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How To Shift From Ego To Soul Activation? - Big Picture

Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This book, Spiritual Turning Points: A Metaphysical Perspective of the Seven Life Transitions, looks at life and how it works using the concepts of shamanism, astrology and reincarnation as its foundation. Life isn't just physical, it's also spiritual. I highly recommend this book, particularly to those studying metaphysics.

I found the book a very pleasant read and very hard to put down. It's structure is sound, the flow is smooth and the temperament warm.

What you get here is the scoop on birth, life and death, not just for the physical body, but what the soul wants and gets from all of it too. Sprinkle in some goals, a dash of karma and throw in some astrological planetary movements to keep the play and scene changes interesting. Nothing is static; everything is movement.

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Like the title says, there are seven transitions in all: It's through these transitions also called monads that our greatest lessons are learned. Transitions are rough and can be terrifying.

Spiritual Turning Points: A Metaphysical Perspective of the Seven Life Transitions

Forewarned is forearmed, however; we learn we're not out of control, we're being challenged. We get to choose how we accept and use our spiritual turning points. Choice is good and sometimes, just realizing that we always have a choice is a blessing. It hit the nail on the head so many times it was almost spooky. Definitely also very helpful to parents with small children. As a Michael student channeled teachings from causal level I highly recommend Spiritual Turning Points.

Victoria Marina-Tompkins has elaborated on the seven life transitions as presented in the teaching. The book includes an in depth exploration of our progress through these spiritual life transitions which are the cornerstone of the human maturation process in physical, psychological and spiritual terms with recommendations on how to successfully complete each one in the positive mode. While the human being is maturing in tangible, physical, and psychological ways, the soul is also evolving as it experiences all there is to learn on the physical plane before returning to the Tao, the universal creative source from whence it originally came.

To contribute and make a difference in the world soul contribution. How to shift from ego to soul activation? The ego is just the mask we wear to get our needs met in 3D physical reality. The soul needs the ego to create the conditions where the soul can come in to fully express itself. It is not about growing up, like the earlier ego stages based on needs or deficiencies.

We need to stop playing the victim by becoming fully responsible for our lives. Ideally, we can make a difference by using our collective gifts and talents in unconditionally loving relationships. A metaphysical perspective of the seven life transitions, fascinating look at astrological markers of life transitions What Are the Stages Of Spiritual Development?

Big Picture Questions At Twitter: What Is Star Seeding? One Comment metaphyzgirl-mystic March 14, 8: Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Everyone should have a copy of this book!

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Kindle Edition , pages. Published first published January 25th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Spiritual Turning Points , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Spiritual Turning Points.

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  8. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. The writing is fluid, concise, and compassi "Some books, once read, resonate with a powerful truth, leaving you with a perfect moment of utter clarity and you realize if you'd known about this long ago, the knowledge would have made it so much easier to deal with various issues and crises, and outcomes would probably have been accepted with a lot more grace and understanding.

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    The writing is fluid, concise, and compassionate I highly recommend this intriguing book for anyone who wants an understanding of why and how we choose to weave the myriad tiny threads that become the tapestry of our life". Astrology and soul-level viewpoints are incorporated, but Ms. Marina-Tompkins has a knack for well-rounded representation, and also includes psychology, anthropology, shamanism, cultural studies, historical examples, and personal stories from clients to give readers a holistic sense of each phase and the different ways it can manifest in individual lives.

    Focusing on the process of life through this breadth of frameworks, Ms. Its appeal should stretch across a range of spiritual interests. Jan 16, Bill rated it it was amazing. This book, Spiritual Turning Points: A Metaphysical Perspective of the Seven Life Transitions, looks at life and how it works using the concepts of shamanism, astrology and reincarnation as its foundation.

    Life isn't just physical, it's also spiritual. I highly recommend this book, particularly to those studying metaphysics. I found the book a very pleasant read and very hard to put down. It's structure is sound, the flow is smooth and the temperament warm. What you get here is the scoop on birth, This book, Spiritual Turning Points: What you get here is the scoop on birth, life and death, not just for the physical body, but what the soul wants and gets from all of it too.

    Sprinkle in some goals, a dash of karma and throw in some astrological planetary movements to keep the play and scene changes interesting. Nothing is static; everything is movement.