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See all free Kindle reading apps. Catalan, Spanish PRO pts in category: Peer comments on this answer and responses from the answerer agree.

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Speech is just applied to the vocalized form of language. I'm not saying i don't agree with Saussure but we need to visit the context here. This is OK True, speech is only one aspect of language, but the standard distinction here comes from Saussure, who uses "langue" and "parole" -- the French terms are widely used in this context in English, but you can use "language and speech" if you must. Speech is the term in linguistics textbooks It's more than just speech. I've tried to explain it in my discussion postings.

Centro de Idiomas

The problem is that we use the word "language" for both in English. We don't - and can't - make the distinction. It's like the Eskimos and their many words for snow. How would you express it? Rafael Molina Pulgar Mexico Local time: But some discussion would have helped!! In the discussion above I pointed out that "lengua" is the system of features; "lenguaje" is the product of using those features.

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Carmen Schultz Local time: I like 'communication" because, even if a person is, say, mute, he or she can still communicate -- still has the capacity to use language in hearing, writing, and reading. It refers to language as a capacity. Communication is a distinc issue.

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  8. There is non-linguistic communication as well. The asker's text is probably referring to Saussure: It really depends on the specific context, but you're right, "language" encompasses both "lengua" and "lenguaje" in English: One way to remove ambiguity would be to say "tongue" or "dialect" for "lengua", or you could spell it out by saying "particular languages vs.

    Liliana Galiano Argentina Local time: This is the difference between the two terms. However, only the context can say whether it is worth going into so much detail. Pamela Faber Benitez Spain Local time: English PRO pts in category: If this is a linguistics text, then the French terms -- Saussure's -- are likely to be used.

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