Creating a New Civilization

Rome's Golden and Silver Ages. Jesus and the New Testament. The Emergence of a Christian Church. Late Antiquity—Crisis and Response. The Emergence of the Catholic Church.

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Christian Culture in Late Antiquity. The Birth of Byzantium. Barbarian Kingdoms in the West. The World of Charlemagne. The Expansion of Europe.

Foundations of Western Civilization | University of Colorado Boulder

Medieval Political Traditions, I. Medieval Political Traditions, II. The Crisis of Renaissance Europe. The Protestant Reformation—Martin Luther.

Dharma Civilization Foundation

The Protestant Reformation—John Calvin. Catholic Reforms and "Confessionalization".

Professor Noble has brought out the best there is to know about history and I would highly recommend it to anyone. He has shown the best of the Catholic Church and its leading saints and scholars. This is a series that everyone should watch.

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  2. Child Welfare and Child Well-Being: New Perspectives From the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being.
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So we need to raise up civil society. Sahtouris added, "My hope for the world is to invest in its young people and their vision for the future. Ervin Laszlo eloquently stated, "Nothing less than the future of humanity is the topic. The next evolution of humanity will depend on a new convergence between science and spirituality. If a critical mass of people achieve this new level of consciousness, the changes will occur through civil society.

But we cannot fight it directly and force people to love one another.

Centros de Estudio Humanistas

We cannot force love. That is why we have to utilize the power of society over individuals. Each and every one of us is greatly affected by society: If we can make it so that the most appreciated thing in the world will be giving-more appreciated than any other act of man, then people will want to give, they will want to bestow and to share, because they will want the respect of society. We have to see how we can cancel, revoke all of the prizes in society, except for one prize: So when we point to a person and say that he or she gives to others that would be the greatest reward of all.

That will make people give to one another, and love one another. Because we see how society influences people. I think we can do that. I hope that together we can build a new civilization.

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Upon these four pillars, the Forum "Creating a New Civilization" explored the questions that matter most at this critical moment in the history of our world. The Tokyo Declaration calls upon us to "facilitate and accelerate the blossoming of a higher form of civilization that embodies the global wisdom of humankind, in order that generations now living may bring forth a world in which the entire human family may flourish in harmony with all of nature on this precious planet.

The Goi Peace Foundation.