35 best Our Students images on Pinterest | College students, Education and Graduation

Each event reminded me of John Blair Smith's memorable phrase. Chester Arthur was apolitical operative who, when elevated to the presidency following James Garfield's death, shed politics for leadership I like to believe that his exposure to Nott's progressive curriculum must have had something to do with his later growth.

And our student speakers? To give you a idea of their promise, let me share some of their comments:. I would venture that every Union College student, at one time or another, has pulled an all-nighter….

Jake Carpenter-Thompson

Amidst your rising terror, you find a slice of respite. Over on the corner of your desk is probably a dust-laden candle that your Aunt Matilda sent you last May for your birthday, and gosh darn it! Doesn't this seem the perfect time to strike a match and set it aflame? Whether through pursuit of a graduate degree, the explosive excitement of a new career, or continuing to peruse our options, we are all pursuing our passions….

This commitment to ourselves cannot wait 'til morning. I was only four years old and was moping around the back yard feeling lonely and looking for something to do.

Interview with UST Medicine Summa Cum Laude (Dr. Erika Elazegui) // DoktAURA

I remember looking around and watching the birds, and then an idea popped into my head. Why hadn't I thought of this before? What could be more fun than flying? I guess it's pretty unnecessary to tell you what happened next. I landed, and it wasn't gracefully like the birds did. I crashed headfirst into my mother's rock garden…After the trip to the emergency room to have the two holes in my head repaired, my mom put me on the couch and sat with me.

I remember her having only one question.

  • Heels Over Head in Love.
  • The Shadow of Your Smile.
  • Introduction of Elizabeth G. Nabel.

What made you think that little girls could fly? It taught me that you can live through crash landings, that they are not the end of the world…I'm not suggesting porch jumping to anyone in the audience today, but I am a strong supporter of taking that leap. Union is a family. We are all proud to be here, and we are happy with the choice we made in coming to Union. We strive to make Union a better place, we support one another while we are here, and we support the endeavors of the alumni.

We congratulate each other for our successes, and we console one another when we have failed. We have grown together here. We have been there for one another through adversity. We have learned what having friends truly means, and we realize now that one good friend is more important to us than acquaintances…I know that in years to come, when I think back on my days at Union, I am going to wish that I could have just one more Friday afternoon, after classes have finished, walking across the rugby field to see the pink and orange sun setting over Fox Hall.

I know that this can't be, though, so I will go out into that crazy world and find a new spot from which I can watch the sun set, and I pray that that spot will make me as happy as Union has during the past four years.

  • My Poetry, The Dark Series?
  • Jake Thompson (Author of Money. Wealth. Life Insurance.).
  • The Ohio and Malta: The Legendary Tanker That Refused to Die.
  • The Giant Hands or, the Reward of Industry.
  • Upcoming Events.

I've picked five essentials to speak about today. It is such a lifestyle that has made many of us realize the irreplaceable excitement of a continual presence of friends who, oftentimes, felt a lot like family. It is also this lifestyle which has made many of us understand the fundamental importance of privacy, for it is the time spent alone which allows us to see the significance and beauty of time spent with others.

Let us never be afraid to explore these unknown territories, for we may and that they are not so unknown after all.

  1. The Orillia Spirit: An illustrated history of Orillia?
  2. Elizabeth (Excerpts From The Pimlico Tapes Book 6)?
  3. College guides.
  4. Mommy, Where Do All the Flowers Come From?;
  5. A brief biography.
  6. Quinns Christmas Wish (Bandit Creek Book 7).
  7. More importantly, though, we should feel pride because, as similar as our experiences have been, they have all been unique and unmatched. Let us look upon ourselves and each other with admiration, and upon our parents and teachers who have so devotedly helped us to get here, with admiration and gratitude. But today is not the only day we are deserving of congratulations. I know I am. Commencements are about people, and we offer glimpses of the people who contributed to Union's Commencement When Rachel Graham '98 said she was going to miss the kids after graduation, she meant the seventy-five children who were part of an after school mentoring program that she began.

    The children plant shrubs, go on field trips and scavenger hunts, and read — a lot. Graham, a geology major and arts minor, received an achievement award from the Schenectady County Human Rights Commission for her work. Her program will be carried on next year by five Union students. Graham's father, the Rev. Graham, is pastor of the church and delivered the invocation and benediction at Commencement.

    Fazio '65, retiring U. Sessoms '68, president of Queen's College New York. Fazio, who received an honorary doctor of laws degree, is Democratic Caucus Chairman, the third-ranking Democratic leadership post in the House.

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    Although a leader of the Democratic Party, you have often approached issues in a bipartisan manner, to the point where one newspaper noted that Republicans — although they might not admit it — often seek your guidance on issues. A writer once described the American character as the tendency to work with nuts and bolts while seeking the stars; that definition finds eloquent expression in your career.

    Ravitch, a nationally-known expert on educational standards and policies, received an honorary doctor of letters degree:. The best protections against them are the spirits of tolerance, universalism, and shared humanity. And the best tools to pursue those ends are well educated and open minds. Perhaps one reason is the all-too-common tendency to add clutter to our educational system.

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    This is critical when it comes time to choose your mentor and can also help in choosing a school based on what school excels in the area of research you would like to conduct. What opportunities did you take advantage of to help prepare yourself for graduate or professional school? I discussed my career path options with the pre-med advisor at the time was Amanda Cuevas and she provided me with the information necessary in the application process. I graduated college with a perfect 4. While in college, not only did I excel in the classroom but I also led a productive extracurricular life.

    My extracurricular life included: These experiences afforded me the ability to discuss a wide range of topics with those that interviewed me and leave a positive lasting impression. Advice from a 4. Was there a process or strategy that you used to narrow down your top schools of choice? It coordinates a consortium of research projects on hypertension prevention and control. Figure reproduced with permission from Science Heart disease has been the most common cause of death in women in the US for many years. Betsy brought together several public and private organizations and developed the Heart Truth campaign, in which the Red Dress became the symbol for women and heart disease.

    Bush and Betsy did many events together, both at the White House and around the country, to raise awareness of the importance of heart disease to women. This campaign has been one of the most successful health awareness programs ever. These are challenging times for teaching hospitals. Given the chaos in the health care field, especially in reimbursement for services provided to the uninsured or underinsured, leaders of these institutions are increasingly judged by the bottom line they achieve. Most of these leaders have backgrounds in hospital administration, business, and finance, and while they often talk a good game about academic values, when the chips are down, their primary concern is with the bottom line.

    Presidents of the Harvard teaching hospitals are particularly challenged because in addition to hospital operations, they are also largely accountable for the research and postdoctoral training programs in their institutions, and they are expected to be academically qualified to be full professors at the medical school. The entire hospital community was thrilled when she assumed the presidency of the hospital four and a half years ago. As summarized above, there had been many accomplishments and rungs on her professional ladder between the time that she left the Brigham and returned.

    Probably the most important task of a hospital President in our system is the selection — in concert with the Dean — of new department chairs and to review the performance of the sitting chairs. Thus far, Betsy has created two new academic departments, has recruited their chairs, and has recruited three of the 15 chairs who have retired; she is completing the searches for a fourth and fifth. Betsy is transforming the Brigham by leading the effort to develop multidepartmental, multidisciplinary centers.

    Within weeks of her arrival, she began work on a Heart and Vascular Center, which is now operating quite smoothly and successfully. In addition, she has acquired the last parcel of unoccupied land in the very congested Longwood area for future development. An important accomplishment has been enhancement of the relationship between the Brigham and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, which is led by Ed Benz — like Gary Nabel, an alumnus of the Brigham research residency and a distinguished member of this Association. This is a historic first, and reflects the close collaborations between these Harvard Medical School—affiliated hospitals within the Partners HealthCare system Since then it has been awarded to 85 men and just two women, Drs.

    Helen Taussig and Helen Ranney. This year it is awarded to Dr. Nabel, a brilliant scientist, an inspiring teacher and talented mentor, a strong leader of academic and research institutions, and a vigorous proponent of science and global medicine. The author has declared that no conflict of interest exists. Citation for this article: Europe PMC requires Javascript to function effectively. The snippet could not be located in the article text. This may be because the snippet appears in a figure legend, contains special characters or spans different sections of the article.

    Published online Jul 1. A brief biography Our honoree, Dr. Open in a separate window. Nabel at graduation from Cornell Medical College, Photo courtesy of Elizabeth G. The three Nabel children: Elisa left , Chris middle , and Katherine right. The greatly thickened intima of a porcine ileofemoral artery after balloon injury A , and the marked reduction of intimal thickening after gene transfer of p21 B. Sampson Gordon Berns, a patient with Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Nabel signing for the US. Footnotes Conflict of interest: Pathophysiology of experimental renovascular hypertension.

    Am J Kid Dis. Characteristics and significance of ischemia detected by ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring. Nabel EG, et al. A randomized placebo controlled trial of combined early intravenous captopril and tissue plasminogen activator therapy in acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol. Recombinant gene expression in vivo within endothelial cells for the arterial wall. Recombinant fibroblast growth factor-1 promotes intimal hyperplasia and angiogenesis in arteries in vivo.

    Simari RD, et al. Regulation of cellular proliferation and intimal formation following balloon injury in atherosclerotic rabbit arteries. Role of the p21 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor in limiting intimal cell proliferation in response to arterial injury.