And they were each other; they were three, but they were also one. I t is from the pagan mystery religions that the Greek philosophers developed the idea of logos as The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology , Volume 3, page , tells us: Among the systems offering an explanation of the world in terms of the logos , there are the Mystery Religions.
These cultic communities did not see their task as lying in the communication of knowledge of a scientific nature, but of mysteries to their initiates who strove for purification in the recurrent enactment of sacred actions. The Foundation for these cultic actions was Sacred Text. Among them were the cults of Dionysus, the Pytha-goreans, and the Orphic Mysteries.
By means of these cults, non- Greek thought , such as in the Isis-Osiris Mysteries, which Osiris — the logos created by Isis7 is the spiritual image of the world. As such, he Hermes brought regulation and form into world, but himself remained a mediating being between God and matter, on one side, and God and man on the other. The logos can also, however, appear as the son of Hermes , resulting in a triple trinity gradation: A s the Encyclopedia Judaica told us earlier, in order to bring forth the false, pagan, pre-existent God-savior, Christianity was forced to change and reinterpret the writings of Volume Two of The Holy Scriptures.
T here is, however, great reason to doubt what the Christians say about Him. As we have read and proven so far, paganism, not the Laws of Yahweh, is the driving force of Christianity. The Encyclopedia Judaica , Volume 5, page , admits this fact. The Encyclopedia Judaica , Volume 10, page 10, acknowledges that this is exactly what the church has done.
They contained the picture of Jesus as seen by the disciples who knew him. The present Gospels are redactions of these two sources, which were often changed as a result of ecclesiastical tendentiousness. M ost shocking of all, the Roman Catholic Church herself admits to the forgery of the Holy Scriptures. The Catholic Encyclopedia , Volume 6, page , gives us this admission. Innocent III points out nine species of forgery[of ecclesiastical records] which had come under his notice.
As truly said by Collins, in his celebrated Discourse of Free Thinking: O ne of the greatest pagan deceptions ever passed off to this world as truth by the Roman Catholic Church is that of a pre-existent God-savior who is part of a trinity of Gods. This very idea is pagan in origin. We will now see how the Christians twisted The Holy Scriptures to get away with it. T he Encyclopedia Judaica , Volume 12, page , agrees that the original versions of Volume Two of the Holy Scriptures did not teach a pre-existent God-savior. The spirit of Judaism is discernible even in the compositions originally written in this popular Greek.
T here is nothing recorded in Volume Two of the Holy Scriptures that ever quotes Yahshua as saying He was either an equal part of a trinity with Yahweh or that He pre-existed with Yahweh. So he asked Him; What is the first commandment of all? The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israyl, Yahweh is our Father.
Murline Miles talks about her new book - Let Yahshua Rock Your World
For it is written: Yahweh your Father you must reverence, and Him only you must serve! I go away, but come again to you. If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. No, not even the malakim in heaven, but My Father only. Why do you question Me about righteousness? There is only One Who is the standard of perfection, and that is Yahweh; so if you would enter into life, keep the Laws of Yahweh.
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T he apostles taught that Yahshua was a mortal man, not a pre-existent God-savior. They taught that He was tempted like all men are tempted. T hey also taught that Yahweh, however, cannot be tempted. I am tempted by Yahweh; for Yahweh cannot be tempted with evil , nor does He tempt anyone. T he apostles also taught that Yahshua died. T he apostles also taught that Yahweh raised Yahshua from the dead. I t is a Scriptural fact that Yahweh is immortal, that He cannot die. So if Yahweh and Yahshua are the same being as Christianity teaches how could one die and the other live to raise the one who died?
This simply makes no sense, but neither does any Christian doctrine. Notice what the Apostle Shaul wrote, speaking of Yahweh. In this verse, we also read that no man has ever seen Yahweh, yet Yahshua most definitely was seen. The word word in these verses comes from the Greek word logos.
The Christians, so eager to promote the pagan Trinity, attached to the word every pagan interpretation. But they deliberately ignore the fact that Yahchanan was a Jew who had nothing to do with pagan Greek philosophy. Many scholars have argued that the apostle John had this philosophical development in the back of his mind when he wrote the prologue to his Gospel and that he actually tried to impart some of these concepts.
For a long time many have contended that the background of the fourth Gospel was essentially Hellenistic rather than Hebraic. In dealing with such an assertion we may note that studies in the Dead Sea scrolls have tended to confirm the traditional conservative position that the cultural orientation of the Gospel of John was Hebraic. Moreover, we must observe that John was a simple fisherman from Palestine. While he did come to live in the sophisticated city of Ephesus, probably after the fall of Jerusalem in a. If he intended to be philosophical in the first few verses, he certainly was not anywhere else.
This source admits that Yahchanan used this word in its ordinary meaning.

The Encyclopedia Judaica , Volume 12, page , admits that the style of most of the writings in Volume Two of the Holy Scriptures is, in fact, Hebraic. Although the language of the New Testament, in the form that it exists today, is Greek, two earlier influences are still discernible. Because most of the authors were Jewish Nazarenes, they spoke, for the most part, Aramaic, and some also mishnaic Hebrew. This influence, which was detectable particularly in the original versions of Mark and Matthew, survives to some degree in their extant Greek versions and in several of the Epistles as well, including James and Jude.
Let Yahshua Rock Your World (Paperback)
The rest of the works were originally written in Greek. Since this translation was used by many authors, the New Testament contains not only Aramaic words and phrases, which the disciples heard from Jesus and took care to remember out of reverence for their master e. Talitha Kumi Mark 5: So to assert that the Apostle Yahchanan was writing of a pagan logos is absurd. S o Yahchanan wrote, under inspiration, not of a pre-existent God-savior, but of the wonderful Plan of Yahweh.
Nedarim 39b, seven things, i. W ith all this in mind, let us read the correct translation of the following Scripture. T he Law of Yahweh, which Yahshua and the apostles preached, plainly tells us that Yahweh is one. T he prophets further testified that Yahweh is the only source of power and there is no pagan God with Him at all. Therefore, you are My witnesses, says Yahweh: Have I not told you from that time, and have declared; You are My witnesses!
Is there a source of power except Me? Truly, there is no other rock; I know not one. I am Yahweh, and there is no other! I am Yahweh, and there is no other source of power! I t should now be obvious to anyone that the apostles, as well as the prophets, did not believe in or teach a pre-existent God-savior. The apostles clearly taught against pagan Godworship, the same worship all Christianity teaches today. For what fellowship has righteousness with unright-eousness? Or what share does a believer have with an infidel; untrustworthy, not faithful, not true nor loyal?
As Yahweh has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their Father, and they will be my people. Do not touch the unclean thing, and I will receive you. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil. Yahweh is the true Father, and eternal life. Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of demons , and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Come out of her, My people, so that you do not partake in her sins, and so that you do not receive of her plagues , 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities!
Let Yahshua Rock Your World - Murline Miles - Google Книги
They also knew that this man would be raised again by Yahweh. S ome of those trying to support the deception of a pre-existent savior argue that Yahshua and Yahweh are the same being. They also argue that Yahshua was Yahweh of the Old Testament. These arguments held up to the light of the Scriptures plainly show that Yahshua and Yahweh are two different Beings. Of this we are witnesses. W ho raised Yahshua from the dead? It was Yahweh the Father.
The Scriptures say that it is Yahweh Who raises the dead. It takes the power of someone who is alive and who has power over death to raise a person from the dead. I n Acts 3: This should prove to anyone that Yahweh and Yahshua Messiah are two different beings. I n the Holy Scriptures , we read: A ny reliable dictionary will tell you that the word death used in Hebrews 9: T he Holy Scriptures also confirm the fact that to become dead means to become senseless. I t is a Scriptural fact that one who is dead does not even know that he is dead. Yahshua Messiah did not know anything during the three days and three nights He was dead.
Therefore, He most certainly did not raise Himself from the dead. Y ahshua Messiah did die; all life ceased to exist in His body. He was dead for three days and three nights. Y ahweh, however, was alive; Yahweh is immortal. Y ahweh could not have been Yahshua, because the Holy Scriptures say that Yahshua died. T he word mortal from The New World Dictionary of the American Language , comes from the word mortis , which means death , akin to the word mori , which means to die. Therefore, Yahshua Messiah was mortal.
T he word immortal from this same dictionary, means not mortal; deathless. Y ahweh is immortal. Yahweh could not have died. Dying is an impossibility for an immortal being. Y ahshua Messiah was not immortal at that time. He was made subject to death. Y ahshua died; Yahshua suffered death, proving by His dying that He was not an immortal, pre-existent Being. K ing David spoke prophetically as though Yahshua was doing the talking in: T he word for word Hebrew translation of Psalm I render it ordinarily by from , out of , by ; with, by means of , among, between , etc.
T he New World Dictionary of the American Language , Second College Edition, gives a complete definition of the word from as beginning at, starting with, out of. T he word translated from in Psalm T his can only mean one thing: He had no need of strength. T o believe in a pre-existent savior is just as detrimental to our salvation as believing in a savior other than Yahshua Messiah, Who was sent by Yahweh. A s incredible as it may sound, the doctrine of a pre-existent savior was being taught even before Yahshua Messiah was born.
This doctrine was condemned by the apostles. The apostles called those who taught it anti-Messiahs. This is a deceiver and an anti-christ. T he Concordant Version of the Sacred Scriptures , shows us the word for word ancient translation of: A ccordingly, this verse should read: This is a deceiver and an Anti-Messiah! T hen, by reading I Yahchanan 4: Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. This Torah-based book will help clarify your understanding of the Messiah's Truth from a Hebraic perspective.
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