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Project and system definition -- pt. Systems and procedures for planning and control -- ch. Planning fundamentals -- ch. Project time planning and networks -- ch. Advanced project network analyses and scheduling -- ch.

Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology

Cost estimating and budgeting -- ch. Project quality management -- ch. Managing risks in projects -- ch. Project execution and control -- ch. Project evaluation, communication, implementation, and closeout -- pt.

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Organization behavior -- ch. Project organization structure and integration -- ch. Project roles, responsibility, and authority -- ch. Managing participation, teamwork, and conflict -- pt. Project management in the corporate context -- ch. The management of project management -- ch. Project selection and portfolio management -- ch. International project management -- Appendix A. RFP from midwest parcel distribution company -- Appendix B. Proposal for logistical online system project -- Appendix C.

"Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology, 5th Edition" by John M. Nicholas

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Project Management for Engineers

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  • 4 Simple Keys for Living an Empowered Life; Creating the Spiritual and Emotional Strength to flourish in our over stimulating world.
  • Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology : John M. Nicholas : .
  • 11 editions of this work.
  • The How To of Leadership and Management (The How To Series Book 6).

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It's thorough yet accessible approach makes this text an ideal resource and reference for anyone studying or practicing project management within engineering or business. This title includes case studies, examples and background on managing business, engineering, and technology projects to add context for specialists and prepare business students for managing projects in technical industry. New edition features closer alignment with PMBOK terms and definitions, simplified chapter summaries, several new case studies throughout, and expanded coverage of communication and leadership issues such as conflict resolution and the management of distributed teams.

There are extensive instructor support materials, including a test bank of questions and answers, PowerPoint slides, case studies and links to further reading, when you log in to Elsevier's textbook site. Log in to your account to manage your alerts. Add a lower price to be notified. Nicholas , Herman Steyn.

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