Jesus is life and there is no life in any religion, fundamental or otherwise. I try to share Jesus and encourage people to think for themselves, but I would be horrified to discover that people were following Timism. I hope to be helpful, but Timism would be as much of a problem as any other. BUT, do an act of kindness, of love, that they understand. So , this helps me to feel God in all of us. Even if it is without a name. It seems more like a manipulation tactic to me, than a revelation from God.
Even different religions have parts of God. But they also have the same issues a lot of us see inside the bible. If an Anthropologist were to examine a traditional Native group say maybe years ago, you would see that they very much focus upon the family, upon the village. They seek to improve themselves, so as to benefit the village. Any of this sound familiar. Such as slavery, torturing captives, barbarism, etc. Many wars were waged for FOOD.
Does any of this sound familiar. But yet they have guide lines and lessons. So which one wins??????? Jesus is the only way to the father. And Jesus can be anywhere, anytime. Love God with All your heart, Love your neighbor as yourself. Sounds pretty good to me. Thank you very much for insights from Native American groups. I have come to see, that Jesus did go to India, there is evidence of a Christian monastery in China, I think around A.
I can not claim to be an expert on Native stuff, there are so many different cultures within that group. Someone I met once, he actually reaches out to try and explain it. He wrote papers and articles upon cross-comparing Native and Catholic belief systems. God sent us Jesus to save us. But the way I see it, God also gave us a lot of Helpers as well, not to save us, but to help us grow, to guide us. That is just one of the amazing attributes of Jesus.
Why Would God Have a Son?
A What I was trying to say in my last reply, was this………. I have seen the hatred and death caused by that thinking. Would God withhold this love from ANY of us?? James, I think various groups do have valid insights into God and how to respond to him. I think Jesus does include all people in his restorative work and in the resurrection. But I also think their quality of spiritual life does improve markedly when they encounter the uncorrupted good news of Jesus.
Amen to this post! Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. Like Liked by 1 person. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
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You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. For those attracted to Jesus but not to the baggage often attached to his message.
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Posted on May 4, by jesuswithoutbaggage. But what, exactly, is the Good News? Carl Heinrich Bloch May 4, at 7: May 4, at 9: May 4, at 8: Doug, I think you are right on target. May 4, at One of the many things we agree on, Marc! May 4, at 3: May 4, at 4: May 5, at 1: Chas, I think you are absolutely right. May 8, at May 11, at 1: May 30, at 4: Original sin doctrine is b. June 24, at 4: June 25, at October 18, at 9: October 19, at October 18, at 8: God Bless Like Like. Jesus is so amazing, how can one religion explain all there is to him?
December 30, at 9: December 30, at 3: March 4, at 2: It is not until the fourth century that scenes of the Crucifixion of Jesus began to appear.
11 reasons why being a Christian is totally worth it
And this is the first one. Yes, this is it, the very first image of the Crucifixion of Christ, which appears on a small panel on a wooden side-door of the Church of Santa Sabina in Rome, which was consecrated in AD , almost exactly years after the event.
In this first attempt the crucified figures do not appear to be attached to crosses, although there are nails in the hands. But no church before this date even had a crucifixion image. So around AD the image we know was invented. Invented because not only is there no image of Jesus on the cross but there is no image of anyone on a cross. You can see we made small crosses for the actors to carry as only an Olympic athlete could carry the trees usually depicted.
WHY Would God Have a "Son"?
But the actors still struggled with these. See in the picture the executioner is up a ladder, which is leaning on the cross. The cross has to be set deep in the ground to stay up. What happens to the cross after Jesus is taken down? Is it thrown away so the next victim can use his own cross? Or dug up and taken back for the next victim to carry back up? See in the picture where the executioner is removing nails from a previous victim to make the cross available for the next.
When I asked Terry Gilliam why he did something so subversive, he just said it was probably his morbid senses. But clearly it was also just so logical. Why does this totally undermine the story in the Bible?
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- But who is this Jesus, anyway?.
- EVERYTHING you know about Jesus' death is wrong – He wasn't even crucified.
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- WHY Jesus Christ?.
Because, surely the purpose of Crucifixion is to put the body on show, as a deterrent, as long as possible. Upright like a banner, struggling with pain, degraded and dehumanized, till it rotted. They make a cross for a man, he carries it to Golgotha, they nail him up, and after a few hours he drops dead and Pilate says: What an absurd amount of effort and time, not to mention a ridiculous use of a valuable tree, to kill a man. Cheeky, the guy crucified next to Brian is revealing. Eric is suggesting that death does not come that quickly?
Lots of people get rescued. My brother usually rescues me, if he can keep off the tail for more than twenty minutes. Up and down like the Assyrian Empire. Every Easter in the Philippines, they perform a Passion play culminating with the actual nailing up of at least three penitents on to crosses. Ruben Enage, age fifty-three, has been crucified twenty-seven times.
You need to understand, his message was revolutionary; Jesus was a breath of fresh air in Judaism.
He began his yearly rite after surviving a fall from a three-story building. The wounds can take two weeks to heal. So the likelihood of someone dying in such a short period of time seems impossible. To cover this criticism one Gospel, John, tries to suggest Jesus was speared in the side to prove he was dead. Problem is it says: He's not the Messiah.
He's a very naughty boy! Look at this from the Jewish historian Josephus, writing at the time: How can these numbers possibly be? Where are all these trees coming from, not to mention the tons of nails 6,? The answer strangely is just a matter of translation. The word we always translate as crucifix, stauros does not actually mean crucifix at all. Here is the full dictionary definition: In classical Greek, until the early 4th century BC, stauros meant an upright stake, pole, or which might be used in impaling.