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  • Silent Argument;
  • Follow the Author.
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  • Orca Echoes!
  • Tidal (Watersong Series Book 3)!
  • What a Hippopota-Mess!?

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Timberwolf Chase Sigmund Brouwer. Timberwolf Trap Sigmund Brouwer. Back cover copy Now, if you're like a lot of us and think a hippopotamus, would never make a lot of fuss well, then you would be wrong. I saw two hippopotami, when they were peeking water-high.

CM Magazine: What a Hippopota-mess!

One hippo seemed a friendly guy, but not for very long! The poems in this book tell stories of animals and nature, from two sweaty hippos, a smiling lizard and some creepy crawlers to a few tricky dandelions. Review quote "A terrific book for kids Book ratings by Goodreads.

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Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. He held me in a hippo-choke. I gave his meaty ribs a poke.

Orca Echoes Resource Guide

He made a grunting noise. That's when Pete's hippopota-pal said "Hiya, Bud! My name is Sal. I'm just a hungry hippo-gal. And I eat little boys!

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This section of the poem is illustrated with a drawing of a boy frantically clutching a tree while a hippopotamus is pulling him into the water by his pants. The illustrations throughout the book are clever and funny. For the section, "An Interview with Pete and Sal," which follows the poem, Ross has penned a picture of a person in black facing two hippos sitting in directors chairs and wearing sunglasses - amusing for grownups and children: I guess I'm about the size of an average car. But I weigh more than three cars put together.


We hippos often have vicious fights with other creatures and with each other.