This is not the first study of the Colombian novel, but it is the most recent and thereby the most complete. Scholarly, carefully edited, accurate, and complete, this volume represents a landmark in the study of the novel in Colombia. Throughout Williams utilizes a regional approach with a focus on orality and writing. He finds that the oral culture is most dominant in Antioquia and the Costa, while it has been less important in the Interior Highlands and the Greater Cauca where emphasis has always been on an elitist writing culture.

Oberhelman Texas Tech University. Throughout the book he points out the problems inherent in translation and indicates the occasional shortcomings of the Rabassa version. The book consists of a Chronology, eight chapters and a Guide for further reading. The Chronology and Guide to further reading are, if sketchy, helpful for the beginner.

Lezama Lima, José [WorldCat Identities]

Wood presents a map of the geography of the novel and compares it with a map of northern Colombia. Although Wood diminishes the importance of incest in the work, he spends three pages on the topic. Hood Northern Arizona University. Four of the essays are outstanding. Sims also points out archetypal motifs such as circular time, the quest myth, Macondo as paradise, and the biblical patterns from Genesis to Apocalypse. These concepts are the uroboros the snake swallowing its tail , the temenos an enclosed space , and the archetype of the mother.

I have taught the novel many times on graduate and undergraduate levels, and after reading these essays, I suspect that I will modify my syllabus before reading it again with a class. The essays by Halka, Boschetto, Sims, and Eddy might even appear on my library reserve list. McMurray Colorado State University. University of Florida Monographs. University of Florida Press, Editorial Playor, , pp. Emilio Bejel and Rita Molinero have undertaken the difficult but intriguing task of approaching not only his fiction but also his poetry and essays.

Bejel states his thesis clearly in his Introduction: Bejel compares his views with those of Carpentier and Vico, finding Lezama somewhat closer to Vico in his view of history It touches on several points also presented by Bejel, coming to rather similar conclusions concerning the supranatural, the Image, and so forth.

The subsequent chapter devotes considerable space to the baroque and neobaroque Lezama, referring to concepts of Carpentier and Sarduy, as well as of Hatzfield, Maravall, and Carilla. Three baroque elements are rather extensively applied to Lezama The Molinero study, while valuable, is somewhat marred by persistent typographical errors, particularly in the quotations from English-language sources and in the otherwise very adequate Bibliography.

An index would have been quite helpful. A nice feature of the book is its inclusion of information from unpublished sources, such as a tape of Lezama belonging to his sister. Both studies are worthwhile contributions to the field. Hall University of North Dakota. Miami, Ediciones Universal, Viaje a la Habana. En la segunda parte de la novela son los animales los que hablan y juzgan al hombre. Se implica, por lo tanto, el futuro incierto del protagonista.

A ellos los rige un pacto: Tejen vistosos trajes que exhiben primero en La Habana con pasos de baile igualmente extravagantes. Las primeras dos partes sirven de pre-texto y post-texto del juego literario. Viaje a la Habana significa el viaje del hombre en busca de la felicidad no alcanzada, o perdida.

Entre algunas de estas tendencias innovadoras destacan las lecturas psicoanalistas: Seminar on Feminism and Culture in Latin America. Women, Culture, and Politics in Latin America. This book is a collaborative effort by eight scholars who participated in the University of California-Stanford Seminar on Feminism and Culture in Latin America over a seven-year period. Unlike many volumes that draw on conference papers for their substance, this book exhibits true collective efforts to rethink broad feminist questions through specific case studies. The authors utilize a variety of feminist inquiries, and their success becomes abundantly clear as each essay unfolds.

This essay succeeds because of its careful use of socio-political history to re-read literary texts by men and women. Ocampo is shown to have made an uneasy peace with two traditions-male and female literary heritages. The periodical listings all contain available data with respect to publication, and are frequently annotated. Chapter 12 contains a bibliographic update on women, politics and culture in Latin America: It offers over six hundred entries from the past ten to fifteen years that are likely not to have appeared in other sources; it does not attempt to survey work on U.

Latinas, nor does it list works on individual authors although I found a few. A glance at the range of subject headings indicates that the bibliography is almost unwieldy in scope: However, scholars who seek a general orientation to recent publications will be grateful for this compilation, which indeed lists many unusual sources for further investigation. There are many merits to this book: Those who have particular interest in the specific historical or literary topics treated by the authors will find valuable contributions to the fields, and those in search of bibliographic orientation will be well satisfied.

The book contains few errors, although most of them are in the Spanish quotations. I am left with one regret: I would have enjoyed a transcription of the reaction to the papers, or at least formal commentaries, but I recognize that this would entail a different kind of project.

In sum, this is a much-needed volume: Rosemary Geisdorfer Feal University of Rochester. As doze cores do vermelho , Rio: Mulher satisfied both critics and public by presenting, via complex narrative arrangement, the involving story of a Brazilian woman forced to revisualize herself following her displacement from the traditional domestic role. As doze cores do vermelho has parallels with Mulher; the story of a sensitive, creative, questioning heroine married to an opaque conformist; a feminist examination of female experience from childhood and adolescence, through marriage and motherhood, into a disquieting middle age.

As doze cores , though, is less culturally specific to Brazil, and its narrative design is even more self-consciously innovative. As doze cores is above all, a formally experimental lyrical novel. Its human story is subordinated in prominence and interest to narrative form and figurative elements.

Another associative series involves knots, loops, links, and gaps, indicating a sense of connection or the loss of this feeling. In short, As doze cores is a compact, intricate, accomplished piece of writing, designed for readers willing to invest an effort of attention in its complexities. Naomi Lindstrom Fred P. Ellison University of Texas at Austin. This reader is suitable for intermediate and advanced college students, advanced secondary school students, and native speakers on either the high school or college level. Its broad applicability is based upon selections of three degrees of difficulty and on its explanations and exercises that, by judicious use, can fill the needs of each of the levels addressed.

The book is divided into six parts, the themes of which are: Spain, eleven Latin American countries, and the United States, with two Mexican-American authors, are represented in this collection. This information is followed by an introduction to the author, the selection, and the period. The central part of the chapter is divided into three parts. The chapter ends with a wide choice of thought-provoking essay topics requiring analysis of the selection. At the end of the work are a bibliography with general readings and a listing for each of the six topics of the book. An unusual element in this reader is the art.

Except for an occasional English translation of a word or phrase in the reading selection, the entire book is written in Spanish. The activities encourage critical thinking, develop speaking, reading, and writing skills, and call for students to work in pairs or small groups as well as individually. There are very few typographical errors. The book is so well designed that, even with so many different sections in each chapter, it is not at all confusing to the reader. Because so many of the exercises dissect the text, numbered lines would have been helpful.

The breadth of styles and nature of the subjects should be enough to motivate any student who has reached at least the intermediate level. Depending upon the number and difficulty of the texts and the activities chosen, the material can be taught in either one semester or two, for advanced high school or intermediate or advanced college students. Moreover, it would serve as excellent preparation for anyone who wishes to teach Hispanic literature on any level. Caldwell habla con su hijo; Oficio de tinieblas 5. The elaboration of his methodological concerns is thus wed to a project of concrete literary analysis, and the two-volume study develops from the theoretical to the practical.

The author anchors his study in the writings of French and German theorists e. He charts the constitutive elements of each of the works and points to certain compelling traits of the novels that shape their distinctiveness: What may have been elaborate and complex in the longer version becomes largely trivial and schematic here. Furthermore, the author shows little awareness of either the larger body of Cela criticism that covers much of the same ground as his own work or the extensive theoretical writings on fabulation and metafiction that lie outside of semiotics.

Hence a fabulated novel such as Pascual Duarte must be seen as underpinned by a discourse that is metafictional, while the defabulated Oficio de tinieblas is firmly anchored in the real by the very nature of its sign system. But such a relationship is surely a fragile one, since words, unlike colors and brush strokes, always gain meaning from an implied referent outside of their own semiotic system.

That is to say, words remain vulnerable to corruption and renovation within a text or across texts, but their metaphorical base derives its dynamism from an originating referentiality that begets new semantic or structural pertinences. Perhaps the most striking aspect of this study is the disparity between the intense seriousness of purpose and the thinness of its results. Although the book is overrun with intricately constructed charts, diagrams, and lists there is even a centerfold , it seems wholly consumed by its own rhetoric.

Herzberger University of Connecticut. A caballo entre estas parejas operan las relaciones de semejanza. No podemos dejar de ponderar la generosidad y el didactismo de Catelli en este estudio. Court Interpreters in the Judicial Process. University of Chicago Press, The book is divided into nine chapters that examine the material as follows: Chapter 2 focuses its attention on the characteristics of legal language, pointing to nine lexical figures technical terms, doublets, vagueness, overprecision, etc.

This chapter also presents in great detail how the Federal Court Interpreters Examination is made up and the requirements necessary to obtain certification. Chapter 4 illustrates the steps followed by the author in the compilation of material and the personal and technical barriers she had to overcome. Her fieldwork was composed of federal, state and municipal courts, in a total of nine courthouses. She observed and taped eighteen interpreters, six of which were federally certified, for a period of seven months and gathered hours of taped proceedings.

As a result of her observations the author presents her conclusions in the remaining chapters of the book. Chapter 5 analyzes verbal and non-verbal interaction between the interpreter and the other participants. Chapters 6 and 7 explore the implications of language manipulation on the part of the interpreter by using blame-avoidance techniques, mainly through passive and intransitive constructions, and by the use of polite vs.

Chapter 8 studies the effect, on mock jurors, of language manipulation through politeness, hedging, hyperformality and active vs. Chapter 9 explores the importance of the interpreting process when inaccurate interpretation is claimed as the reason for a new trial in the Court of Appeals. The author states that most of these appeals are unsuccessful due to the fact that court reports are written in English only, and that the only way to assess the accuracy of an interpretation is to have the entire trial on audio tape.

Throughout the book the author has provided numerous examples, derived from her observations in court and from the subsequent studying of transcribed tapes, as well as examples of linguistic aspects of both Spanish and English. There is substantial overlapping of information and a wide range of statistical information, none of which is to be considered a flaw, but rather an attempt to clarify and exemplify certain points that might otherwise seem obscure.

The number of typographical errors is insignificant and does not detract from the quality of the text as a whole. Although the book is intended primarily for those directly connected with Court Interpreting, including attorneys and judges, anyone interested in sociolinguistics, the mechanics of language and language manipulation of any sort would benefit from the findings here presented. Calderon-Young, Estelita and Rodney M. The finished product fits easily in to handbag or large pocket and the binding and tabs make it very easy to use.

It would also be a handy tool for adults who are using audio cassettes to learn Spanish perhaps, for travel and who want to understand the technical side of the language. The biggest problem many of our students face in using this, or any grammar review, is their inability to recognize parts of speech. Students who are uncertain about the subject of a sentence in English will certainly have difficulty determining exactly what part of speech they want to locate.

Is it a problem?


Even after the student finds the proper section of the manual, the succinct explanation presented by the authors depends on the use of grammatical expressions that many students will simply not understand. This format along with the use of bold type and underlining techniques is reminiscent of several grammar review computer programs that are currently popular. Actually using the manual, however, enables one to see just how circuitous a route must be taken to gather necessary information. They reported their experiences, including the following examples.

One student quickly found the present progressive tense listed in the index and went to page Another student looked at irregular preterite verbs in preparation for his final exam. They were listed in the first person singular yo but with no reference to the other persons. There were also small mistakes that will no doubt be corrected in a later edition. For example, a group of nationalities and countries has Argentina listed as Argentino instead of La Argentina and has omitted articles in front of some of the countries such as the United States and Brazil.

An Intermediate Spanish Reader. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: La claridad en las opciones y asertos es fundamental para no confundir al lector. Spanish for Proficiency , 2nd. Heinle and Heinle, These materials provide a very attractive language program for a beginning course at the university level. The purpose of the complete program is to help students to attain proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish and to introduce them to common customs and traditions of the Hispanic world. The design and arrangement of the textbook Poco a Poco invite and encourage students to learn Spanish.

Thereafter, the appearance of each chapter is enhanced with color and black and white photos of important sites in the Hispanic world, attractive illustrations that convey the meaning of major vocabulary words, or by other materials such as cartoons or advertisements taken directly from newspapers or magazines. The textbook contains a preliminary chapter and eighteen lessons. The eighteen lessons are grouped into six units of three chapters each. The conversation and writing exercises for this section are personalized and encourage the students to use the grammar structures to describe their own experiences; 4 cultural notes; 5 a final section that integrates the language functions, vocabulary, grammar, and culture of the lesson, reinforces the development of listening and reading skills, and provides additional practice in conversation and composition.

The first six lessons also include a section devoted to pronunciation. It also contains the tapescript for the optional listening exercises and transparency masters for the visual vocabulary sections of each lesson. Poco a Poco is an excellent text for students who have a natural aptitude for language learning. It provides many interesting exercises for developing all four skills and discusses important customs and traditions.

As the students advance in their studies, the cultural explanations and the directions for the exercises are written in Spanish rather than English, and the directed oral and written exercises of the early chapters become progressively more open-ended. This book is one of the few first-year texts that really concentrates on the development of reading proficiency and that requires students to write one -or two- page compositions as well as developing listening and speaking skills. The Audit Committee has been delegated specific responsibility for assisting the Board in discharging this responsibility and in the oversight of the Company's compliance programs.

This oversight is facilitated by the preparation of a quarterly legal and regulatory compliance and risk report summarizing compliance initiatives and issues across the Company. Python has a number of compliance programs in place to address specific legal and regulatory obligations. These include programs directed to health, safety and environment, equal employment opportunity, privacy, trade practices and industry regulation. Instructional Tape Detailed field: Ahora permitamos revisar algunos aspectos de la prueba de laboratorio que puede proveer mejor resultados para ti.

Quebrar la ampolla de la prueba Algunos investigadores se han observado que golpean el paquete de la prueba con un objeto pesado para quebrar la ampolla por temor de ser cortado.

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Si el investigador se corta su dedo, esto es usualmente por una de las dos siguientes razones: Nunca intente de quebrar la ampolla por las puntas. Esto, de seguro, aumenta el chance de tener una pieza de vidrio penetrando en la bolsa. Translation - English The information included in this tape is intended to assist the investigation in preparation to the lab test about the suspected substance using XXX equipment and identification test.

As in every lab test, the investigator proves his ability and knowledge, and some of the original characteristics and ideas, as a consequence of the drug test. The information presented hereinafter should add to your experience and increase your ability to perform the lab test. Color Interpretation When you are about to read the colors, you should do so by placing the pouch of a given test against a white surface. This will lighten up and increase the color or colors inside the pouch.

The test can pick up colors from the surrounding areas from where the pouch is located, thus affecting the color interpretation. Agitating the pouch The instructions for some of the test request that the test is agitated. This means that you must hold the pouch by the plastic peg between the thumb and the index finger of one hand, and use the other index finger to gently flick the pouch.

Hispania. Volume 75, Number 1, March 1992

The most important thing to consider here is not to move the pouch up and down. This will shed both the chemical reaction and the suspected substance inside the pouch. Better test results are achieved by agitating the pouch gently from side to side. Breaking the ampoules We had noticed that some investigators hit the pouch with a heavy object to break the ampoules in order to avoid injuries.

A new and unique separated design, originally introduced in January and most recently upgraded, essentially eliminates the possibility of injuries. If the investigator injures his finger, this is usually related to one of the following two reasons: Do not try to break the ampoule somewhere else. This may, for sure, increase the chance of having a piece of glass penetrating the pouch.

Do not continue to crush the glass after breaking the ampoules.

Best Sellers Ebook Collection La Busqueda La Cantidad Hechizada Nº 35 Spanish Edition Pdf

Marketing Flyer Detailed field: This step is free. Visit XXX to submit your application. This step confirms your eligibility as a bona fide travel and hospitality provider for. XXX offers a search engine optimization service for your new. Este paso no tiene costos para Usted. Visite XXX para enviar su solicitud.

Este paso confirma que Usted es un proveedor de viaje y hospitalidad de buena fe para. Magazine Article Detailed field: The United Kingdom follows with 26 brands, and then France with Spanish presence is granted by the banking sector, telecommunications and the fashion industry. The methodology of Brand Finance is based on royalty savings.

The objective of this research is to determine how much a company should pay to use their brand if they would not own it, and still be able to achieve the same turnover. To do that, the consulting firm uses the discounted cash flow method and takes into account the influence that a brand can have in the future development of the company, according to their business sector, the strength of its competitors and other external circumstances.

Technical Manual Detailed field: Make sure that the latches are not unlocked by passengers. Unlock the latches only when you take items out of th egalleys. Let a crewmember secure the area while you are stowing or removing items. The Cabin Crew is responsible to complete security inspection screening of passengers boarding the aircraft, and also to check for any foreign items in the Passenger Cabin, the galleys, overhead bins and toilets, in accordance with prescribed checklists. Very low temperature causes an altimeter to over-read. This should not prevent the Captain using normal SOPs.

Note that the glideslope for 04L is set at 3. Wind strength and direction on the ground may be considerabley different to that on the approach. When connecting the Towbar to the aircraft's nose-gear assembly the Towbar must be detached from the tractor. Personnel must be facing the aircraft and have both legs on one side of the Towbar. Cuando se conecta la barra de remolque al montaje del engranaje del morro de la aeronave, la barra de remolque debe estar separada del tractor. El personal debe mirar hacia la aeronave y tener ambas piernas sobre un costado de la barra de remolque.

However, I've been exposed to English since I was 3 years' old: Finance, accounting, taxes, planning, IT, HR, customer service, credit and collections, payables, receivables, agreements, budgets, presentations, you name it. I was responsible and accountable for every aspect of the businesses other than sales and marketing, and always the key contact for the guys in the headquarters. I don't have any translation credentials but the praise of my customers.

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