His voice sounds like a comic-book villain. I just could not stand it and quit the book on CD 3. Oct 08, Jewelee Owings rated it really liked it. I don't usually read these types of books, but since I won this audio version here on Goodreads, I gave it a go. Fast read, but that could be, because I was just listening, lol.
It was a pretty good story! The officers son going to rescued him really was not. If also lacked technical details. Entertaining, but little more. Aug 23, Karl rated it liked it. Good story, but I am not sure I like the way it is written.
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A lot of technobable and the conversation between characters is pretty stiff. Aug 11, Terry rated it liked it. I did not enjoy it- too many names with titles that did nothing for me, and thus did nothing to enhance the book. I don't think when you are reading, every person's title needs to be stated - to me it detracts from the story and makes everything dis-jointed.
Otherwise a fair read- just like current climate. Good but lacking something I am a big Clancy fan and miss his style of writing. Many writer's are trying to fill his shoes, but there is something. I think this book just jumps into the ending without all the finesse and build up of Tom Clancy. That being said I still enjoyed this book and will read more from this author.
Atomic Power with God through Fasting and Prayer
Aug 02, James Tutton rated it did not like it. Unabridged Persian the reader is the absolute worst and is just makes the whole book seem like a child retarded book it just isn't good it just really isn't good and the reader makes it even worse I don't know how the unabridged version is but The Abridged version is just bad it's just really bad.
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Jun 20, Gerard R. The usual wild ride well told! This series never fails to be current, on the mark and exciting! Not a good read before sleep- your brain will be churning! Thanks for keeping the franchise relevant! Apr 19, Brett Sorge rated it really liked it. Decent book, but not great. May 30, Nitzchiya Mutiso rated it liked it. Not really at the level of the rest of TC's clients. Jun 25, Michael Travis rated it really liked it. Plan on reading more of these! Fun book to read Good read.
Like mostTom Clancy books. Lots action with lots of details about the equipment used my the military ops. Excellent plot and character development. Too many details about planes and helicopters, that add little to the story for the civilian reader. It remains an excellent read. Oct 10, Vicki Elia rated it did not like it. I'm not sure which was worse -- the writing or the breathy narration by Peter Berkrot. I did not care if the guy they captured was found.
I did not care about the background of every character introduced in the book. The Op-Center series has devolved into poorly written stories that do in fact have a great concept. However, the development of the plot and characters has become hor I'm not sure which was worse -- the writing or the breathy narration by Peter Berkrot. However, the development of the plot and characters has become horrendous, and the audio narration is awful.
The book was fast moving and it kept your interest - there is only one thing I would have liked to have seen int he book and that would a glossary for all the abbreviations for branches of the military plus equipment. I am looking forward to another book in this series. Jan 05, Melva rated it did not like it Shelves: My husband read this and liked it so I thought I'd give it a try.
It was way to much who's who in the military and FBI, etc. It was way to much weapons strike force stuff. I finished it but skimmed most of it.
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The character they went after and the set up was way out there. Obviously I didn't like it. Clancy Although not as exciting as Clancy,I will continue to read the books. I enjoy reading fiction geared around fact. This is the best of the new Op-Center books to date, but that's not exactly a high bar to clear. The plot structure was much better and had a better mix of action than the first two "revived" Op-Center books; having George Galdorisi write this one on his own might be helping the books find coherence and cohesion.
Scores of minor and major ailments of young people could be whipped by a short fast. A natural, healthy complexion would be the result. Babies quite frequently suffer from over-feeding rather than under-feeding. If one considers how small a baby is, and analyzes the great quantity of food that is given to him, in proportion to the food of an adult, one would find it enormous. I am a Methodist minister who received your book two years ago. After fasting and praying ten days for a revival in three Methodist churches that 1 am in charge of, God stirred and sent revivals in our midst.
The Lord richly blessed us in many ways. A Roman Catholic and his Protestant wife were among those gloriously saved. In one of my churches an Italian lady to whom I gave one of your books, went on a fast of twenty-three days for her old Catholic mother who came from the old country, was blind, and about to die. She was praying to beads and images. She became interested in Jesus and learned how to pray to the Lord.
Finally she was gloriously saved. The lady who fasted twenty-three days was hopelessly afflicted with kidney stones. The doctor could do nothing for her, and said an operation would be necessary. Well praise the Lord; she has not had an attack since her fast two years ago. Yours in Him, R. It goes completely into this subject in a different manner and approaches it from a different viewpoint. It is the man who fasts, who has the spiritual character that can pray through on a really big job.
Other folk of great importance and high spirituality that fasted during long periods when they were under great mental strain and tribulation are Anna the prophetess, David, Daniel, John the Baptist, and Paul. A close study of their lives shows they gained great spiritual strength by fasting and prayer that otherwise they would not have received.
Fasting was part and parcel of the very life of Christ, and yet this very essential part of Christian life has been ignored by many Christians as if it were an unsolved mystery. It was never meant to be hidden, and should never have been so overlooked. This may explain why we have not had a more complete outpouring of the latter rain. Surely such a stupendous truth cannot continue to be a secret hidden in plain sight for over nineteen hundred years.
The strides and progress of man in other channels have been so enlightening and progressive. Try this truth that gives such a treasure-house of riches and strength. We do not fast to merit favor from God or as a penance. Why did He fast at the very time He was being tempted? Is it not that fasting is the mightiest possible preparation of soul, to insure victory over temptation? We are not told in Matthew, chapter four, the reason for His fast.
But in Matthew, chapter seventeen, Jesus explains it. Before this time His disciples were not able to bear this teaching. The great revelation of why He fasted was shown when He healed this lunatic boy, and answered the question that the disciples had asked Him: Please remember that Christ, as well as being God, was also in the flesh as man. It seemed that the disciples had become a reproach, or disgrace to Christ, because they could not heal this individual. They apparently were ashamed of themselves so they came to Jesus secretly, to ask of Him the reason why they were not able to cast out the demons.
Anyone can have that power, thank the Lord. All can have it that will follow the instructions given by Him, and plainly taught throughout the Bible. The disciples were helpless. No one could give help in this major prayer problem except One. That Person had fasted forty days and forty nights, and He was the only one in the midst who had so fasted. Jesus fasted in order to secure His perfect faith from His humanity side, and He urged fasting upon His disciples to remedy their weak faith. The disuse of fasting is in direct opposition to the practice, example, and the teaching, of Christ. There is no record of Christ healing the sick, or performing any miracle, until after he had fasted forty days and forty nights.
After this mighty fast, and not before, He was fully equipped, capable, and prepared for any and all emergencies. At this moment, how much Faith have you at your disposal, to meet any obstacle? When Jesus was twenty-one years old the record shows He had not yet performed a miracle. At twenty-five, he still had no healings, miracles, and no manifestation of His Divine Sonship. He became twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nine years of age, and yet, no miracles or manifestations.
He had not received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and had not spent forty days fasting. It was necessary for Jesus to be prepared and have all the spiritual equipment, before He went forth to perform His mighty works. Christ could not have been tempted by something He did not need. The answer that Jesus gave was not only an answer to Satan, but throws a challenge to all humanity: Jesus received the Holy Spirit, but this did not seem sufficient.
It requires fasting and prayer to operate the Holy Ghost. Jesus, at thirty years of age, only after praying and fasting forty days and forty nights, began to manifest Himself as the Son of God with all power, signs, and wonders. There was such an awakening!
Fasting is the most powerful means at the disposal of every child of God. Fasting literally becomes prayer to the praying Christian, prayer that is as different as an atomic bomb compared to an ordinary bomb. Prayer alone is like the ordinary bomb, and the fast with prayer, is comparable to the Super-Atomic Bomb. Jesus knew the positive value of prayer and fasting, and was confident that they were the only means to the end that He sought.
Jesus fasted in order that prayer might become prayer in the highest sense—might reach its highest intensity. He blazed the way that we are to follow. Although Jesus knew He was the Son of God, this assurance was stamped more indelibly upon Him by the prayer and fasting of forty days. Then and only then, after His forty-day fast, was Satan right on the job, ready to assail Him in every way that he could. If Christ was immune, and could not have sinned or yielded to Satan at this time, then this would have been the greatest farce that the world has ever seen. Surely, Christ could have yielded to this temptation.
Satan knew that He could, and set about to try Him. Jesus Christ, with fasting back of Him, was well prepared for the attack. We are so thankful that although Jesus was tempted and tried in every manner, as we are, yet He did not yield to temptation; He victoriously overcame Satan. We can likewise be an over-comer.
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Fasting and praying, then, aids us in overcoming temptations and trials, and prepares us to meet the attacks of the enemy. My temperature was degrees! It was on this death bed that I surrendered completely to God. I promised the Lord I would preach the Gospel, if He would heal me. Then I was caught up to heaven for twelve hours, and saw the glories of that wondrous land.
When I came back I was perfectly healed, ready to work for Him who raised me up so miraculously. I was shown many other things as I started my life with fastings and praying like Paul. Many times my fastings were from three days to a week and longer. In some of my fasts the Lord gave me much revelation concerning the time we live. The room was all lighted up, brighter than the sun! Jesus stood at the foot of my bed, and around Him was a light much brighter than the sun. This great experience was very impressive and for a long time I seemed to be walking on air.
Shortly after that, while fasting for five days, the Lord filled me with a peculiar experience. A missionary from Rome told me that I was speaking a message, and glorifying and praising the Lord in his Italian language. Yet I had never spoken Italian before. It must have been the Holy Spirit talking. The missionary interpreted what I was saying into English.
After giving up my job, 1 went on a partial fast for three months, eating only once a day. The Lord gave me intercession for souls. After praying and fasting seven days to see sinners converted, and to ask the wonderful Lord to give me more of Him, the Lord sent a revival meeting to Dayton, Ohio, where the Lord healed a multitude of sick folk and converted many souls. My prayer was also answered in another way when a lady gave me Dr. This deeper fasting experience was what I wanted.
I was now able to fast longer than a week or two. I was so burdened for sinners, and that their bodies might be healed, that 1 could hardly sleep at night. With my longer fasting I could get greater victories for my intercession. I could see what God will do when multitudes begin to fast. Jesus showed me that before long there would be workers all over the world who would fast and travail for souls.
This would bring great revivals, yes, greater than the world has ever seen, even greater than when Jesus was here. It would seem unbelievable in the natural, if it were not for this Word: After fasting forty days without food, with Jesus strengthening me, I saw many more miracles and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit.
As I continued to agonize and weep for lost souls, the spirit of heaviness was upon me to such an extent that it seemed that my spirit would leave the body. I saw, in a vision, thirty thousand souls appear before me, finding Christ as their Savior, in a coliseum in Detroit, Michigan. I saw, in a vision, another 10, find Jesus in an open field. Many churches, auditoriums and big tents were packed. A mighty revival is coming through fasting and prayer, but I was shown how the wealthy Laodicean churches were dealt out judgment.
Their false leaders were given the judgment of Ananias and Sapphira, when they lied to the Holy Spirit. They present a teaching of Jesus Christ that, if followed, will truly bring a world revival among dying and lost humanity. This depicts in a wonderful manner how God sought to change the environment of the children of Israel that they might be transformed from the habits and lusts of the old environment of the land of Egypt, and made ready for the new environment of the land of Canaan.
Much spiritual preparation was needed before they would be prepared to enter the new land of promise. The bondage of Egyptian environment was rooted in their minds, bodies and souls. They still lusted after the old things of sin, their old habits, and the traditions of the world. Because they failed to accept the forced fast that was put upon them by an all-loving and wise Lord, they were required to break down this environment the hard, long way. By failing to fast and break down the bondage of environment in a few days time, and then march right into the promised land, they were consequently compelled to march around in circles for forty years, as many of us are doing today, that the flesh might be broken, and that the old stubborn, bound individuals might die, before taking the promised land.
We too can miraculously change our Christian environment in ten days or more of fasting. It would otherwise require many long years. It might be doubtful if much progress could be made, the long way. I was earnestly seeking more on this subject, when this book fell into my hands. I simply devoured its great truth, backed by the Word of God.
Immediately I went on a consecration fast; God came on the scene, and shortly I received gifts of healing. I feel that you have the message of the hour, the one that will awaken the sleeping church, and cause men and women to become stirred to the realization that Jesus is coming soon. God is- pouring out His gifts of the Spirit in these days. They are filled with scores of promises and blessings for believers. The Psalms are a product of Fasting and Prayer. The sublime utterances in the Psalms are not exaggerations, as has been asserted by some. Only in the realm of higher receptivity made possible by prayer and fasting, is the soul able to receive such revelations as Psalms David sought God in long fasts; in fact he fasted so long at times, that he looked like a skeleton.
My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness. I became a reproach unto them: No doubt some ceased to be his friends and began criticizing; this is just what happens today when an individual seeks GOD long enough in fasting and prayer. Some people say we should always go into the desert or wilderness to fast, like Moses and Christ. That is good, but here is an instance in which David did not care who saw him. David must have fasted forty days or longer, to have lost so much weight. David was not interested in what people thought of his appearance.
He fasted in mourning and humbleness; he was only interested in how he could please God, and reach HIM. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Revival by Linley Wareham.

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