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The Biology of Sharks and Rays A. The Biology of Sharks and Rays is a comprehensive resource on the biological and physiological characteristics of the cartilaginous fishes: In sixteen chapters, organized by theme, A. Peter Klimley covers a broad spectrum of topics, including taxonomy, morphology, ecology, and physiology. Another chapter explores the anatomy of the jaws and the role of the muscles and teeth in jaw extension, seizure, and handling of prey.

Each chapter commences with an anecdote from the author about his own personal experience with the topic, followed by thought-provoking questions and a list of recommended readings in the scientific literature. The book will be a useful textbook for advanced ichthyology students as well as an encyclopedic source for those seeking a greater understanding of these fascinating creatures.

Review Quotes Awards Review Quotes. Journal of Fish Biology. Please try again later. Anyone who has studied sharks is familiar with the respected work of Dr. A true pioneer in shark research, Pete has spent decades conducting groundbreaking studies on their mysterious lives. His passion for sharks and rays is evident throughout The Biology of Sharks and Rays, which offers an accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive review of all realms of shark science.

From evolution and physiology to behavior and conservation, the book is an impressive achievement.

Introduction to the Biology of Sharks, Skates, and Rays | Shoals Marine Laboratory

It is loaded with black-and-white and color illustrations and photographs, tables, and graphs, including many drawn directly from the primary scientific literature. It is appropriately technical, but still very readable, and filled with anecdotes and personal reflections from the author's extensive experience.

Animal Documentary Films: The Secret World of Sharks and Rays - New Nature Documentary

But Klimley is quick to acknowledge that "This book is really not my book but is the fruit of the arduous work of many dedicated scientists who have worked with these wonderful creatures It would make an excellent reference text for shark biology courses. The book may also be enjoyed and useful to more casual shark enthusiasts as well as established shark experts.

As a shark scientist myself, I am excited to have this useful reference at my fingertips. I have long admired the work of Dr.

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  • The Biology of Sharks and Rays, Klimley, Oerding;
  • The Biology of Sharks and Rays | NHBS Academic & Professional Books.
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Klimley, and it is a real treat to peruse and read through the collection of chapters which provide a detailed and accessible tour of the evolution, behavior, morphology, behavior, and conservation of sharks and rays. Some of the highlights of this work are the attention to detail and the references to real published research by the world's experts, including a lovely assortment of figures and tables based on actual data.

Klimley's decades of experience as a leading and thought-provoking shark researcher really shine through in this book, and its anecdotes and personal stories really make the book a treat to read.

Introduction to the Biology of Sharks, Skates, and Rays

This book is useful for a wide range of readers, from high school and college students, to enthusiasts, and even seasoned experts. An excellent book on the subclass Elasmobranchi sharks and rays of the class Chondrichthyes, omitting the subclass Holocephali the chimaeras.

It is a technical book, but parts can be read profitably by non-biologists. I would definitely recommend it for the bookshelves of ichthyologists and fisheries specialists.

About this book

This was an easy and satisfying read but a few spelling and grammar errors. I love the organization of the chapters. I love the organization of the chapters, makes for an exciting read and a perfect reference for shark enthusiasts of all kinds. I love the amount of detail the author gets into for certain topics, really is a great book. Given as a gift that was greatly enjoyed. This IS a five star book.

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The information contained in this book is amazing and can be understood by a lay person. I was particularly interested in info about rays and this book supplies it.

Photo by Jan Factor. Elasmobranchs sharks, skates, and rays are the subjects of numerous headlines and blockbuster movies, but what do we really know about them?

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Join us for your opportunity to learn to separate the myths from the reality to better understand these fascinating animals. During this course you will find opportunities to immerse yourself in the study of marine science, elasmobranch biology, and conservation, and put your scientific knowledge and experiences into action while learning to look at the world around you from new perspectives. Expect dissections and boat-based exercises!

SML courses combine laboratory work and field work to expose students to real-world marine science.