For example, Buffy Summers kills demons and monsters like ancient heroes, but of course, as a young, apparently fragile female, she inhabits the Monster-Fighter paradigm in a fundamentally different way than Beowulf or St.

Margaret, an early female Monster-Fighter, performs her role differently than Buffy, with St. Margaret promoting purity and piety, while Buffy embodies teen struggles through the metaphor of monster fights. Buffy the Vampire Slayer courtesy of http: As a multimedia resource, this project recognizes the capacity of emerging scholars to mediate between the stories of the past and contemporary narratives, while also integrating academic research, the reading of traditional texts, and the critical analysis of new media. This web source also acknowledges that people in high school and early college increasingly engage with the world utilizing the internet, film, and video games.

This level of engagement creates a unique advantage for undergraduate scholars, who are proficient in navigating these resources. Undergraduates thus meet the ideal qualifications to teach the university and the broader community about new media that integrate global historical narratives with modern storytelling.

Schocken Books, Princeton University Press, , 95, accessed 5 July , http: Princeton University Press, Her courage, wit and determination has not only helped improve the living and working conditions of countless families, but has inspired many others to take risks to achieve an "inheritance of justice.

We all have mountains standing in our path, making life more difficult than it should be.

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Luigi Ciotti works tirelessly to build communities that are standing together are slowly turning the tides of corruption and oppression in Italy. Fan Yew Teng lived a life that empowered others through knowledge, inspired them through his action, and lead them with boldness and humility when asked.

His story is packed with incidents of courage, risk and compassion that were never boasted about. Here are some of his heroic actions and decisions we do know. George Ballis powerful force for social change, characterized by his fluid and adaptive influence and his willingness to work behind the scenes.

At first I was confused by the casual, almost awkward display. Accustomed to the high polish of gallery and museum exhibitions, I initially felt I had stumbled upon the work a little too early, as though it wasn't quite ready for public display.

Heroes of the 21st Century — Holon Publishing

But gradually, "not ready" began to feel more real, more intimate, and flexible. During the exhibit's first few days, I saw Leibowitz emerging from some other room with slightly different prints of the photos.

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She'd stand back to compare them side by side, and then sometimes switch them out. It was like being in her studio with works in progress.

Category: 21st Century

What could be more human than the acknowledgement that even in their photographic form, these portraits were not just objects on public display, but living works in progress? There is an unapologetic and confident feminism in the work, underscored by Gloria Steinem's introduction reminding us that.

I even overheard some gallery-goers at the opening note with satisfaction that many of the women weren't smiling, an insider feminist rejection to the maddening, ubiquitous demand that women "smile more.

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But what I noticed far more was the expressiveness in each of these women's eyes. The photographer's compassion comes through; the woman behind the camera gives her subjects the space to be real. There are no blank stares; no infantilizing coquettishness or fashion poses. A few are alert and inquisitive, but many more share a disarming tinge of weariness , a refreshing honesty revealed in the captured moment.

A I stood in front of the portraits, what struck me was not only the personal resonance of that feeling, but also relief to see the weariness in their eyes. It was ok to be tired.