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Save to a USB stick or send to an email address. We'd love to show you around! Group and individual study rooms are available for quietly studying or working on assignments. The second measure is the Eretrian anti-tyranny legislation of ca. The inscription consists of two fragments, one originally published in and subsequently lost and the other discovered in and published in SEG Our knowledge of Eretrian history is patchy, but it does appear that the city was subject to frequent bouts of one-man rule.

Death to tyrants! : ancient Greek democracy and the struggle against tyranny

It has long been recognized that the anti-tyranny law of Eucrates GHI 79 , the third to be considered, was modeled on the law of Demophantus. If the Areopagus failed to meet, that failure would signal to the Athenians that their democracy had been overthrown and thus they should mobilize in its defense. Did anti-tyranny laws always aim to protect democracies? In terms of knowledge-production, the trial served a similar function as the oath of Demophantus.

The recorded verdict, to 7, further advertised the unity of the Eresians against those who would threaten their democratic constitution. Erythrai , also does not involve an anti-tyranny law per se. Instead, the third-century inscription underscores how the politics of the commemoration of tyrannicide revolved around attempts to encourage or to discourage mass mobilization.

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Debates about the statue of the tyrannicide Philites were really debates about the future of Erythraean democracy. When the oligarchs removed the sword of Philites, they were advertising the message that democratic mobilization against them would fail.

sehepunkte 17 (2017), Nr. 5

By taking away the sword and by allowing a patina to form on it, they suggested that the memory of the tyrannicide was being obliterated. The final case is the law from Ilium I.

He supports the consensus date of the law of ca. He concludes by listing known fragments of anti-tyranny legislation from Hellenistic Asia Minor.

This is a wide-ranging and thought-provoking work. Of course, it is inevitable that such a work will provoke quibbles.

  1. Death to tyrants! : ancient Greek democracy and the struggle against tyranny.
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The extent to which a bandwagon effect would follow, or could rationally be expected to follow, an assassination surely depended more on how the victim was seen, and on how political violence was seen in general, than on the presence or absence of anti-tyranny laws. And this determination would probably be made after the fact.

Death to tyrants! : ancient Greek democracy and the struggle against tyranny | Robertson Library

As John Wilkes Booth learned to his great chagrin, just shouting " sic semper! A neat illustration of the tyrant-identification problem is the case of Timoleon not discussed by Teegarden. According to some versions of the story, he killed his brother as a would-be tyrant but this did not settle the matter, as the act divided Corinthian public opinion, some praising the act and others condemning it depending on their political stance. Lewis in JHS