Edition Payot et Rivages. Acerca de la Felicidad. With Some Unpublished Papers of Mme. Trapnell, William H, ed. Six discours sur les miracles de Notre Sauveur: The following six entries include material copied, without attribution, from her work:. This is ironic, since the Encyclopedia itself contained at least 12 entries that were copied largely from her magnum opus. Translated by Terry Stancliffe. Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library, Reviews of her work, and other kinds of engagement with it, appeared in English, French, Italian and German during her lifetime.
Spreadsheet overview of reviews below: The journal published critical reviews of scholarship. It begins by praising the anonymous author of this work for the finesse and style of the writing, noting that these are rare qualities. The work is written for her son and it involves an approachable style throughout as a result. It is concerned with the ideas of Descartes and Newton, but it also discusses the ideas of Leibniz, who is still little known in France. Article LVI, June, pp. Article XCI, September, pp. In the s, the journal was published in two editions, in Paris and Amsterdam. The two locations had different pagination and did not always include the same content each month.
The reviews appeared at different times in the two editions, first in Paris and then in Amsterdam:. Bayerische StaatsBibliothek digital link. The journal is the oldest still published academic journal in German scholarship. Im Verlag der privilegiirten Universitets Buchhandlung.
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Lozeran de Fese and another by someone else. Then there are two more essays: Da sie eine grosse K[? HathiTrust is missing a page. The great mathematician Johann Bernoulli acted as the agent for the editor and Voltaire contributed a short account of her life. Article on the subject of women scholars. The following reference list focuses on scholarship that is most relevant to philosophy. Between Leibniz and Newton. Cirey Dans la Vie Intellectual: Feminist History of Philosophy: Zinsser, Judith and Julie Chandler Hayes.
Rewriting Enlightenment Philosophy and Science. The Genesis of the Institutions de Physique. Studies Presented to Theodore Besterman. Scientist, Philosopher and Feminist of the Enlightenment. Cirey dans la Vie Intellectuel: Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, Science and the Enlightenment. Kolving, Ulla and Olivier Courcelle, eds.
III , edited by C. Zinsser, Judith and Julie C. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century. This section is forthcoming. Please subscribe to our Newsletter to stay on top of new video resources! It is customary to cite letters in this edition with the volume and page number, or with the letter number only. Among the correspondents in this edition, notable natural philosophers and mathematicians include:. Ruth Hagengruber, with the assistance of Ana Rodrigues and others, is preparing the letters and manuscripts in the Voltaire Collection, St.
Petersburg, National Library of Russia, for publication. Isabelle Bour and Judith Zinsser translated three letters nos. Scholars Portal link to PDF. The Republic of Letters: They became known for their expertise in Leibnizian calculus and for solving some of the most difficult mathematical problems of their time. Johann II was also a successful academic in his own right: Therefore, the actual location of his letters is mostly unknown.
The Electronic Enlightenment proprietary database contains 41 of the letters it is missing letters from 2 August and 12 December This page essay exists in just two copies worldwide: Fritz Nagel amongst the papers of Johann Bernoulli, which is in a rough hand. It has never before been published. Nagel that will lead to the very first publication of this important work. Between Leibniz and Newton , edited by Ruth Hagengruber. The fragment is contained in the Electronic Enlightenment database.
Intorno alle lettere edite ed inedite di Alessio Claudio Clairaut. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Electronic Enlightenment Correspondence Version 3. The Newton Wars and the beginning of the French Enlightenment. Zinsser, Judith and O. His tragic relationship with his father and his numerous passionate relationships with various important figures in Europe inspired a famous account of his life by Nancy Mitford ; reprinted, Although he became known as one of the greatest military commanders of the 18th century, he was also a passionate patron of the arts and sciences, who promoted rational secularism and religious toleration.
The database also contains one more additional fragment of a letter from Frederick. University of Trier digital edition. Between Leibniz and Newton , edited by Ruth Hagengruber, pp. Julien Offray de la Mettrie , a French physician and natural philosopher, was one of the earliest proponents of materialism in France and indeed Europe. There is no proof so far that they had met each other in person, but the likelihood is high, as they both belonged to the same scholarly circles in Paris and shared friends, such as Maupertuis and Voltaire.
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de. Discours sur le bonheur. Critical edition by John Falvey. Pierre Louis Moreau du Maupertuis — was an eminent French mathematician and natural philosopher: The letters can also be found in the Electronic Enlightenment proprietary database.
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Isabelle Bour and Judith Zinsser, translators. The man who flattened the earth: Maupertuis and the sciences in the Enlightenment. The table below describes a selection of her connections, mainly natural philosophers and scholars. Johann I, his brother Jacob, and their sons became known for their expertise in Leibnizian calculus and for solving some of the most difficult mathematical problems of their time. After her death, he was instrumental in publishing this work posthumously. Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de.
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Frederic II, King of Prussia. Mairan, Jean Jacques Dortous de. Mairan wrote a reply to her criticisms in , to which she wrote a rejoinder. Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau du. Not a traditional philosopher, he nevertheless engaged with many leading scholars and natural philosophers across Europe, including Frederick the Great and members of his Academy of Sciences. Online resources Academic projects. Bernoulli correspondence — University of Basel electronic edition. Rather than rein- corrupt and express the will of the people.
Indeed, the references to , geneity of the people. These have also all functioned as important to pay attention to the immense work of sym- symbols of French republicanism, and more generally, bolization and representation adopted by the anti—gay- of France. The Civil Code, for instance, has, according marriage movement. The point of the protests was thus not — Thus, the anti—gay-marriage movement recuperated like in the s — to refuse the Republic but rather to many of the symbols of the Republic and of the left fight for it and to heterosexualize it.
Whereas the pro-marriage camp people. However, because of this identification with the constructed the Republic as the paradigm for greater Republic, it was able to speak in the language of human- social inclusion, equal rights, and individual freedom, ism and universalism, not in the name of a particular the anti—gay-marriage camp anchored the Republic in people but of a universal one. Without understanding the heterosexual family, thus presenting gay marriage these stakes, it is difficult to explain the intensity, the as an attack on this very Republic.
My argument in violence, or the longevity of the protests against gay what follows is that the recent debates around gay mar- marriage that continued months after the law had been riage served as a forum to discuss and to test the limits passed with a comfortable majority. The re-appropriation of republican imagery on the part of the anti—gay-marriage movement was thus not a coinci- Republican Universalism and Gay Marriage dence, a parody, a misunderstanding of French history, The embrace of the republican universalism on the part an act of political cynicism, or a simple displacement of the anti—gay-marriage movement — both in adopting of economic anxieties.
This was evident in the Part of the difficulty of locating the anti—gay- branding of the bill: The nation they constituted was equally abstract: For the defenders of this strict republican- ism, the hijab, for instance, represented a fundamen- Figure 4.
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In his because it allows everyone to benefit from a common history of homosexuality, Le Rose et le noir, the law. As the legal scholar Daniel kinds of homosexual politics: And every society must be flag, the Resistance call — and by equating them with able to rely on all its members, who must be able to the heterosexual family, the protestors continued this communicate among themselves. Within their paradigm, homosexuality was, by extension, non-republican, and This dichotomy between republicanism and communi- ultimately, non-French.
Deeply aware merous names, modifications, and back-and-forths from of this political logic, the promoters of the PACS were the Assembly, the Senate, and the courts, the PACS was careful to cast their bill as universal: By , it was proposal for gay civil unions, but rather a form of le- almost as popular as marriage, with , couples gal recognition for all couples. This contract has continued to push for same-sex marriage. Some were a universal impact: Although the tween two persons who have a project of common life, PACS conferred most of the rights associated with mar- whatever their sex may be.
Indeed, the PACS failed to encompass munitarianism, the Americanization of mores, and the two crucial rights of marriage: After would eventually recognize their adoption and grant almost 10 years of equally controversial debates, these them parenting rights and French citizenship for their laws had banned surrogacy and restricted reproductive children. In the months that followed his to be heterosexual, thus very consciously forbidding election in May of that year, Christiane Taubira and her homosexual couples, even those joined by a PACS, team put together the bill that was eventually voted on in from having access to reproductive technologies.
May and that led to these protests. The bill did not The other mechanism for same-sex couples to be- mention assisted reproductive technologies PMA — come parents jointly was through adoption. In practical terms, the law and given the obvious ambivalence of the Pres- however, adoption licenses were routinely denied to sin- ident on this question, the government decided to focus gle gay men and to single lesbians who refused to keep on marriage and adoption, leaving aside the question of their sexual orientation secret.
The impossibility for same-sex fact that the mariage pour tous law would not affect couples to have children through legal means and the reproduction, it is striking to notice how much of the absence of all legal recognition for children already anti—gay-marriage protests focused on PMA and sur- growing up in gay families famille homoparentales rogacy GPA gestation pour autrui figs 5, 6, 7, 8.
Same-sex cialist Party or anyone in the Hollande cabinet. This is certainly the logic that Iowa, New Hampshire, New York, Maine, and Mary- has informed many other opponents of gay marriage land. French gay couples turned to surrogacy agencies throughout the world. In his dissent to the Lawrence in other countries to conceive children.
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Camille Robcis Figure 5, 6, 7, 8. If anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional, Scalia lamented, state laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, forni- cation, bestiality, and obscenity would also be called into question. Both discourses addressed the nation and highlighted the question of who would be allowed to reproduce. The posters condemning surrogacy are especially thus suggests that gay parenting inevitably exposes the revealing of this link between familial, social, and eco- fiction of filiation while heterosexual parenting can be nomic organization.
The two images fig.
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We can contrast these posters with fig. Homosexuality This anxiety over transmission was also evident in could thus only breed more homosexuality and its com- the obsessive biologization of parenting with posters plement, gender deviance. The French Civil Code, of course, was fa- Familial structure and social organization are, in this mous for defining legitimate filiation solely in relation vision, intimately connected and only the heterosexual to marriage. The tax burden for unmarried individuals was from the PACS is, in this sense, significant.
Family proportionally much higher than that of families with and immigration policies share a long history and re- more than three children familles nombreuses. Simi- main conceptually inseparable in the context of modern larly, the Code was clear about its desire to protect ma- France. In the early 20th century, family drugs and alcohol to the criminalization of abortion.
The two most obvious ways to augment population was also responsible for setting up a comprehensive im- numbers was by encouraging people to have more ba- migration policy. To do so, population experts relied on bies but also by promoting immigration. Only specific they proposed quotas accordingly. Predictably enough, families were to be rewarded with family benefits. Camille Robcis example, the French government decided to close the contributor to the journal La France Courtoise. Tim- nation borders and suspend all immigration in response merman described his talk as a response to Judith Butler to the economic crisis and the rise of unemployment.
Through- an exception for family-based immigration through the out the gay marriage debates, this video circulated law of regroupement familial — the argument being that widely on Catholic and right-wing websites, with Judith having a family was a fundamental right. But in this context, will filiation remain like Jewishness, reproduces itself through culture, grounded in law in accordance with the system of legit- through insidious and covert mechanisms.
Or will filiation be grounded exclusively bates was brought to light with particular force in the in biology? And if biology constitutes the primary crite- racist campaign against Christiane Taubira. Taubira, rion for belonging to the nation, how will immigrants be who began her political career as a representative from forced to integrate into the French nation, and to aban- French Guiana, was best known prior to the mariage don their cultural particularities in favor of the abstrac- pour tous law for promoting an extremely controversial tion of France? She insisted on the Frenchness mariages gris , and as it even allowed, in complete of children of same-sex couples while her opponents contradiction with French law, the administration of linked them to terrorism, totalitarianism, communitar- DNA tests to children of immigrants who sought to enter ianism, and hence, non-France.
As she declared in an France under the rubric of regroupement familial. On January 26, , bring legal security to all the children of France. The best example of how these two all and reminding Taubira of her status as a colonial discourses often became entangled with one another is subject fig. Finally, when she was on a trip to a conference delivered in October by Claude Tim- Angers on October 25, , a crowd of Manif pour merman, a self-described agronomist, journalist, and Tous protestors screamed: Rather, it revealed the real stakes of these de- rina Toscano for their enormously helpful comments on this bates in which the proponents of a white, Catholic, piece.
This was a struggle not only Monde, 18 April , both accessed June 29, For a survey of statistics tasy of a lost unity, of a social cohesion and a model and polls concerning marriage and homosexuality, see of vivre-ensemble threatened by difference. Camille Robcis le-printemps-francais-lointain-descendant-d-un-catholicisme- April , accessed June 29, , http: Verso, , Gallimard, , and the Turn to the Human in the France: