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This might be the easiest habit to correct so focus on this one first. They Drink Water Fit people drink lots of water. And not just in addition to other beverages, but instead of them. Water is their main drink, while other drinks are occasional treats. Calorie-filled drinks are one of the quickest ways to consume excess calories which quickly turn into fat. Consider water your beverage of choice.

Drink plenty of it each day and drink other beverages only a few times each week. They know that if their coach or workout partner is waiting for them, then they are less likely to skip a workout.


It is so easy to hit snooze or to talk yourself out of training as soon as your backside hits the couch after work. Fit people take the option of skipping out of the equation. While there are more than these 7 key habits these should be enough to get you started in You must be logged in to post a comment. At least not quickly. After work, go for a walk.

7 Habits of Highly Fit People - The Training Studio

Or do 20 minutes of yoga that challenges you without overwhelming your body. Increase if and when it feels possible, but allow yourself to look at the big picture, and take actions that will benefit [you for the long haul], not just the smaller moment at hand. After years and years of running I discovered adventure racing. That got me into mountain biking and paddling.

7 Habits of Highly Fit People that You Can Easily Do

Now I do boot camp and obstacle races. Before you find you're getting bored, find something else that interests you. Charity rides usually offer multiple distances, so you can choose the ride that's the right length for you. The same is true of fitness. But he's quick to add, "leave yesterday behind. Drink plenty of it each day and drink other beverages only a few times each week.

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They know that if their personal trainer, boot camp instructor or workout partner is waiting for them, then they are less likely to skip a workout. It is so easy to hit snooze or to talk yourself out of the gym as soon as your behind hits the couch after work. Fit people take the option of skipping out of the equation.

If you already do some of these habits then congratulations — you are on your way to a better body. Make an effort to incorporate the rest of the habits to take your results to the next level. Take a peek with the following 7 Habits of Highly Fit People: They Have Priorities Fit people make exercise a priority.

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They Stop When Full Fit people stop eating when they feel full. They Push Themselves Not only do fit people make time to go to the gym, they challenge themselves during each workout. They Drink Water Fit people drink lots of water. I hope that these habits have inspired you to make a change for the fitter in your own life. What Is The Training Studio? We Have 2 Locations….