Wer ist Frederic van Veen wirklich? Und welche Rolle spielt Rukova? Die Entdeckung von Muovo ist in den Medien eine Sensation. Dann verschwindet Meade von einem Tag auf den anderen. Er beauftragt Sonja und Renate mit Ermittlungen und schickt sie zur Erde. Dort finden die Zigeuner Margarete Meade in einem Irrenhaus. Sie ist dem Sterben nahe. In dieser Anstalt werden auch andere Menschen gefangen gehalten.
Sonja und Renate nehmen mit, so viele ihr Beiboot tragen kann. Sonja entdeckt ein Wappen, das sie bereits einmal gesehen hat. Tibor fordert einen Preis: Die Galaktische Patrouille soll in Zukunft von einem Dreiergremium geleitet werden: Der Angriff der fremden Wesen beruht auf einem gigantischen Irrtum.
Es dauert allerdings eine Weile, um herauszufinden, worauf er fusst. Vigor ist misstrauisch und setzt Sonja und Renate auf diese Spur. Sie finden eine Intelligenz, die ein sehr starker Telepath ist und Lebewesen dauerhaft unter Kontrolle bringen kann. Lesbos war leider nur der Anfang. Die Lhoks, wie sie bald genannt werden, haben auch andere Planeten unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht. Sonja allein ist einem Lhok selten gewachsen.
Patricia Holden wird nicht verletzt, doch ihre Zugehfrau findet den Tod. Dadurch wird Vigor, der Chef des Geheimdienstes der Zigeuner, aufmerksam. Sonja findet nach einigen Monaten einen Mann, der offenbar ein ganzes Netz von Agenten leitet. Was ist das Ziel dieser Organisation, und wie kann Sonja zur Spitze vordringen? Eine Wahl steht bevor. Was hat der Mond der Erde entgegen zu setzen? Lediglich Vigor besitzt einen kleinen geheimen Transmitter in Ticho in Luna. So nehmen die Ereignisse ihren Lauf. Kann David gegen Goliath gewinnen?
Leider sind diese anscheinend harmlosen Haustiere schon auf vielen Planeten zu finden. Sonja glaubt allerdings nicht, dass sie hinter dem Attentat auf ihren Sohn Gregory stecken. Wer ist also der Feind hinter den Kanbunkies? Die Geschichte hat Jahrtausende vor dem Beginn der irdischen Zeitrechnung begonnen…. Im dritten Jahrtausend irdischer Zeitrechnung sind die Zigeuner in den Weltraum vorgedrungen. Nicht mehr verfolgt, aber immer noch Nomaden. Ihre jungen Frauen bleiben in den Raumschiffen.
Sie will auf Wanderschaft gehen. Sie besucht einen Planeten, auf dem ein potentes Rauschgift hergestellt wird. Daran stirbt sie fast.
Alles Steine in einem gigantischen Puzzle. Tibor bittet seine Tochter, nach der verschwundenen Roxanne Vlonsky zu suchen. Diese Suche erweist sich als schwierig, und langwierig. Diese Welt scheint ein Geheimnis zu bergen. Wer ist dieser Saboteur?
Auf Kevlin entdecken Sonja und Johanna eine einzigartige Kultur. Das gibt sowohl Sonja als auch den Drillingen zu denken. Wer hat ein Interesse daran, ihn zu eliminieren? Sonja entgeht mit Hilfe der Drillinge knapp dem Tod. It would be theoretically possible, for argument's sake. Not if their aim is to "elicit sympathy" and gain support for Zionism, as the deniers say. These documents are geniune. Fuck off and deal with it, bullshitter. To gain support for Zionism, it would be perfect to show documents of masskillings of jews, real or false document.
I'm going to ignore rude comments. I don't understand why some of you guys can't answer without it. Nicholas Terry, Nathan etc. There's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, or trash, trash. Taken in isolation, the German situation reports make it look like the Jews brought ruin on themselves, because they allegedly collaborated with the NKVD or participated in sabotage. Therefore, they are not forgeries, and they were not "forged" with the intent of promoting a narrative. Their authors were lying assholes, just like the Bullshitter to whom this response is directed to.
The reason you are getting some rude replies is very simple: Basically you expect us to spoon-feed you the basics which you are obliged to learn yourself. For example you claim that ground disturbance should be seen even today, blissfully unaware that the ravine hasn't existed for over half a century. Reactionary, I've not insulted you in my replies. By asking you what the hell 'have the massgraves been found? You know that we know this is a standard denier question.
We've answered it in the past!
Ordo Templi Orientis
We'll answer it again - and it can be answered independently by reading open-access sources such as Karel Berkhoff's lecture for USHMM that Statistical Mechanic summarised https: You asked this 'on behalf of' the deniers, expecting that we have some snappy answer. The snappy answer to those deniers is that they should fuck off to the archives and demonstrate they know the sources and literature about the Babi Yar site. If they don't know this evidence then they don't have any claim to be taken seriously in any discussion about the site.
Some of the evidence is touched on in Berkhoff's lecture, other aspects require knowing about things like the Extraordinary Commission, and they all certainly require a knowledge of Russian. This isn't stuff that can be summarised below the line in a blog comments thread. Many things are possible, some are more far-fetched than others of course. In this case, given the diversity of corroborating sources, the variety of documents you want to be fake, and the complete lack of evidence for forgery, your hope is practically equivalent to impossible. Historians have studied these documents and have not found indications of forgery or fabrication.
What makes you think that they might be inauthentic other than the outcome you wish to arrive at? The issue of ashes, bones and teeth is extremely banal.
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Teeth may not burn away but they become extremely fragile in fire. In virtually every case of body disposal known to us the unburned remains were destroyed with special "hammers". This means that the fragile teeth were simply destroyed together with bones.
The ashes mixed with bone and teeth fragments were then dispersed over large areas near the body disposal sites when rivers or lakes were available, they would have been dumped there. So again, while we would expect to see traces of ashes, because you can't clean up everything, there is never an expectation of finding the whole ash contents concentrated in some small area and amenable to quantification.
The conclusive evidence comes from the documents and the testimonies. Since anything can be faked, it is hardly a useful question to ask when there is no actual indication of fakery. From reactionary's comments here, it appears that his basis for raising the issue of faked documents is his desire, rather than any evidence or indications of fakery he has seen. Of course, he has yet to make clear what he has seen and studied. But what he seems to be doing is hunting for shreds of, er, anything that might support his desire rather than using the voluminous available evidence to understand the events.
This is the epitome of a biased approach.
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If reactionary has indications of forgery or manipulation of the large number of sources for Babi Yar, why doesn't he provide such indications and ask specific questions about them? Again, he seems to prefer sweeping statements based on something in his own head. Im not a denier.
I just bring it up here, and as a possible tip for you, to might pick it up and write about, if it would be interesting. Sorry that I asked. Reactionary - perhaps FP Berg said something about forgery that you wanted to latch onto. You should be aware that FP Berg tried to show Einsatzgruppen report nr to be fabricated due to what he perceived as unusual formatting.
That's but one report out of many, of course.
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Hans has shown that the supposedly unusual formatting to be anything but unusual. Even one of Berg's defenders has had to agree that the evidence presented by Berg is "not good. Great, piling up the mess.
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But the most important "legal" document used to convict lots of people is missing: IMT 7, Page , telling a tale of about Where did they get this official number from? Just have a look at this document of Kumming: Shootings of 17 on Jeffrey Burds tells you in http: But were there any forensic activities at this gruesome place afterwards? I don't know of any. SapnaOnline provides online shopping for over 10 Million Book Titles in various languages and genres. Shopping is made easy through the easy checkout process with High Security offerings like Bit SSL Certificate provided by Global Safe Security Providers-Verisign so that your online transactions are absolutely safe and secured.
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