loans per Member State. The Commission however does not intervene in the way banks decide to pass on or not to their clients the changes in base rate decided by ECB. The Commission does not intervene in the contractual relations between banks and customers.
However, in order to improve the transparency on bank fees, the Commission recently adopted a proposal on the comparability of fees, payment account switching and access to payment accounts. This new proposal aims at improving the transparency of bank fees by giving clearer and partly standardised information regarding the bank services and the corresponding fees, including charges for overdrafts.
Thanks to more transparent information, the consumers will be able to get a better understanding of the different bank services and fees, to compare the different offers available and consequently to choose the most suitable offer on the market. Then, becoming client of a bank, the customer will receive detailed information regarding the actual fees charged at least annually.
In addition, this proposal foresees that the switching service will be improved for consumers through a quick and reliable process. As a consequence, consumers will be able to switch bank accounts more easily and take profit of better offers in the market. The competition between banks will therefore be strengthened with potential impact on fees. The media have been reporting an increase in agricultural commodity futures trading over the last few years. While a number of banks have announced their intention of ceasing food speculation, certain of the larger ones are continuing to engage in this practice, which, according to critics, is driving up food prices and having a direct impact on the starving populations of developing countries.
Does the Commission have information indicating which EU financial institutions engage in food speculation and to what extent? Does the Commission agree with critics that such activities are causing large-scale starvation in developing countries? Ensuring that the financialisation of commodity markets supports and does not undermine access to commodities and raw materials or destabilise the European economy or the economies of developing countries is therefore a key policy concern at European level and international level.
There is a lack of information about who could be engaged in food speculation. These proposals are currently under negotiation in the European Parliament and the Council. Januar zur Anwendung gelangt. According to reports in the media, a committee of the Bank for International Settlements BIS has come to the conclusion that banks should inform investors more carefully about the security of their loans.
This would make it easier to assess risk. Is the Commission planning measures that will require banks to ensure that all their stakeholder groups, especially their customers, can be kept aware of the security and quality of their loans at all times? Adequate disclosure on the classification of loans into performing and non-performing, the provisions for impaired loans, as well as the encumbrance of assets are essential for understanding the overall credit risk to which a bank is exposed.
On the one hand, it carries forward the existing acquis on disclosures of 1 past due and impaired exposures and 2 the specific and general loan loss provisions, detailed per industry or counterparty and further broken down by significant geographical areas. Greek entrepreneurs seeking to develop their businesses are constantly encountering obstacles in the form of cumbersome and bureaucratic procedures, while announced funding falls short of real economic needs. Is the Commission monitoring the operation of this body and assessing its effectiveness?
Will it take quick and effective action to speed up funding for Greek businesses currently beset by serious cash-flow problems? The choice of structures managing cohesion policy programmes is the responsibility of each Member State. Having said this, the Commission's assessment of the work delivered by the Unit for the Organisation of the Management of the structural interventions in Greece MOD and the public servants entrusted with the management and implementation of structural interventions is generally positive.
The MOD employs a number of highly-qualified staff who make a positive contribution to the implementation of cohesion policy in Greece. Whether MOD should rent premises or use premises owned by the Greek State is primarily a question for the national authorities. If EU funds are used to cover these costs, the Commission is of the opinion this should be done in line with the principles of sound and efficient management.
Despite the important allocation to Financial Engineering Instruments in Greece did not produce yet the expected results. The Commission follows the situation closely together with the relevant Greek authorities in order to take the necessary actions. However, tackling the liquidity issue is not a task for the Commission alone but for all the various stakeholders involved. The shameful treatment of the Roma and the local residents is also the subject of constant media reports, while neither the Halandri municipal council nor the Attiki regional authorities are taking any immediate action to resolve the problem.
How can the Commission convince the Greek Government of the need finally to take seriously a health issue described by the media as a ticking bomb? The report concluded that the progress on the ground remains very slow. Member States, including Greece, will need to put further efforts in putting the preconditions into place to make a progress in the 4 pillars — education, employment, health and housing — on which the European Commission will report as of next year.
Jointly with this report, the Commission also adopted a Proposal for a Council Recommendation on effective Roma integration measures in the Member States with a focus on a number of concrete measures that are crucial for implementing their strategies. The Member States should take targeted measures to ensure equal treatment and respect of fundamental rights, including equal access of Roma to education, employment, healthcare, housing and public utilities. The Commission will continue to monitor the progress in the implementation of the strategies and support Member States in their efforts.
The retention of passenger name records PNR as a law enforcement measure is a much-discussed interference with the right to privacy. After the LIBE committee voted against mandatory retention of such data by European airlines, supporters of the proposal announced that they would try again to introduce the measure in the near future. What is still missing is reliable evidence that such a measure is needed in any way. In both cases, no time period was mentioned.
For each of the categories mentioned, does the Commission know how many of those detained under the e-borders scheme were subsequently convicted? If so, how many people were detained under the e-borders scheme and not convicted afterwards? The Commission has no information on the source of the numbers the Honourable Member is referring to.
The Commission does not possess detailed statistics on the e-Borders system. How many complaints has it received regarding this matter, and over what time scale? Since that date, the Commision has received information about, and also at least four complaints from EU-citizens who did not pass the test and whose claim for the benefits concerned had been refused for this reason. As these citizens are entitled to expect the Commission to guarantee confidentiality during investigations which might lead to infringement procedures, no further information can be provided in their respect.
In the context of this procedure, the Commission services had many contacts both informal and in written with the UK authorities. But there are no bilateral discussions under way on this notion between the Commission and any other Member State. While the AIRE Centre was useful in providing some background information on the British law and case law on this matter, it did not trigger the infringement procedure.
The administrative steps required in order to be able to drive and insure a new or second-hand car imported from one Member State to another can be particularly burdensome and are an impediment to the free movement of goods and persons in the Union. Many Europeans find themselves in problematic situations because they are not allowed to drive a vehicle registered in a Member State other than their country of residence, and they have to embark on long and uncertain dealings with administrative bodies, in some cases putting their vehicles through repeated roadworthiness tests and submitting detailed documents to administrative bodies and insurers.
The common-sense response to such a situation is for drivers to buy cars in their country of residence rather than having vehicles they already own registered there. Are the Member States working towards harmonising their national vehicle testing systems and making it easier for European citizens to move between their countries of residence and origin? The examination of this proposal has already started in the Council and work on it will continue actively in the coming months with a view to the finalisation of this regulation through the ordinary legislative procedure with the European Parliament, as soon as possible.
La Commissione riveda la sua posizione sull'estrazione del gas di scisto. La produzione di gas di scisto sembra essere, secondo la Commissione europea, la soluzione al problema dell'approvvigionamento energetico dell'UE, in particolar modo per quei paesi dell'Est e per gli Stati baltici vincolati ancora al colosso russo Gazprom. Intende la Commissione perseguire la proposta di avviare l'estrazione di gas di scisto, nonostante le avverse condizioni economiche e i rischi ambientali che comporta? La Commissione non propone di avviare l'estrazione del gas di scisto.
Spetta agli Stati membri decidere in merito al proprio mix energetico e concedere le licenze per lo sfruttamento delle risorse energetiche. In fact in Poland, where there were believed to be more accessible and high-yield shale deposits, US oil companies undertook a series of prospecting operations and determined that the costs would be too high compared with the results.
Will the Commission go ahead with the proposal to begin extracting shale gas despite the unfavourable economic conditions and environmental risk that this entails? The Commission is not proposing to begin extracting shale gas. The Commission is carefully studying the possible risk and benefits of such new sources of natural gas as well as their possible implications for European policy.
When granting licenses for the exploitation and exploration of unconventional hydrocarbon, Member States should ensure that EU legislation is complied with, including regarding the protection of the environment and human health. The Commission has adopted a proposal for a regulation to regulate fishing for deep-sea stocks and protect vulnerable marine ecosystems. The main feature of this proposal is a ban on the use of bottom trawls and bottom-set gillnets. The justification given for banning this gear is the need to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems.
However, the proposal does not transpose UN resolutions and does not follow FAO guidelines on the regulation of fishing for deep-sea species, and these types of gear are not banned in other countries. Does the Commission believe that this ban will be effective if it is not applied across the board, by all fleets and in all areas where the deep-sea species to be protected are found?
- Publications.
- Publications – OPALE.
- Shout It Out Loud?
- Good Food: Cosy.
- Yo Mamas Dirty Secrets.
- Fuori gioco: Calcio e potere. Da Della Valle a Berlusconi, da Preziosi a Moratti. La vera storia dei presidenti di Serie A (Italian Edition).
- L’infinito buio (I luoghi del delitto) (Italian Edition).
The proposal does not ban any fishing gear. It foresees that targeted fishing for deep sea species with bottom trawls or gillnets will be phased out two years after entry into force. Bottom trawlers and gillnetters will still be able to fish, land and sell by-catches of deep sea species. Other gears will continue to operate as at present. This measure is expected to have low economic and social impact while preserving vulnerable marine ecosystems, since these can be destroyed with just one trawl passage when encountered.
Alternative measures, such as vessels moving out of the area where an encounter with deep sea corals or other vulnerable habitats takes place have been examined and found to be not effective to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems. For this reason, the Commission's Impact Assessment concluded that the proposed way forward was the preferable option. The EU will continue to push for decisions with partner countries that ensure fisheries in international waters are sustainable and environmentally robust. We have made enormous progress in that regard and can achieve more if we can show that we adapt the same approach in EU waters.
A quick glance at these figures is enough to prompt a reflection on equality as a fundamental right and principle in our democracy, but one which is severely weakened when millions of people in the Union feel that they have suffered discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. One of the areas explored in this large-scale survey is education, where the figures show that homophobic and transphobic harassment in educational settings is widespread. Both the resolution and the results of the survey highlight the fact that European society does not fully accept the application of the principle of equality in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity.
This is unacceptable, and the Council should prioritise the issue and relaunch work on the directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, which is currently blocked owing to the objections of certain Member States. What steps will the Council take finally to unblock work on the directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation?
Unanimity between the Council members will be required before the directive can be adopted. The Council is not in a position to anticipate the outcome or the duration of the ongoing negotiations. In paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 of its resolution, Parliament calls on the Commission to carefully examine the results of this survey, to provide full and comprehensive information on the incidence of homophobia and the solutions and actions proposed to overcome it, and to produce a comprehensive roadmap for equality without discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity.
What strategy will the Commission follow to meet Parliament's requests in the light of the findings of the FRA survey? Will the Commission play a more active role in relation to the Council directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, which is currently blocked owing to the objections of certain Member States?
The recent results of the FRA survey on discrimination experienced by LGBT people have shown worrying levels of discrimination, victimisation and violence. This suggests that the type of action required now should be outright and focused in providing legal protection and special assistance to victims of homophobic and transphobic discrimination and crime, which will have a direct positive impact on the LGBT community.
Proper implementation and monitoring of the Victims Crime Directive and the adoption of the proposed Directive implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation outside the labour market would make a difference and bring real benefits to LGBT persons.
The Commission insists on the need for this directive to complete the existing legal framework. It is primarily the role of the legislative institutions, and in this case of the Council Presidency, to overcome the current political deadlock and to find a consensus. The Commission will continue actively supporting and working with each Presidency to make progress on the text.
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Both reports underscore the rapid changes in the area of synthetic drugs. The pace of these changes demands that Europe improve its early warning system for new substances on the market. Experience has shown that the results of its implementation could be improved if, for example, the excessive length of time between assessment and decision-making were shortened, or if studies of several substances could be undertaken at the same time. However, the true problem is that new synthetic drugs are multiplying, and their composition is always different; even if a specific psychoactive substance is added to a list of controlled substances as a result of the Early Warning System, this does not mean that the problem is solved.
Changing a single atom of one molecule of the illegal substance is enough to create another substance with similar effects, but which officially is different. The time required in order for this new substance to be declared illegal as well can exceed one year. During this period, the substance is marketed, causing enormous damage to public health and giving rise to complete insecurity. Could the Commission indicate whether it has presented the aforementioned legislative proposal? If so, does the new regulation help to expedite the assessment and decision-making process for substances subject to the Early Warning System in Europe?
If not, when does the Commission plan to present the necessary proposal? It is planning to present the new proposals soon. El rechazo injustificado de los ajustes razonables en el lugar de trabajo. This means that employers must take appropriate measures in each particular case to enable people with disabilities to have access to, participate in, or advance in employment, or to undergo training, unless such measures would impose a disproportionate burden on the employer. This burden is not considered disproportionate when it is sufficiently remedied by measures existing within the framework of the disability policy of the Member State concerned.
Considering that the refusal to make reasonable accommodations is a form of discrimination;. How does the Commission plan to force Member States to make the necessary reasonable accommodations in the workplace in order to promote employment among people with disabilities? The European Social Fund provides financial support for the integration of people with disabilities. As guardian of the Treaty, the Commission has examined whether all Member States transposed correctly Art. Accordingly, Italy will have to conform the national legislation to the directive.
A Commission report on its implementation is under preparation for publication in The provisions related to Reasonable Accommodation contained in Art. It will provide tools, tutorials, training and information packages of use and interest to tourism companies. The objective of the portal is to use ICT as an enabler to assist businesses mainly SMEs to set-up, manage and promote their tourism business. Estos tres proyectos ya han finalizado.
Sus socios principales eran, respectivamente: Los resultados de estos proyectos son propiedad de los beneficiarios. These three projects have now been completed. Their lead partners were respectively: The beneficiaries involved in these ativities came from the following countries:. The results of these projects are the property of the beneficiaries. More information about the outcomes can be found at:. Considerando que el reconocimiento de una discapacidad puede abrir la puerta a una serie de concesiones, como por ejemplo un mejor acceso a los transportes, o actividades culturales y eventos;.
When people with disabilities cross national borders, they cannot use their disability card, which means that they cannot avail themselves of the services for people with disabilities in that country. The European mobility card would be a useful way to encourage travel by people with disabilities among Member States. Recognition of a disability can open the door to a series of measures, such as better access to transportation or cultural activities and events.
What measures does the Commission plan to adopt in order to create a European mobility card, which would ensure that people with disabilities are afforded the same privileges in all Member States? Wanbeleid van de Trojka met betrekking tot de redding van Griekenland. Daarnaast meldt het dat er onduidelijkheid heerste over de toekenning van verantwoordelijkheden binnen de Trojka.
De wettigheid van dit programma is met andere woorden hoogst twijfelachtig. Zonder de deelname van het IMF zou de reddingsoperatie duidelijk onwettig geweest zijn: Kan de Commissie in dit verband uitleggen waarom Griekenland volgens haar gegevens volgend jaar opnieuw economische groei zal kennen en er bijgevolg een eind zal komen aan de reddingsoperatie van het land, hoewel de OESO voorspelt dat Griekenland voor het zevende opeenvolgende jaar een recessie zal doormaken. Beseft de Commissie dat, als de deelname van het IMF aan de reddingsoperatie conform diens eigen procedurevoorschriften onwettig blijkt te zijn, het hele programma onwettig wordt?
De Commissie heeft reeds haar mening gegeven over het door het geachte Parlementslid aangehaalde verslag van het IMF. In het document worden enkele opvallende successen aangewezen die tijdens het programma zijn geboekt, in het bijzonder de sterke fiscale consolidatie, de hervorming van het pensioenstelsel en de inperking van spillover-effecten. Er wordt eveneens op gewezen dat het uittreden van Griekenland uit de eurozone is voorkomen. De Commissie heeft reeds kenbaar gemaakt met welke bevindingen in het rapport zij het niet eens is.
Zo is zij het niet eens met de conclusie dat het wenselijk was geweest de schuld al in te herstructureren. De Commissie, die een drijvende kracht achter de grote nadruk van het programma op structurele hervormingen is geweest, is het eveneens oneens met het standpunt dat er niet voldoende inspanningen zijn geleverd om dergelijke hervormingen door te voeren. The legality of the programme is therefore all the more questionable. Since Greece falsified its data on public finances, and the IMF was over-optimistic in its forecasts and disregarded its own procedural rules, the IMF should not have participated in the Greek bailout.
Can the Commission express its stance on the conclusions reached by the IMF in its ex post evaluation? Does the Commission think that its own forecasts for Greece and other countries benefiting from financial assistance are too optimistic? The document identifies notable successes during the programme, in particular the strong fiscal consolidation, the reform of the pension system and the containment of spillovers.
It also highlights the fact that avoiding Greece's exit from the euro area was achieved. The Commission has already highlighted the findings of the report with which it disagrees. One of them is the conclusion that an upfront debt restructuring in would have been desirable. The Commission is of the opinion that private sector debt restructuring would have certainly risked systemic contagion and would also have severely undermined the programme.
The Commission, which has been a major driving force behind the strong focus of the programme on structural reforms, also disagrees with the view that not enough was done to identify such reforms. Instrument voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking I. Deze financieringsmogelijkheden vormden het onderwerp van openbare oproepen tot het indienen van voorstellen, met als doel organisaties uit het maatschappelijk middenveld in staat te stellen een rol te spelen bij de bevordering van de seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten in landen met lage en middelhoge inkomens.
Kan de Commissie, rekening houdend met al deze opmerkingen, de volgende punten verduidelijken:. Hoe wil de Commissie de financiering van organisaties uit het maatschappelijk middenveld die actief zijn op het vlak van seksuele reproductieve gezondheid en rechten, in de toekomst via thematische oproepen aan deze organisaties garanderen? Teneinde de procedures te vereenvoudigen wil de Commissie met haar begrotingsvoorstel begrotingsonderdelen voor het DCI-instrument consolideren. Het voorstel bevat slechts twee begrotingsposten voor elk van de drie volgende programma's: Er is dus geen specifieke begrotingspost voor de uitvoering van het actieprogramma van de Internationale Conferentie over bevolking en ontwikkeling, het zogeheten actieprogramma van Peking.
De aanpak van de Commissie op het vlak van gezondheid in de partnerlanden is voornamelijk gericht op de ondersteuning van de inspanningen van partnerregeringen om doeltreffende en goed functionerende gezondheidssystemen te ontwikkelen die betaalbare gezondheidszorg van goede kwaliteit bieden, met inbegrip van diensten voor seksuele en reproductieve gezondheidszorg. These instruments cover a wide array of topics and, unlike in the Investing in People programme, sexual and reproductive health and rights are not explicitly mentioned.
The Commission intends to continue contributing to sexual and reproductive health and rights SRHR through a number of instruments and financial modalities with the ultimate aim of upholding and fulfilling the basic human rights of partner countries' populations to social progress including the right to health and education, gender equality and non-discrimination. In order to simplify procedures, the Commission budgetary proposal suggests consolidating budgetary nomenclatures for the DCI instrument, which will include only two budget lines for each three following thematic programmes: Thus, there is no specific budget line dedicated to the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development or Beijing Platform.
It is therefore not possible to provide detailed information on thematic and financial allocations at this stage. Instrument voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking II. Anders dan in het verleden is het maatschappelijk middenveld niet of nauwelijks geraadpleegd over de inhoud van het nieuwe Instrument. Dit is des te opmerkelijker als we weten dat het maatschappelijk middenveld de bedoelde begunstigde van deze instrumenten is.
Bovendien vormt de bevordering van zinvolle en gestructureerde participatie van organisaties uit het maatschappelijk middenveld de hoeksteen van een recente mededeling van de Commissie over dit onderwerp. De Commissie wijst erop dat de inter-institutionele onderhandelingen over de rechtsgrondslag voor het instrument voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking DCI aan de gang zijn, en dat het noodzakelijk is de betrokkenheid van de medewetgevers bij de programmering volledig te respecteren.
Binnen deze beperkingen heeft de Commissie voorlopig advies ingewonnen bij maatschappelijke organisaties en lokale autoriteiten over de toekomstige mondiale collectieve goederen en uitdagingen en over de desbetreffende thematische instrumenten met het oog op de programmeringsfase. Het Parlement en de lidstaten waren hiervoor ook uitgenodigd.
The Commission, the Council of the European Union and Parliament are currently involved in a three-way discussion to determine the rules for the next Development Cooperation Instrument DCI , for the period Unlike in previous experiences, there has been a lack of civil society consultation on the content of the new DCI.
This is all the more remarkable given that civil society is the intended recipient of the instruments. What is more, the promotion of meaningful and structured participation from civil society organisations CSOs was the cornerstone of the recent Commission communication on this subject. The Commission notes that interinstitutional negotiations on the legal basis for the Development Cooperation Instrument DCI are ongoing, as well as the need to fully respect the co-legislators involvement in programming. Parliament and Member States were also invited. Could the Commission specify how much funding Ireland will receive from the European Investment Bank in and outline the areas to which these funds will be allocated?
The new loans will support projects undertaken by SMEs as well as in the education, energy and transport sectors. The Commission has recently adopted a number of country-specific recommendations for Member States on how to promote sustainable economic growth and create jobs. Given that Northern Ireland is still lagging behind many other regions in terms of economic recovery and means for prosperity, would the Commission consider adopting a more region-focused agenda so that areas like Northern Ireland can receive the assistance they need?
The recommendations are addressed to the Member States and possess a national character. However, this should not discourage Member States from developing initiatives at a regional level when addressing the recommendations. The regional dimension plays a central role in many of the Commission's policies and initiatives. The Honourable Member is referred, in particular, to the dedicated Commission website for details on the implementation of the Cohesion Policy in Northern Ireland through the European Regional Development Fund available from http: Further information on structural fund operations in Northern Ireland is available from the dedicated webpage of the Department of Finance and Personnel of Northern Ireland http: Will the Commission outline what it is doing to halt any further widening of this disparity?
What measures are being taken to ensure fairness between the pensions of men and women across Member States? It is also affected by the lower coverage of women in private schemes and by the design of national pension systems, including whether there are non-contributory schemes covering everybody and crediting of care-related career breaks. The resulting need to reduce gender disparities, i. The Commission addresses the issue in Annual Growth Surveys and Country Specific Recommendations CSRs , which highlight the need to raise the employment rates of women and equalise the pensionable age for men and women.
In Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia adopted reforms equalising pensionable ages. President Barroso recently concluded his first visit to Kazakhstan at the invitation of President Nazarbayev. Will the Commission also detail how it is continuing to press Kazakhstan on its human rights record? Human rights concerns are raised systematically in meetings at all levels with Kazakhstan, including in high-level meetings as well as in the context of the regular Human Rights Dialogues. Moreover, the Commission's communication campaign for the European Year of Citizens and the Citizens' Dialogues carried out by Commissioners together with MEPs and local politicians support the mobilisation ahead of the elections.
The Commission has recently launched its new EU Civil Society Platform against Trafficking in Human Beings, which will bring together over European civil society organisations to exchange experiences and substantiate ideas on how best to assist human trafficking victims and prevent others from falling victim to this crime. The Platform is meant to be an ongoing activity. The Commission will organise regular meetings for participants a second meeting is provisionally scheduled for autumn and will try to facilitate online communication within the platform.
Regarding the first meeting of the Platform, it has served participants to exchange experiences and ideas on how to best expand their networks and assist victims. The Commission supports the Platform by organising its meetings, assuming the administrative cost and travel expenses of the participants. Given that agreement was recently reached in the Council to keep the system of one commissioner per Member State and that further enlargement of the Union is likely, could the Commission outline what portfolios it intends to bestow on any new commissioners?
Los expertos destacan el impacto emocional y el sentimiento de desamparo de los ganaderos, que a su vez causan un fuerte impacto negativo y realzan la importancia del problema. Galicia is a prime livestock farming region and has one of the last populations of wolves in southern Europe. The wolf Canis lupus is one of the last remaining large wild carnivores in Europe and is in a delicate conservation situation, with European wolf populations showing a marked decline.
One of the reasons for this marked decline in the European wolf population is the conflict between wolves and livestock farms. The various policies implemented in the European Union to manage this situation and promote coexistence have not produced any satisfactory harmonised solutions. Consequently, wolves suffer significant persecution, even though the damage they cause to farmers is negligible by comparison with other losses affecting the sector.
Experts point out that the problem is accentuated by emotional attitudes and a feeling of vulnerability among livestock farmers, leading to an extremely negative perception of wolves. Farmers fear that their farms will cease to be viable and, in the absence of speedy solutions from the government, the wolves are eradicated. The scientific community and organisations working to conserve biodiversity have drawn attention to this delicate situation and the significant loss of genetic diversity among wolf populations in Europe, a trend that will gradually make wolf populations genetically unsustainable and render their conservation extremely difficult.
Will the reform of the common agricultural policy include action to guarantee peaceful coexistence between livestock farms and wolves, in order to protect this species? Will the new CAP promote specific funding mechanisms and aid to resolve this issue? Will the Commission devise a responsible strategy to guarantee the survival of wolf populations in the coming decades?
Can the Commission identify what damage and economic losses have been caused to livestock by wolves, and can it provide an assessment of the ecosystem benefits and other positive aspects linked to the presence of wolves in the areas where they are to be found? The current and future legal framework for the second pillar of the CAP provide for the possibility to grant support for preventive actions aimed at mitigating the risk of damages done by large carnivores to livestock farming. However, the CAP does not foresee payments to compensate damages done by carnivores.
In the past, the Commission took several decisions on predatory animals, based directly on the Treaty. Within the SAM, the Commission considers including a specific chapter on aid to damages caused by predatory animals. Member States will be consulted and may make suggestions on this. In the Commission also launched an EU Large Carnivores Initiative with the relevant European stakeholders with a view to ensuring their commitment to the long-term conservation and sustainable management of large carnivores in coexistence with humans in Europe.
According to available information, the regional survey carried out in Galicia in provided the figure of 68 wolf packs. The next national report is due to be submitted in The Commission does not systematically receive such information from the Member States. The Galician government has now approved the environmental impact statement EIS for the planned gold mine in Corcoesto.
The Galician government is taking no account of local opposition to the project, thereby violating the European public's right to participation in decision-making, and appears to be concerned more with furthering the interests of the multinational company behind the project than protecting citizens. There is a serious omission in the EIS approved by the Galician government: This site will be exposed to a serious environmental risk owing to the destruction and pollution of streams and groundwater, which are fundamental for the integrity of the entire area.
Has the Commission now taken note of this project? Will the Commission investigate the environmental assessment procedure and the authorisations granted by the Galician government in relation to the Corcoesto mining project, and will it guarantee full compliance with the requirements laid down by European legislation? In the light of the conclusions of the assessment, the competent authorities shall agree to this plan or project only after having ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site.
The Commission will request information from the Spanish authorities concerning the authorisations granted for this gold mining project in Corcoesto in order to guarantee full compliance with the relevant EU environmental legislation, including the provisions of the Habitats Directive.
The new Law on Religious Activities required the re-registration of religious organisations in Kazakhstan. One of the requirements for registration was to have at least 50 Kazakh citizens in the signatories of the founding act of a religious organisation. This requirement seems to be the main reason why many small religious congregations in Kazakhstan could not re-register. The re-registration process has caused a one-third reduction in registered religious groups in Kazakhstan, from all denominations, but mainly the Muslim ones as the statistics we obtained from the Kazakh authorities suggest.
The EU has raised concerns about the effect of the new law on freedom of religion, but the Kazakh authorities insist that the re-registration process drew on the experiences accumulated in some EU Member States. The recent joint progress report on the country covered human rights issues comprehensively, though it did not specifically refer to the Christian minorities in the region. The information was consequently considered to be false. Many churches have also been forced to close following decisions taken by courts without calling anyone from the churches to the hearings. This is clearly an attack on freedom of worship and religious belief in Kazakhstan.
La Commissione rammenta che, nell'intento di garantire una buona gestione delle finanze pubbliche, le norme vigenti in Italia impongono di chiedere ai beneficiari la presentazione di una fidejussione prima della concessione di un sostegno finanziario a carico del FSE. La Commissione ritiene che la regione Sardegna ottemperi alla normativa nazionale in fatto di fidejussioni, come anche alle disposizioni dell'articolo 60 del regolamento CE n.
The funding procedure for the selected entrepreneurs was designed to be solely for those who were unemployed or first-time job seekers at the expiry date of the call for proposals. In this case, the call for proposals was issued directly by the Region of Sardinia. Last but not least, it should be noted that the candidates selected in the abovementioned call for proposals — unemployed or first-time job seekers — in most cases do not have collateral to offer lenders in order to obtain a bank guarantee.
In the light of the above, can the Commission therefore answer the following questions:. The Commission and the Court of Auditors, in its report on the functioning of the POSEI programme in , underline the usefulness of this scheme in overcoming the difficulties faced by these regions. Structural problems and increasing pressure from the competition posed by imports from third countries are responsible for the negative trend in many sectors.
EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
When will the Commission have made its decision in relation to the proposed merger of Aer Lingus and Ryanair? The transaction would have combined the two leading airlines operating to and from Ireland, which currently compete against each other. The merger would have harmed consumers by removing this competition and creating a monopoly or a dominant position on 46 routes operated by both carriers. The decision to prohibit this merger was essential to safeguard Irish consumers, who depend heavily on air transport, and other EU consumers.
The remedies proposed by Ryanair were not sufficient to remove the competition concerns. Aviation safety standards in Europe are among the highest in the world. The listed carriers also include large Asian airlines, which are therefore not permitted to fly in European airspace.
Does this not lead to the conclusion that Airbus aeroplanes also have safety deficiencies? How does the Commission view the sale of European aeroplanes to an air carrier that allegedly fails to meet international safety requirements? International safety standards, set down by the International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO , recognise two elements that need to be in place to assure safety.
Firstly, the air carrier must have effective safety management systems in place to ensure that not only are its aircraft maintained correctly but all other aspects of its activities are safely managed, in particular in the field of flight operations. Thus, whilst an air carrier may have well serviced aircraft this alone is insufficient to ensure a safe operation.
These criteria reflect the two elements described above. Whilst an air carrier may use Airbus aircraft, considered one of the safest types in the world, this in itself is no guarantee that they are operated safely. Furthermore, whilst it is clear that maintenance organisations certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency and maintaining aircraft to EU standards do provide one of the essential elements required for safe operations, such organisations only have an impact on airworthiness standards and not in other, equally important, areas.
I have been informed that the recruitment policy applied by the Commission and some of its departments is sometimes questionable: Although those contract staff are still doing the same job, as temporary workers their situation is far more precarious. Not only do they earn less, but they also lose their previous social rights and entitlements and remain dependent on their contracts being renewed.
How many former contract staff are currently working for the Commission as temporary staff? The desertification of rural and mountain regions is something that is happening more and more each year, particularly in France. It is one of a relatively large number of handicaps encountered by those regions. Despite this, they have many strengths, and their elected representatives sometimes even have ambitions equal to the challenges they face. However, their capacity for development, which receives little support, is underexploited. It allocates a significant share of those budgets to them.
Can the Commission list all the allocations for those regions, in particular in France? The Union has taken account of those specific features in its financial allocations direct aid and appropriations. Has the Commission also taken account of those specific features in its legislation physical isolation , in the form of an impact assessment, as it did for insularity? In general, has the Union drafted specific legislation for those regions on any subject at all?
Hahn au nom de la Commission. Warum verwehrt die Kommission die Option eines Moratoriums, obwohl ihr bewusst ist, dass die Sicherheit der Autoinsassen auf dem Spiel steht? Following tests of products to replace the gas Ra and having performed an extensive risk assessment in the standardisation process, automotive manufacturers agreed to use Ryf, which was considered as safe to use in MAC, in order to comply with the directive. In light of exceptional circumstances and exclusively with respect to supply problems of Ryf, the Commission accepted in to refrain from launching infringement proceedings when vehicle production was done with Ra.
These supply problems were solved. The Commission has been informed by one manufacturer Daimler that it performed tests raising safety concerns on the use of Ryf in their vehicles. The relevant German authority has confirmed that these vehicles were not safe and is currently analysing the safety of the use of the refrigerant in other vehicles. Vehicle manufacturers are equipped to deal with flammable substances, and the design of MAC is subject to international standards. However, the competent national authorities are still evaluating this issue. As the refrigerants currently used in vehicle air conditioning systems have proven to be harmful to the environment, the Commission has imposed the introduction of a more climate friendly version.
From , vehicle manufacturers are obliged to charge the air conditioning systems in their vehicles with a new refrigerant with the designation Ryf. However, this new refrigerant has been shown in tests to be a fire hazard, as, in the event of an accident, it can ignite in seconds on the hot exhaust system. In the event of a vehicle fire, the flammable chemical can release highly toxic hydrogen fluoride, which would be harmful to the health of the occupants of the vehicle and anyone attending the accident. Was the new refrigerant not tested under sufficiently realistic conditions, or how else can the Commission explain the risks emerging after its introduction?
How is it possible that, after years of refining this agent, vehicle manufacturers and independent institutes were able to certify it as safe? Why is the Commission rejecting the option of a moratorium, although it is aware that the safety of vehicle occupants is at stake? Umsetzung der Verordnung EG Nr. Wann wird die Kommission diese Profile vorlegen und welche Produktkategorien werden sie konkret betreffen?
Discussions are still ongoing within the Commission on the setting of nutrient profiles and on the evaluation of health claims on botanicals.
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The Commission cannot at this stage give a timetable for those subjects. This data collection exercise is still ongoing and the Commission will do its utmost to finalise the report within the shortest time possible. Regarding the involvement of consumers in the assessment and checking of food advertising, it should be clarified that the Member States' competent authorities are responsible for enforcing Union food law and therefore the responsibility for the control systems lies with the Member States.
La Commission entend-elle, compte tenu du risque de surdose de vitamines, instaurer des valeurs limites maximales pour les produits dans ce domaine?
This is intended to ensure that manufacturers cannot promote products that are harmful to health as wholesome by disregarding the regulations concerning health claims. When will the Commission present these profiles and which specific product categories will they concern? In view of the danger of a vitamin overdose, does the Commission intend to introduce maximum limits for products in this area?
Would the Commission not consider it appropriate to involve consumers to a greater extent in the assessment and checking of food advertising, and to set up a website, modelled on the website www. Currently the Commission is setting up an expert group on development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering. In the wake of this judgment, the Union has a duty actively to protect the dignity and integrity of all human embryos.
In France, the role of the Court of Auditors, an independent authority, is to ensure that public funds are being used correctly and to inform the public about its work. When assessing progress in implementing national strategies, does the Commission intend to base its analysis solely on statements by the Member States, or will it also take into account these types of reports by independent bodies? The idea is for young people to take part in projects which benefit society as a whole, either individually or as part of a group volunteers are not paid, but receive a small monthly allowance.
A similar programme could be introduced for people who have retired. These days, newly retired people are becoming increasingly involved in voluntary work in their local community. The EU could make much more of this pool of people with skills and time on their hands who are keen to take part, as volunteers, in all sorts of projects and go on exchanges in other Member States.
Would the Commission consider establishing a voluntary service for people who have retired, along the lines of the EVS? This aid is vital for millions of Congolese people, and an essential way of using our know-how and support to boost the diversification of an economy which is rich in resources and potential. Development aid and our cooperation programmes help to lend meaning to the European Union: Thanks to its own efforts and the support we have provided, Congo has managed to recover from the terrible conflicts which ravaged the country, and is now making daily progress towards growth which is sustainable and which is less dependent on the oil sector alone.
European aid has been used to fund proper infrastructure building in the area of road and inland waterway transport, with a view to making regional integration a reality. It has been used to strengthen healthcare systems, to promote the rule of law, to consolidate public finances and to improve the management of natural resources. Tangible evidence of its success can be seen in the daily lives of the Congolese people.
2. Sociologie des groupes professionnels en france : un bilan prospectif
This action provides far more than just material support, since it has a multiplier effect: However, will the resources which have been allocated be enough? Can the Commission provide detailed and quantified information as soon as possible regarding its plans for Congo, under both the EDF and all of the measures implemented at European level in respect of this country?
La proposition de la Commission fait maintenant l'objet de discussions au Conseil. This exemption represents an important administrative and financial concession for local authorities, which, in turn, respond to all requests for information which the Commission considers necessary to determine whether the compensation granted is compatible with the regulation. Yet, even though this proposal seems to guarantee notification exemptions for public service compensation paid to passenger rail operators, the Commission recalls that this is not an immediate, full or permanent exemption, thereby creating with its new proposal legal uncertainty for local authorities and the passenger rail transport sector.
Can the Commission state whether it intends to renew notification exemptions for public service compensation paid to passenger rail operators? Gleichzeitig hat die Kommission Programme entwickelt, wie z. Programm gegen das Rauchen, Programm gegen Adipositas usw. Sie haben argumentiert, dass die Kosten zu hoch seien, und die Verantwortlichen haben erfolgreich jeden Fortschritt verhindert. The Commission does not intend to present to Parliament a proposal for a directive on prevention of physical and mental illness, however, as such a proposal falls outside the scope of the European Union competences as enshrined in the Treaty.
The Treaty makes clear that the Union action complements national policies in relation to preventing physical and mental illness and excludes any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of Member States in this area. Spa towns or spa resorts including hot springs resorts typically offer various health treatments including preventive treatments. It is the responsibility of the relevant authorities in each Member State to decide how such treatments are used in preventive strategies and the policies for reimbursement.
I. Sociologie des professions : bilan critique
The Commission has no plans for further action in this area. The aim in this regard is to encourage people to do something for their health so that they will remain healthy as they get older. In the past, national health systems and health insurance funds have always refused to bear the costs of prevention. They argued that the costs are too high, and the people in charge have successfully blocked any progress. Experience in some EU Member States has shown that the opposite is true, however: An increasing number of companies now attach a great deal of importance to preventive occupational healthcare, for example, and they are funding it.
Preventive measures are investments in the future. What efforts has the Commission made to present to Parliament a new proposal for a directive on prevention? The Notre Dame des Landes airport project dates back to and aims to create an international airport for the Grand Ouest western area of France. The plans have met with strong opposition in France. Protests and sit-ins have taken place and an appeal has been lodged with the Council of State, the highest administrative authority in France. This body has the power to take decisions that are binding on both parties in the case, free from any constraints relating to the rights of the defence or the right to a fair hearing.
Foreign nationals are thus in effect put at a disadvantage. Because of the specific procedure followed by the Jugendamt, foreign nationals are unable to grasp the situation in the same way as German nationals, so they will be less fully informed and at more of a distance from the system. Consequently they will be discriminated against by comparison to German nationals.
Does the Commission consider that a decision taken by a non-judicial body such as the Jugendamt violates the principle of non-discrimination against European citizens and hinders foreign nationals in exercising their rights to defence? Ferrol, in Galicia, has strong links to shipbuilding. An unfair ban on civil shipbuilding is in place until and the sector is suffering from a lack of investment. This has led to job losses in the naval sector and in various economic sectors affected by this activity. An opportunity has arisen to build a floating dock, used to repair large ships; this infrastructure would create jobs and wealth and would provide a much-needed boost to the sector and to the local economy in these times of crisis.
In this extremely difficult climate, building infrastructures that will create jobs in Ferrol should be at the top of the agenda. Does the Commission believe that EU legislation provides any legal impediment to the Spanish Government or the Galician regional government, either directly or through a state-owned company such as SEPI State Company for Industrial Participation , building a floating dock for ship repair in Ferrol? If public funding, or public support of any sort to obtain financing on the market, is provided for a given project, this public support involves state aid if it facilitates financing for the project that could not have been obtained on the same terms on the market, without the public support.
In cases where state aid is identified, the Commission assesses if the relevant criteria for the approval of the aid are met. In the case at hand, should there be state aid involved for such a project, one of the elements to be considered is the obligations that Spain assumed with respect to NAVANTIA under the Decision.
The Commission is confident that Spain will respect in full the commitments that it made under the Decision. It has been established that multinational companies, such as Bayer, Basf and Syngenta, manufacture in Brazil pesticides which are banned in Europe: Despite this ban, the above harmful chemical compounds are widely used in third countries to produce soya which is exported to EU countries.
While these two regulations pertain to related subject matters, their purpose is not identical. However, it is legal to import food that complies with MRLs laid down in the annexes to that regulation and established with regard to good agricultural practice in the country of origin and consumer safety. A comprehensive body of EU legislation exists to ensure that food is safe and wholesome. Certain mobile phone operators in Belgium block access to international networks for new subscribers during the first three months of their subscription, should they travel to other European countries.
Subscribers have to wait for the three-month deadline to pass before they can take steps to unlock the international option on their phone. Moreover, new subscribers are not informed of these restrictions at any time. In a Europe which aspires to be without borders, does the Commission believe that the mobile phone operators are hindering the freedom of communication of their subscribers by refusing them access to foreign networks in the first three months? Barnier au nom de la Commission.
However, these directives only apply to agricultural products and foodstuffs, denying adapted protection for all sorts of traditional, high-quality expertise which respects the environment and creates jobs at local level. By ignoring the composition and manufacturing process of Marseilles soap, these undertakings are denying final consumers any guarantee of authenticity and depriving the local economy of an ancestral activity by selling counterfeit products at abnormally low prices.
Does the Commission intend to introduce a European label to guarantee the authenticity of traditional regional products other than agricultural products and foodstuffs? Does the Commission intend to negotiate with the WTO and WIPO in order to ensure that traditional expertise in products other than foodstuffs is protected under intellectual property law? The EU has successfully established three systems to promote and protect the designations of high-quality agricultural and food products: These three labels for agricultural products mean that product names are now protected against usurpation and imitation, and consumers are provided with helpful information about the specific characteristics of the products.
It would now be worthwhile extending this protection so that it covers not only agricultural or food products, but also products manufactured using clearly defined manufacturing methods in the target geographical areas. Given that the conclusions of a study commissioned by the Commission recommend the implementation of a sui generis system of protection for non-agricultural products at EU level, will the Commission propose the introduction of a geographical indication to protect traditional manufactured products by ?
Preparations are under way for a major conference to be held in May. Will the Commission take practical steps to address the problem by proposing a new legislative text that is fully in line with the guidelines? Will the Commission present the methodology it will use to measure the effects of the Test-Achats ruling on insurance pricing? The implementation of this directive in France has however proved to be particularly incompatible with the continental climate constraints faced by several agricultural catchments, which has forced farmers in those areas to make very costly changes in terms of fertiliser storage.
On top of the collapse in milk prices, this is leading them to abandon farming. Does the Commission think that implementation of the directive should address the specific local and regional soil and climate conditions across the entire territory of a Member State? Does the Commission realise that fertiliser application times may be decided on a local basis, leading to fertiliser being applied at different times from one region to another, which is more compatible with the specific climate conditions of different agricultural catchments?
How can the Commission explain the fact that German farmers are allowed to apply fertiliser all year round on the right bank of the Rhine? April ihre 6. April , von Sobald die Antwort der Agentur vorliegt, wird sie den Fragestellern zugeleitet. Agence des droits fondamentaux: However, the regulation specifies that in relation to Commission proposals or positions taken by the institutions in the course of the legislative procedures, the Agency should only exercise its power to make conclusions, opinions or reports where it has been requested to do so by the respective institutions.
It should be recalled that FRA is independent from the Commission. Accordingly, the Commission bears no responsibility for the daily management of the tasks of the Agency. The Commission has requested the Agency to provide a reply to the questions tabled by the Honourable Member. The reply of the Agency will be transmitted by the Commission to the Honourable Members as soon as it becomes available. Bureau voor de grondrechten: Dit evenement waarop het FRA honderden organisaties verwelkomt, is tevens een van de grote uitgavenposten op de begroting van het FRA.
De plenaire vergadering ging specifiek over het voorstel voor een richtlijn betrreffende gelijke behandeling op het vlak van goederen en diensten. Kan de Commissie vertellen welke rechtsgrond het Bureau voor de grondrechten heeft om dit wetgevingsvoorstel te propageren op zijn belangrijkste algemene vergadering van het jaar? Het is zeer zorgelijk dat een agentschap van de Europese Unie optreedt als een lobbyorganisatie voor een wetgevingsvoorstel, terwijl dit duidelijk niet tot zijn bevoegdheden behoort. Wat heeft het FRA gedaan om te zorgen voor een eerlijke vertegenwoordiging bij de panelleden die deelnemen aan het plenaire debat?
Kan het FRA rechtvaardigen waarom het de beperkte tijd die beschikbaar is tijdens zijn jaarlijkse algemene vergadering benut om een wetgevingsvoorstel te bespreken in plaats van zich bezig te houden met de urgentere mensenrechtenkwesties waartoe het wel bevoegd is? En ten slotte, zullen de ernstige mensenrechtenbezwaren die zijn ingebracht tegen de richtlijn en deze hebben vertraagd op de juiste manier worden besproken tijdens de plenaire vergadering? De Commissie herinnert eraan dat Verordening EG nr.
Bovendien is het krachtens Verordening EG nr. In deze verordening wordt echter gepreciseerd dat het Bureau zijn functie om conclusies, adviezen en verslagen op te stellen omtrent voorstellen van de Commissie of standpunten die de instellingen in de loop van de wetgevingsprocedures hebben ingenomen, alleen mag uitoefenen wanneer daartoe een verzoek is gedaan door de betrokken instellingen.
Er dient aan te worden herinnerd dat het Bureau voor de grondrechten onafhankelijk van de Commissie opereert. Bijgevolg is de Commissie niet verantwoordelijk voor het dagelijkse beheer van de taken van het Bureau. De Commissie heeft het Bureau verzocht een antwoord te geven op de door de geachte Parlementsleden ingediende vragen. Zodra de Commissie een antwoord van het Bureau ontvangt, zal zij dit aan de geachte Parlementsleden toezenden. The meeting is the most important and only general meeting at which non-governmental organisations can interact directly with the FRA. This event, at which the FRA hosts several hundred organisations, is also one of the larger items of expenditure within its budget.
Can the Commission state what legal basis the Fundamental Rights Agency has for promoting this proposed legislation at its most important general meeting of the year? It should be a cause for great concern that an Agency of the European Union is acting as a lobbying organisation for proposed legislation when this is clearly not within its competence.
What did the FRA do to ensure fair representation among the panellists for the plenary discussion? Can the FRA justify why it is using the finite time allowed during its yearly general meeting to discuss proposed legislation rather than dealing with the more pressing human rights issues actually within its competence? Finally, will the strong countervailing human rights concerns which have held up the directive be adequately discussed during the plenary session?
The new company started from scratch and today employs workers in Calais and 70 in Dover, including former SeaFrance employees, who have thereby found work in a region which is suffering from a high rate of unemployment. The Paris Commercial Court awarded the SeaFrance assets together with a ban on reselling the ships, or more generally, any form of alienation, to protect the jobs created in France and Great Britain and to prevent any speculative transactions. Bearing these elements in mind, and in the case of major disagreement between the two competition authorities, how could the Commission intervene to ensure the continuation of this new company, which has enabled jobs to be created, of which are in a region which has been particularly affected by high unemployment rates?
The wines produced in these areas are highly distinctive, on account of the drainage capacity of the land where the vines grow, the amount of sunlight they receive and the varieties of grape cultivated. Production costs for these types of wine, however, are particularly high and European wine producers in these areas are seeing their profits shrink amid increasing competition from producers in third countries South Africa, the United States and China.
The future cultivation of this land at therefore at stake. An end to wine production in these areas would lead not only to the socioeconomic decline of the regions in question, but would also be bad for the environment. Does the Commission therefore intend to provide specific support for steep slope viticulture? If so, what would that support comprise and when would it be made available? Dans l'affirmative, de quel ordre serait cet accord? Five years after conducting unannounced inspections on a number of manufacturers of smart card components, the Commission has sent them a page official letter.
Can the Commission confirm that the proceedings involve companies supplying semiconductors to smart card manufacturers, which have agreed to fix selling prices? Does the Commission advocate an amicable agreement? If so, what kind of agreement would it be? Has the Commission investigated how many fake medicines are in circulation in the ACP countries?
Has the Commission investigated how many generic medicinal products are in circulation in these countries? When are meetings planned with the Algerian authorities to discuss this and other subjects? The Government of the Republic of Malta, acting through a public entity, Enemalta Corporation, has published a call for expressions of interest and energy supply capacity information.
It would seem that Enemalta Corporation has decided, for this purpose, to follow a procedure about which there are transparency concerns, in particular regarding the application of EU public procurement rules. Furthermore, the specifications seem to overlook environmental and safety issues. Following the rainy season in the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC , the population is once again faced with a significant increase in the number of cases of malaria in remote areas in the eastern province. Today, malaria is one of the main causes of death in DRC and in the eastern province. We are all the more concerned because, on top of this outbreak of malaria, the same areas are also experiencing a measles epidemic.
Children under five are the first victims. Many structures have already run out of medicines. Door screens have not been dispatched to vulnerable areas. The rapid tests used to detect the disease, and the medicines needed to treat it, are still missing, as is the essential equipment for carrying out vital blood transfusions on children who are anaemic as a result of malaria. La loi sur la privatisation est en examen au Parlement Burundais. How much did the stations acquired cost exactly? Was the cost of the road maintenance carried out included in this calculation?
What does the Commission estimate it to be? Die Konzernleitung des Papierherstellers Burgo hat am