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Bioethics Beyond the Headlines: Who Lives? who Dies? who Decides? - Albert R. Jonsen - Google Книги

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Bioethics Beyond the Headlines: Who Lives? Who Dies? Who Decides?

Too often, the general public's sole encounter with these weighty questions is through sound bites fed to us by the media--where complex, difficult matters are typically presented in superficial and inaccurate terms. Here, renowned bioethicist Albert R. Jonsen Bioethics asks fundamental questions.

Jonsen equips readers with the tools and background to navigate the fascinating and complex landscape of bioethics. Bioethics Beyond the Headlines is a primer. You will not find convoluted philosophical arguments in this volume. Rather, you will find an engaging sampling of the key questions in bioethics, including euthanasia, assisted reproduction, cloning and stem cells, neuroscience, access to healthcare, and even research on animals and questions of environmental ethics--areas typically overlooked in general introductions to bioethics.

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But a 'primer' is not merely a first book--it should also 'prime' the interest of the reader, to prepare the mind for a more expansive venture into these issues. Bioethics Beyond the Headlines intends to do just that. Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Bioethics Beyond the Headlines , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Bioethics Beyond the Headlines. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

Looking briefly at the discourses of philosophy about ethics and of science about the brain, he considers whether ethics can be reduced to neuroscience as Sir Francis Crick, codiscoverer of the helical structure of DNA, concludes or, as French phenomenologist Paul Ricoeur claims, we are "dealing with two discourses of the body" The last topic in this section, Cloning and Stem Cell Research , is designed to show how reflection on previous bioethical issues such as scientific research and the moral status of the human embryo might help guide a conscientious person through the debate over stem cell research.

The term "bioethics" was invented by the medical research scientist Van Rensselaer Potter in He coined this term to inaugurate "a new discipline that combines biological knowledge with a knowledge of human value systems" First, he examines the problem of justice in the healthcare system. Distinguishing the concept of "fairness" from that of "justice," he looks at both the microallocation problem and the macroallociation problem. Then, after considering several promising theoretical discussions of social justice, he proffers the "rationing" experiment by the state of Oregon as an example of "bioethics in practice" The chapter on Cultural Bioethics in Part IV raises the ever-lingering question of relativism in ethics: Without directly responding to the question, Jonsen considers both the philosophical and sociopolitical problems involved in intercultural bioethics.

However, rather than simply stirring the dust of seemingly irreconcilable cultural conflicts, Jonsen hints at ways the bioethics discussion might broaden understanding. The last two topics treated by Jonsen, animal ethics and environmental ethics, are not usually included in standard bioethics. To introduce animal ethics, he sets out the "moral polarities [that] define the debate: Always alert to the practical, he reminds the reader of the oversight of animal protection committees that are legally required at all institutions that use animals in research.

Consideration of the Three Rs with respect to the use of an animal or the species is offered as one attempt to find a practical and philosophical middle ground "between an enhanced respect for animal life and the moral imperative to improve human life" Jonsen includes such issues in a bioethics text because he takes seriously English philosopher G.

Published Reviews for: Bioethics beyond the headlines : who liv

Warnock's practical view that ethics is about the amelioration of the human predicament. He argues that GMOs and other related ethical issues that appear as humans use and abuse their environment concern should concern bioethicists. Since many issues in environmental ethics affect not only the health of the "land" but of humans as well, Jonsen wants to push the reader beyond the traditional health care ethics to "a larger bioethics, sensitive to the biosphere" Unlike the encounter with similar texts, one's reading should not conclude with Jonsen's Conclusion. Appendix A includes a Precis of Moral Philosophy.

Here Jonsen presents an engaging tour of the history of Western ethical thought with a slight nod to Eastern traditions. It traces the history of the ethics of medicine from the "school" of Hippocrates to the new ethics of medicine, bioethics. A brief but intriguing reflection on Mary Shelly's nineteenth century novel Frankenstein as an early text of bioethics highlights Appendix C The Frankenstein Analogy.

Even the text's concluding Glossary is unique. Not only is it friendly to the lay reader, but it defines relevant terms sequentially, as they appear after each of the four parts in the text. Bioethics Beyond the Headlines actually gets behind the headlines to introduce the salient concepts and key issues in the field. True to his vision, Jonsen shows how we can use the techniques of reason and the insights and sympathies of practicing bioethicists to understand the persistent questions not just of bioethics but of our human predicament: Larry Hultgren describes himself as follows:.

Grinnell College majoring in Philosophy and Religion; Ph. Vanderbilt University in Philosophy. Since I am at a liberal arts college, my teaching runs the gamut of philosophy offerings. I am especially interested in interdisciplinary pursuits, and I direct the college's Social Ecology Program and our innovative PORTfolio Project, which attempts to bring the liberal arts to life for our students by connecting the classroom with real world experiences. We feature over in-depth reviews of a wide range of books and DVDs written by our reviewers from many backgrounds and perspectives.

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