Let us start again right after the breaking point… Seems to be the If you do this before the 17 of December, we can change this decision.

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If they delete my account… It was a pleasure to know you all. But we can still change this!!! Let them hear our voice loud!!!! Where we make you associate diapers with sexual satisfaction. After enough conditioning, we hope it will be your sissy clitty that does the drooling! Soon you will be begging for us to put you in diapers, just so you can achieve your sexual release…. Today I deliver the knockout punch by making you wear diapers. It might feel funny at first, but I think you will grow accustomed to the soft security that diapers offer.

He's In Diapers: A Strict Wife Tale of Humiliation

And by the way, there will also be no bathroom breaks for you today. My mother would diaper me in thick cloth diapers and plastic pants every night before bed.

She only punished me once in all that time. Once after I turned 11 and my bed wetting decreased in frequency I was out playing and wet my pants in the day time. She got mad and put me in diapers and plastic pants for the rest of the day. It was summer time and I was not allowed to put on any pants or shirt to hid my shame. She was mad she thought I was now going to be wetting during the day also.

She told me to stay in the living room and play with my toys while she did the laundry. All of a sudden our neighbor Kate came in the front door, she started to laugh and said well baby where is your mommy she should not have left you alone. I called out to my mom who came up stairs and they both went into the kitchen to have coffee.

I heard a lot of laughing, I am sure it was about me. I wet my diapers a little while later and went into the kitchen to ask my mom to change me. She said she had to change the laundry and asked Kate to do it. She said she would love to and took me to my room where she changed me into dry diapers and new plastic pants. It was my most embarrassing moments in my life. Thank you ELF for the story about Leonard. But probably not evil people like her do not care what other people have to say. They are so dumb there is no changing them.

My heart goes out to Leonard. I don't think I ever wet the bed. But it was just embarrassing for me. NO repeat NO child should ever punished for wetting themselves, at night some kids even don't master daytime control for many years. Jimmy I have been a Lawyer down in California for many years. You would be shocked as to how many people terrorize their children over bed wetting and day time accidents.

Sitting in Court I hear the defendants case summary and time and time again it is stated; That is the way my parents took care of it when I was a child. Child Services in the State of California don't hesitate when their is any possible danger to a child weather it is their parents or not. It all goes back to that old saying two wrongs don't make a right. Love your children and work with them with their little problems.

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After all what is so terrible about a little wet bed or pair of pants? Diapers can be fun for the fetish crowd but they are just cruelty to the bed wetter or person that has accidents. All children deserve to grow up in a loving and protected environment and not be abused for something out of their control.

I used to wet the bed as a kid and it sucked. My parents never beat me or punished me for it but they never really did much about it except help me change my sheets. Looking back on it now I wish they would have put me back in diapers at night but I was stubborn and I probably wouldn't have worn them.

I wasn't shamed, or punished in any way when it happened, except for maybe a bit of sibling teasing. The whole experience was nasty enough, without the people you trust and love betraying that love and trust. Some people might not be so evil in what they do however. Sometimes parents lack the skills and tools to deal with lots of situations like a bed wetting child. They do the best they know how, and in some cases what they experienced in their own young lives. They may love there kids, but don't know a good way to deal with the situation. When I was young I learned, we will all have a day we must atone for our sins we have committed in life.

I like to believe this will be so. Just think if it is so! I'm lucky, my bed wetting didn't last long for me. I always wished, I would have had diapers to wear back then. Would have been a much better time. If my children turn out to wet the bed, my aim is to make sure they are secure, and have as little anxiety as possible.

If they need a diaper to get through that, then can't see why not. My parents didnt make it a point to humiliate me but part of my responsibilities was to throw out my own diapers in the morning so when we were at a relatives that would sometimes mean walking into the kitchen with my used diaper and throwing it out with people being able to see. When I first went away to boarding school aged 8 in I used to wet most nights. The Matron used to come in each morning, pull the bedclothes back, call me a dirty little baby and send me off for a cold bath.

That lasted till I was 13 and went to my next school where the house-master's wife had young children. She suggested I should go back to nappies and offered to put them in the washing machine with her children's so my wetting could be kept secret from the other boys. I shall always remember her with kindness and gratitude but the first Matron I remember only with loathing as the only person I have ever really hated.

Yes I remember the humiliation of wetting the bed at boarding school and finding matron had pulled back the covers supposedly to air the bed but letting everyone else know what you'd done. Then putting a red rubber sheet on the bed and once marked down as a bed wetter, regularly checking each morning.

Although I could have got a clean change of pyjamas, I was so embarassed to go and ask the matron for them that I didnt, but then of course everybody could smell the urine and wasted no time letting you know. Remember later on when I was a prefect in charge of a dormitory, being tasked by the matron myself to make checks on the bed of one of the bed wetting boys in my dorm. Felt sorry for him. Would never have left his covers pulled back. Off topic, Just noticed today in the supermarket the pictures on the largest size of GoodNites.

Both the boy's and the girl's packaging feature models who look older than 15, in fact the girl looks like a woman! But I bet they dont fit adults unless lucky enough to be very slim. I too was humilated for wetting my bed. I was 6yo it was xmas. I open a present from santa in the box was diapers rubber pant a bib and baby bottle. I open this in front of all my siblings and cousins. I remember everybody looking and laughing at and asking why i got diapers i had to tell them why. Before going to bed my my mom diapered me on the couch in front of everybody with everybody laughing at me.

IT did nothing to stop from wetting my bed. Soon i liked wearing diapers and became a diaper lover that i still am today at 50 yo. I was a bed wetter up till about 4th grade. I recall the fact that i had to wear diapers to bed excluded me from going to sleep overs. It was never used to embarrass me, but my parents would talk about my issue with others. It's just the way it way it was.

I remeber my dad would always diaper me at nigbt. That's very sad that day, and event was used to humiliate you for something you had no control to stop. Also some good parents would have this train of thought, when it came to dealing with a bedwetter. Maybe Santa should have been put on that naughty list himself, that Christmas? I always felt bad when I overheard talk by parents of my own bedwetting too.

Hated that feeling of embarrassment. They weren't taking chances with you wetting your bed, were they? Disposable, cloth and plastic pants! Due to my constant bedwetting my parents kept me in diapers nappies in UK and plastic pants at night time. Whilst I was at grandmothers she also put me in diapers and plastic pants she even put them on me in front of my aunts, uncles and cousins who were visiting her at the time. A few times she made me wear them shopping if we were to be out most of the day. I complained to my mother about the day time wearing but told me that grandma was in charge while I was there.

Members of my family would discuss my bedwetting openly when I was in the room as if I wern't there "Is he still wetting his bed" as if I couldn't hear.

Also my mother used to air my oft wetted matteras on the lawn for all to see. It was no secret I wet the bed growing up and eventually I got where it just didn't bother me. During my teens I wet deliberately out of lazines and because it was expected of me to wet my bed. In my fathers side of the family bedwetting is genetic.

All of my cousins also wet the bed and this didn't change until we hit puberty. While there was never any shaming it was a major point of conversation among the women. Who was still wetting who wasn't and who had diapers of what size to share. I remember Christmas when I was 6. I was trying to stay dry for 2 weeks so I wouldn't have to wear my plastic pants anymore. I could go 4 or 5 days dry, then I would wet a little, and the count would start back to 0 again. The Gerber toddler size I was outgrowing. They would leave marks on my legs. I hoped I would get big enough that I just couldn't be made to wear the plastic pants anymore.

When Christmas morning came, and it was time to open presents, when my turn came I opened 2 toy gifts! I was so happy. I opened the 3rd and last gift from my Mom, I at first couldn't figure out what I had unwrapped. I opened the box, and found a pair of Gerber adult size plastic pants in medium!

I was so embarrassed opening that in front of everyone. My Mom later made me try them on over my regular undies to be sure they fit, and I had to wear those plastic pants for the rest of the day.

Diaper Punishment

I was so sad. They were hot and sweaty, and really uncomfortable. I wore those plastic pants for another 2 years before I made my 2 week dry goal. Then if I wet I was right back in them for a week "just to be sure".

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