This is our time America I was shocked today to discover that one of my friends was actually afraid of President Obama and his assumption of the office of President of the United States. As someone who has spent the last 8 years sweating that someone like W had his finger on the nu-cu-lar trigger he never did learn how to pronounce nuclear did he?
I found the idea preposterous, yet, his fear was real and palpable. My friend had bought into and believed, each and every one of the mindless lies told by the mindless and jabbering Obama haters: One after another my friend recited fear after fear that he had been living with since the election that had turned him from the happy person that I had grown up knowing into a frankly scared and frightened, ball of emotions.
I could not believe what I was hearing. That someone in this day and age could actually believe everything that my friend had bought into. But he had heard the lies repeated day after day, week after week, month after month until they had taken on such a weight that the joyous feeling felt by so many yesterday was lost to him entirely. I let him get it all out. I started to ask him questions.
Ahead of his visit to Spain, the US president responds to questions from EL PAÍS
I asked him about the real source of his fears. And what he really feared, as it turned out, was that we as Americans, now that Obama was in office, might somehow be called upon to pay for our decades of mistreatment of the African Americans among us as Obama would be forced to follow someone else's tune rather than be a powerful enough force to maintain his own momentum of power as President. Yet my friend had never mistreated anyone of color. I had seen just the opposite of him. Still, he feared the unknown, he feared change out of his control, and Obama represented that unknown to him and it made him angry and upset.
He also was under the delusion that President George W. Bush had done a fine job in office overall but for a few major blunders at the beginning of his first term. Let's let that rest. What is significant is that I am sure that my friend, who trusted me with his fears, is not alone. We must not just insult those who attack Obama as unreasoning or stupid, but look to their motives. When those motives are based in fear, it is in all our best interests to allay those fears, because the worst atrocities are always a result of hate based in fear.
Yet of all people, we need fear President Obama the least of any leading American political official. He has the clearest mandate. He has the most overwhelming personal support, he has the greatest personal communication skill and intelligence of any American Political figure in decades. What is obvious to millions though was missed by my friend because of his fears. He feared that Obama might follow the siren song of some radical crazy and divide the nation. Yet our new president is the most likely to unify, the least likely to divide, and the most likely to lead to reconciliation of any individual, black, white, brown or yellow or any combination thereof in decades.
But my friend represents people who we should not forget, people who we must now begin to remember as the real work of the new administration begins. What we all need to remember is the unity we felt yesterday. We will need to spread that feeling of unity to those who still feel disenfranchised. In doing so, we will be embracing the change we seek and need. Thank you Boston Globe for the perspective your photos provided. We will also need some humor, because, the long term changes that have started are worthy, are wonderful, but are new, and to some are frightening as changes always are.
Let us remember that there are always those who fear change and reach out our hands to comfort those who are not used to being comforted, to be ready to include those who have never had to look for inclusion before, so that fear will not become the enemy of the change we so sorely need. Let us also look to the future with humor. For it is humor which saves us from our inhumanity and confirms the joy that is the essence of the best goodness in our hearts. I'm a Kenyan and wish to Congratulate Obama and all Americans for inspiring many around the world and especially for overcoming the racial issue, the few disenting voices not withstanding.
Obama is the most credible man for the job at this time BUT I beg to differ with Dominic. Your earlier veterans dedicated your country to God, why be emotional and change it?? Congratulations USA on getting it right this time. The effects of this are going to be felt around the planet. May he not be guided by Bronze Age superstition. May he be guided by reason, evidence and science. I congratulate all Americans on a worthy choice. I hope, it will be the continuer of politics of Mikhail Gorbachyov. I hope there will be some change we observe in all feilds.
Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful images. Everyone on earth would be moved by this. We share the same hope from this side of the Atlantic! From Stuttgart, Germany, the home of the real Pretzels Brezel. While it was indeed an important event and a new, fresh paged turned in the history book of the United States, it's by no means the most important event in the world. I don't hate America at all, but even though this presidential switch greatly influences much of the world, it wasn't that big of a deal to many people. Still, congrats to Americans for their wise choice.
I for one find Obama to be a most charismatic and interesting person. This is a great victory for American politics and for the whole world. The election of Pres. Barack Obama transcends a success crossing boudary on cultural and racial issues. We expect changes of the world leadership through Barack Obama.
The whole world regardless of religious beliefs and denominations, should pray always for this President, to guard him, give him the wisdom he needs to sustain the Presidency inspite of the myriad of challenges the world is facing. I thought I had no tears left. Your wonderful pictures had me in floods again - for all the right reasons. This past few days have felt like a dream I am inspired to do more with my life. I am inspired to help others and get into the community.
This man is a real person, not just a politician. As a black woman, I am proud of all Americans for seeing the person and not his color. There are years of mistreatment from others but if we want to move forward we have to reset our thinking and treat people how we want to be treated and truly love all people as GOD wants us to. Much love to all This is a turning point for African's, if only we can come to gether and Identified our selves as Black African and stop the fighting and killing Amoung us then we shall over come. Lets stop the segragation and War. It is interesting to me that President Obama's flub while taking the oath has been blamed on the chief justice.
Obama signs up Spanish expert as advisor for US healthcare plan
I do hope that our new president will do well by us, but I wish the media would quit lying and just report the news. I love the USA I have friends in Virgina! To make it short: I have hope in Obama I dont say all was wrong what Bush have done! But in general all in all it was more negative than the opposite! Do sth where America can be proud of! On behalf of my grand daughter and myself, I want to say that we love you and your family very much.
My grand daughter has been calling your name before she could talk, she is now 3 years old and where ever she sees your picture she shouts" OBAMA", IT doesn't matter where. May God bless you and keep you safe always. I was one in the crowd at the mall when he was sworn in. It was one of the coldest days I can remember, I stood for over six hours, I could not leave my spot because I knew I would never get it back. And I would have not missed it for anything in the world. It is an event that I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life.
Beautiful pictures of an extraordinary event. Congratulations and best wishes to you, President Obama and your wonderful family. I am so proud of Mr. I pray for blessings, peace and protection over the Obama family President , Barack H. Obama, not just the multi-nationalities human , but a highly beyond super - human-being who has in his caring, and sharing given us, restoration of a newfound life of unity , caring for this United Statesof America, and internationally concerned of the world at large from your heart, unselfishly more-so than a grand number of others.
I since have placed back the United States Flag This is the dawn of a new era in american and world politics. President Obama is the right man to lead the United States and the world at this juncture in an uncertain and troubled time. His humanity shines through and generates good will in the citizens of the world. No, he can't solve all the world's problems, but he has the goodwill of the citizens of the world. That is a healthy starting point. Good Luck Mr President and may you have the wisdom and humility to lead. So much responsibility has been placed on your shoulders. President that we stand beside you during this unsettling time.
You have filled us with hope and collectively we thank you for your decision to lead us. A truly wonderful and beautiful sight to beholds ones eyes, to hear the loving and committed word uttered from this great man, he is truly a blessed individual. May god bless him, and care for him through his historic and fabulous adventures he is about to travel. He is just a man foremost, but a caring one whom will do his best to do right by his people, his country and the world.
This is an amzing time for man kind. The world should and must give him their support so that the changes will be a wonderous thing for all! Barack Obama a true life historian. One love, one nation!! I guess he was most fit for the job, considering the other contestants in the running for president. I hope he lives up to his words, 'cause words are still only words and nothing else. He has to live up to a lot of expectations and promises, but above all, he's now responsible for one of the greatest messes in the whole of the world, called "United States of America".
I wish you thebest of luck, sir Barack Hussein Obama. Stop hoping for miracles people, Obama inherited a big pile of crap after W. The United States are losing their role as leader of the world, I think that the only way to restore it is to start a new war. General Motors is going down, Ford is going down, Chrysler is going down etc The Chinese are just waiting for it to happen so they can take over those companies.
Sadfully Americans can't stand losing something, and I think there's a great probability that you'll take back what you've lost by force. Don't get me wrong, I've been to the US for holidays twice and I'm not against you or anything, but I do think that the country is going to show it's true colors over the next few years and it's not going to be pretty. Congratulations to the American people by chosing Mr Obama as their 44 president, and let's pray that he is able to restore what's demolished by nr.
I know you are the right man for the job. I wish you great success I believe you will be one of our greatist Presidents. We do belive that greater things will happen time happy tenor Mr President. Thanks so much for sharing,the pictures are great. Lets all wish President Obama the very best and I know he will do his very best to get this country on the right track. We must pray for him daily. Pray that everyone works with him and not against him to get us out of this mess that Bush has us in.
As I watched this inauguration, where throughout along with my friends I had been cheering and tearing up, I suddenly realized that I felt as if I had been "baptised" , oui oui, "born again". I then verbalized to them, "I feel like I am a born again American! President, I pray that God will continue to use you in a mighty way, and that no hurt, harm, or danger shall come to you nor your family.
The pictures are amazing!!!! I hope he can live up to your expectations. He is just human you know. Sure he can change things for the better, but you raise him to far up, that eventually will only lead to disappointment. Something that can cripple the american spirit even more then it already is.
I get scared when reading that people opposing the idolization of Obama are rendered racists. Realism will hit hard for all those adoring Obama as if he were the new Messiah. He's a man, just a man. With weaknesses like any other man. For one, he's addicted to nicotine. He's got the whole world in his hands The swearing in of Obama clearly demonstrates that America remains the greatest democratic nation in the whole world, thus a great lecon to the entire world. Dreams shall always come true.
Is soo emotional to see you there!!! Is an historical moment i would have been there to support! Barack and Michelle Obama: Congratulations for you and us. May God bless and protect you and your family. Greetings from the Netherlands. We also love you very much. As an ardent yet cautious observer of this untried new hope amidst us, it would heighten the credibility of this new movement if participants would start this love and peace fest with Bush. After all how can you say all these wonderful things all the while damning someone under your breath Until people stop ragging on Bush, nobody has really changed at all.
And that will truly be sad. I am praying for you and the first lady, that you will have peace, understanding, and wisdom. Understanding and guidance from the Lord. May God forever bless and keep you. I was moved to tears early and was sobbing with pride and joy by the end. As an artist, these images make the historic day a reality. I hope Presobama has the balls to be a sane and healthy president. Why is God in the comments? If you are realistic, Obama did it himself. Politics without religion, a small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. Or does God, Allah, etc.
Do you really think that some magic wand will be waved and all will be better Great gallery, thank you: May they be blessed to help people turn their best hopes into real! The sould of that is breathe taking. I reference our Savoir Jesus Christ first and foremost and I acknowledge you both for this great step of faith in leading our United States of America.
I pray that the Lord will continue to be you'll guide President Obama in making the best decisions for the benefit of the County and its people. Change has come by way of this historical moment and will be cherished for the rest of my life. President and First Lady, I never seen 2 individuals such as you both with a genuine sense of love that you share. You'll image in the public eye shows me that people can still be in love after many years of marriage with all sorts of ups and down.
God Bless Your Union even more so now during this time of presidency. Thank you for your leadership, your sense of unity, for being a role model to all minorities especially African-Americans, your abily to serve and above all your love for your family and for the entire human race. You are correct, it is a symbol and an important one Obama has sold us on hope and many have commented that his election and Presidency is a "symbol" of change and hope. I guess we won't worry about those symbols either. Let us hope that this not an end to literacy. I by no means am trying to be racial, I do however have a fondess for language and the lazy Ebonics frustrate me.
By the way I was born and raised in Detroit and can fit in just fine. Ah, hell, our President is well-spoken so screw the rest of you, right? Tom will probably be intensely interested in this. Mike sent it to me primarily to test out the new laptop. It takes a while for this old brain to adjust to modern technology but I am slowly getting there It's like going from the horse and buggy to the automobile.
- Rafael Bengoa is currently the politically independent health commissioner of the Basque Country?
- hamada junichi no viking densetsu (Japanese Edition).
- The world leader will no longer make a stop in Seville and will return to Washington on Sunday.
There are no words to express what has transpired. All the Superlatives have been echoed. May he accomplish his hopes and dreams.
President Obama cuts short Spain visit in wake of Dallas shootings
God bless the American people. This shows they are moving forward. I myself am very elated and delighted to have a God sent man in the White House. He may not know it, but he is covered with the blood of the lamb. When God the Almighty is with you,the devil can't do you harm. Thanks be to the Almighty!! I am so proud to be an American again. We live in Mexico, where there are many thousands of retired American, living here because we could no longer afford our own country.
I am relieved and happy and look forward to changes in healthcare, among other things. This man will inspire us all to become better people. This link was twittered everywhere and same with the photos of the year review BG ran last year. Awesome showcase of images that no one else seems to have put together, even my own LA Times. After reading a few of your comments, I realize that people are still ignorant.
Are you kidding me?? If he sits in his office and do absolutely nothing for the next 4 years, he would have done more for this country than the previous President. I believe in the president. He is on the right path to straighten this economy. He is direct and to the point. He is the man that is up for the task. These were fabulous photos, moments to be remembered forever.

When President Obama actually became President of the United States at 12 noon, there was an amazing energy felt that all will be well. My daughter called me to ask if I felt an energy, a good energy, during this time, and I said yes, I felt that energy too. A very good strong energy. Actually, I believe we all felt it. I feel safe, and I am so proud to have Barack Obama as President. He is bringing new life into not only this nation but into this world. May God Bless him. I also want to comment on the closeness he shares with his wife and children, the strong bond between them.
May God Bless them also. These pics are great My message to the past. I appreciate Bush due to the fact that as a president, he had to deal with some situations that had never been seen before. He didn't panic and he made a decision based on the information that he had and that his advisors came up with. After the fact, many of the choices weren't the best but hopefully the presidents after this will be better equiped to deal with similiar situations if they ever arise again. I believe the biggest fault of Bush wasn't in fact that he didn't deal with the situations correctly many presidents have made equal or larger mistakes the problem was Bush wasn't charismatic enough and didn't possess the communication skills to deal with the public effectively.
I pray for the supporters of Bush and the Bush family and hope that you all support the new administration. To the new president. I am a young African American man that originally didn't support you. Your view points don't align with mine and I am a little concerned about your voting pattern. However, the more I witness your unique ability to gather the masses, your charismatic demanor and your brilliant speaking abilities, I believe that you will bring a freshness to the United States that is drastically needed at this time.
Your presence has already been noticed with your record breaking support in Washington D. Today, I am proud to say that you are my president, not because of your skin tone but because I feel that you ran for the presidential office for the right reasons. I appreciate you and wish you the very best. I'm sorry to say that I do not feel like many others, I fear life in the great country willl never be the same. Obama does not care about the security and safety of the country. He will take our laws apart to where we cannot stop a terrorist attack and we will be hit again and again. I was astonished to hear the filthy rap muisc that some his guests were singing.
I thought he was going to bring people together. By the way, your dollar is already gone and you can thank "W" for that. The American people certainly have been given the president they deserved. Did no one listen to a word he said? The working class is in trouble. Individual liberties are in jeopardy. Of course, anyone who disagrees with Obama is branded a racist.
Is that what we've become? A country with a president so powerful that no man can even dare to criticize him? Obama is a rookie into the White house like Lewis Hamilton in the formula 1. We hope that Barack Obama be great President of Unite States, have good image not be president of stupid war, but be president with peace. Where do you get off calling people with different political ideologies "racist. Get a freaking clue. Now, THAT is racist. Our president wrote two books of his own, which have been subsequently published. This is NOT the end the literacy Only God knows the answer to all of this.
We are all amaze at what he has done for us and for Obama.
Obama signs up Spanish expert as advisor for US healthcare plan | In English | EL PAÍS
America remains the greatest nation in the world with the greatest democracy. Much is still to be done i hope, and with God all things are possible. I pray that Obama does the right thing but I do believe that we are over doing it someone said he is the greatest man alive!?!?!? Another thing is as a Christian there is no color think about it. I understand that Obama is the first black President but let us not look to him to save the world. B4 many say I am racist, I am black and love my people but my faith has caused me to look beyond color and look a little deeper.
Another thing is if you state you are a christian, there is no way you should be for the murder of unborn babies or allowing babies to die if the abortion is not successful.
- Obama trip to Cuba: Obama defends democracy in Havana speech to Cuban nation | In English | EL PAÍS.
- The Hive (Com5=One Pentalogy Book 1).
- Obama: “We have to reject the ‘us versus them’ mentality of some cynical politicians”.
- San Antonio Adventure: Remember the Alamo!.
There about 1,, children aborted in the US yearly mostly because of inconvenience and letting a child just starve or bleed to death! I am not a hater and I am praying for him to do the right things but I am concerned that many people have just overlooked these things. Way to go, Obama.! I hope for change, for peace, for working together. You have my support and prayers and wishes for a better America!
Any commetns that have hatred in your hearts is because you want to be like him deep down inside. I promise you that none of you that hate hateful comments about the president will ever have the whole world cheering for them. You know in your hearts that Obama is not going to change the world in an instant.
America was based on white people abusing the system. Obama is white and black. He represents America more than most of us. For those that oppose Obama do not know the goverment processes anyway. Ignorant and abusive is what America is built on. Why dont most of you just go ahead and say that you do not want Obama president cause you are mad that he is "black".
Please remember that white people started the whole if you have a percentage.. Historically that was because they made sure that they had more slaves that way or discrimination. America or white people are the ones that came up with the whole classification system. That is why he is call the first "African American" president. If America white people weren't so evil.. So in the bible it isays that "once that stole and took from the Kings will rule again". We were Kings and Queens and you stole and took and raped and robbed and manipulated and whipped and judged and still judge but baby this is a new era and your forefathers must deal with it.
God is all in this. Let's not forget that Obama's electoral victory was pretty much the same as Bush's second term. Those who speak of mandate have no more to back them than the Republicans who spoke of it 4 years ago. Congratulations to the Obama family! May we all stand by your side and God's will be done. You are a true leader. To much is given, much is expected. True growth involves making mistakes, learning, and taking action.
What great pictures to chronical one of the singular events in American History. I was certainly proud to be and American on Tuesday. Only now do I understand the battle of the Civil Rights movement back in the 60s and what it means to all of those fought the battle. I will remember for the rest of my life where I was when I watched Barak Obama be sworn in as the 44th president and make his inaugural address. Now that hes in office he's made a very interesting statement outlining how he will govern "of, by and for the People".
When is the last time anyone heard a President utter those words.. There has not been a presidential candidate that has created this level of excitement in me since Bobby Kennedy. America lost the chance to have a great president when Bobby was murdered. America has gained a second chance for greatness by electing Barak Obama. Former President George W. Barack Obama speaks of hope, of change, and of work.
He will bring a change to politics. He has help the people of the USA hope again. I guess I have to admit I'm a little confused. I have read all the comments above and almost everything said on here is ridiculous. A man is put into office and because he is half Black, you think he's going to change the world? I know we don't the Best education system in the world but you all cannot really be that stupid.
Also, Some please tell me how this works. There is suppose to be seperation of church and state, but when you half black president mixes them it's okay. We're all suppose to be one people BUT you refer to Pres. Obama as the first black or african-american pres.
If we were really one, then he would just be to you what he is to me, the 44th President. While I'm at it what's with this term anyway "African-American. Put you need to decide which one you are. I personally think putting another title before american is wrong. Anyway, and how dare anyone say anything about Bush, I'm betting not a single on of you could run this country so don't complain about a problem until you know just what to do to fix it.
I also think it's funny that every keeps talkin about the "nuclear" thing but no seems to be mention Obama's "redo" of the Oath.. Screw this, I'm done writing, half you people arn't even qualified to have an opion in politics and shouldn't be allowed to. I was there and it was a beautiful feeling. It made me proud to be an american!!!!! Looking at these beautiful pictures made me cry of JOY.
But the reality is that many a president hopeful has made significant promises that never materialized. Many a hopeful indicated that they were going to do X and then, suddenly - there Y happened. I think palpable fear and blind faith is equally bad. I am glad that the shrub is gone - and I am hopeful that this president will be all he says he wants to be - but the reality is that we just dont KNOW yet! I really do hope Obama's administration can and will, and willing to do something world-worth, as America did with Clinton and as we forgot about during Bush's presidency.
Thank you for these wonderful photos. I only wish my late husband Jon Lucien had lived to witness this event. Joy and Love, Delesa Lucien. America, you were always a great nation leading the world. You once again proved that you are still leading the world in this new century. America's image all over the world was not good during Bush's time.
Addressing Castro specifically, Obama said: When the speech ended, hardly anybody in the gallery where the authorities were seated applauded. The sport that raises passions on both sides of the strait worked its magic, and Obama and Castro were seen chatting enthusiastically for the entire hour that they sat inside the Latinoamericano stadium watching part of the the first game between a Cuban and an American team in 17 years. What did they talk about? Was it just sports, or was there something more? Could this encounter be counted as a fourth bilateral meeting, this time in the presence of nearly 50, fans who had filled the venue to capacity?
The stadium is symbolic in many ways. Perhaps it was better that way, as there was no need to talk about winners and losers at the close of a visit that will be the subject of much discussion for a long time to come. Slow growth across the continent has left too many Europeans, especially young people, unemployed and frustrated.
Spain, of course, has traveled a particularly difficult path in recent years. The banking crisis and recession here were brutal blows to many Spaniards, who lost their savings and their jobs. But thanks to a combination of factors — including difficult structural reforms, fiscal consolidation, investment and, most of all, the resilience of the Spanish people — Spain has turned a corner. The economy is growing again, with growth rates that are among the strongest in Europe. Of course, unemployment here still remains far too high, especially among young people.
In the context of Brexit, right- and left-wing populism, and economic malaise, do you see the European project in danger? We should never take it for granted. This is not the time for complacency. The flow of migrants and refugees into Europe has focused new attention on EU border policies and the ability of EU countries to work together to address a shared challenge.
In all our countries, too many people feel that they are being disadvantaged by globalization and automation. We saw many of these forces on display in the vote in the UK to leave the EU. We ignore these forces at our peril. Governments, including EU institutions, need to show that they are connected to and responsive to the daily concerns of citizens. We need to invest more in the education, skills and job retraining that helps reduce inequality and helps people succeed in a global economy.
We have to stay true to the enduring values that define our diverse, vibrant societies and which are among the greatest sources of our strength — our commitment to democracy pluralism, inclusion and tolerance. Greater ties and commerce between the US and Cuba will mean more economic opportunities for the Cuban people. Our decision to end a half-century of failed US policy by restoring diplomatic relations with Cuba and beginning a new era of engagement with the Cuban people has already had a transformative effect.