MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mk-II

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Temporal Parietal Juncture by Robert Fittro.

Are you searching for a titillating vacation from the same old song and dance your used to? Looking for altered states of consciousness in a non linear sequence? A variety of experimental procedures await you on this spontaneous journey into the depraved Are you searching for a titillating vacation from the same old song and dance your used to? A variety of experimental procedures await you on this spontaneous journey into the depraved depths of the subconscious.

Experience continuous partial awareness as the hidden messages in the subliminal text burrow deep into your inferotemporal cortex, that's the visual word form area. Delicious sensations to be sure await the reader in this Pushbutton E-Book, emotionally raw, off kilter existentialism. Everytime I see you I can think of nothing else It's so nice to be near you I just can't help myself I hear music in the sunrise I feel the colors of the day While he survived the events of the last series, Kamille unfortunately begins the series comatose and plans are made for his hospitalization when the Argama is forced to dock at Shangri-La for repairs.

Judau meets Kamille in the process, and ends up unlocking his newtype potential, eventually leading to his recruitment by Bright. Dido is Arrow's CO and rescued Glemmy in the desert in order to have him as a spy. The wealthy and powerful leader of the Neutral Tigerbaum Colony. Stampa has an eye for the finer things in life like wealth, women, mobile suits, and other luxuries.

Upon the Nahel Argama's visit to his colony he has the ship impounded and expresses an interest in the female members of the crew. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Judau Ashta Voiced by: Kazuki Yao "I'm Judau Ashta, currently skipping school! Leina Ashta Voiced by: Elle Vianno Voiced by: Roux Louka Voiced by: Beecher Oleg Voiced by: Shingo Hiromori One of Judau's "friends" Beecher is initially an opportunist, who switches sides at the drop of a hat.

With Judau in Episode Shades thereof with Elle, though it really depends on the episode sometimes there's none, sometimes they actually seem to hate each other, and sometimes it's this trope. At times they're basically Kamille and Fa 2.

With the gold Hyaku-Shiki The Captain: Of the Nahel Argama , after they steal it to finish the war. Starts off as a selfish punk, and grows up quite a bit over the course of the show. They get a Last Minute Hookup in the anime. It's less a matter of malice, and more immaturity - he keeps looking for the easiest way out. He eventually does rejoin the heroes and stays with them.

Easily Forgiven Entitled Bastard: No matter how many times Beecher betrays or screws Judau over, he still expects his "friend" to bail his ass out of trouble. Eventually achieves this status as he matures. It takes a few lectures from Torres and Iino before it sinks in. His Pet the Dog in Episode Only Beecher gets to show Judau No Sympathy. Climbs into the Hyaku-Shiki as though he were Char himself, and flies it pretty well, despite his only previous experience being failed attempts at stealing the ZZ.

It's All About Me: To the point of narcissism. He gets better, but this trait never really goes away. Jerk Ass Lazy Bum: Refuses to do anything early on without being bribed or shamed in some way. He has no sympathy for the other crew members of the Argama or Judau, especially early on. In his own jerkish way.

Beecher takes offense at Roux's rough treatment of Judau following Leina's apparent death , and proceeds to hassle her on Judau's behalf.

Leina Ashta

Towards Judau, over essentially everything. In the English dubbed Dynasty Warriors: Gundam games he appears in, anyway. With Mondo for a while. Took a Level in Badass: Eventually became the Nahel Argama's captain, replacing Bright Noa. With Friends Like These Early on he and Mondo betray the Argama , and even after defecting back to it, continue to backstab and screw over Judau at every opportunity, through jealousy, laziness, and stupidity.

Despite all this, Elle never stops reminding Judau that Beecher is their friend. Mondo Agake Voiced by: Like Beecher, he eventually does rejoin the heroes and stays with them. Shares Beecher's desire to slack off. He was the Shangri-La salvage team's mechanic, and is surprisingly good with machinery.

He, like Beecher, is also very annoyed by Roux's treatment of Judau in episode Butchers the guy who kills Rasara. Early on in the series Mondo's character tended to revolve around Beecher's and though they were Those Two Guys , Beecher was the more prominent of them and the one driving their betrayals. Mondo eventually grows more independent from him, falling more into the role of a team player while Beecher resisted. Even how they go about relationships are markedly different with Mondo and Rasara's shy interactions contrasting the Belligerent Sexual Tension that Beecher and Elle have.

Who Wears Short Shorts? Team Gundam switch to casual wear for the hotter climate when they get to Earth. Mondo, along with Elle and Roux, takes to wearing hot pants at this time held up by suspenders. Less so than Beecher, but still not going to win any "buddy of the year" awards. Iino Abbav Voiced by: Masami Kikuchi Another of Judau's gang, Iino is the most rational of the group, often acting as a calming force and a mediator.

Iino isn't a Mobile Suit pilot but he often flies out with the team as support. He usually flies one of the ZZ Gundam's parts, assisting in distracting enemies, and allowing ZZ to fully deploy. Acts as one of these and as a mechanic.

Rosamia Badam reveals her Cyber Newtype beliefs to Buran Blutarch -- Zeta Gundam

A thoroughly pleasant young man who tries his hardest to be friends with everybody. Steps into this role vis a vis Beecher after the launching of the Nahel Argama , taking over the ship in his absence. In a group consisting of the treacherous Beecher, impulsive Judau, brash Elle, and idiotic Mondo, Iino is consistently the sanest and most rational member of the group.

Adapts this attitude as the story progresses, particularly where the idiocy of the rest of the group is concerned. Especially in the early parts of the series. Iino was one of the calmer and more shy of the group and cowed easily to pressure from Beecha and Mondo. Functions as the brains of Judau's group of friends.

Makes a fairly convincing girl when the group is under cover. Bright Noa Voiced by: Torres and Saegusa Voiced by: Kenta Abe Torres Ascended Extra: Torres was largely a background character in Zeta but steps up as a more important supporting cast member in ZZ.

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Bridge Bunnies Commander Contrarian: Torres takes on this role vis a vis Beecher. Killed Off for Real: Poor Torres Older and Wiser: Torres steps into this position after Bright's departure with his age and experience giving him an edge over Team Gundam. When they take onboard a refugee ship that was under attack Torres is suspiscious of them, feeling that Neo Zeon is sneaking a spy onboard through them. The psychic Sarasa agrees with him, sensing a dark aura from the refugees. Haman is disguised amongst them. Torres and Saegusa were this at the beginning of the series and Torres forms this dynamic with Keitheron at the end.

  1. The Telephone Patent Conspiracy of 1876: The Elisha Gray–Alexander Bell Controversy and Its Many Players.
  2. The Night Mellor Went Mad;
  3. cyber newtype?

They tend to be tertiary characters, commenting on the situation and lending a hand. Though in both scenerios, Torres is the more prominent. Torres has taken one since Zeta. What the Hell, Hero? Torres does this to Cecilia Would Hit a Girl: Torres hits two girls in one episode, in fact; Chara and Cecilia.

Haman Khan Voiced by: Mashmyre Cello Voiced by: Kenyuu Horiuchi "Lady Haman.

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I will prove myself worthy of this rose. Chara Soon Voiced by: Glemmy Toto Voiced by: Tsutomu Kashiwakura "My mama once told me Elpeo Ple Voiced by: Rakan Dahkaran Voiced by: Ryuusuke Oobayashi "I'll make you part of the ruins, boy! Gottn Goh Voiced by: A bit of both.

He's very devoted to the soldiers under his command, but civilians like Beecha and Mondo don't fare so well. To Mashymyre and Chara. He tries his best, but Gottn has the absolute worst luck. While Mashmyre was eccentric he often had an idea of when action is needed. Chara is downright spacey and Gottn is the one largely trying to keep her on task. Fights far dirtier than his boss, Mashmyre - he doesn't care as much about civilian casualties, and will happily use hostages, ambushes, and human shields to further his plans.

Even Evil Has Standards: In a bit of a reversal from their usual roles he and Mashymyre have differing reactions to the crew performing funeral rites for a trio of deceased pilots. Mashymyre is largely dismissive of the whole affair finding it unnecessary and tedious especially because it's an Earth ritual. Gottn by contrast is a lot more supportive of the crew's choice of funeral. He tries to blow up the Argama with a bomb smuggled aboard a crowded civilian transport.

Cecilia returns it to sender. He's a far more talented strategist and tactician than either of his commanding officers aboard the Endra, but shows commendable loyalty to them nonetheless. Though he's much nastier and more competent than Mashymyre, it's counterbalanced by his impressive loyalty and appalling luck.

Anti-Earth Union Group

The poor, poor guy. He plays this role towards Mashymyre and Chara's more comical antics. He does care for his men, but it's impossible to deny that they're August Gidan Voiced by: He's actually rather skilled. Seems to be of Arabic descent. It's hard to tell. He's an Oldtype and looks down at the idea that Newtypes are a superior breed of pilots viewing their abilities as no substitute for battle experience.

Glemmy Toto views him as a self-serving bastard.