Starting from a group of mathematicians, mainly from the Moscow State University, were engaged in the development of this problem. Interesting results were received and published both in scientific periodical print and in separate monographs. The task of chronology is to put in order the events into proper way on a temporary scale based on the available information. This task naturally fits into the field of applications to modern mathematical statistics, theory of information.

The methods of humanities, one of which is history, are not enough for solving chronological issues. New chronology imposes another psychological picture of perception of the antiquity. Now the word "antiquity" should be connected with 15thth centuries A. Expression "high antiquity" should now relate to the 13thth centuries A.

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And the words "the highest antiquity" — are already the 11thth centuries A. Our analyses of the chronology and history opened a striking circumstance. Based on the applied by us mathematical methods it was proved, that the Scaligerian chronology, and therefore also the Scaligerian history of the "antiquity" and the Middle Ages, is totally wrong. Moreover, it appeared that our history right up to the end of the 16th century was consciously falsified at the epoch of the 17thth centuries. Anatoly Fomenko [Donezk, Ukraine].

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He is a member of the Russian Academy of Science. As founder and coordinator of the "New Chronology" he advocates a radical shortening of history, because —in his opinion— many early empires, as the Roman Empire, only mirror the later ones and exist only in literature. His statistical method of analysing history is widely debated, its core issue is the comparison of specific data the length of reign of a king etc in order to demonstrate the identity of different epochs.

His critics accuse him to select the compared data in a subjectiv way. Fomenko's Russian books have reached many readers and high numbers of copies, but translations are difficult to come by. Besides, Fomenko is also a renowned surrealist painter.

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During four decades he was activele participating in and focussing on controversies between unconventional researchers and scholars and the mainstream academic world. Many of his publications try to raise consciousness of the fact, that scientific views and cosmogonies have always a temporary and provisional character and therefore should be always considered with healthy scepticism.

He believes that our universities need badly an institution which guarantees that a broad range of different views can be taught, a measure that would surely lead to an 'outburst' of knowledge and science. Friedrich wrote a number of articles for 'Efodon-Synesis' , a German magazine which he also led as co-editor during several years. He has good contacts to the international circles of he chronological critic and his articles in French and English have won him many friends.

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He was active as translator and publisher, has written more than publications in Estian, Russian, English and German and led the research on Asian History and ancient technologies. Both celebrated meetings and lectures every month during several years. Thanks to his knowledge of Russian, Gabowitsch was the most important link between the German and the Russian circles and the one who spread Morosow's and Fomenko's theories in Germany. Since he ran the website Geschichte und Chronologie [ de. Eugen Gabowitsch died on January 21st, Mischa gabowitschMischa Gabowitsch, son of Eugen Gabowitsch, dominates several languages.

He works as editor of a Russian magazin at Moscow and as well at Peterburg. As cofounder and member of the Steering Board of Efodon - European Society for ancient tecnologies and subjects peripheric to Science, he has done much research on the Celtic walls. Together with Thomas Riemer he developed a new concept to understand the classic Roman history. He runs his own website: Das keltische Nachrichtensystem 2. Member of the then very important order of the Society of Jesus, he published —like many colleagues, but with more success to get it known— an extensive study of the falsifications that had been handed down during the last generations and incorporated into historiography.

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Against Jean Mabillon he could demonstrate that a great number of diplomas, chronicals, papal correspondence and accounts of councils of the church were inventions specially aimed to introduce certain theological ideas. The title of his main work would read in English as: Guth, addendum by Andreas Otte via, yrotsih. Jean Hardouin - [Paris, France]. In his first book, written in but only published in , he could show that all diplomas and manuscripts of the Middel Ages are faked. He bases his arguments on a detailed analysis of all known copies and discovers that we never can lay our hand on originals, nor on direct copies of those but only on second or third-hand copies which differ always in certain points Most of the diplomas mention several dates, but those can never brought into concordance, which is highly suspect.

Kammeiers second work, published first as a series of articles, as book reedited in , showed that the evolution of Christianity cannot have taken place in the way we are told. His work was not recognized by the contemporary scholars and he died in extreme poverty in Thuringia, Germany. It was not until the s, when his books became an important fundament for the critics of chronology.

Already an internationally-recognized celebrity as the world's top chess player, Garry Kasparov's interest in the subject of New Chronology as articulated by Foemnko et al. The polemics are provided to show counter-arguments. What's behind the attempt to impose a "New Chronology" on history? Russ Cyril and Methodius " [ archive. Also captioned at [ is. Already during his lifetime he was regarded as one of the greatest capacities in Biblical knowledge ever.

His main concern was to develop a new concept of the genesis of the world based on the sacred texts explaining dislocations of the earth as a whole in historical times such as jolts of the earth rotaional axis. Thus he created catastrophism in a scientific way that influenced many a writer from Chili to Russia up to modern times. Uwe Topper was deeply grateful to Lacunzas ideas. The French theologian Launoy is known as "the tumbler of saints" because with his critical view an important number of so far venerated saints of the church were driven into oblivion because they proved to be pure fantasies.

Working together with a group of friends in Paris he could claim some success in cleaning the barn but finally was banished and his writings were destroyed before being published. They had been saved though and were printed in Calvinist Geneva half a century later. During his work in Syria —directing the Goethe-Institut of Aleppo— he acquired a thorough knowledge of the Arabic languages and thus was able to reach a surprising conclusion: Around one third of the chapters of the Koran are originally Arabic Christian songs which made up an early religious book, later transformed into the Koran.

The Kaaba was formerly a Byzantine church and the Prophet Mohammed didn't fight against Pagan but Christian Arabs, thus the 'idols' he destroyed in the Kaaba were no other things than images of saints.

  1. .
  2. Later.
  3. Petites Alliées (LEnfer de la Bibliothèque nationale de France) (French Edition)!
  4. Creation or Evolution: A Scientific Review.
  5. Can You Hear Me?.
  6. A New Chronology: October .
  7. Quadratic Forms, Linear Algebraic Groups, and Cohomology: 18 (Developments in Mathematics)!
  8. The early Islam began as a Jewish-Christian sect and only centuries later was defined in the shape it is known today. Although he still doesn't integrate the possibility of a shortened chronology in his work, his ideas fit very well in the new vision of a shorter history.

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    He published his findings in , but those were never accepted by his colleagues. He died on September 10th, Die Wiederentdeckung des Propheten Mohammed Majorov Resident of the USA. He has a broad knowledge about the evolution of money and has written about Greek, Roman and Byzantin coins. He acquired two doctorates in history and economy qualifying him thus for research work in chronology which he has done with acknowledged success demonstrated in lectures and articles.

    His incentive for the thesis of the late start of Christianism was supported by Topper and proves to be accurate as more authors dig into the field. His personal contact with Immanuel Velikovsky —whose books he translated into German — has contributed the spread the Catastrophism Theory in Germany.

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