
Davin has abilities beyond even his knowledge. Will they be his salvation or lead to his ultimate destruction? Though restored to her throne, she knows her kingdom will not be safe until the Dark Master is defeated. She was responsible for removing the gauntlet from Ven-Kerrick and now works with the Dark Master to bring about the destruction of the northern kingdoms.

He seems to have little will of his own and is content to follow his sister from place to place and scam to scam. GARYN - A turncoat from the band who stole the gauntlet, he befriended Toryn and now seeks to atone for his former deeds. His powers rival Brydon's and he seems willing to train Brydon in their use--but at what price?

She was ordered to guide Toryn to the sea, whereupon he abandoned her and earned her eternal wrath. He once thought to marry Daryna, until she rode away with a despised man from the north. He seeks power over all of Thalarii and, eventually, the northern kingdoms, as well.


Brydon's quest for the Gauntlet of Ven-Kerrick continues as the mysterious Dark Master sends him on an unexpected journey that will take him through ruined cities and forgotten castles. On the way, he gathers new friends and new enemies, but will time run out before he can save his former companions? In this second installment of The Gauntlet Trilogy, Dyson takes our hero on an adventure you won't want to miss! July 1, ISBN: Also available at Amazon.

The Gauntlet Thrown

Monday, June 18th at 12pm, PST. Our tinychat room Why: To have fun and ask all those burning questions you have about the author and the world she's created! We'll be asking Cheryl general questions, as well as talking about the world of The Gauntlet Trilogy , and future ventures she is preparing to make. We hope to see you there!

Revised Edition - Chapter 3. Brydon's quest was simple. Borrow the fabled Gauntlet of Ven-Kerrick, bring it home to prove his worth, marry the princess, and ascend the throne. He had planned for the dangerous terrain and Redolian assassins, but he did not expect the Gauntlet to be missing, nor to find the Kerrick royal family murdered. Davin tried to gather any kernels of truth from the stories, but had no idea what was fantasy and what was real. As a child he always felt that his father would return one day, possibly to come and claim him as his precious son, but as time passed Davin realized it was unlikely he would ever meet the man, if man he was at all.

His mother was content to remain in her human form, living in seclusion, selling herbs and cures and magical charms to locals who called her a madwoman or a sorceress, fearing her even while seeking out her special gifts. Thankfully there is no stigma against magic on Tarma, as the most common tales of the supernatural involve Kerrick and the gauntlet.

There are stories of magical beings, but most are considered to be helpful or at least harmless. The Vai themselves are known only to a few, mainly the highest scholars of the church or those that have some sort of connection to existing Vai. Instead, he believed himself to be a freak, especially when he learned that he could alter his shape into that of any animal.

Although desperate to know where his abilities had come from, he had no desire to ask his mother. Her thoughts had become an open book to him, broadcasting wildly until he had learned to block them out. They were no more coherent in raw form than they were articulated. Tagged as backstory , creativity , fiction , ideas , imagination , inspiration , the gauntlet trilogy; charac , writing , writing: I started writing this series in high school and despite multiple revisions, the main plotline never changed, nor did most of the original primary characters.

  1. Singing the Body Inviolate: Book One.
  2. A Lost Touch Series.
  3. Painted Women (Warbonnet Mysteries Book 2)!
  4. Desertsong (Island of Lore Series Book 1).
  5. FACE READING - Stories the Face Can Tell;
  6. The Gauntlet Thrown (Gauntlet Trilogy, #1) by Cheryl Dyson.
  7. Completing Globalization: Globalisierung zuende gedacht (German Edition).

Deep and thoughtful, I know. With that in mind, I scribbled out a list of random possible characters and then rolled a diced die to determine which would make the final cut.

I still have this list, stuffed away in a folder full of random notes. The first three were as follows:. There were actually six in the original lineup and they immediately gave me a quick framework with which to work, and the story expanded from there. Four of the main characters are men, and two are women. With that said, Alyn, the whip-cracking, horseback-riding, Toryn-hating Akarskan, is not my favorite character. She is angry a lot. She frequently falls for the wrong men.

They are both rather single-minded, exhibit near-extreme loyalty to their personal beliefs and adherence to duty, and they will hotly leap into battle when they perceive an injustice. Personality-wise, however, she differs vastly from Brydon. Where he is open and friendly, trusting and patient, Alyn is guarded and frequently hostile.

She trusts with difficulty, if at all, and is impatient to the point of explosive. When she meets Toryn, these qualities acted like oil on flame, igniting an ongoing antagonistic war, the sparks of which re-kindle each time they see one another. The sexual tension between them is obvious from the beginning, noticed even by Brydon who can, admittedly, be a little oblivious when it comes to affairs of the heart.. She exhibits both vulnerability and strength, and discovers that there are things worth fighting for beyond the ideals with which one has been raised.

Tagged as creativity , fiction , ideas , imagination , inspiration , the gauntlet trilogy; charac , writing , writing: Leave a comment Filed under A-Z Blog Challenge Tagged as backstory , creativity , fiction , the gauntlet trilogy; charac , writing , writing: Licensed under Public Domain via. The second man halted his knife in mid-swing and turned toward him.

He held no hatred for his attackers, but their cowardly behavior had earned them no mercy. The third man was faster. He threw a dagger as Brydon tugged another arrow from his quiver. He fell with a loud cry. The fourth man stood his ground, peering into the trees where Brydon stood. He had not leapt forward with the same enthusiasm of the others. Brydon wondered why he had hung back when the others had attacked. Perhaps he had no liking for the job? Brydon stayed his hand and relaxed his hold on the bowstring.

The would-be killer raised his sword and the blade reflected the orange glow from the fire as it moved. He stepped forward and Brydon drew back on the string. Kellyn was two years dead. Brydon had lit the torch at his funeral. He shut his eyes for an instant and then banished the image as he released the arrow. The man lurched at the impact and crumpled into the dust. Brydon walked into the circle of fallen men and kicked the sword away from his final assailant. The man did not stir. The arrow had grazed a nasty furrow in his scalp just above his left ear, but he would not die from such a small wound.

Up close he bore little resemblance to Kellyn. It had obviously been an odd trick of the light. Still, the incident left Brydon uneasy. Kellyn had been his best friend.


He pondered the wisdom of allowing the man to live, but he was no cold-blooded murderer. He had killed to defend himself and felt some remorse for lying in wait for them in the darkness. It seemed dishonorable, even though he would have stood no chance against them in honest combat.

The other three were dead.