Two kinds of dental extractions exist--simple and surgical. When dentists perform a simple extraction, they usually do not need to make any incisions. Instead, the tooth has already erupted and simply needs to be pulled using forceps and an elevator. Alternately, surgical extractions require dentists to extract the tooth by elevating gum tissues and removing bone surrounding and concealing the tooth.
Depending on how deeply embedded the tooth is in the gums, your dentist may also need to remove jawbone tissues using an osteotome. To make surgical extractions easier, your dentist may break the tooth into smaller pieces to avoid a lengthy extraction process. Everyone has a set of third molars, also known as wisdom teeth.
While a handful of people live with their wisdom teeth and experience no problems, most need to undergo wisdom teeth extraction in their late teens or early 20s. Wisdom teeth removal is required when the teeth fail to break through the gums.
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In most cases, the wisdom teeth are angled forward and put pressure on the other molars. Other people may have teeth angled backwards or even sideways, which can lead to dental problems in the future.
Some patients undergo wisdom teeth extraction to address exiting problems like tongue pain or toothache, but most have the procedure done before any problems occur. We get a lot of questions about wisdom teeth extraction from our patients in the Phoenix area.
We've put together an FAQ to answer some of them. You can use this guide as a reference, but we also invite you to ask us any questions you may still be unclear about. Most people start getting their wisdom teeth between the ages of 18 and 21, though sometimes it occurs earlier. You may feel some pain as they begin to erupt through the gum. Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed. However, many people's mouths do not have room to accommodate these teeth, or they can become impacted as discussed above.
In these cases, you'll need to have your wisdom teeth removed. You may also need this procedure if:. Sometimes, wisdom teeth also need to be taken out due to an orthodontic issue, such as improper bite. You should consult our dental office if you think any of these issues may be happening in your mouth.
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No, you will not feel pain as they're removed. Whether we perform a surgical procedure or a simple extraction, you'll have no pain. If you're awake, you may feel pressure as we pull them out, but you won't be uncomfortable. The sensations in your mouth will feel similar to when you get a cavity filled. We know you're busy and want to get back to your regular schedule as quickly as possible following your wisdom teeth removal.
After Teeth Removal
Unfortunately, there's no one answer for how long recovery will take. It depends on a number of factors, such as:.
For most people, a few days will suffice for recovery. Several research projects are associated with this Applied Wisdom curriculum. These research projects include:.
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