Mit dem zweiten Kapitel beginnt der empirische Teil der Studie. Im kompakten theoretischen Auftakt Kap. Des weiteren wird auf die Mediennutzungsgewohnheiten von MigrantInnen eingegangen, wobei das Fernsehen vor dem Radio weiterhin das Leitmedium dieser Gruppe darstellt. Sehr aufschlussreich sind die Abbildungen von Zeitungsfotos von Migrantinnen, welche exemplarisch die visuellen Darstellungsmuster der Presse illustrieren. Wie die Autorinnen nachweisen, werden Migrantinnen zumeist als Opfer beschrieben, an zweiter Stelle folgt die Prominente. Zudem hat der Fehlerteufel in der Zusammenfassung zugeschlagen, denn Seite wurde bei der Bindung mit S.
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- Thilo Sarrazin Research Papers -
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Die Analyse der Gruppendiskussion bietet sehr interessante Einblicke, wie die medialen Inszenierungen von Migrantinnen selbst sowie von deutschen Medienkonsumentinnen wahrgenommen werden. Structure, Culture, and Agency. With Communicating Social Change. Structure, Culture, and Agency Mohan J. These are finally contrasted with a refreshing margin-sensitive approach to social change that attempts to communicatively overcome the adherence to the prevailing neoliberal dogma.
The volume in its outline is divided into three parts and encompasses, along with a theoretical-conceptual part, an issue specific and communication oriented part as well. In the first part, the proposed culture-centered approach to social change communication is characterized as strongly affiliated with traditions of thought such as postcolonial theory and subaltern studies.
Drawing from these theoretical foundations, Dutta situates his approach in a wider theoretical framework of global social change communication, distinguishing it from parallel existing academic approaches like modernization theory driven development campaigns, likewise top-down oriented Marxist theory, as well as conventional ideas of participatory development. Ultimately, its twofold intentions are an interrogation of the predominant global hegemonic structures dominantly shaped and perpetuated by a neoliberal model of globalization and the commitment to a pronounced engagement with the global margins.
In doing so, an often-missed sensitivity and presumably still neglected awareness towards peripheral or subaltern perspectives and voices and their significance for social change and structural transformation processes are claimed. In a general sense these aspects are understood as principal constituents in enabling or restricting pathways of societal change.
In particular, the participatory perspective within the culture-centered approach, accentuated by the aspect of agency, should have been further elaborated on in the theoretical part of the book to ensure a more precise distinction from the described participatory development angle and its mainly rhetorical commitment to an inclusive participation from the very beginning of reasoning — notwithstanding a more sophisticated description is provided in the ninth chapter.
The second part is dedicated to the most urgent issues of our time and thereby reflects the agenda of the UN-Development Goals MDG to a large extent. Thus, the current patterns and underlying causes of poverty, inequalities in relation to agriculture and food security, as well as health and gender issues are investigated in separate chapters and illustrated by numerous case studies of concerned world regions that are predominantly perceived as having peripheral importance. The core reason for the observed conflictual status quo in context of the issue specific foci above is, synoptically stated, traced back to the neoliberal formula of liberalization, deregulation, and privatization, whereas this triad is related to the canon of Western values and the constitutive assumptions of modernization theory.
It is argued that, due to the prevailing trust in the invisible hand or self-regulating mechanisms of the free market, these policies are counteracting the superordinate purpose of a just and root-sensitive social change process.
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- Thilo Sarrazin Research Papers -
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Although Dutta on the whole presents a conglomerate of familiar arguments, it is noteworthy that he follows his suggested culture-centered approach by consequently referencing otherwise systematically omitted subaltern voices from the social periphery. Accordingly, he intentionally stresses the relationship between the so-called material and symbolic realm — meaning the interdependence of material prosperity and the symbolic representation in main discourses or the mainstream public sphere. Notably the latter enables marginalized groups to question their own persistent absence, to interrogate the dominant political, economical, as well as social structures, and to enact agency by communicatively initiating processes of structural redefinition and transformation.
Therefore especially the third part of this volume deals with the epistemological modus and wide ranged opportunities of communication together with organizational, mobilization specific and media related aspects of communication as a fundamental entity of social transformative processes. Preliminary, dialogue as an essential communicative modus is conceptualized as crucial to the idea of the culture-centered approach. Hence, dialogue understood as influencing, as well as effected instance in the interplay of structure, culture, and agency promotes, due to its engagement with subaltern perspectives, disruptions of persistent marginalization routines.
Further following Dutta, nevertheless, a strong solidary commitment to the transformation process itself, a high degree of process related reflexivity, and a methodological self-reflexivity are indispensible to purposefully establish inclusive subaltern dialogic spaces, to avoid a monopolization or co-optation of these alternative discourse spaces by still hegemonic structures, to adequately meet the heterogeneity of the subaltern space, and to scrutinize methodological tool kits and theoretical knowledge categories either way.
Against the backdrop of a primarily mass media-shaped understanding of societal communication, Dutta furthermore introduces a diverse compilation of performance-based opportunities of communication in the subsequent seventh chapter. Among these alternative forms of expressions, phenomena like street protest, speeches, poetry, visual art, theater, but also hunger strikes, and suicides are regarded as symbolic representations which are challenging common assumptions of social reality and therefore conscientize and mobilize publics from a local to a global scale.
Moreover, in chapter eight a rough overview of social mobilization related aspects is provided in an even more practice-oriented manner.
By addressing challenges of issue identification and framing, adequate information sharing, tasks of establishing a movement identity as well as interlinkages into transformative global policy networks, a number of significant factors for a succeeding social change process are stressed and discussed.
Required networking and lobbying efforts with institutionalized political structures and a sensitivity towards conflict-regulating mechanisms, due to competing ideas in heterogeneous movements, as well as an awareness of co-optation tendencies are completing this enumeration.
Although the reviewer does not in the least depreciate the potential virtues of the introduced forms of performative communication mentioned above, a particular focus tenth chapter on the media in increasingly mediatized societies is ineluctable — wherein the relative relevance of mass media communication, due to the highly differentiated societal character, plays a vital role in restricting and enabling resonance with a broader audience contesting the hegemony of the criticized dominant structures.
But even though power as an important media-related issue in a widely neoliberal global context is thematized by Dutta, the missing in-depth reflection of conflicting relationships between mainstream mass media and subaltern media in mediated public spheres remains disputable. In focusing intentionally on access-related aspects of media communication, illustrated by an impressive number of significant examples of alternative media outlets e.
Z Magazine , ICT-media induced, mobilized, or supported social movements e.
Commentary opinion
In redefining issues and reframing solutions, they are held to offer challenges to the mainstream media, but Dutta — all too euphoric — thereby neglects to question the seemingly minor impacts and only slightly sustainable influences on global mainstream discourses related to issues of peripheral media representation in social transformation processes.
Notwithstanding, the exemplary current media performance of the Occupy Wall Street movement mainstream media logics e. Finally, in the closing chapter of this volume, the potential role of academia in global transformative processes is stressed. Hence, a permanent deconstruction of power structures in academic knowledge generation is claimed and a constant reflexivity on theory, methodology, and praxis is understood as a critical expression of a necessary commitment to the deeply political project of social change and engagement with the global margins.
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In any case, this volume is appropriately published at a time when almost ontologically received paradigms — like the neoliberal one — are increasingly facing resistance and an explicit re-articulation in contexts of the current financial and economic crisis scenario. This temporal constellation could, as presumably desired by Dutta, provide the social impetus for a conscious rediscovery of the marginalized majority in a communicatively constituted world society whose basal structural entanglements are neglected more often than not.
Based on the concepts of cultural citizenship and media-constructed spaces of identity the article explores how issues of migration, residency and citizenship are discussed in the Austrian press.
The authors are interested in two questions: Which spaces of identity does media create for migrants and locals? And which markers of citizenship are used in migration policies? The analysed articles stem from a national quality paper Der Standard , a very influential boulevard paper Kronen Zeitung and one of the major regional newspapers Salzburger Nachrichten. The analysis focuses on four case studies: Arigona Zogaj and her family were denied permanent residency after having spent many years in Austria.
In the only terrorist trial in Austria to date, Mona S. The media coverage shows that cultural dimensions of citizenship are used as important indicators for determining the entitlement to permanent residency and citizenship. Belonging to a nation is linked to cultural factors such as wearing the right clothes, behaving properly or speaking the language and having attended an Austrian school.
Review Ebook Online Kontra Sarrazins Thesen German Edition By Charlotte Halink B00erwxuw2 Rtf
Along these lines migrants are divided into two groups of good and bad foreigners, but issues of power and social hierarchies of gender, race and class are involved here as well. While this holds true for all three papers, the Boulevard press is adhering to an extremely personalized style, while the quality paper is linking the specific cases to the debate on migration policies and laws. Log In Sign Up. Sarrazin, a German politician of the Socialist Party SPD , is known infamously for his rather blunt and offensive speech against the immigrants currently living in Germany.
The video platforms YouTube and Vimeo became a private-public forum, ranges from pro to contra, from personal stories of migratory perspective to right-wing oriented statements, from serious to humor, from informative to parodic. In these new digital spaces of lived experience the internet became a mirror of society. The audiovisual investigation sheds light on how citizens re-write and re-code debates. Digital practices of participation. After giving a brief summary of my research After giving a brief summary of my research questions, I will offer a short introduction to the German controversy about Thilo Sarrazin.
Subsequently, I will illustrate my field of research, digital social media, with two famous examples: The Tutu Project and Gangnam Style, from which the audience will see its charateristics: Cosmopolitical and Transnational Interventions in German Studies. This Special Topic presents a collection of scholarly essays which emerged from a multi-and interdisciplinary panel series at the 49th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, and which represent the continuation of a This Special Topic presents a collection of scholarly essays which emerged from a multi-and interdisciplinary panel series at the 49th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, and which represent the continuation of a collaborative thought process about transnational and cosmopolitical interventions that re-position the nation as text, performance, and pedagogy.
Bangen um das alte Europa? Seine stark ideologisch aufgeladenen Aussagen in Verbindung mit deren medialer Aufbereitung verhinderten letztlich eine offene und neutrale Diskussion seiner Thesen. Parenting - Why some cultural groups seem to do a better job. Both are Yale law professors. The new book The Triple Package: