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Another member of the family, Donato Antonio D'Aste d. However, the wide array of documents and the lack of clear early provenance leave the origin of the Archive a mystery. Most of the documents in the collection are from Italy, with a small percentage coming from Spain, France, and the Empire. A vast majority of the items are in Italian and Latin with a few documents in Spanish and French also present.
A large number of early printed documents and broadsides may be found in the collection, many of them from the Stamperia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae. Of the manuscript items, there are some original autograph documents most notably one of Pope Clement XI, Vol. Among formal treatises and histories are many letters, news bulletins, and diplomatic reports. There are also a fair number of plays and poems on various topics.
The collection is especially rich in primary source material for the era of the War of Spanish Succession , especially in regards to the role of the Papacy and the Italian peninsula in that conflict. Several volumes contain detailed reports from Papal Conclaves, demonstrating the process by which new Popes were elected from the late Middle Ages to the eighteenth century.
There are many sets of instructions to Papal Nuncios, providing an interesting glimpse into the diplomatic relations between the Apostolic See and France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Poland, Flanders, the Austrian Empire, and the various states of Italy. Series of documents within the collection provide sources and background for a number of influential individuals from the period: Many letters from the Sacred College of the Cardinals provide insight into the politics which surrounded the Papacy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Certain events are also well-documented within the collection: A number of scholarly and practical treatises on a wide variety of topics exist in the collection. These include ones on numerology, alchemy, astronomy, military science, cartography, rhetoric, philosophy, Aristotle, law, history, varnish-making, and equine medicine. There are two student notebooks on the subject of rhetoric, one from the Jesuit College of Rome. The collection contains an eight volume edition of the works of Paretus, who wrote works on physics soon after Newton, which contain anatomical drawings and a plan for a flying machine.
Also present is a edition of Ptolemy with maps of the Americas added by the editor Giuseppe Moleto. Italy, late 17th, early 18th century. In Italian, with some in Latin. Italy, late 17th century. A collection of 30 manuscript treatises, speeches, and poems in Latin, a few in Italian. Italy, probably second half of the 17th century. A manuscript notebook in Latin, comprising pages, numbered ff. Entry dates given are and Italy, first quarter of the 17th century. Consisting of 8 volumes. Each volume has an index at the end. This volume contains 2 plays and a scenario for a commedia dell'arte.
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In Italian and Latin. Different sizes, from 12mo to folded folio. Rome, post Naples and other places , and undated, around the middle of the 17th century. Italy, beginning of the 18th century. Loose in vellum folder. Italy, probably first half of the 18th century. Comprising altogether pages. Loose in folio vellum binder. Italy, 18th and 19th century. Comprising pages and including 1 original water color battle plan. Italy, early 18th century. Italy, to Italy, 17th and 18th century. Six manuscript documents and 1 engraved plan, comprising pages. Italy, end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century.
Three manuscripts, comprising pages. Dived into two books, the first comprising Items ; the second Items On rhetoric, speeches, eulogies, dramatic scenes, etc. Italy, mid 17th century. Includes a bibliography of Calvin, his life and his teachings. Andrea Cardoino, according to the title, was a Neapolitan born in Geneva. The treatise contains 41 chapters and covers the government, the military, and the clergy of Geneva, its noble families and the Italians living there. An authentic report, undated, written after With numerous marginal notes.
Title page and pages, numbered ff. Finding Aid Database Help Feedback. Italian castle archive Dates: The collection contains over 2, short manuscripts and printed documents including news bulletins, diplomatic reports, histories, letters, scholarly and practical treatises, legal records, broadsides, genealogies, sermons and orations, plays, and poems.
It is especially rich in material concerning the diplomatic role of the Papal States during the War of the Spanish Succession; reports on papal conclaves, instructions to nuncios, and letters from the College of Cardinals; and items pertaining to Ancona, Naples, and the D'Aste family. Other well-documented individuals and events include Innocent X; Olimpia Maidalchini-Pamphili; Queen Christina of Sweden; Cardinal Mazarin; Louis XIV; controversies concerning the Jesuits; the siege of Vienna in and the revolt against the Spanish crown in Naples; natural disasters; and the extention of papal authority.
In addition, the collection also contains a number of treatises, including works on alchemy, astronomy, cartography, military science, numerology, law, philosophy, and rhetoric, as well as an eight volume edition of the works of the physicist Paretus, and numerous satires on prominent individuals. To cite or bookmark this finding aid, use the following address: Search for digital images from this collection. A record for this collection, including location information, may be available in Orbis, the Yale University Library catalog.
Administrative Information Provenance Gift of H. Kraus, with one subsequent purchase. Information about Access This collection is open for research. Cite As Italian Castle Archive. Description of the Papers This collection consists of volumes, dating from c. Other items of note in the collection include: Comedy in five acts. Piece of title page missing, name of author crossed out on title; inscription on end leaf crossed out.
A comedy, probably by a follower of Giovanni Battitsta Della Porta c. The inscription on the last leaf is still partly readable: Basilio da Bari orata per me Sciptione Cardassi in Servicio del Italy, 17th and 18th centuries. Italy, middle of the 17th century. Italy, probably 17th century. Italy, probably early 18th century. Italy, middle of the 18th century. Italy, probably written in the 17th century. Comprising together pages. Brussels and other places, c.
Hec Dies quam fecit Dominus exultemus et letemur in ea. Draft for a sermon in Italian. Draft of a sermon in Italian, with quotations in Latin. Himnus hic dat modum vitae, Quo utuntur Jesuitae. Burlesque Latin hymn in Goliardic style, making fun of the Jesuits' love for plentiful food and drink. Latin prayer of an attorney. Mount Vesuvio, Eruption in July Hour by hour observation of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvio that took place from July 3-July 10, Ferrara, Francesco, and Francesco Antonio Scatola.
Correspondence concerning poetry, with quotations from Petrarch, Boccaccio, Bemo, etc. In the beginning, Ferrara's sonnet to Scatola. In the manner of G. Joachimus, Abbot of Fiore. Trattato de operibus sexti temporis. Excerpts from chapter 23, on the Prophet Isaiah. Gioacchino da Fiore c. Interpretations in Latin and descriptions in Italian of a set of allegoriacal representations of various popes. Consists of a schematic drawing of the "mysterious alphabet" with explanations and calculations 2 pp. A Latin list of dreams and their significance. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople.
Dreams and their significance. Written in Latin Iambic verse and arranged alphabetically. Oneirocritica Praefatio, et Somniorum Interpretatio. Excerpts from a Latin translation of a comprehensive work on dream interpretation by the 9th century Arab physician Ahmad ibn Sirin Ahmed Abu Mazar which was translated into Latin, Greek, French, and Italian. The Latin edition was published in Frankfurt by Wechel in with the title Apomasaris Apotelesmata ; and a Greek-Latin edition Oneirocritica was published in Paris in , together with Artemidorus' work on dreams.
Kabbalah numerica, id est Arti de numeri. An interesting treatise on numeric Kaballah; the art of numbers is treated with chapters on pyramids of summations and partition, on arches of numbers, etc. A Fransiscan monk, Joannes Bernardinus, is quoted on leaf 1 verso and leaf 37 recto. Li modi di leggere la zifra.
Treatise in Italian on cabalistic numerology. Table of letters and numbers from which to calculate the election of Pope Innocent X Table of 1 page. Treatise in Latin on numerology; contains among others chapters and tables on Alphabetum essentiale-Alphabetum accidentale ; Extensio Numerorum ascendentes De cuspidibus de Horoscopo.
Treatise in Latin on the significance of the Zodiac signs. Table and 9 leaves. Treatise in Latin on numerology, with cabalistic and astrological implications. Folio folded to 4to. An Italian treatise on divination. The author could not be identified by Thorndike vol. It was apparently never printed.
Didactic Italian poem in blank verse, giving instructions for the conduct of life to a young nobleman. Nappini, Bartolomeo called Polipodio Calabro. Poems by the Calabrian poet Bartolomeo Nappini d. The poems are done in the "stile pedantesco," also known as the "stile fidenziano," which forces the pedantic Latin jargon of schoolmasters upon the Italian language. The last edition of Nappini's poems came out at Guastalla in and it is a bibliographical rarity. Italian canzone of 37 octave stanzas, possibly also by Bartolomeo Nappini.
Consiglio dell'Oracolo in Prendere Moglier. A humorous oracle as guidance in selecting a wife. Regali Lasciati ad un Amico nella Partenza. Parting from Rome, the anonymous author describes in humorous verses the presents he leaves behind for a friend, a theme reminiscent of Francois Villon's Grand Testament. Two canzone, extolling ignorance; a rough paraphrase from the prophet Habakkuk.
Two sonnets and several poems on the subject of fortune and fate; includes excerpts from Matteo Bojardo, G. Guarini, and an epigram by Ausonius. Fugacita dell Vita Umana. Poem in rhymed quartets on the fleetingness of human life. A poem on dreams, in blank verse "Verso sciolto". Two early poems on chocolate, one in Latin, the other in Italian. At the end is an excerpt from the first Italian edition of Colmenero's treatise on chocolate ; Palau Colmenero da Ledesma, a Spanish physician, was the first to write a monograph on chocolate, the drink made from cocoa beans that had come to Europe from Mexico.
Only in the early part of the 18th century did chocolate become a fashionable beverage in Europe. Italian poem in Anacreontic verse on the delight of autumn in the countryside. It is dated Rome, This Conte della Volpe seems not to be one of the famous brothers Volpe who were active in Padua at this time and established the Tipographia Volpi-Cominiano.
Copia del Memoriale dato a Il Sig. In Lode del Porco. In Lode del Prosciutto. A poem in Anacreontic style in praise of a pig 8 pages , followed by a sonnet on a delicious ham. L'Imperator Carlo V fa pigliare un Faccino. A satirical canzone on the Emperor Charles V who was put to shame by the sense of justice of a drunken porter whom he had brought to the royal palace. Two "peripatetic" sonnets in the grotesque style of Burchellio A canzone in praise of wine, with the refrain "Monsignor quel vino aspetto," dedicated to a Monsignor de Brevi who had promised the author to let him taste precious wines.
On the last page is a drinking song of wandering students goliards. Bella Dona richiede ad un Cacciatore, un Augellino, ed egli cosi risponde. Papa Clemente XI, Anno Sonnet in praise of Pope Clement XI Two sonnets in praise of Prince Eugene of Savoy and his victory over the Turks. By Don Angelo Ricci? A burlesque poem in tercets on the hoe; in imitation of the style of Berni. All'Indiscretezza del Padre Ciceri. A burlesque poem in tercets "capitolo" , ridiculing a friar, dated Ringraziamento per 4 Fiaschi di Vino.
Un Cane rubba certa carne di mano. Six humorous sonnets; thanking for bottles of wine; an 18 year old girl married to a 67 year old husband referring to a "true story" of , etc. Three popular songs and one sonnet. The texts only are given. The sonnet is reminiscent and seems to anticipate the style of Guiseppe Belli , the greatest poet in Roman dialect. One sonnet, "scherzo Poetico," and epigrams in Latin, Spanish, and Italian on tobacco and taking snuff. Consiglio ad un Amico. A sonnet, based on a quotation from Cicero, advising to consult the wisdom of the past.
Sogno, accaduto nel Mese di Luglio A long poem of a dream. At the end a note stating that this poem is "un Compendio Teorico della Guerre di 10 Anni. Italian sonnet and a Latin poem in praise of the architect Nicola Salvi, creator of the Fontana di Trevi. Both poems are dated Salvi's fountain, begun in , was finished only in The style of the sonnet is similar to that of the great poet in Roman dialect, G.
Sopra ad un Podagroso. Two humorous poems on gout; a canzone, with the refrain "Simonelli ha la Podagra," and a sonnet on the cure of the gout. A sonnet on the difficulty of finding a sweetheart to one's taste. Two satirical poems on marriage; Latin distychs in the style of Ovid and the Italian sonnet. Ottave giocose Sopra Le Moroide. Humorous poems on hemorrhoids and their cure, the latter referring to Simone Maiolo's Dies Caniculares. La Forza del Destino. A long poem text for a song on vintage time, with the choral refrain "Alla Mozza Donne belle.
A sonnet of advice to married people. Ottave sopra alcune spose. Four stanzas, each with a moral "senso" on married women. Poeta assistente per la Festa di S. Luigi Gonzaga alla musica nella Chiesa di S. Del gran Marte de i Re On account of this sonnet, Grimaldi was banned from the court for a time. Affetto et industria de Sorci. A humorous poem in tercets "capitolo' on the guitar. Sonnet to the Abbot Montani for his three sonnets on the occasion of the fiesta of San Spirito. Per il Terremoto delli 2 Feb.
Three sonnets on the occasion of the earthquake in Rome, Jan. A sonnet on the occasion of Prince Eugene of Savoy's victory at Belgrade. A poem in Latin distychs on hunting. Risponde, essendoli richiesto un Sonetto. An allegedly extemporized sonnet, done in imitation of a famous tour de force by Lope de Vega. An Italian poem in tercets "capitolo" on the arquebus, in the style of Berni. Discreve L'Autore quante Cose prende uno que piglia Moglie. Prerogative il Padrone e il Servitore. Descizione del Tempio di Gierusamemme.
The first sonnet describes an event that took place in and a note states that the unhappy lover, Costanza Gregorini, died in Chi ognuno ha il suo Ramo di Pazzia. Il Monte della Pieta de Pegni. Two theatrical dialogues or duets? Innamorato di Donna brutta. A satirical sonnet on the hypochondriac.
Signor si sa comunemente omai Two sonnets, paraphrasing Latin quotations. The first sonnet has a note on the erudite Lucrezia Marinella. Table of contents for volume 4. Il Mercurio Postiglione da Quest'all'altro Mondo. A political satire in dialogue form. The interlocutors are Mercury, Mars, Juppiter, and Momus. Mercury, fictitious postman from Heaven, brings letters from Earth which receive biting comments from the gods.
The tendency is anti- Spanish, very much in the tone of Tranio Boccalini's Ragguagli di Parnaso The Mercurio postiglione was composed shortly after the victory of the Venetians over the Turkish fleet at Candia, in A work with the same title was published in in Vill-Franca by Claudio del Monte. Lavalliere; on leaves , a machiavellian analysis of the Wentworth, first earl of Stratford leaves ; Mazarin to the Queen Mother of France leaves and comments on them leaves 54 verso, 55 recto and verso, 59 verso, and 69 recto. Relatione della Vita del Cardinal Mazzarino.
An account of the life of the Cardinal Mazarin, with special emphasis on his youth, interspersed with interesting anecdotes, little known biographical details, etc. Onleaf is an excellent summary of highlights of Mazarin's career. The will as set up in different stages between March 3 and 8, previous to Mazarin's death on March 9, Nationale has 7 printed editions of the will, all published in Ferdinand II of Hapsburg.
Espozitione fatta in Collegio Veneto dal Residente Cesareo. Together 2 leaves, numbered ff. A report, dated June 10, , made to the Governing Board of the Republic of Venice by the diplomatic representative of the German Emperor, Ferdinand II, in regard to damage resulting from raids made by Imperial troops in Venetian territory.
The report is followed by a reply from the Venetian government, dated June 12, Readmission of the Jesuits into Venetian Territory. Six documents, 7 leaves together, numbered ff. Papa Alessandro settimo alla Official letter of Pope Alexander VII to the Republic of Venice, dated November 23, , pleading for the re-admission of the Jesuits into Venice on account of the usefulness of their religious and educational services.
It is interesting to note that the letter precedes by one year the publication of the famous Jansenist attack on the Jesuits: Risposta della Republica di Venezia. The phrasing of the reply is very characteristic leaf r.
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Official letter of the Pope, thanking the Republic of Venice for granting re- admission to the Jesuits. Another letter, describing the grateful reaction of the Company to the favor granted by Venice, and expressing his regrets that he is unable to attend the re-instatement ceremony at Venice.
Lettera del Doge di Venezia al Cardinal di Lugo. A printed collection of documents concerning the Jesuits in the Republic of Venice was published in by G. Relazione della morte del Marchese Rinaldo Monaldeschi. Together 9 leaves numbered ff. A contemporary account of the execution of Rinaldo Monaldeschi, November 6, , by order of Queen Christina of Sweeden whose lover he had been. Apparently Monaldeschi, formerly leader of the French party in Rome, had communicated to the Spanish government a plan which had been contrived by Queen Christina, in collusion with Mazarin.
The plan contemplated the conquest of the Kingdom of Naples at that time under Spanish rule and the seating of Christina on the throne. The author of the present ms. In an anonymous letter to the Queen, M. The author expresses his horror at Christina's decision to have Monaldeschi murdered by Santinelli himself.
He adds details concerning the manner of the assassination leaf and criticizes Santinelli's behavior leaf v. The reply to the above account, accusing its author of having overlooked the pivotal fact on which the assassination was based: Monaldeschi was betrayed rather than a traitor; his murder was an act neither of justice nor of political expediency. A printed account of the assassination appeared in , under the authorship of Father Pierre Le Bel. Christina, Queen of Sweeden. Copy of a letter to the Marchese Santinelli. Dated November 17, Some passages of the letter read as follows: He was the one who betrayed me, and he wanted me to believe that you were the traitor Do not try to justify my action towards anyone; I intend to give an account of it to no-one but God I know that I have acted in accordance with divine justice Be sure that I shall support you.
Pronostico della morte del Monaldeschi. A satirical sonnet written against Queen Christina of Sweeden. The poet compares Monaldeschi with his namesake in Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata , and Christina to the sorceress Armida. A Latin distych follows. Copies of two letters to the Marchese Santinelli. Together in two leaves, numbered ff.
The first letter, dated May 10, , is a reply to a message from Santinelli from Vienna. Christina warns him against wasting money and time; she will not pay his expenses. I am thoroughly unwilling to authenticate your blunders with my protection. Lettera della Regina di Suezia alla Republica di Genova. Copy of a letter by Christina requesting a place on the coast of Genoa where she might settle after having left France because of the plague. Risposta della Republica di Genova alla Madama. Copy of the reply granting the Queen's request.
Risposta d'una Lettera scritta al Cardinal Mazzarino concernente l'interesse di stato. Copy of Mazarin's reply, dated Paris, December 14, , which gives an interesting analysis of international relations at a crucial point of history. It is addressed to an unidentified person in Rome. The background of the letter is England's treaty with France, signed October 23, , Mazarin's alliance against Spain, the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Santa Cruz on August 7, , and the surrender of Mardyk to the English on September Copia di Lettera scritta dal Sig.
Cardinal Mazzarino al Sig. Mazarin's letter, dated November 12, , at St. Jean de Luz, contains news of the conclusion of a peace treaty between France and Spain. He requests this news to be passed on to the Pope before the official announcement which is to follow. Breve della Santita di The papal letter, dated February 14, , requests the re-admission of the Jesuits. Risposta della Republica di Lucca. Reply to the above letter of Pope Alexander VII assuring him that the question of re-admission of the Jesuits would be remembered. Ragvaglio del viaggio della Regina di Suezia da Copenhagen Account of the Queen's voyage from Copenhagen to Stockholm, addressed to Cardinal Azzolino and dated October 16, , by an anonymous person.
Altro ragvaglio dell'entrata della madama Regina di Suezia in Sthocolm. Another account of the Queen's entry into Stockholm, again addressed to Cardinal Azzolini by an anonymous person, and dated also October 16, Detailed description of the ceremonies held in honor of Christina, and of a diet, held at the same time which had attracted representatives from all over the world.
Instructions by the Pope concerning the prevention and legal settlement of violent actions which had occured in Rome. Lettera scritta dal Cardinal Mazzarino al Cardinale Colonna in occazione del parentado contratto. Copy of a letter, sent from the Bois de Vincennes and dated February 23, , announcing the marriage of Mazarin's niece Maria Mancini to Prince Colonna, the connestabile of Naples.
Maria Mancini is known in history for attracting the passion of Louis XIV to such a degree that the king wanted to marry her. Mazarin speaks of "particular goodness" with which the monarch consented to the marriage, quoting his words as follows: Copy of a letter congratulating Alexander VII upon his election to the papacy. Philip IV, King of Spain. Leopold I of Hapsburg. Lettera scritta dall' Imperatore a sua Sta. Lettera scritta dal Cardinal Mazzarino a Sua Sta. Lettera scritta dal Re chrmo. Dated at Paris March 17, , expressing the King's sympathy upon the occasion of the death of Mazarin, her brother.
Copy of a letter dated February 14, Copy of a letter from Hungary, dated October 10, , describing the political situation in Europe with a noticeable anti-French bias. Copy of a letter to Christina of Sweeden, dated at St. Jean de Luz, Nov. Copy of a statement, made by the Queen of Sweeden, against the Spanish nobleman Antonio della Quena and some others who molested her during her trip to Rome. Perche il barbaro ardir s'affreni Lyric epic poem in 49 octave stanzas on Roman conquests and their beneficial influence on the barbaric peoples.
A collection of sentences, fables, and examples of a gnomic character, including the lives and moral views of the philosophers: Aristotle, Socrates, Democritos, and Diogenes. Italian jocular poem in tercets "capitolo" on hot baths. Ohime chi non gridasse ad alta voce Two drafts, with corrections, of a satirical poem in tercets.
Italian idyllic poem on the theme of Hero and Leander. Per il Duca di Nocera. An epic poem in 20 octave stanzas by Nicolo Dentici. An Italian discourse about the cruel treatment of animals by men and about the question of which is the nobler pursuit: Title and 19 unnumbered pages. Latin speech by Bernardino Rota , one of the Petrarchist poets of the Cinquecento, when he ceded the presidency of the Accademia dei Sireni in Naples to his successor Tiberius Bucca.
A licentious Italian sonnet. Demonstratio dari ne posse infinitu circulum. Title and 4 unnumbered pages. Latin treatise on the possibility of an infinite circle. A humorous letter in Neapolitan dialect; also a few quickly written lines and a sketch in another handwriting, and the draft of the answer in Neapolitan dialect.
Poem of 4 line stanzas, being a short lament of Cardinal Antonio Barberini ; also a satirical sonnet in answer to the Lamento. Unidentified Italian comedy in prose. On the front wrapper is the word molto part of the title? Modo di estraere le radice quadrate per la geometria et per le ordinaze degli Bataglieri delle Fantasie in forma gadra et altre ocoretie. An Italian treatise on extracting cubic roots for geometrical purposes and troup orders, with examples.
Introduzione; La Nobilita; La Liberalita. Discourses on Nobility and Liberality. Discourses on Arms, Prudence, Dignity, Beauty. Il Prencipe in decisione del questo Proposte. Decision of the President of the Academy on the question as to the priority of arms over letters, and a Madrigal.
Sub invocatione Sanctae Mariae Bylaws and regulations of the secular clerics of Holy Mary, established in Naples. Canzoni per musica nella publica ragunanza dei Signori Accademici Occulti. Texts of 4 cantatas sung in Treviso in , at the public meeting of the occulti , where the funeral rites for the King of Poland, John Sobieski , were held. The cantatas celebrate the greatest military victory of the king, the liberation of Vienna from the Turks Sept. Il Viaggio alla Religione. A poem in tercets, celebrating the "monacazione" taking the veil of Rosalia Orsola Gennari.
Il Duca di Baviera cosi parla.
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A sonnet, in which the Duke of Bavaria gives a satirical picture of himself. A sententious sonnet to a lady, afflicted by the death of her lapdog. A Latin epigram by F. A Poem to the nuns of the Convent to whom Suora Celleraria brought some food. Reflessioni; Nell'Apunzione della Vergine; Sonetto, and other poems on various subjects the earthquakes of Rimini and Fano, the Assumption of the Virgin, etc.
A Poem by a disappointed music lover to a friend who asked him about the doings of a troop of theatrical singers. Two Latin epigrams, one against Michele Primo Paradisi; the other, expressing thanks to a Ruler for restoring peace. A Sonnet to a Lady called Columba; on verso a letter, dated 8 December ' A description of the festive decorations organized in the College of the Jesuit Fathers in Naples in honor of the Archbishop Caracciolo. Il Sentier della Gloria. An account of the Accademia di Esercizi cavallereschi a show of chivalric exercises held in Siena at the end of , by members of the Collegio Tolomei.
An account of the annual public fair and festive events, including the erection of a special theater, in Bologna. With a large folding plate, an etching by Carl Anton Bufagnotti after Lodovico Parti both known for their decoration for the theater , showing the newly built open-air theater during a performance by acrobats, rope-dancers, etc.
Bologna, nella Impressoria Arciuescovale, Capitoli proposti dal Redi Francia per la conclusione della Pace. Copia di Lettera da Copy of a letter by the Papal Nuncio Casati, May 22, Copy of a letter written by the Secretary of State to the Nuncio of Luzern concerning the election of the Bishop of Coira. A letter written by the Republic of Venice to the King of France, congratulating him on the birth of the Duke of Brittany. Grievances of a Cardinal regarding questions of etiquette, titles, and a reply to the grievances. Vienna Dated March 19, Moles protests against the seizure of his property ordered by the Government of Spain after the death of Charles II, to whom Moles was Ambassador.
Moles was compelled to "embrace the sacred anchor of protection" of Emperor Leopold of Austria, who had given him shelter. Letters dated July 22, , signed by Henri de Lorraine and Marechal de Catinat, protesting against the invasion of Mantuan territory by the troops of the Austrian Emperor. Plus a letter by the Elector of Cologne to the Electors of Mainz, Trier, and Bavaria, suggesting that the Duke of Mantua may not be guilty of having admitted foreign troops into his territory and of having been in collusion with foreign powers. The Austrian invasion of Mantua was based on this charge.
Che in tempo d'Inn. Sonnet on Pope Paul IV. Ogni cosa buona vien dal Cielo. Sonetto al serenis'Duca di Lorena. Sopra un Cavaliere che desiderando d'aver amista con una dama Per la temperata salute del gran Monarca Luigi il Grande. L'Allude ad una Fontana dell'M. Un Padre be avvisato della morte d'un suo figlio.
I propositi di Monsig. A play, one act, in verses. A begl'Occi di Dama. Ad un bel Capo di Dama acconcio. Ad una Fontana dell'Ill. Per la Partonza d'Olimpia da Roma. Ad Olimpia rappresentante in Roma Muore il Pastor supremo Il Padre accertato della Morte d'un figlio.
Fra Lorenzo di S. Sonnet about Louis XIV. XI per l'ingresso dovea fare in Roma. A begl'occhi di Dama. Sonnet, repetition of no. Per la Partenza d'Olimpia da Roma. Maria Giunti Predicatore in S. A L'Olimpia rappresentante in Roma Al Gran Monarca Luiggi il Grande. Per le presa di Namur. A un bel Capo ben acconcio de Dama. Per la temperata salute del Gran Monarca Luiggi il Grande.
Dante sopra il Limbo. Sopra Fortuna e dorme. A Begl'Occhi di Dama. Order by the Bishop of Grenoble? Ad un bel Capo di Dama Per la temperata dell'Ill. Per l'espugnazione della Rovella. L'Allude ad una Fontana d'Acque. Lettera venuta da Napoli Risposta data da Roma alla proposta venuta da Napoli Flavio Chigi, Cardinal Satirical poem with the refrain: La Musa in Conclave. Ottobono in morte d'Alessandro VI. Rifesa delle Dame Romane Sotto Toga un Moscon soura gran Corte Sonnet, 1 page f.
Hieri alla Roba essendomi portato Poiche Pietro Ottobono il Veneziano Il Cardinal Ottobono Penitenta Canzona. Contro i Satirici di Roma. Sopra il Foco del Conclave. Poem with the refrain: Gondole interrogate dal Bucenzoro. La Scravaganze di Don. Tarquinia, et il Matrimonio stabilito tra essa e Don Marco Ottoboni. Risposta alla Satira contro le Satire. Pasquino Corazzo dismesso chiede l'elemosina.
Hic iacet Alexander octavus Memoriale della Suttane Nobili, starting "Magnifico Pasquino Musa da Cetra illanguidita La Lagrime di B. Sette Ostacoli, che si trovano in ciascheduno de presensori del Papato. This represents a roster of various candidates to the Papacy Cibo, Altieri, Barbarigo, Spinola, Conti, Carpegna , and below the name of each are the personal draw-backs militating against their election. Canzone, with the refrain: Sfogo Poetico ne Praesenti tempi.
Risposta all'Aria ne conosco qualche d'una. Si allude all'opera de Colombo. Tassi avanti al Papa. Difesa della Dame di Roma contra il Pri'pe D. L'Anime scordate al Card. Sonnet and a list of cardinals with their respective characteristics. Al Sepolcro di Alessandro Ottavo. Poem, and A D. Vita, Morte, e Miracoli di Alessandro Ottavo.
La Corte di Cardinal Ottoboni. Risposta al Sonetto di Fabretti.
Pagina principale
Relazione fatta dalli SSi. Leonini nella Causa del Bordello. Il Colombo, a Crazeo Pradelini per haverlo strappazato nella sua opera. Satiro in Lode di Aless. Febo Vaticinanze, e non maledico. L'Abbate Tassi che si difende per esser stato chiamato Roffiando. E ben passo chi pretende These are, without mention by the author, anti-clerical sonnets by Petrarch from the Canzionere which express Petrarch's indignation against the Papal Court of Avignon.

La Chitarra del Marino. A collection of short compositions in Italian and Latin prose. Bovio , a Jesuit Father, mirrors in his writings the devotional and sermonizing activities of his Order, and the ornate and the aureate style of the Seicento. This volume contains a great variety of topics, many on religious subjects or historical events, oratorical speeches, etc.
From leaf , there are some Monica , i. From leaf to the end, there are rules for meditation and prayer. Not in De Backer-Sommervogel. De Academia Ruri instituendae. A speech with a splendid description of Capodimonte, Naples, Vesuvius concerning an Academy to be established in the countryside. A speech in praise of the pen. De Natalis Christi reparatoris nocte. On the Natal night i.
Christmas of Christ the Redeemer. De Christi Liberatoris Anastasi. On the Resurrection of Christ. De Christi Redivivi Vulneribus. On the wounds of Christ reborn. Together 4 pages, numbered ff. De Providenzia et Religione Jungenda. On the conjunction of Providence and Religion. De Natali die Deipara Virginis Sanctissimae. On the birthday of the most Holy Virgin. De Eloquenzia cum Pietate Jungenda. On the conjunction of eloquence with religion.
This composition contains the principles of Christian Humanism. Two discourses, one on imitation, the other on narration. A speech in praise of San Luigi Gonzaga. De Beato Stanislao Kostka. An oratorical eulogy of Saint Stanislaus Kostka d. Oration on the whole extent of philosophy. The Battle of the Elements. An example of the fortitude shown by Saint Francis Xavier during a sea storm. Latin oration in praise of Music. On the ostentations of cowardly people. Propria quoniam non pelle quiesset. On the sacred orator, i. An exercise in rhetorical amplification.