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No, non parlavo del periodo risorgimentale, assolutamente, ma se la memoria non mi inganna non sarebbe la prima volta che non ci capiamo per nulla, avendo un livello di preparazione molto, molto, molto, molto, molto differente su queste questioni: Ti assicuro che ci sarebbe davvero poco da ridere: Ciao Moroboshi, anche se il bot ha ripulito gli errori del "tmp cita", mi rimane sempre la categoria di "errore" inserita nei parametri sconosciuti. Anche se mi sono scervellata con Modulo: Grazie-- Geoide msg Ho inserito su Commons l'immagine del biografato e poi l'ho inserita in voce.

Ora, non sono esperto e per quanto ho potuto cercare di fare tutto correttamente non vorrei invece aver sbagliato qualcosa. Puoi darmi tu una mano? Ma se mi scrivi "hai lasciato orfani duecento link" io rimedio e conunque ho controllato prima, il bot l'hai fatto passare dopo avermi scritto, bastava scrivere dopo e usare l'imperfetto "avevi lasciato".

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A proposito sono andato nella mia cronologia per vedere se avevo controllato male e ho visto che ci sono ancora link che puntano a [ Dado gioco ]. Li sistemo io o ci pensi tu? Ciao, hai fatto caso che un anonimo ha rimosso un mio messaggio scritto su questa pagina e quindi ovviamente rivolto a te?

Non sapevo che esistessero persone tanto sfacciate. Adesso te lo incollo di nuovo Li ha annullati indiscriminatamente. Compresi quelli tantissimi decisamente positivi e validi. Ne volete qualche esempio? Vi bastano, come esempi? Vi ricordate che vi avevo detto di essere stato considerato un vandalo? Ebbene, credo proprio di non esserlo. Le discussioni che ho aperto e che sono state cancellate dimostrano che voglio collaborare con gli altri utenti chiedendo la loro opinione. Insistete a considerarmi un vandalo? Vi ringrazio della pazienza impiegata per leggere il mio messaggio.

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week. Discussions New request for comment: IRC office hour read the full log here Past: We reached registrations, the event is complete for now. More tickets will be released in September. You can still register on the waitlist. Place of birth of the authors on Wikimammenn, the breton Wikisource First names of current French members of Parliament source Timeline of the births of current members of the French National Assembly source Family tree of Harry Potter characters source Map of mountains located in the Basque Country source Items with higher number of child statements than number of children source Pictures of Pharaos source Map of departemental archives in France source Newest gadgets: Units converter converts from 20 currencies to a selected currency.

The currency amounts are inflation adjusted if data is available. Development Worked more on support for lexicographical data and Wiktionary. The focus was on creating a necessary new datatype to link to Lexemes as well as making Glosses and statements on Glosses editable. Getting ready to migrate the constraints definitions from templates on the property talk page to statements on the property.

Monthly Tasks Add labels, in your own language s , for the new properties listed above. Comment on property proposals: Contribute to a Showcase item. Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language! Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects. Help write the next summary!

  1. Los cuatro peronismos (Spanish Edition).
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Celtic Knot Conference, Edinburgh, including several presentations related to Wikidata tweets about Wikidata during the conference Past: If you need to be funded for the WikidataCon, please fill the form before July 16th Which discussions, workshops, demos should be covered during the WikidataCon? Other Noteworthy Stuff We have some real Meta data! The StrepHit team has submitted an official uplift proposal for the primary sources tool Migration of constraint definitions to property statements around July 12th Sitelinks for the new Atikamekw Wikipedia atjwiki can be added Citation management tool Zotero can now read data from Wikidata, and can write data from other sources to Wikidata via QuickStatements.

New step towards structured data for Commons is now available One week after Q we have Q Did you know? Scientific articles from PubMed that mention what version of STATA was used source places in UK that have no label in Welsh source Wikivoyage banners for French municipalities source Paintings with musical instruments from Spain or related to Spain source Images of things or persons in Wikidata with a Github account source Map of birthplaces of women who were educated in Edinburgh university source Newest database reports: Fixed link to the file description page in the Image Header gadget phab: T Forms of the Lexeme are multi-variant phab: T Preparing a demonstration of referencing Forms and Sense of a Lexeme in statements phab: T Property constraint definitions will be migrated to statements phab: T , help page You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.

Recipients will be informed around July 25th. You can still suggest ideas for the program, or submit a project until July 31st. The program of the conference is made by the attendees, only what you bring will be in there: English Wikipedia is up at 4. Dutch Wikipedia remains low at 0. Check out some improvements to the Query Service , and a new prototype for the Query Helper New Wikidata maps with a comparison between October and July Help improving Wikidata documentation during the Wikimania hackathon Did you know?

Tracking labels of quantity units in parser and Lua functions phab: Fixing checking of constraints on deprecated statements phab: T Improving wbsearchentities phab: T Removing links from printable version phab: T Adding customizable fallback to Special: T You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. Wikidata workshop in Montreal, August 14th in French. We're looking for trainers!

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Using Wikidata as an open, community-maintained database of biomedical knowledge , by Andrew Su WikidataCon You can submit projects for the program until July 31st. See the list of ideas , existing submissions , and submit! Special tickets for scholarship recipients will be released on July 25th. The last 50 tickets will be released on September 1st. Usability and usefulness you can see an overview of the work done by the UX people in the Wikidata team on usability There's a brand new newsletter about Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons.

You can subscribe to receive next updates. It uses Wikidata to identify the communes. Please check if this affects your scripts, and have a look at the wikibase. Constraint statements have been enabled announcement. Distinguish between non-mandatory and mandatory constraints: Work on supporting unit conversion for more units: Check out all the things related to Wikidata Upcoming: July 31th You can also subscribe to the existing submissions to show your interest and support your favorites Other Noteworthy Stuff wbsearchentities with ElasticSearch test Quantities with units are now supported in the new QuickStatements.

Property talk pages now include queries for items with the property and most sitelinks, statements or identifiers. We now have Q Wikidata Constraint Violations tool visualizes changes in constraint violations for last few weeks. Some of constraints produce millions of violations marked as red. Which White House chief of staff had the shortest tenure? Gadget for changing property Development Added Special: T Working on showing non-mandatory and mandatory constraints differently phab: PagesWithProp for Wikidata use cases phab: T Doing last polishing on the Lexeme entity type and cleaning up the demo data for the demo at Wikimania Improving the dispatching of changes to Wikipedia and co to cope with the increased demand that lead to delays in Wikidata changes showing up in Wikipedia watchlist and recent changes You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.

Wikimania hackathon and documentation sprint , August , Montreal Upcoming: Wikimania , August , Montreal. Articles with infoboxes completely from Wikidata has now more than articles Wikidata passed 6 average statements per item Did you know? Timeline of the programming languages created in the past 10 years source Countries where no european language has official or national status source Gallery of Star Trek characters source Timeline of female medieval writers source Newest script: Released the DataValues Interfaces component in version 0.

Released the ValueView component in version 0. T Preparing everything for Wikimania and the hackathon You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. Discussions Restrict merging rights to autoconfirmed users Change "Nearby" link to list items nearby the item? New request for comments: A lot of things happened during these events, reports and news should be published in the next days.

Wikidata and performing arts by Beat Estermann during Wikimania Talk: How to use Wikidata in infoboxes panel New template: A fully automated template system was presented: Sum of all paintings is just the start , by Multichill Other Noteworthy Stuff Share your feedback on the draft strategic direction , a basis on which strategic plans will be built. Most-depicted musical instruments source People who died in without a French label source Moar goats source Newest WikiProjects: WD edits stats counting edits mades on a certain dataset between two dates Development Most of the team was at Wikimania, talking to people, getting meaningful input from the editors, giving talks, hacking around: Open Source Ladies , meetup for women who want to start coding for Mediawiki and other open source projects, August 22nd, Berlin Data Partnerships in Wikidata: An analysis of their use of external references by Alessandro Piscoppo et al.

Other Noteworthy Stuff New documentation page: How to use Wikidata data on Wikimedia projects feel free to help improving it The growth of items continues: Parliaments Development Working on making constraints work on qualifiers and references phabricator: T Added new language codes eya, fuf, ood, pjt, yap, zun for use in monolingual text values Fixed an issue with badges not being shown next to interwiki links on Wikipedia and co phabricator: T Worked on showing labels when linking to a redirect phabricator: T Worked on making change dispatching to Wikipedia and co work better so changes made on Wikidata show up there in a reasonable time.

There were issues because of significantly increased edit activity on Wikidata. Discussions Open request for adminship: How to capture negative results in Wikidata? WikiArabia , in Cairo, Egypt, on October. They're looking for a volunteer to give a Wikidata workshop. Please contact them if you're interested! A Glimpse into Babel: Q The Gene Wiki: Video on YouTube Citation. Video of 3 Wikimania sessions: Wikidata Revolution, Performing arts in Wikidata, and Sum of all paintings. Others videos can be found on Andrew's channel. WikidataCon The organization team is still looking for sponsors to support the event and provide even more awesome stuff to the attendees.

If your company can support the WikidataCon, please get in touch with Lydia. Seeing the enthusiasm of the community for the WikidataCon, we raised our attendees limit from to persons. The last tickets will be released on September 1st. People who registered on the waitlist will be notified when a ticket is available. The program committee is currently reviewing and organizing the submissions. We will contact the speakers soon, and publish the program in the beginning of September around 6th. We're looking for a keynote speaker who could bring an external point of view on ontologies.

If you know interesting people, feel free to help Other Noteworthy Stuff Q was created Language fallback indicators hidden on variant fallback languages Did you know? Metaphacts , a feature to search in Wikidata via Alexa Development Worked on fixing the technical glitch in the UI phabricator: T Did polishing on the Constraint Checks gadget for example phabricator: T Worked on caching constraints checks results which is needed to enable constraints checks for all logged-in users phabricator: T Made progress on checking constraints also on qualifiers and references phabricator: T Worked more on making it easier to see when input in a property or value input field is not recognized phabricator: T Fighting with load issues in the job queue phabricator: T Looking into not showing language fallback hints for dialects to make the UI less cluttered for them and make it less necessary to enter labels and descriptions for them phabricator: T Wrapping up our experiments with the new front-end technologies You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.

With attendees, the WikidataCon is now complete. The WikidataCon program will be released this week, and we will call for volunteers soon Did you know? The most famous painting from each country source Ranking universities according to PageRank source Actors who were casted in two different films with the same name source Newest external tool: Mireille Darc filmography , given names by soundex Development Looked into all the things necessary to make it possible to store forms and senses on Lexeme pages.

Worked more on caching constraints checks results which is needed to enable constraints checks for all logged-in users phabricator: T Making progress on checking constraints also on qualifiers and references phabricator: T Removed language fallback hints for dialects to make the UI less cluttered for them and make it less necessary to enter labels and descriptions for them phabricator: T Fixed an issue that links to an item were not showing the label when it pointed to a redirect phabricator: T Unrecognized input in entity selectors will be highlighted in red phabricator: T Added language code fr-ca for monolingual text input phabricator: T Added an additional normalization for page titles when linking pages on Wiktionary via Cognate phabricator: T The API will not only output the hashes for qualifier snaks, but also for main snaks as well as references snaks phabricator: Note that hashes other than IDs are not meant to be stable identifiers, and should not be stored for a longer time.

Snak hashes will also appear as part of CSS classes in entity pages phabricator: Europeana is interested in linking its new Entity Collection to Wikidata , and will talk about this at the WikidataCon. Integrating an authority mapping into Wikidata and learning lessons for KOS mapping".

Wikidata workshop in Kolkata, India , September 16th and 17th Past: You will find there a lot of different formats, topics and speakers, during the two days of the conference. The official visuals have also be released! The event is now complete, no more tickets available. The last tickets have been attributed to the first persons who registered on the waitlist. If some more seats get free because another attendee cancels participation, the next person on the waitlist will be informed.

Places of education of the UK members of Parliament source Pairs of churches in the UK that are within 25 metres of each other source National parks in India source Persons buried more than km away from their death place warning: WikiProject India Newest user scripts: Overpass adds a map showing features tagged, in OpenStreetMap, with the ID of the current Wikidata item, if any Development The new Echo notification is now deployed on all wikis Looked into further possible improvements for change dispatching Worked on persistently storing edits in more parts of a Lexeme Worked on getting expanded URIs for identifiers into the RDF exports phabricator: T Continued work on caching constraints results so we can roll it out for more users phabricator: T Fixing a bug that highlights input in value fields as not recognized when it shouldn't be phabricator: T Released version 2.

T Released version 0. Wikimedia Research Showcase Past: Wikidata workshop in Zurich the slides of the speakers are linked on the page Past: Flashmob who improve labels, or summon them on an item A breaking change to the wbcheckconstraints API output format was announced Q was created Improvements coming soon to Recent Changes Several new catalogs in Mix'n'Match incl.

Algorithms and the problems they solve source Swiss items with article in exactly one of German-, French-, Italian-, and Romansh-language Wikipedias source Popular gender-neutral given names source Computer network protocols and their ports source Software developers by number of software titles source Spacecraft and what they were named after source Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject property constraints Development Worked more on the constraints gadget in order to make it also qork for references and qualifiers Made progress on persistently storing edits for the new Lexeme entity type next to items and properties Worked on the RDF mapping for full URIs of external identifiers phabricator: An Analysis of Multilinguality in Wikidata Upcoming: The next IRC office hour will take place on November 14th, Time to think about birthday presents?

This will lead to less irrelevant changes showing up in watchlist and recent changes on those projects. We're testing this on Greek Wikipedia to see if the solution we have scales before rolling it out further. T Adding an API module to copy a statement from one item to another phabricator: T Working more on checking constraints also on qualifiers and references phabricator: T Added support for the Creator namespace to the constraints check for Commons links phabricator: T Fixed an error message on Special: Wikidata in Wikimedia projects.

Discussioni utente:Moroboshi/archivio - Wikipedia

You can help expand and improve it. New Wikidata Game to help you evaluate merge candidates based on projectmerge. A reading tip from Spinster not mentioning Wikidata, but interesting general background knowledge: Indigenous peoples and responsible data: Right here on Wikidata , of course! Wikidata passed 8 average statements per item Statement What exists in the " Continued work on persistent editing of forms as part of the work to support lexicographical data phabricator: T Finishing touches on adding full URIs for external identifiers to our RDF export so we're good citizens of the semantic web phabricator: T Added a new mw.

T Looking into an issue where unwanted email notifications are being sent phabricator: WikidataCon , Berlin, October sold out We will have two exciting keynotes.

Giacomo Casanova

The first keynote speaker is Fabian M. The second keynote speaker is Michael Kreil , datajournalist working on the project Data Sciences and Stories. Please volunteer for some tasks at the conference if you are attending. A shared commitment to diversity, open knowledge, and community participation Other Noteworthy Stuff There is now a good start for documentation for QuickStatements. Feel free to help improve it! Women who won the Nobel Prize in Physics source For each award, percentage of women who received it source Intelligent personal assistants described in Wikidata source Units of measurement named after German people source Buildings constructed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel source Newest WikiProjects: Delhi Metro Newest database reports: T Had to temporarily turn off showing Wikidata's changes on Commons and Russian Wikipedia because of database issues.

We're working on turning it back on. Foglie d'erba Classici Vol. Kindle Edition File Size: Amazon Media EU S. Not Enabled Screen Reader: Enabled Average Customer Review: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Showing of 1 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.

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