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In recent years, the archives began to collect papers of private people, for example documents of former Hitler Youth-members and correspondence of common soldiers with their families Feldpost.

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The IfZ also collects records of smaller associations, parties and political or social movements, which do not maintain their own archives. Public records, personal papers, and papers of associations and parties are complemented by topical collections compiled by researches, journalists and individuals.

The database of the archives http: It is important, however, to note that, for various reasons, the database does, for various reasons, not contain descriptions for all records held by the IfZ-archives.

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It is therefore recommended, to put requests to the archives by writing to archiv ifz-muenchen. The archives is available for public research. Appointment for the use of archival material in the reading rooms is not necessary. However, if the extensive consultation of an archivist is needed, it is recommended to contact the archives ahead of time.

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The following fields are currently available: Erst Ende der 70er Jahre wuchs die Nachlassabteilung an. Heute liegen die Originalakten in der Regel im Bundesarchiv. Um das Fehlen der staatlichen Akten aus der NS-Zeit, die damals vielfach noch von den Alliierten beschlagnahmt waren, auszugleichen, sammelten die Mitarbeiter des Instituts gezielt Erinnerungen und Dokumente von wichtigen Zeugen zeitgeschichtlicher Ereignisse.

This database might contain special categories of Personal Data and Personal Data relating to criminal convictions or offences, which according to article 9, section 2 under j GDPR and article 24 and 32 under f of the UAVG Dutch personal data protection act can be used for research purposes only on the condition that there are appropriate safeguards for the rights and freedoms of the data subject. Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources.


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