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Jacob's Room
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Voltaire, one of the greatest of all French writers. Although only a few of his works are still read,…. Bob Dylan, American folksinger who moved from folk to rock music in the s, infusing the lyrics of….
Charles Dickens, English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian era. If you prefer to suggest your own revision of the article, you can go to edit mode requires login.
Interesting Literature
Thank you for your feedback. Discover your curiosity type, learn about curious people, and sign up for our Curiosity Challenge. Perhaps it is partly by the aid of the novelists that we have come to imagine our lives as sequences, but Mrs Woolf won't have that at all. She provides us with chunks of what seems arbitrary and is certainly not explicit, and leaves us to sort them. There is art in it, of course, and doubtless the unaccustomed reader permits himself to be disconcerted too much by the disjointedness.
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Mrs Woolf has no turn for the plausible, and scorns the canny. But she does not appear to have much interest in character except as it is manifested in the capacity to receive and record impressions. In this she is an expert, and might almost convince us that colours and shapes are the whole of life. She looks at Scarborough, for instance, and trivialities become significant; we may find it brilliant and romantic or even amusing, but it is not the Scarborough of tradition and the advertisements; it is no more a setting for a story than is the wind on the heath. As to the subject of this story - that can hardly matter.
Jacob appears to be young with extraordinary virulence and with no particular intentions. He has a tremendous contempt for "Shaw and Wells and the serious sixpenny weeklies", for elderly people, for most things.
Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf - Free Ebook
We may suspect that Mrs Woolf agrees with him. Don't palter with the second-rate, Detest your own age. Build a better one The flesh and blood of the future depends entirely upon six young men. No; of course it's very wrong to identify Mrs Woolf with all that, and yet this is one of the most arrogant books that has been written lately.