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Simple Guide to Garden Ponds

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Build a garden pond.

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Before you start It's easy to create a simple pond in your own garden. Always consider the following: But there is a simple way to provide circulation to a pond, and that is with a pond pump. Is it just going to be a basic pump for circulating water, or will it also be used for a fountain, waterfall or a filter?

Once you have decided what you are going to have in your pond, you should then move on to choosing a type of pump. As a general rule of thumb, a pump should circulate all of the water in a pond at least once every two hours.

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  • Build a garden pond;
  • Build a garden pond!

So for example, if you have a gallon pond, you want to get a pump with at least a GPH flow. Of course this number goes up drastically if you have a waterfall, unless of course you want it to be nothing more than an anemic trickle. While some ponds can get away with only having a pump, if you plan on keeping fish in your pond, a filter is an absolute must. The filter helps to remove impurities and debris from the water, and if properly maintained will prevent the water from becoming toxic to fish. Most filters provide both biological and mechanical filtration. Mechanical filtration is simply the process of removing particles from the water fish waste, algae, uneaten food.

This helps to prevent the water from becoming cloudy over time, and the removal of these particles also prevents the water from fouling. Biological filtration is a bit more involved, and to put it simply is the breakdown of waste by beneficial bacteria in the filter. Some filters also provide chemical filtration, which works in conjunction with mechanical filtration. No chemicals are generally involved with this type of filtration, and the most common type of chemical filtration is the use of charcoal to remove impurities from the water.

This type of filtration is less important than the other two, and not all filters will include this. The addition of plants is vital to the health of the pond, and no pond looks complete without the addition of at least a few plants.

The Simple Guide to Garden Ponds - Terry Anne Barber - Google Книги

There are several types of plants to choose from, and they are grouped into four classes. They grow completely underwater and many have to be weighed down to keep them in place until they root cabomba, hornwort. Depending on your climate, there are numerous choices to stock a pond with.

The Super Simple Guide to Landscaping Your Garden Pond

Some people prefer to stock the ponds with native fish, while others choose to stick with the more classic pond fish. No matter what you choose, fish are an excellent addition to nearly any pond, and more importantly, they will eat any mosquito larvae in the pond.

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They are simple to care for, and can grow extremely large in a pond — with some even reaching 18 inches 46 cm in length. Because of their large size, you should ensure that they are provided with adequate space, and a good rule of thumb of is to provide 1 gallon 4 litres for each inch of fish. They are also far more interesting, with males staking out a breeding territory and trying to entice females in.

I have really been wanting to install a pond in our backyard to put fish in. These can be obtained from security grille suppliers and metal stockholders who should be able to cut the mesh to size.

Mesh should be heavy duty, ideally made from 6mm to 8mm diameter wire. Secure it firmly and it should support the weight of a young child. Ideally the mesh should be positioned above the water level. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets CSS enabled. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience.

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