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12 Year Old Girl Cries Crystals! - Facts Analysis - Hoax Or Fact

Soon, everyone was rolling about the floor laughing, and the salt was brought out so everyone could enjoy their food. The next day the King gave his daughter away at a grand ceremony, where her sisters, in their prettiest dresses and favorite dancing shoes were maids of honor. The matron of honor was, of course, the fairy from the woods did you think we'd forget to invite her?

Lebanon - Girl sheds tears of glass

Of course, everyone lived happily ever after, and none more so than the princess whose eyes were continually brimming over with those pearl-tears of joy. Now wasn't that a more upbeat ending than that downer, Shakespeare wrote about King Lear? Ask New Question Sign In. What is the name of the fairy tale that has a princess who cries pearls for tears?

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Comments No, it's true Truly the Lord works in mysterious ways, eh, Hairy?

Girl cries crystal tears

Just because a journalist can fake it doesn't mean it's not a real miracle. A stage magicial like Randi can perform tricks that look like those performed by Gellar, after all, and everyone knows that Uri has true paranormal gifts. Likewise, Penn and Teller have 'revealed' how many effects can be achied on stage, and that doesn't change the fact that David Copperfield is a true wizard.

You are SO right, outeast. I mean, explain THAT, skeptics! The argument Joe Nickell made as to how he can duplicate the effect is not very convincing at all. Well, I guess people that stupid have to exist somewhere for hacks like Uri to exist. You must be retarded! I lack a sense of sarcasm!

I think everybody posting on this thready is totally serious! I too am a believer! You know what I found interesting, that the person that was able to replicate this never actually showed any proof that he could do it. It's real, and you are fake. That must be the worst logic - ever. And quite offensive, to.

I think things like this,are reminders,from a higher Authority,that we are more than we think we are,Miricles are from beyond,our 3d dimemtive view of life. Actually, the fact that someone can replicate this DOES mean it's not a miracle, by definition. A miracle is something that breaks natural laws, without explanation.

Meet the woman who cries CRYSTAL tears: 'I'm pulling 30 out a day'

And he explained it. In response to Adam Roder from Texas Actually, he didn't debunk the miracle idea.

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  3. What is the name of the fairy tale that has a princess who cries pearls for tears? - Quora;
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He explained how he replicated it. That doesn't mean she's doing it like that, and if it's real then it is breaking natural laws without an explanation as of yet.

  1. Meet the woman who cries CRYSTAL tears: 'I'm pulling 30 out a day'.
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  3. The Incredible Hulk.
  4. The Kundalini Book of Living and Dying: Gateways to Higher Consciousness;
  5. Woman who cries crystal tears pulls 30 membranes out every day | Daily Star.

There are leaps of assumptions that one would have to make to accept his explanation without question. But I think your definition of miracle would not conform to the rest of of the miracle believing population who generally think a child being born into the world fits the category. That's a totally explainable and natural event.

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Even though I don't believe in miracles either way, you just set yourself up. You might want to take your own advice and learn to think. Hahaha when someone said Uri Gellar was legit I lol'd. Chris Angel is ok, his pretty boy crap and some of his lame levitation illusions make him a bit of a hack, none of it is real obviously.

As for the girl I say Ockam's razor does justice here, it isn't science, but without taking the girl where she couldn't shove quartz into her eyelids for a few days to see if she stops, it is the next best thing.