
If I am to be completely honest with you, no one but myself is to blame for me not feeling the story. I picked this book up while I was in the middle of the Mortal Instrument series and my heart was with that book couple the entire time. These two books tell a story of an enduring and unconditional love between two beautiful characters and revealed depths about the beauty of forgiveness and second chances.

Finding Eden

View all 79 comments. This is the continuation of Becoming Calder. While BC made me cry at every turn this one just made me swoon and filled me with so much sugar that will probably last me a lifetime Oh Well! I will be consuming sugar like a maniac probably tomorrow.. In other circumstances, I would have hated so much fluff and "Love Explosion" but here, I lapped it up. Because Calder and Eden deserved every single moment of their happiness after what they ha 5 "Hearts and Flowers" Stars!!!!

Because Calder and Eden deserved every single moment of their happiness after what they had gone through in the previous book. It picks up right after where it ended in BC but then going forward we see a time gap. Now, I am not such a huge fan of time gaps. As a reader, I feel cheated because I miss so many years of a character's life but I went with it here because I just wanted C and E together, however I could get them. Some parts were heart breaking but then everything slowly turned into a giant pile of love and feelings.

So for me it was easier to handle. Those two characters have consumed my heart and my thoughts for the past 3 days. All I could think about was them and their HEA. And I can't believe it's over. BC was just something magical and miraculous and I am head over heals for that book. The part that made me give this a 5 star was the Epilogue That part brought back the magic for me.

I was laughing and crying and swooning all at the same time. It was the most memorable epilogue of all time for me. I am thoroughly satisfied with it. Will I recommend this book? A big and a loud YES!! If you loved the first book but at the same time that book made you mad and angry, then read this book because this book is a like a soothing balm. View all 58 comments.

Sep 20, Amy Foxy Blogs rated it it was amazing Shelves: Finding Eden continues on where Becoming Calder left off. Even though their circumstances are unfavorable these two continue to be some of the strongest characters I've read in a long time. Eden remains her genuine gentle spirit that we met in the first book. She has a quiet strength about her that endears others to her.

Calder is a beautiful, tortured man. Although, he is free from his past he is still left feeling trapped and worthless. Their unwavering love is endearing and their story is captivating. I devoured this book in one sitting. The plot is so unforgettably unique. Even though, I've finished I still sometimes find myself daydreaming about these two books.

Both books made me an emotional, jumbled-up mess. I went from smiling and laughing to crying and wanting to smash my kindle and then back to smiling. The jaw dropping moments made my heart clench and had tears spilling from my eyes. View all 49 comments. Oct 06, Brandi rated it it was amazing Shelves: The continuation of Calder and Eden's story is full of emotion and revelations. Page after page, this book was filled with such raw, powerful, all-encompassing feelings, it truly was a heart pounding experience.

For fear of revealing too much, all I will say is, Finding Eden was everything thing I hoped it to be. All my questions were answered and I was left with an overwhelming feeling of happiness for these two characters who have endured so much. View all 37 comments. Finding Eden is a beautiful story of second chance romance, the incredible journey of two broken soul to rediscover oneself and their path of healing.

FE is everything I want in romance novel-pure perfection of powerful love, dynamic display of emotions and two amazing heart with enormous amount of love, strength and innocence. And I knew I love Finding Eden is a beautiful story of second chance romance, the incredible journey of two broken soul to rediscover oneself and their path of healing. And I knew I loved her in a way I'd never, ever recover from. I knew I loved her to the very core of myself.

And I knew she loved me back. The story picks up pretty much after the horrific ending of BC. Even with the epic reunion of Eden and Calder, they still deal with the ghosts of their past and threat of unpredictable future. With new found family they learn to accept the second chance at life, with each other they learn to comfort and support in their struggle with the new world and to move on from their tragic loss.

This story also unravels mysteries of their disappearance and their cult leader Hector. All in all it was an Epic conclusion to a wonderful love story and I loved it! You have the most beautiful heart of anyone I've ever met. And maybe you feel like a mess sometimes, and life is a mess sometimes, but the way I see it, you're the beauty that came from the mess.

View all 44 comments. Sep 08, Jennifer Kyle rated it it was amazing. Mia Sheridan skillfully brought their story to a close as these two were left thinking the other had died in that mass suicide back in Arcadia. They struggle to acclimate to the modern world without the love of their lives.

Our couple comes face to face and in fact it was a truly a heart stopping scene. Their love is as strong as ever as is their need to be with together and help heal each other. Am I the only woman you want? I breathed out and then sniffled. During those three years, Calder has finally started painting but all he paints is his girl and their spring and through these paintings our couple unites. Eden and Calder do a lot of healing not only in the Bed of Healing but facing the truths of their pasts in the public eye while learning who they are now that the horror of Arcadia is over.

Overall this was a fabulous ending for a unique story that was very exciting and oh so swoonworthy. I want to thank Mia Sheridan for Calder and Eden. View all 39 comments. Oct 05, Catarina rated it it was amazing Shelves: After the end of the last book things were a little…. And the time passes… until the day destiny reunites them again and one thing they know for sure: This was a beautiful journey of second chances and a love so strong that never died.

So sit down, grab a coffee and get ready for an amazing ride.

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After the last one I had jump right into this book. I was not disappointed, this was an amazing journey. Mia Sheridan is on her way to become the Jane Austen of our century. Well, I loved them in the first book, I loved them even more in this one. I love how they re-connect with each other. They were a new nice characters but I have on itch: What the hell, Mia? I get it, I swear I get it.

It felt like a betrayal! View all 24 comments. There is nothing more that I love when a story comes back full circle and what an absolutely beautiful ending that Mia Sheridan has delivered here. Tears were pooling in my eyes as I flipped to the last page and everything since Becoming Calder just came back together perfectly.

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  • Finding Mia by Dianne J. Wilson.
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I can't divulge into the plot of this one as it would give away spoilery details from Becoming Calder. There were so many plot revelations that made me understand better the events in Book 1 and I really appreciated that as some of the events in the prior book left me feeling a little dissatisfied. I would be lying if I said I was not utterly consumed by their unconditional love and every scene was even more powerful than the last.

Admittedly I thought I would get sick of their endless profession of love and be diabetic by the end of it, but surprisingly I wasn't. Mia continued to deliver these flawless lines that made me want to relish every single moment of it. That's our plan because I swear to you, my beautiful, sweet love, everyone deserves a love story that doesn't hurt. But I loved every single moment of it. In fact, I fell in love so hard with this series, these endearing characters and their emotional journey. I would do it all over again.

It's one of those series that you simply just have to read to experience and feel and let it consume you. Mia Sheridan not only just delivered a powerful love story, but a story that speaks volume on the power of healing and forgiveness. We can't keep bitterness attached to our hearts because eventually, it might become part of us—so deeply ingrained we can't work it back out.

I think we have to focus on the beauty we've been given in this life, and make that the thing that defines us. But if you could look past that, then I would highly recommend this series to anyone who is looking for a refreshing read from the usual NA contemporaries, doesn't mind sugary sweet and is a complete sucker for forbidden love. View all 70 comments. Sep 10, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: View all 27 comments. Nov 01, Wendy'sThoughts rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Mia Sheridan Fans, Romance.

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Part 1 Walkthrough: Finding Mia, Head to the Attic, Fight Mia

The pain and suffering for each of us is personal and real There are experiences we see or read about which defy a calculation or measure as a bystander We have an insider's view of all of this in Finding Eden. This is the completion of Becoming Calder. My review is here https: This book picks up right where the other left off We are with Eden as she tries to make her way in a world she knows so little about.

We are with her from the first words on the page This is a story which covers so much; I cannot even begin to approach all of it. All I will say, so as not to ruin the journey, is Eden is one of the strongest women I have read. She instinctively has the fortitude to overcome insurmountable odds; the willingness to teach herself and understand the power of knowledge and continue to take control of her life. She may not be a biker babe I am not going to ruin this book for you I am going to share, Ms.

Sheridan almost gave me a heart attack a couple of times and my vision was blurred during most of my reading I received such a gift We are all damaged one way or another These two books could be a manual for a way through it For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways. View all 30 comments. Sep 18, Natasha is a Book Junkie rated it it was amazing Shelves: It made me see the world through different eyes, aware of how much of my own life I tend to take for granted, but it also left me utterly desperate for the sequel, willing to beg, steal and bribe for a mere peek at it.

In this heart-stopping conclusion to a most extraordinary tale, after unthinkable loss and sorrow, we finally see life balancing itself out to make up for all that it has taken. While the first part of this story celebrated human resilience and our innate capacity to find love even under the direst of circumstances, in the second part, we get to see what happens to the human spirit once it is set free—free to grow at last, free to flourish, free to spread its wings, and free to love without restraint.

Eden might have walked out of Acadia physically unscathed, but her heart is shattered. Her love for Calder is the only thing she knows, the only thing she has ever known, and it is still the only thing she clings onto. Now truly alone in the world, Eden has to find the strength to be her own person, to decide for herself what she wants to believe in, who she wants to be. But even when life finally offers her what she has always craved to have, the constant void inside her never stops reminding her of all that she has lost.

I belonged to someone again. This is a story about new beginnings, about the type of love that conquers all, about the endurance of the human spirit and its ability to heal itself even when weighed down by memories of a harrowing past. In a feat of sheer brilliance, we are also given the kind of story that tells us that there are two sides to every coin, showing us that the human spirit can sometimes break from mere powerlessness and despair.

This is a story that challenges the assumptions we make about people, about their lives and their motivations, and it shows us that every demon has its own demons keeping it awake at night. These characters are perfect examples of the kind of beauty that can come out of darkness, their strength and determination showing us that no matter how many times you strike down a wildflower, try to exterminate it or hinder its growth, it somehow always finds a way to live and bloom.

Every facet of this inspiring tale left me breathless, astonished, overwhelmed and overflowing with emotions, and I believe a tiny part of it will forever live inside me, reminding me to appreciate even the smallest moments of beauty in life. And one day when I grow old and wrinkly, the mere thought of a morning glory will still make my heart smile.

Follow me on Facebook! Follow me on Twitter! View all 4 comments. I want your nighttime heat to be within arm's reach. I am so freaking happy right now and smiling so big my cheeks hurt. After the way the last book ended, I had to dive into this one quickly. Due some things that happened in Becoming Calder Eden and Calder believe each other dead. They are separated and finally free. But, coping without the other is tough. That is as much as I want to say about what happens in this book.

I don't want to give it all away. I will say that both Eden and Calder go through so much. They grow stronger and both try really hard to get use to being in the "big community". I love how indestructible their love is. I cannot tell you how many times my heart melted and swooned for them both.

I teared up many times as well, but they were mostly happy tears. There was definitely more hearts and flowers in this one than there was in the first and a lot less angst too, which I was glad about.


I loved watching them rediscover each other. And that "Bed of Healing" scene, so freaking heart warming. My heart was a puddle of goo. And yes, there was healing. I couldn't believe some of the stuff that came to light. Not all of it was shocking in a bad way, there was some happy shocking moments that filled my heart with joy. I loved some of the new secondary characters, as well as the old.

Xander I love to pieces and I'm hoping he gets a book of his own. You will always be my dream come tru, my destiny. It is definitely one that I will never forget. The characters have earned a spot in my heart. It's just crazy to think how far they have come since they were children living in Acadia. They sacrificed so much to be with each other. It was an emotional, at times painful, but a very beautiful journey.

The writing was stunning. I have no idea how Mia Sheridan came up with this. It's a book you will just have to read for yourself. View all 43 comments. So, we do get some answer but then we get even more questions! I enjoyed this one so much more than Becoming Calder! They are finally free but now they have even more obstacles to overcome. It's really hard to explain without telling you certain things but suffice it to say that Calder and Eden have some big adjustments to make. There were a few things that were a bit of a stretch They didn't make the story unbelievable There's a lot of heartbreak and angst in this one and I just loved all the emotional drama.

I'm very thankful that MS didn't make us suffer as she very well could have. I loved the clever way in which she had Calder and Eden meet up! Can I just say that the "healing bed" was amazing! It was definitely something the both of them sorely needed! And thank goodness for Molly. Her character was wonderful and she just played such a great part in helping things move along!

I thought Eden and Calder's journey for answers was pretty interesting even though they weren't hard to figure out. I hated what Calder found out I wish that MS wouldn't have taken things that far. It was quite a bitter pill to swallow. Of course, I loved the ending and especially the epilogue. I think that's just what they needed.

I really wish that Xander had gone too. I know you hide it all over your apartment. You must have had a really good life teacher. And he was hot, too. I wanted to do dirty things to him. But it will always tell you the right thing to do. View all 29 comments. I finished Becoming Calder and immediately began Finding Eden without hesitation!

I had to know what happened. I did not sleep…nope…Calder and Eden kept me tossing turning all night! They were Separated by the waters from above and when the destruction receaded…what was left? She roamed out into the world alone and broken. She found solace in a kind man who gave her a fighting chance at a life as well as her identity.

But she would never truly move on. So Tr 5 Life Changing Stars! So True for Calder…his life was nothing without Eden. He did not chose to live…he survived with his brother Xnder by his side using his gift of art to keep the memory of Eden alive. It was that same art that brought them face to face after years of longing! They say you never forget your first love right?

Calder and Eden were made for one another. They were everything to one another…they represented the sacrifices of past and the light in the darkness. But how do you survive now in a free world with no identity? Are they strong enough to face the past?

See a Problem?

With outside pressure, bias, new age thinking, and everyday insecurities, how could they just pick up and start over? Calder and Eden hold onto one another and they never let go! His need for her was so intense As for Eden…she was pure goodness as a child and that carried over into her adult life. Sep 17, Debra rated it it was amazing Shelves: View all 6 comments. Dec 14, Dee Montoya rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm not going to describe any details of this novel, because I feel that anything I say could take away from allowing the reader from really experiencing and understanding it better.

This book was the perfect compliment to the first book, where Becoming Calder was high intensity angst and heartbreaking, Finding Eden was about light and healing, absolutely lovely I loved the strength Eden possessed, she would find solace in the small things around her; the rain, the stars. Even when she felt like crumbling her spirit never faltered, inspiring everyone around her, including me. I truly enjoyed this book, the subject matter was complicated and difficult to process but leave it to this talented author to turn something that started so evil and make it utterly beautiful.

View all 25 comments. Aug 23, Didi rated it it was amazing Shelves: I want to say so much but still I don't want to spoil anything. The conclusion to this two part series was everything I hoped for. Filled with epic love, endearing hope and traumatic struggle, it was done perfectly and realistically. There was a scene that gave me goosebumps and I cried. I felt the pain and shocked surprise that accompanied such an event.

Even with Calder trying to live, there was no contest. It was always Eden. Adult Fiction Sub Genre: I received a copy of Finding Mia from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Artist Isobel is trying to feel moved to put something on the canvas but can't seem to come up with anything when she hears what she believes to be an injured animal. Upon locating the source she is astounded to find a toddler, severely sunburned. Where both are drawn to the precious toddler's life and safety.

A Christian Romantic Suspense novel from an author the uses her words to paint a scene for the reader to make them feel they are in the middle of the story themselves. From the very beginning you are drawn in with characters and they emotions they evoking the reader. You will not want to put this book down. The plot is well thought out and moves at a quick pace. The passing of time is irrelevant. The reader will fall into this suspenseful story looking for answers.

Wilson is a talented author that provides us with a novel that is clean, christian based and grips your heart. Ability like that is rare and I look forward to reading more of her work in the future. My rating is 5 out of 5 stars. I will recommend this book to anyone who enjoys romances, mysteries or Christian fiction. Was this review helpful? Finding Mia Dianne J. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to our cookie policy.