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Read his other works first. However, "Happy Death" does provide some keen insight into Camus and his philosophy and is worth reading for that reason alone as well as for a decent number of really thought provoking powerful passages scattered throughout. From Amazon This novel may be well the best proof about the enormous influence exerted by Dostoievsky in Albert Camus. When you are inmersed in this intriguing storytelling you will feel the giant and dark shadow of Crime and Punishment covering the unhappy existence of our murderer.

The shame will load the soul of this nasty and filthy man all the way. And you will understand why sometimes you may talk about a suggested suicide. A crucial text in the Camus universe. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Make sure to accept our cookies in order to get the best experience out of this website.

Camus: the great writer of the absurd

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I've found it useful to see the name as a kind of caricature of the darker elements of my work. It's a thing I do to keep from being too serious about it all. Events to mark Camus's centenary include a week of programmes on BBC Radio 3, focusing on " the man behind the existential theories" , while the Southbank Centre in London stages a dramatised reading of The Outsider on Thursday night, starring Justin Salinger and Emily Bruni.

In Camus' adopted town of Lourmarin in south-east France, there's a day of public lectures on Camus's philosophy on Saturday November 9 , and a performance of his unfinished final novel. There are other academic talks, roundtables and discussions taking place across France this weekend. Get the best at Telegraph Puzzles. A collection of the best contributions and reports from the Telegraph focussing on the key events, decisions and moments in Churchill's life.

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Monday 17 December Fiction Camus is the author of five novels: Nevertheless, as a writer, I must acknowledge that, at times, instances and incidents just are random. Instead, I shall approach it as a thinker. How dare I call myself that? A Happy Death consists of two books: In The Natural Death we meet Mersault, a man whose mother passed away, who works a lousy job, rents the empty rooms in his house to derelict individuals, and stays in the room that used to be his mother's. Mersault is a vain individual who does not really care about anything on the surface a dates a girl because he enjoys the attention he receives when they are out together.

It would have been fine, except, he is also jealous. He makes her talk about her past lovers, and she introduces him to Zagreus, her ex-lover who is now crippled. This book opens interestingly, with its ending, followed by a flashback of sorts where the circumstances leading to Mersault's crime are explained. It comes full circle quite nicely, and we learn a great deal about Mersault, his life, and his state of mind. The language itself has a raw quality to it, matching well with the theme. There were times when I enjoyed The Natural Death more than The Stranger, as it seems more real, more thought-through.

In The Conscious Death, Mersault appears on the scene in Prague, and with a completely different mindset. He is growing derelict, both in his appearance and in his inner state of mind. He is becoming a haunted human being seeking a meaning to his life. Through a series of travels, he eventually ends back in Algiers where he finds himself, and, in the end, finds a happy death. This book did not satisfy my cravings for more Camus.

It is more fragmented, and, at times, appears unnecessarily distracted with snippets of poetic verse that add little to the character himself. Mersault grows tormented, abandons civilization, and then longs for it again. He makes inconsistent choices and not in the 'unreliable narrator' way. He is at once a hedonist and a puritan, talkative and silent, a seeker who is blind. There were choices that did not sit well with me, and, personally, I felt the build-up to the conclusion which came at random was rather drawn-out.

All in all, The Conscious Death was an interesting exercise in thinking about the complicated human nature, but it did not live up to the expectations. Compared to Camus' later works, A Happy Death seems unfisnished to this reader. It was still worth the read, but not likely a reread any time soon.

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View all 7 comments. Oct 02, Steven Godin rated it liked it Shelves: Something and nothing - A Happy death serves as a precursor to arguably, his most famous work: Exploring similar themes such as, existentialism, life and dealing with death. The long-term ramifications of committing murder is central to the story, but having read a lot of Camus previously, it just didn't seem as good. Meursault, is looked at in a more lyrical way. Instead of going through the motions of an alienated character who was unconvincing then and is stereotypical now, the Something and nothing - A Happy death serves as a precursor to arguably, his most famous work: Instead of going through the motions of an alienated character who was unconvincing then and is stereotypical now, the earlier Meursault looks for something that resembles religion, a form of pantheistic oneness of self and world.

What he wants comes very close to Spengler's definition of religion: That's the sort of thing philosophical novelists give us to love: Not a god, or a good, or a woman, but a needle trembling on a cosmic dial.

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Like The Stranger he performs only gratuitous acts, and achieves some sort of beatitude. An interesting read, but there are so many other's that stick in my mind more. Camus takes us through the maze of self discovery Read this before you read The Stranger La mort heureuse est le premier roman d'Albert Camus.

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There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Albert Camus was a representative of non-metropolitan French literature. His origin in Algeria and his experiences there in the thirties were dominating influences in his thought and work.

Of semi-proletarian parents, early attached to intellectual circles of strongly revolutionary tendencies, with a deep interest in philosophy only chance prevented him from pursuing a university care Albert Camus was a representative of non-metropolitan French literature. Of semi-proletarian parents, early attached to intellectual circles of strongly revolutionary tendencies, with a deep interest in philosophy only chance prevented him from pursuing a university career in that field , he came to France at the age of twenty-five.

The man and the times met: Camus joined the resistance movement during the occupation and after the liberation was a columnist for the newspaper Combat.

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But his journalistic activities had been chiefly a response to the demands of the time; in Camus retired from political journalism and, besides writing his fiction and essays, was very active in the theatre as producer and playwright e. The essay Le Mythe de Sisyphe The Myth of Sisyphus , , expounds Camus's notion of the absurd and of its acceptance with "the total absence of hope, which has nothing to do with despair, a continual refusal, which must not be confused with renouncement - and a conscious dissatisfaction".

Rieux of La Peste The Plague , , who tirelessly attends the plague-stricken citizens of Oran, enacts the revolt against a world of the absurd and of injustice, and confirms Camus's words: Without having the unreasonable ambition to save men, we still want to serve them". His austere search for moral order found its aesthetic correlative in the classicism of his art. He was a stylist of great purity and intense concentration and rationality.

Books by Albert Camus.

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