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It makes it seem as though everything is happening on the first night when in fact the conclusion to the story comes in right at the 30 day end. The plot line with the people from New Orleans is never really explained, who they were, why the woman wanted photographs or how they would fit into the rest of the series. I felt they had no real bearing on the story and therefore superfluous to it's needs.

30 Days of Night, Vol. Ongoing Digital Comics - (EU) Comics by comiXology

An enjoyable read and a series I might buy more of it the price is right. The artwork is gritty and stylized to remind one of grit, and there are lots of threads laid down, but the storyline isn't entirely creative. The premise is extremely creative, but the characters and character choices are not.

Furthermore, in this particular volume, one does not spend enough time with any of the characters to become invested in them before the first story arc is completed.

30 Days of Night: Ongoing #3

There is a lot of promise here, but it just isn't realized in the first volume. Interestingly, 30 days was originally fielded unsuccessfully to studios as a screenplay before Niles hooked up with Templesmith to create the comic. Anyway, when I looked up 30 Days at Amazon, I found that more than just one version existed. The first is the story of vampires that invade a small town called Barrow in Alaska at dusk on the first evening of 30 days before the sun will rise again.

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The second story is one of revenge; a survivor of the first story hunts and seeks to expose the existence of vampires; and the third story has the brother of a victim from the first story returning to Barrow to discover and expose the awful truth of what originally happened in the town. The first 30 Days story is what the movie was based on.

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The series has been followed by numerous sequel series, and in , was adapted into a film of the same name. Vampires flock to Barrow, Alaska, where the sun sets for about 30 days, allowing them to feed without the burden of sleep to avoid lethal sunlight. When the vampire elder Vicente learns of this plan, he travels to Barrow to end the feeding, to preserve the secrecy of vampires.

30 Days of Night: Ongoing Vol. 2

Because of the cold, the vampires' senses are weakened and a few of the town's residents are able to hide. One such resident is Sheriff Eben Olemaun, who saves the town by injecting vampire blood into his veins. He uses his enhanced strength to fight Vicente, saving the lives of the few remaining townspeople, including his wife Stella.

Suffering the same weakness as all vampires, Eben allows himself to die and turns to ash when the sun rises. The Nosferatu were once ruled by a "Council of Elders" led by Vicente. When the council decided to make themselves known to the human race , humanity rebelled and persecuted most of their race. After a millennium , only a handful survived, led by Vicente. In the series, vampirism is portrayed as a virus, one that can be spread through scratches, bites, and contact with vampire blood.


The disease turns humans who contract it undead and gives them a mouthful of shark-like fangs and black eyes, as well as superhuman strength and speed, an aversion to sunlight, and superhumanly acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing. However, these senses can be weakened by extreme cold.

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A town full of people, a town full of darkness, a town full of vampires. In this comic series by Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith the small Alaskan town of Barrow seems to be the perfect community for Vampires to prey on. I found myself trying to guess what is going on in the comic at times.

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They wrapped up this storyline way too quickly. I was very, very excited for this graphic novel after reading so much of the hype. After reading it, I have to say I'm very disappointed. Fantastic idea for a graphic novel, but terrible plot. All the interesting action or plot as to the method the vampires used to take over the town? Glossed over in a few flashback panels. It's as if the author didn't feel like writing a full graphic novel, so just skipped over the meat of the book.

Felt very point A to point B, with no thought given to making the volume feel worthwhile. There's a lot to like with this graphic novel, visually it is pretty stunning although it might not suit everyone. At times it looked quite blurred as though the artist doesn't want you seeing some things too clearly.

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