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Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review? No, cancel Yes, report it Thanks! You've successfully reported this review. We appreciate your feedback. It seemed like I almost always had a smile on my face, especially when he was around Elle, his "angel". Secrets is a great book that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a new book to read.

There's just the right mix of paranormal, romance, football, and mystery, that it will appeal to guys and girls of all ages. Just when I thought I had things figured out, the story changed direction, and I was stumped once again. Tim Mettey sure knows how to keep his readers flipping through the pages of the book until the wee hours of the morning. The story was smooth, and I was never confused as to what was happening.

I didn't feel like I was being led around in circles. All the questions that I had while I was reading this book were answered by the time I finished reading it. The only bad thing is the fact that now that I have finished Secrets, I have no idea when the next book is going to come out! I really enjoyed this book! The romance was great and the mystery kept me hooked. Full review to come on my blog in November! Aug 09, Kara Prem rated it liked it Shelves: The story has potential, but it is just too vague too far in.

The book is described online as this: In the prologue, there are rainbow lights in the sky and an earthquake or something happens at Nicholas's scho The story has potential, but it is just too vague too far in. In the prologue, there are rainbow lights in the sky and an earthquake or something happens at Nicholas's school.

The book then moves forward several years and Nicholas lives with his aunt no explanation about if he did so before the "event" and they move every year for his safety. They move to a town miles from where he lived when the "event" happened. At his last home, he ran really fast once. If the Midwest is in ruins, how does this work? They move to Illinois which is in the midwest. It just took too long to get to the point, and I don't have the patience right now. Jan 31, Ian Wood rated it did not like it. This is the complete review as it appears at my blog dedicated to reading, writing no 'rithmatic!

Secrets: The Hero Chronicles (Volume 1) by Tim Mettey on Apple Books

Blog reviews often contain links which are not reproduced here, nor will updates or modifications to the blog review be replicated here. Graphic and children's reviews on the blog typically feature two or three images from the book's interior, which are not reproduced here. Note that I don't really do stars. To me a book is either worth reading or it isn't. I can't rate it three- This is the complete review as it appears at my blog dedicated to reading, writing no 'rithmatic! I can't rate it three-fifths worth reading!

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The only reason I've relented and started putting stars up there is to credit the good ones, which were being unfairly uncredited. So, all you'll ever see from me is a five-star or a one-star since no stars isn't a rating, unfortunately. Another reason for putting it off is that this novel violates several of my conditions for reading a novel most of which materialized after I'd added this one to my list! First of all the title incorporates not only the word "chronicles", but also the word "hero", both of which I've sworn-off in novel titles along with 'cycle' and 'saga'!

I'd much rather read something easy on the mind than something which requires fortitude and gritted teeth just to scan the text! This novel also has sound effects incorporated into the text. The the main character is equally annoying. And this is just on the second page of this thing.

Kudos to the author for actually putting the prologue into the body of the novel. Nick the hero is now living with his aunt Cora. Cora's only defining qualities are that she's slim and beautiful, because who wants a smart woman who might be overweight? The hell with integrity, industry and accomplishments! This author evidently thinks that all young kids need to know is that women should be slim and beautiful - like a magazine model - because no other woman is worth anything, let's face it.

That's what all-too-many writers want us to believe, sadly enough, and that's evidently what this writer apparently wants young kids to grow-up learning. Maybe I should start keeping a tally, as I read, of how many strikes this novel garners for itself? I never read that far. Cora and nephew are moving to a new home.

The how and why of this isn't immediately explained, but he at least has super speed, so here comes the next trip-up. Alex and Nick decorate an older guy's car with bologna, because that's unquestionably the best way to have a really fun night, and when the older guy starts looking for the culprits, Alex proves that he can run faster than a Mustang - which in the end crashes injuring the guys. How christian is that?!

It doesn't matter how much of a super hero you are, the laws of physics still apply, and ordinary people still have the same biology.

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If you run at sixty miles an hour and pick-up a by-stander in order to rescue them, then their body is going to go from zero to sixty instantly, and you're going to break their neck or give them some serious whiplash and compression injuries at least. That's not much of a rescue. This novel started out middle grade and moved to young adult, but the tone never changed from middle-grade. Worse than this, instead of telling us a story about the super hero powers, we got a story of the main character playing football - in tedious detail. What happened to the super hero?

Secrets: The Hero Chronicles (Volume 1)

I guess football is more important. This story felt far more like author wish-fulfillment than ever it did a real story, and I cannot in good faith recommend it. A good start to a series that begins with a mystery, of why a boy is having to move in secret. The answers are slowly revealed as he enrolls into a new school, and meets his new class mates. The story continue in book 2, with no cliffhangers, and a happy ending for book one. Feb 27, ag rated it really liked it. This is a really good book.

I really enjoyed it. The only thing I would change was that it would drag on a bit. I would recommend this to year olds. Mar 20, Julie Ramsey rated it really liked it. Good until the end. The book is really good. It gets your attention quickly.

Speed Painting The Hero Chronicles poster - Time Lapse Demo by Lachri

It keeps you wondering what will have at the end and who is Nicholas Keller. Towards the end of the book when you found out who he is and why he can do amazing things, it get really predictable. Great story and characters through. Then the story shifts ahead five years and we meet fifteen-year-old Nicholas Keller, who is wrapped up in some sort of mystery. Ever since the death of his parents, Nicholas has been living with his Aunt Cora, who has become a surrogate mom for him. They have moved annually for the past five years, so that Nicholas has never spent more than one year in the same school since fifth grade.

If this all sounds a little tame, stick with it for the payoff, which is both interesting and fairly satisfying. Is he just a kid who has a knack for being in the right place at the right time? And why is he suddenly so good at football, so strong, so fast, and so able to do things no ordinary fifteen-year-old can do? I will admit that Nicholas is a bit more polite and courteous than most fifteen-year-olds today. Any parent would be delighted to have their kids reading this book — it portrays teenagers in a sweet and wholesome light that is seldom seen in this era of violent video games and offensive music.

The book was published through Matthew 25 Ministries, which is a humanitarian Christian organization providing relief to those in need. Non-Christian readers will not be bothered by anything Mattey is doing here. Overall Nicholas was a good, decent, likable protagonist and I would befriend him in a minute if I could; aunt Cora reminded me of my own aunts, her sacrifice was touching; and Elle, the girlfriend, in one word: Nicholas has great taste.

I received a copy of Secrets in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to the Kenwood Publishing Group for the opportunity. Nicholas Keller and his aunt Cora, I mean mom, move to a new town every year on the same day. To Nicholas she is his aunt, but to the rest of the world, Cora is known as his mother.

She wants it this way to help keep his identity a secret. That is also why they move every year. She does not want anyone finding out the truth about her nephew. What is his secret? Nicholas doesn't know all of it nor that there is more than what he does know. Five years ago he rescued some people during the ear Nicholas Keller and his aunt Cora, I mean mom, move to a new town every year on the same day. Five years ago he rescued some people during the earthquakes that killed his parents.

The media has been after him since then. Nicholas believes that is the whole secret, but there's more. The new town the two usually move to is small and away from where they originally lived, but not the one Cora has picked this time. The town of Winsor, located only an hour away from Nicholas's original hometown, has a sprawling high school with a very publicized football team. At the request of his guidance counselor to get involved in something, Nicholas joins the football team.

Trying out, he's not sure he'll even make it, but suddenly finds himself on the varsity team and the bane of the captain. This story is about Nicholas's time at the high school. He's supposed to keep quiet and not draw attention to himself, but everything he does goes against his aunt's wishes. He tries to do what she wants but it always backfires on him.

It is a decent story. It is one of those fantasy hero stories with a secret world humans are to know nothing about. I think it's best suited for an older middle grades reader. Everything about the book screams cliche. There's the cliche captain of the football team, the new kid, the girlfriend, everything. It is corny, but it doesn't feel out of place. I don't know if that's saying what I want it to say.

  • Other Books in This Series.
  • Rear Guard - a collection of gay erotic stories.
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What I'm saying, I guess, is that it fits. The story would not be the story without the cliche. What's Nicholas's real secret? Read the book to find out! Reviewed for Readers Favorite Nicholas has moved at the end of summer every year that he has lived with his Aunt since his parents death. It's just part of his life, not that he likes it, but that is the way his Aunt says it has to be, and he has to keep from making friends or talking too much about himself.

This time they move closer to his old hometown, the first time they have come back this way since they left, and things are beginning to change. He falls for a girl, and wants to form relatio Reviewed for Readers Favorite Nicholas has moved at the end of summer every year that he has lived with his Aunt since his parents death.

He falls for a girl, and wants to form relationships for the first time, but his Aunt is still cautious but allows him more this time around. Only problem, strange things are happening. Tim Mettey takes the concept of a hero, adds some paranormal and a world in flux after a huge natural disaster to create a story that you want to be part of. Secrets starts out this series with the knowledge that there is a great deal in the world that Nicholas doesn't know about, and now is apparently the time for him to find out about a number of those.

Recently hero books seem to be all the rage, but this book is different. Nicholas is considered a hero by a number of people, but he doesn't think that way. He thinks he is a normal teenager, which gives this a different vibe. Nicholas is not a cocky kid, but a true humble and confused teenager and that is part of what makes Secrets a wonderful book. Secrets is the first book in the Hero Chronicles series that Tim Mettey has created.

This book will pull you in and remind you of high school if you are an adult, but be so relate-able to the young adult and teen market. The paranormal slant to the book gives it a new and different vibe, but at the same time I could easily see Nicholas fitting into our local high school. I found this to be a easy to relate to novel that drew me in.

I love it for the young adult and teen market, in fact will gladly share it with my teens at home. This is definitely worth the time to read. Nov 12, Montana G. I was looking forward to reading Secrets, and it ended up telling a really interesting story! Secrets is the first book in the Hero Chronicles Series. It follows a boy, Nicholas, who had been living in hiding for multiple years, after becoming a hero. When he moves into a new town, he starts to gain newfound fame from football and meets the perfect girl. However, he may end up having to choose between them or keeping his secret.

The plot was super interesting for this book, and I was eager to find I was looking forward to reading Secrets, and it ended up telling a really interesting story! The plot was super interesting for this book, and I was eager to find out what Nick had done in the book to make him into a hero. His aunt was so paranoid about people finding him, so I figured it must have been something big. Also, there were several mysterious things that happened to Nick throughout the book that kept me reading. Nick has a love interest, Elle. I liked her, but I felt she was somewhat too perfect.

I wish she had been described some more, especially her backstory- which was mentioned once to twice in Secrets. I did think Elle and Nick had an extremely cute relationship, though. Also, I usually don;t like reading about male main characters, but I really enjoyed Nick's perspective. Unfortunately, I felt the dialogue and narration fell flat. I didn't think the way some of the teenagers talked was realistic and I felt certain details were put in that weren't necessary.

Certain lines didn't have anything to do with the story, and stated basic facts. Overall, I enjoyed both the plot and Nick's perspective in Secrets. Although the dialogue wasn't the best, Secrets was still a good read. I'd give it 3 out of 5 flowers. If you're looking for a book with a great mystery in it, I'd check Secrets out! Review also posted at http: Sono rimasta felicemente colpita da questo libro che altrimenti sarebbe passato sotto i miei occhi senza interessarmi minimamente.

Quando ho accettato di recensirlo e ho aspettato che mi arrivasse a casa, avevo completamente dimenticato la trama e vi assicuro che credevo si trattasse di una romance. Un li Sono rimasta felicemente colpita da questo libro che altrimenti sarebbe passato sotto i miei occhi senza interessarmi minimamente.

Mattey ha creato un protagonista maschile, Nicholas e chi mi segue sa quanto io adori i punti di vista maschili, riproducendo un ragazzo pieno di contraddizioni tipicamente adolescenziali ma allo stesso tempo assolutamente formidabile, dolce, coraggioso e molto maturo per avere soli quindici anni.

Io spero di leggere presto il secondo volume di cui sono iper curiosa. Recensione completa e intervista a Tim Mettey sul mio blog: Five years following the earthquake that destroyed the Midwest, leaving thousands dead and injured, Nicholas Keller is still on the run, trying to protect his identity. Nicholas Keller is a different sort of boy. His character was a nice mix of hero and real boy. He knew his duty and yet, he had his moments of insecurity and rebellion as well. It made for a more realistic Nicholas. While the story was engaging and the characters interesting, sometimes the writing, mostly the dialogue, fell a bit flat.

Although the story is aimed at an older audience, the more simplistic writing style makes it perfect for younger readers in the 12 to 14 age range to cut their teeth on. Secrets is a novel full of just that — lots and lots of secrets. Tim Mettey's Secrets starts off with a resounding bang.

When it opens, the reader is introduced to Alex, a young boy who has just gone through a terrible disaster. As you read about the events that transform Alex's life, anticipation of what is to come builds. Then you turn the page and Alex, he is gone. Instead the story focuses on Nicholas Keller, a high school student who has been on the move with his aunt Cora since the tragic death of his parents.

The transition between plots is both sudden Tim Mettey's Secrets starts off with a resounding bang. The transition between plots is both sudden but subtle, and will have you wondering how these two characters have anything to do with each other. After reading a bit more, you may begin to wonder if the book was printed wrong- I definitely did, considering I had a galley copy.

But it is not. The form of writing is constant, and Mettey's style is constant throughout the telling of the lives of both Alex and Nicholas. What may infuriate you is the fact that the bond between Alex and Nicholas isn't mentioned for much of the book. This however is an amazing feat for the author to pull off, because when the clues as to how they interact begin to emerge, and the paranormal reason behind it is revealed, the impact of the story is heightened profusely. Nicholas' life is an exciting one, and witnessing his interactions, actions, and knowing his thoughts is an enjoyable experience.

This book took me through the wringer, and after reading it I immediately wanted more- which is shameful since Secrets will not be released until tomorrow- November 3. After reading Secrets, I am highly anticipating the continuation of The Hero Chronicles, and more of Mettey's dynamic writing. I would recommend this book to many. There was one constant throughout this book and that was the mystery behind why Nicholas had to be kept in the background.

Always hidden behind the scenes, could not invite friends over and seemed to be talented at any activity he put his mind into accomplishing. When he steps outside his aunt's comfort zone and tries out for football, it puts him in the immediate spotlight at his new school. By the time I finished the book there was a part of me that wished the secret wasn't left so far into the end of the book, instead brought forward into revelation earlier in the book. The shy, cowering character that Nicholas is in the majority of the book is not too attractive to me as a reader.

I did like who he started to become in the end, and would have liked to see more of that. As the story starts getting more detailed in to the mystery, the fact that Nicholas has a destiny that is beyond his control is appealing. There is a whole world out there that he has yet to discover and for me, some questions that have been left open,to be continued in the sequel I'm sure.

My favorite character was his aunt, Cora. Most likely because I am a female myself her perspective was more relatable for me. I was happy to see that she plays a major roll in the book and was a constant and developing character just as much as Nicholas is. I do feel that this story has appeal for both boys and girls. A little sports, a little romance and most of all, the supernatural. Nicholas wants this year to be different so he tries out for the school football team. His aunt said it was fine, but still warned him to not bring attention to himself.

We meet a girl name Elle, who Nicholas falls in love with at first site. He bullies Nicholas because Nicholas is dating Elle. This book really keeps the reader intrigued from beginning to end!

See a Problem?

The mystery keeps the reader flipping through the pages. In this book big twists happen. At the end of the book everything ties up nicely I recommend this book for a great paranormal, drama, romance, and mystery. Jan 27, Rachel V. This was a really great book to read. I enjoyed following Nicholas on the road to discovering himself. This book is fine for a younger YA group to read as well as enjoyable for adults. The book was very suspenseful on what Nicholas was and how he ended up on the run.

The book alternates between the past and present giving some hints as to why they are always moving. The only reason that I gave it 4 stars as opposed to 5 was be This was a really great book to read. The only reason that I gave it 4 stars as opposed to 5 was because at times I was a little frustrated with not knowing more about what he was.

However this was a minor issue and it certainly did not stop me from devouring the story. The characters in the story were very lively, likeable and well rounded. The jealousy and competiveness found in the high school sounds accurate as well as the relationships and dialogues between the characters. Nicholas faced not only an insecure bully and teammate in his school but also someone wants him dead. The romance that finds Nicholas was well written and executed and his new best friend was good for some laughs.

I found the entire plot line was unique and certainly entertaining. I hope the author continues to keep us on our toes with this series and if he chooses to write other books I will be checking those out to. I will be waiting for this book to release come October.