LIBERISTA - Definition and synonyms of liberista in the Italian dictionary
Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Meaning of "stilobate" in the Italian dictionary. The definition of stilobate in the dictionary is the base of the columns of the Greek temple. Synonyms and antonyms of stilobate in the Italian dictionary of synonyms. Examples of use in the Italian literature, quotes and news about stilobate.
Jos de Waele, Muro di fondazione dello stilobate del colonnato Al momento della trasformazione tardo-antica i muri che affacciavano sul decumano furono tagliati allo stesso livello e furono prolungati a est e a ovest con nuovi setti murari: Patrizio Pensabene, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Tuttavia, la dimensione esatta si evince detraendo da tale misura la Aggiungendo i gradini 5' Lorenzo Braccesi, Ernesto De Miro, Le colonne nella fronte, secondo Koldewey e Puchstein, sono 2, 03 m. Inoltre, la distanza degli assi delle colonne dallo spigolo dello stilobate su fronte e lati doveva esser simile.
Indeed, the head deletion under coordination in 69c is much more acceptable for native speakers than that in 69a. In example 66d reported below as 78a , Bi- setto and Scalise As far as the non-head element is concerned, the analysis given in this section corroborates the hypothesis that its pronominalization is not allowed.
It has also been adopted by Giurescu, Bally, Martinet, and Tollemache, among others, despite the fact that its application appears somewhat unclear: In recent treatments, this criterion has been redeined on more formal grounds. According to Arnaud Di Sciullo and Williams Moreover, he also notes that the listedness appears to be contrary to productivity: According to Bisetto Cresti and Panuzzi, ; CORIS is, however, provided with very simple corpus manager software which does not, as yet, allow for the extraction of complete frequency lists nor KWIC keyword in context outputs of more than 1, occurrences.
First, the source corpora III. Moreover, detailed compound properties are far from being well known — their bet- ter understanding constitutes the target of this research. English, French, 32 Cf. As are the other WaCKy corpora, ItWac is provid- ed with basic POS tagging made with the TreeTagger tool — ranking it among the largest corpora currently available, since it contains more than 1. It covers articles published in the La Repubblica newspa- per between the years , the overall size being about M tokens, and it is also provided with basic POS tagging made with the TreeTagger tool.
As far as spelling is concerned, Iacobini com- ments that Italian compound orthography lacks stable norms, except for the Verb-Noun type. However, the discussion in Section II. Since the empirical part of this research i. Accordingly, primarily all of the loose and hyphenated binominals were extracted, and the database complet- ed by adding their tight counterparts.
According to Baroni et al. It follows that the quality of data extraction is closely dependent upon the precision of the lemmatization of the corpus. Zanchetta and Baroni In the data extraction process, it was found useful to preserve in- formation about the morphological categories of the determiner. In order to achieve this, frequency lists of loose and hyphenated forms containing an article 1, 2 and 5 were extracted separately for each de- terminer category.
For instance, the frequency list 1 with the determiner in the masculine singular form was generated according to the following CQL query: In case of homonymy, the same word form is repeated as many times as is required for each part of speech or category. Frequency counts spelling absolute spelling relative position total frequencies frequencies prep-n-n fre- hyphe- hyphe- quen- lemma loose nated tight loose nated tight abs rel cy conferenza 23, 0 Information related to the gender and homonymy of the components in Table 3.
Another kind of semantic information has been extract- ed from the MultiWordNet database Pianta et al. All of the formulae for the diferent association measures follow the online guide to the Czech National Corpus on: On the other hand, every binominal is provided with rich annotation concerning frequencies, spelling, immediately preced- ing context, the various morphological features of the constituents and their relations, as well as the basic semantic features of the constit- uents and association measures.
All of this information is helpful in extracting samples corresponding to diferent compound types. Besides the ItWac binominals database, certain other data sources will be mentioned where necessary. Needless to say, the single approaches are often mutually incompatible, and the use of terminology remains inconsistent; this applies even to traditional Sanskrit terms cf. Bauer, a, among many others. Besides its relevance for general linguistics, the classiication has also been applied to the analysis of Italian compounds at various stages,48 which makes it particularly appropriate for the purposes of this re- search.
Moreover, it has also been noted that the three Bisetto-Scalise macro-types, the subordinate, attributive and coordinate compounds, match very well with interpretative categories individuated in cogni- tive studies Baroni et al. As far as other languages are concerned, cf. However, even the former feature, i.
In the irst version of the Bisetto-Scalise classiication Bisetto and Scalise, , compounds are hierarchically ordered on two levels. With respect to this criterion, compounds of the three types mentioned above may be endocentric or exocentric. As we shall see in Section IV. It must thus be borne in mind that the Biset- to-Scalise classiication is fully operational only for compounds con- sisting of two items. As noted above, the distinction is not in itself new: Scalise and Bisetto Some residual issues, however, remain unresolved. We shall return to this issue in Section VI.
But as Fabb In the second version of the classiication Scalise and Bisetto, In the latter case, the noun in apposition would tend to be interpreted metaphorically. In the following table, the new subdivision of subordinate and ATAP compounds according to Scalise and Bisetto is schema- tized for the sake of clarity, the category of coordinate compounds is not reported, since no modiications have been introduced with respect to the previous version.
From their paper, both the attributive vs. To sum up, the Bisetto-Scalise compound classiication, in its most extended version, refers to four hierarchically ordered criteria, namely: Although the classiication by Bisetto does not follow in all respects the hierarchically ordered classes introduced in Bisetto-Scal- ise , interesting similarities may be found.
Such an ainity between appositive and copulative compounds that stems from the same interpretive principle indeed, both appositive and copulative compounds have an intersective inter- pretation seems signiicant, as will be outlined in Section IV. Labels in brackets have been added for the sake of clarity; they cor- respond to detailed descriptions provided by Bisetto As Arcodia, Grandi and Montermini In doing so, the interface between subordinate and ATAP com- pounds will irst be analyzed. Moreo- ver, Salvi and Vanelli Even though doubt may be cast on the validity of the distinction between qualifying and relational ad- jectives cf.
Two conclusions may thus be drawn: In the view of Scalise and Bisetto Nevertheless, Grandi, Nis- sim and Tamburini More serious objections to the principle of metaphorical interpre- tation arise in the case of abstract nouns featured as nominal modii- ers. In fact, Grandi, Nissim and Tamburini As Salvi and Vanelli It is worth noting that the transformation test described in Table 4. Grandi, Nissim and Tamburini, Nevertheless the transformed pre- dicative structure may seem odd, or the synonymy between the predic- ative and the attributive structure is indirect.
From an empirical point of view, this issue will be further discussed in the con- text of corpus data. Moreover, even some original examples pro- vided by Scalise and Bisetto such as swordish It.
In both types, as Bisetto It is worth noting that this diference may be disputable, especially in case of attributive compounds i. Even this point is, however, far from being uncontroversial: Two diferent situations will be analyz- ed, depending on whether or not the concepts yielded by the compound components are semantically related and situated on the same level of conceptual hierarchy.
Compounds comprised of components whose concepts are unre- lated 12a-d or are situated on diferent levels of conceptual hierarchy 12e are exempliied below. In these cases, two objections may be proposed against the hypothesis that ex- amples 12a-e are indeed coordinate compounds. In the same vein Bauer If constituent order is reversible, then the compound is certainly coordinate. Indeed, such compounds as in 13a-b are commonly considered as coordinate Bisetto, In hyponym superordinate compounds, constituents are systematically irreversible, which may be accounted for by the fact that these compounds are attributive i.
It may therefore be claimed that the coordinate interpretation of these compounds re- sults from the fact that in many contexts the oriented nature of the head-modiier relation may be neutralized and irrelevant, especially when the concepts yielded by the compound components are semanti- cally related and situated at the same level of conceptual hierarchy. To illustrate this point, three additional examples are given.
Within the Italian endocentric coordinate compounds, those formed by two names of professions feature prominently Bisetto, It is research that focuses on understanding the woman-per- son, the woman-artist, or to follow objectively the work of women in front of and behind the easel. Il contadino e la contadina non lavorano entrambi la terra? Il mercante e la mercantessa non esercitano entrambi il commercio?
Il maestro e la maestra non insegnano tutti e due? What God hath revealed it? Addressing Eu- ropeans especially as workers also means that the non-employed — housewives, children, the elderly, the disabled — are not part of this concept of citizenship. Let us consid- er once again the examples 12b-d , reported for convenience below: Sangue, battito, emozione per tutti. Angeli donne, angeli uomini. Angeli gay, lesbiche ed etero.
Angeli vestiti di pane e di vino. In the latter case, the original criterion of the igurative interpretation of the modiier seems more re- liable. As for the internal subdivision of ATAP compounds, it is argued that the diference between the attributive and the appositive type in- troduced by Scalise and Bisetto is viable, although it needs to be deined on more formal grounds. Such an approach is not com- pletely new, as it follows principles outlined in Bisetto , Sugeta and Tollemache in Italian linguistics, and many other au- thors in general linguistics.
As outlined above, the classiication in Table 4. Masini and Scalise Moreo- ver, endocentric coordinate compounds are syntactically left-headed, as Masini and Scalise First, the basic criteria of coordinate compound classiication will be identiied and discussed, as well as their possible interactions. As for the latter class, examples given by Masini and Scalise According to their view, both elements in dvandva N-N compounds as in It.
Emilia-Romagna would be semantic and categorial heads although not necessarily morphological heads. Emilia-Romagna Within these two macro-types, more subtle distinctions are possi- ble, especially where the meaning of the single components is taken into account. Italian examples are very rare e. According to the third criterion c , the components of the com- pound may display diferent semantic relations towards each other.
First, endocentricity criterion a seems intrinsically linked to the intersective interpretation criterion b. Second, it may be assumed that the semantic relation between the components as in criterion c has an impact on the semantic relation between the components and the compound criterion b , although these relations are not always straightforward. In short, coordinate compounds would be made up of two nouns sharing important semantic proper- ties, as they express concepts that are related and situated at the same hierarchy level.
In this respect, Baroni et al. As the authors state: YX are considered as two diferent compounds, which allows for the rational- ization of diferences in meaning between them. Such is more likely to occur particularly when, from the se- mantic perspective, the compound constituents are related and situated at the same hierarchy level. However, in this group the relationship between these coordinate components depends entirely on the head noun, which is in most cases overtly expressed.
It is straightforward to identify them from coordinate com- pounds. Distinguishing them, though, from the attributive compound class may be another matter.
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Subordinate compounds may further be divided by following two criteria: Even though the concept of the synthetic compound seems in principle clear, the bicriterial nature of the deinition i. As Lieber argues, the deverbal nature of the head may be un- clear in such cases as that of the conversion or zero-aix derivation Eng. Further ob- jections may be raised against the terms root and synthetic: An accurate distinction between verbal-nexus and ground com- pounds is intimately bound with the underlying model of the relation- ship between the head and the non-head.
Zingarelli for the etymology. In Italian, Mazzari- ello Given that, there seems little reason to develop this issue further cf. Indeed, the interpretation depends also on the N2 element and on its relationship to the head. With respect to this matter, the permissive position of Scalise and Bisetto could allow for the enlargment of the range of predictable phenomena.
Since then, several studies have argued that one language can actually have both left-headed and right-headed compounds: Pack- ard claims that in Chinese, verbal compounds are right-headed, while nominal compounds are left-headed. According to the earlier generative assumptions, contemporary Ita- lian compounding has been described as uniformly left-headed, while the few right-headed compounds in use were considered either as rel- ics of Latin morphological processes or as calques from foreign lan- guages Scalise, First, the compound- ing units — semiwords according to the terminology of Scalise — ceased to be limited to the roots of Greek or Latin words.
Essi tuttavia non facevano parte del latino popolare, ma rimanevano coninati nei limiti della lingua scritta. Moreover, it has been noted in Section II. Occasional occurrences were found only in the category of ground subordinate compounds, and these may be considered as calques or anomalies. Moreover, non-canonical right-headed compounds may be found in both the ground and the verbal-nexus subtypes of subordi- nate compounds.
- We Need Barkley (Barkley Books Book 4).
- Painted with Love (Past Lives and Past Loves Book 1).
- Meaning of "stilobate" in the Italian dictionary.
- auto-referenze.
Although the default situation is when the argument corre- sponds to the direct object of the underlying transitive verb cf. In general, there are two distinct compound types in Italian that might be considered as trinominal cf. Bisetto in Grossmann and Rain- er, , exempliied respectively in 30a-d and In the latter case, the compound may be analyzed as consisting of two embedded subordinate binominal compounds, as suggested by Zui It has been empha- sized in many instances Moyna, ; Olsen, , ; Bauer, that the head plays the key role in the interpretation, as well as in the classiication, of relational compounds.
Finally, it will be shown how these features interact. Concerning the autonomy of the modiier, three diferent cases may be observed in the given sample, exempliied in 36a-c , respectively. Some modiiers 89 he complete CQL query runs thus as follows: Notice that la Bossi-Fini in 36b also conserves the interpre- tation of the original relational compound, one diferent from that of genuine binominal dvandva compounds: Here, the complex nature of the modiier does not seem to be triggered by speciic valency properties of the head.
Let us now turn to the question of the internal structure of rela- tional compounds. In theory, it may be described in three diferent ways, schematized respectively in 45a-c. According to Bauer On more concrete grounds, it was observed by Bisetto In Czech, the structure is the same as in Slovenian: It may be applied to compounds with strictly monovalent heads 50a as well as to compounds with heads used as monovalent 50b.
Verbal nexus RCs may in their turn be divided according to the type of argument expressed by the modiier such as direct object or subject.
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Before introducing the revised classiication, let us glance at major changes introduced with respect to the original Bisetto-Scalise model. It is worth noting that within the attributive class, reversible com- pounds feature the head in the irst position in both constituent order variants i. It follows exactly the same principles as the classiication of binominals Table 4. Level A aims to separate binominal compounds from relational thus inherently trinominal compounds. Level B relects the basic type of the relationship between com- pound components coordination, attribution and subordination , while level C more closely deines this feature for ATAP and for subor- dinate compounds.
Within the attributive class, the reversibility results from the combination of components with closely related concepts cf. Within the subordinate compounds, on the other hand, the reversibility is an accidental phenomenon that has diachronic causes and must therefore be interpreted accordingly. Level G0 yields no real subdivi- sion in this classiication of compounds: Within the group of coordinate compounds, level G1 separates dif- ferent types of interpretive relations among the constituents additive and intermediate-denoting.
Coordinate compounds may thus be described as symmetrical non-headed , while subordinate compounds and irreversible ATAP compounds are asymmetrical headed. RCs — Relational compounds inherently trinominals Line D: Exo — exocentric Endo — endocentric Line E: Table C ground Verbal nexus 4. Non-oriented Oriented Non-oriented Oriented G. Dvandva Dvandva Dvandva Dvandva Ex r s t u notes: Diferent properties have been at stake, includ- ing in particular the collocability of the N2 modiier, its inlection in gender and number, and the possibility of lexical insertion within the compound cf.
Surprisingly, the diferent conclusions are controversial: Nevertheless, they feature the same surface structure in singular form: Moreover, as Baroni, Guevara and Pirrelli Among the N2 modiiers identiied in the database, only 41 combine with at least ten diferent heads; their listing with the respective type counts is featured in Table 5. An interest- ing conclusion may also be drawn when the collocability of N2 modiiers in I-ATAP compounds is compared to the collocability of N2 modiiers in subordinate ground compounds. Baroni, Guevara and Pirrelli Data from the pres- ent sample conirms this assumption: Some examples drawn from the Zingarelli dictionary are presented in Further, the collocability of the modiiers found in the dictionary has also been veriied through reference to the ItWac binominals database.
In terms of type frequencies, the richness of their collocation- al paradigms remains far behind that of the collocational paradigms of genuine adjectives. On the other hand, similar rich paradigms may also be found for several N2 modiiers of subordinate grounding compounds, without there being any speciic theoretical reason for it. It is important to stress that the modiiers in I-ATAP compounds, unlike non-head elements in subordinate ground compounds, are par- ticularly important for the semantic interpretation of the whole com- pound.
Both uses may be found with the same N1 noun, as shown in the following examples from the ItWac corpus: On the one hand, if com- pounds were genuine words, the inlection marker should appear on the rightmost element of the compound. Yet the inlection marker appears regularly on the head, i.
Baroni, Guevara and Pirrel- li Let us irst glance at the inlection of the head noun, although its plural marking seems indisputable. Since the ItWac binominals data- base also contains information on the morphological features of the de- terminer of the compound, it allows for the determination as to whether the number of the determiner correlates to the number of the head. In this sample, covering types and 23, tokens, the count based on macro-aver- ages indicates that when the determiner is in its plural form, As far as the inlection of the modiier is concerned, the data provides much more hazy results, as indicated in Tables 5.

Macro-average values have been obtained by irst calculating the rate of singular modiiers of each compound, then by averaging these values. However, in compounds with plural heads Table 5. In the current data, singular modiiers appear with plural heads much less frequently in Much more regularity may, though, be found if we focus separately on the inlection of each modiier. Over- all results, calculated in base of macro-averages for each compound, are summarized in Figure 5.
Even in the last group there hap- pens to be more regularity than could reasonably be expected, since the macro-average counts are sensitive to even small irregularities for low-frequency compounds this holds, namely, for the modiiers fetic- cio, tigre, conseguenza and evento. ItWac Passing through all the landmarks of Milan. ItWac, modiicato Passing through all the? Indeed, it would be odd to encounter gender agreement between the head and its modiier without also having number agree- ment between them.
First, the number of the compound is regularly marked on the head, i. Second, the default form of the modii- er is singular, which results in the conclusion that in the singular form of the I-ATAP compound, the modiier is also in the singular. Such an interpre- tation is triggered either by the fact that the compound components display compatible semantic features i.
Synonyms and antonyms of liberista in the Italian dictionary of synonyms
Computational tools installed in the corpus ItWac enable the re- trieval of all occurrences of such forms potentially derived from any of the modiiers identiied so far. Since the original modiiers number , potential suixed modiiers are obtained. Firstly, the focus is on modiiers of the non-head noun, including adverbial modiiers and prepositional phrases; secondly, modiiers of the head noun, including adjectival modiiers and prepositional phrases, will be addressed.
In princi- ple, the same query discussed by these authors is applied to the ItWac corpus; minor modiications are made in order to collect representative data comparable to the data from the ItWac binominals database. In terms of types, compounds have been found with an internal adverbial modiier, which represents 6. In terms of to- kens however, the rate of compounds with an adverbial modiicator reaches only 0.
Apart from the two most frequent compounds 23a-b , each with 45 and 26 tokens, respectively, the number of tokens per compound with an adverbial modiier does not exceed seven. Besides the overall frequency for each adverb, the Table also gives information on the number of difer- ent I-ATAP compounds in which the adverb appears, and the number of diferent N2 nouns it modiies. Nevertheless, data show that some N2s are particularly prone to modiication by prepositional phrases within I-ATAP compounds, while other N2s are rarely or never modiied in this way. Basically, the sample covers two key types of prepositional modii- ers: Both types have to be separated by manual sorting, because only the latter type matters.
It is interesting to note that some occasional cases allow for both interpretations 28a-b. Unlike the list of nouns, the rate is not based on manually sorted occurrences, thus is purely indicative. Nevertheless, it allows to point outthat when the irst three nouns portatore, frutto, and oggetto appear in an I-ATAP compound, they are almost always followed by an internal PP modiier, which means that this modiier tends to be perceived as obligatory. Two typical examples are given in For instance, the modiication of the non-head el- ement of I-ATAP compounds by an adjective seems to be impossible.
To the best of my knowl- edge, this issue has not yet been examined thoroughly. According to the corpus data, this type of internal modiication is pos- sible irrespective of whether the non-head element has ulterior modii- ers 33a-b or not 32a-d. In terms of type frequency, the collo- cability of the most frequent I-ATAP modiiers is at least three to four times lower than the collocability of the most frequent adjectives and about twice as high as the collocability of the most frequent non-head elements in subordinate grounding compounds.
Data from the ItWac corpus provides strong support for the hypothesis that the creation of superlative forms through applying the suixe -issimo on the modiier is not permitted within the I-ATAP com- pounds. On the other hand, the inlection of the modiier appears to be more item spe- ciic, since each modiier may behave diferently. Such an in- terpretation is triggered either by the fact that the compound compo- nents display compatible semantic features e. It has been argued that the latter property may be tested through cancelling the head noun from an I-ATAP compound in context.
Finally, attempts were made to verify the hypothesis that I-ATAP compounds might allow for the internal modiication of both the non- head and the head noun. As for the former issue, two structures have been studied: It turned out that modiication of the non-head noun by an ad- verb is possible — 6. Such violation of the lexical integrity principle is unexpected, thus, its possible theoretical implications are discussed in Section VI.