Rádios que tocam Wynonna Judd

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That's How Rhythm Was Born

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  1. Wynonna Judd - That's How Rhythm Was Born Lyrics | MetroLyrics.
  2. 78 RPM - Frankie Laine - That's How Rhythm Was Born / Ain't Misbehavin' - Oriole - UK - CB .
  3. Pay what you want? Forschungsstand zu dem Pricing – Instrument und Implikationen für die Praxis (German Edition).
  4. That's How Rhythm Was Born.
  5. Още текстове от Wynonna Judd!

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That's How Rhythm Was Born

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Yady yady yady yady yady yadi That's how rhythm was born. Banjo's cry too Don't they hidee hi too Dance on the bayou That's just the reason that rhythm was born.

Praise and forgivin Wash their sins in the river Cold water makes 'em all shiver And that's just the reason rhythm was born. Folks came down And gathered around that swiney shore Caught the craze and sang his praise They all cried why don't ya gimme some more. Ask you anyone sir, And they be glad to answer you sir, The lights will be over yonder, That's just the reason that rhythm was born That's how rhythm was born.

Yady yady yady yady yady yadi That's how rhythm was born long instrumental soft laugh instrumental Banjo's cry too Don't they hidee hi too Dance on the bayou That's just the reason that rhythm was born Praise and forgivin Wash their sins in the river Cold water makes 'em all shiver And that's just the reason rhythm was born Folks came down And gathered around that swiney shore Caught the craze and sang his praise They all cried why don't ya gimme some more Ask you anyone sir, And they be glad to answer you sir, The lights will be over yonder, That's just the reason that rhythm was born That's how rhythm was born.

78 RPM - Frankie Laine - That's How Rhythm Was Born / Ain't Misbehavin' - Oriole - UK - CB

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