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Pardon and sanctification are not the necessary consequences of statement of doctrine. Scripture cannot produce them.

A Journal for Particular & Reformed Baptists

But let the Spirit animate it, and it has the power of God. Hearers who sit under the ministration of the truth without the Spirit may be likened to a man standing upon the brow of a hill, which commands the prospect of an extensive landscape. The varied beauties of field and dell are before him, but there is one drawback — the man is blind. So the truth is in the Bible, but the man has no eyes to see it. Prevailing truth is not of the letter, but of the Spirit ver. Man is a moral agent, and God has endowed him with talents, and invested him with an immense delegation of power in the distribution of those talents, in the exercise of that power.

He has got such a respect for the will that He has placed within us, that He will never force an entrance. He will do everything else. But notwithstanding opposition, the gospel shall triumph. We can conceive of no enemies more powerful than those it has already vanquished. God is with the gospel — that is the great secret of its success.

The Sufficiency of God

She does not trust in her inherent energy; She does not trust in her exquisite adaptation to the wants of men; she does not trust in the indefatigable and self-denying labours of her ministers. God is with the gospel, and under His guidance she shall march triumphantly forward reclaiming the world unto herself. And, oh, what a comfortable doctrine is this!

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  2. Reclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture!
  3. Baker Book House Church Connection: John Frame on the Sufficiency of Scripture!
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If this gospel is thus to be conducted from step to step in its progressive march to triumph, I shall share, surely, in its succours and salvation by the way. It guarantees individual salvation and individual defence.

7 Sufficiency of Scripture Interactions

Thy sufficiency is of God. What frightens thee — affliction? God is thy health.

God is thy crown. God is thy counsel. God is thine everlasting life. Only trust in God, and all shall be well; life shall glide thee into death, and death shall glide thee into heaven. We have a right to expect it, because it is found and promised in the Bible. God created a perfect world.

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  • NEW! Reclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture | Awana | Pinterest | Faith!
  • Reclaiming the Sufficiency of Scripture (Paperback)!
  • Il dolore si fa gioia: San Pio e Natuzza - due vite un messaggio (Ingrandimenti) (Italian Edition)!
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  • Priestley: Plays One: We Are Married, Mr.Kettle and Mrs.Moon, Labur.
  • He gave Adam and Eve his boundaries for living, and sent them out to produce offspring and care for the beautiful world. Then one day, slithering between the trees, Satan came and planted a seed of doubt: What do you think? An obvious example of this is living together before marriage. Make it my firm foundation for all of life. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

    Rob Reinow, the author of the book we are using as a basis for these devotions, poses four questions to various Christian groups.

    by Pastor Warren Prestidge

    Consider them for yourself, and answer each one:. Usually, hands boldly go up for the first two questions, then about half come down for the third, and only a quarter might be left after the fourth. We believe the Bible is true! We believe the Bible comes from God! It happens not just about sex. Consider tithing, managing money, divorce, caring for the elderly — the list goes on.

    We have people who reject the authority of Scripture, and therefore the authority of God. Search your heart and ask God to reveal to you those areas of life where you do not allow the Bible to be the authority in your life and do things your own way. Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

    For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass away from the Law until all is accomplished. Jesus was attacked by the devil, too. How did Jesus defend Himself? He would not allow the devil to twist and misuse even one word of the Bible. Jesus understood this was a battle for truth, who gets to define it, and whether or not he would live by it.

    We have lots more to talk about! We need all of them! Then on the other side, we have the divine warning not to add to His words. His Word is sufficient. He has declared it to be enough. There can be no separating believing in Jesus, and believing every word of His written revelation.

    Reclaiming the Gospel

    Your Word is good, O God! It is enough for us. Thank you for giving us your Word, and teach us to hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it. John Evangelical Lutheran Church. Sufficiency of Scripture 2, October Error message Strict warning: