Dans la même rubrique

The need for assessing the legacy of colonialism also motivates the study of its advent in Early Modern texts. The insistence placed upon origins, and upon first contact, in turn, is one of the many places where the study of travel narratives interacts with the discipline of anthropology.

Les traces de Zdenka Braunerova, artiste Tchèque, dans la culture Française

The second part of the article is about the ambivalence involving, on one hand, the advent of research on travel literature, and on the other, its difficulties in precisely defining its object, or its refusal to do so. The definition of the object appears to be less crucial than its rehabilitation or its historicization. The third part of the article presents a selection of critical discourses, questionings, and stakes, linked to travel literature: Certes, tous les voyageurs ne sont pas Lamartine.

Each thematic issue contains about ten original articles, commented rare sources and a book review. Gilles Candar , Comment le parlementarisme s'est-il nourri du socialisme? Claudio Pavone, Une guerre civile.

Annette Kolb — Wikipédia

Sandro Guerrieri, Due Costituenti e tre referendum. Presses universitaires de Rennes. La Guerre des mots. Les Politiques au pied du mur Varia. Les Urnes de l'oncle Sam.

Geoffroy Huard, Les Gays sous le franquisme. Burton, Friendship and Empire: L'administration territoriale de la France. Jean-Claude Caron et Jean Garrigues.

Christine Bard et Bibia Pavard. Jean Garrigues, Les hommes providentiels. Les spectacles sous le Second Empire , dir.

  1. CPR AM Singapore | Institutionals.
  2. L'Amour, La fantasia, Assia Djebar – Lettres & Arts.
  3. Budget de l'Union européenne : quel compromis possible entre la France et l'Allemagne ??

II, , p. Johnson, Nineteenth Century French Studies , vol.

Littérature haïtienne

Essais de critique , Paris, Champion, t. Jean Pavans, Paris, Le Seuil, coll. Paliyenko, Nineteenth Century French Studies , vol. Pierre et Jean MACY John , p.

1. La sortie du Royaume-Uni modifie le contexte de la négociation du CFP

Tre soprannomi e un nome misterioso: II, Le Point aveugle: Da Balzac a Proust , Roma, Bulzoni, , p. Radio Italiana, , p. Studi di Letteratura contemporanea , Napoli, Pierro, , p. III, , p.

  • Le XVIIe siècle.
  • Collection!
  • Du côté dailleurs et de partout (French Edition)?
  • Ehret & Haid London Botanical Illustrations;
  • L'Amour, La fantasia, Assia Djebar.
  • Rockin Robin.
  • Il romanzo della Terza Repubblica. Corinne Bayle, Acta Fabula , Vol.