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At that point, Kvothe is forced to come clean and reveals he's made up all the Felurian shite he bragged about in the second book. Denna goes "Oh really? I don't give a shit anyway. Now twat off you fuck Kvothe, realizing he's nothing but a worthless pile of vermin ordure, considers suicide but, eventually, changes his mind because he's chickenshit and full of his own shite.

So he becomes a waiter, and finds out he actually likes the job as it gives him plenty of time to annoy every bastard customer with his made-up drivel. Only nobody buys his bullcrap for a minute Not only does he believe all the epic horse-bartering, he also writes down everything he's fed. Edit - According to amazon, the book has a release date: Six years and five months after TWMF.

I'm not pulling this out of my ar I know I'll end up buying the book, eventually. I also know it'll be the last book I'll ever read by this author. Edit 2 - There is no release date. Book 3 is going to come out "later" because of Alright, this bloke is taking the piss out of us; either that or he's fucking delusional. It's not that he's a lazy author doing fuck all but finishing the book, it's the politics of his country keeping him from finishing the bastard. Right, you twats, now you know who's to blame: That's who's behind Patrick Rothfuss's writer's block.

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Aug 27, Creaver Williams rated it did not like it. But as the day wore on, and the hours turned from morning until noon until night, Kvothe never came. When Bast showed up as the sun was setting, Chronicler asked where his master was. Kvothe was awake, playing solitaire. Kvothe, after all, was not his bitch. Not even a little bit. The next morning, Chronicler was up before sunrise, and as he walked down to the common room of the Waystone, he saw Kvothe waiting on a handful of customers who had come for breakfast.

One unsuccessfully tried to stifle a fart so foul it would have killed a king. He handed him a clutch of papers the included eight pages of crude drawings of a girl making soap. Chronicler looked at the drawings and tilted his head. The crowd murmured their assent to this sentiment, and one started speaking in a strange language, which led Bast to think perhaps he was a skin dancer, but it turned out he was just Pentecostal. Chronicler turned to look at Bast, who gave him a thumbs up and threw a knife at him. Chronicler ducked, and the blade lodged itself in the ear of the farting guy.

Bast sneered an evil sneer. I never said he was my bitch. I have a big announcement to make! At that point, Chronicler took up residence in the Waystone Inn, waiting for Kvothe to return. Days turned into weeks, and then months to years. Occasionally, he received letters where Kvothe complained about politics and others where he tried to sell him stuff, and one with a story about a cat, but there was no word at all as to when or if Kvothe would actually finish the story.

Chronicler would write back, and he would ask, politely, whether or not Kvothe had any intention of finishing the tale he had started so long ago. Kvothe finally came home six and a half years later, and Chronicler was overjoyed to see him. Also, Denna was a dude the whole time. Seeing as the book has yet to release and there are already hundreds of 5 star ratings i find it only fair that a book that has enraged me to this point deserves a 1 star. First let me say; before the release of the name of the wind, Patrick Rothfuss announced the completion of all three books, the three books in this trilogy were completed, the three books who Seeing as the book has yet to release and there are already hundreds of 5 star ratings i find it only fair that a book that has enraged me to this point deserves a 1 star.

First let me say; before the release of the name of the wind, Patrick Rothfuss announced the completion of all three books, the three books in this trilogy were completed, the three books who would write for this series had been finished, he planned to release these books in one-year intervals, as he announced, completely understandable, it's almost tradition for not just authors but for many other forms of entertainment to release a new form or medium for enjoyment to release new models at yearly intervals. When i heard about the completion of the novels and the general praise the book was getting i decided to pick it up, of course i completely fell in love with the books cliche yet beautifully written story, the characters were deep and full of life, i was really in love with the book.

I couldn't wait for the wise man's fear, i couldn't wait to see what questions would be answered, how they'd be answered, what new riddles would pop up within the pages. Unfortunately, this books release date was pushed back several times due to reasons i do not understand. Instead of a release date like the fans were promised the book was pushed back four years.

I will admit that the book was extremely well written, but the depth of the story is no where near as long or as deep as a series such as the game of thrones, which George Martin has taken just as long to write a single novel in his series. This in my opinion is unacceptable, the series was claimed to be finished and yet the book is pushed back three years for what? I cannot make excuses for authors, Patrick Rothfuss might have really been editing his book for four years, however the much more likely occurrence would have to do with the side stepping of his writing, the general distractions that Patrick has enjoyed immersing himself in so joyfully.

It would be about the time i'm writing this review that the book; the doors of stone would have been published, a book that was apparently written seven years ago. We can't assume why it's taken so long, we can only defend Patrick, that he has been editing his book this entire time or take the offense, that he has been caught up in distractions and knows about the money he can make by jumping a hype bandwagon that has been leaving fans in it's trail for years. So, what has happened in those three years since the wise man's fear?

Also those stones or coins? To release a book seven years ago, telling his fans that all three books were finished only to have released the second book four years later is pathetic. Patrick has release 2 books of his Kingkiller chronicles trilogy in 7 years. Let that sink in. I can't see an end to this series. What initially was introduced as a quick trilogy for us to enjoy and finish with a quick smile has been turned into seven years of money grabbing and lies, dates constantly being pushed back for no reason, books that have no relevance to the series are being released.

Sure Kvothe's story might only last a trilogy, but what about Kote's? My guess is a new series all together, a sequel if you like for Kote to regain his 'powers'. Not only that but books that are to occur within the four corners have been announced, not only has Patrick ridden the fame train for 7 years for these two books, he's preparing the rest of his life as an author to be based around this world. If you are really blinded by how much Patrick spits into the face of his fans, you deserve the wait, you deserve to wait another who knows how many years before you have your trilogy finale.

Another book coming out in october this year only confirms another year or more before the doors of stone is to be released, and if that book is coming out in october what does that say about the doors of stone? Pathetic Patrick Rothfuss, just pathetic, for an author praised for his writing ability you sure do like to make fans who have been with you for almost 7 years wait for a third book. And then there are authors like Brandon Sanderson, who take their writing as a job seriously, who know how to make their fans happy. There are Authors like J. Rowling; who work tirelessly and are completely great full for opportunity their writing has brought them, people like them are able to write their books, please their fans, make their money, donate to the needy and are praised.

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You however have been praised for releasing 2 books over the course of 7 years and milking his fans down to absolutely nothing. View all 76 comments. Aug 27, London rated it did not like it. Sadly, I would discourage anyone from reading this series, for the sole reason that I no longer believe it will ever be finished. I would never have started the series had it not been stated that the story as a whole was already complete and all that remained was some editing on the final book. It has been years without any update as to where in the editing process the author has reached, nor any explanation as to what may be causing delays.

Meanwhile, the author has published and released anothe Sadly, I would discourage anyone from reading this series, for the sole reason that I no longer believe it will ever be finished. Meanwhile, the author has published and released another book, attended multiple conferences, regularly updated his blog - the main purpose of which appears to be to flog marketing collateral, continually posts to his social media feeds and has held meetings with Hollywood.

Basically, I have lost faith in this author's desire to produce a good story. Rather it seems that he has been more concerned with building his own profile. The absence of any update with regards to editorial progress displays a lack of dedication to his writing craft, nor consideration for his audience. Instead, his constant personal profile efforts suggesting a preoccupation with the trappings of fame.

However, the biggest indicator for me that this book will never see the light of day, is the author's recent claim that he is delaying publishing as he wants the book to be "perfect. Therefore, taking into account this and the author's meanderings studies at university, where he flitted from subject to subject, I suspect that his is the archetypal procrastinating perfectionist personality type. The kind of person who is good at starting many things, but sadly, lacks the focus to finish them. I suspect that is what the readers are dealing with here and why I have lost faith in ever seeing the final book published.

During the intervening years I have friends who have died without ever knowing the conclusion of this story. The delays have reached the point of ridiculousness and caused me to lose faith in this author. I do greatly enjoy his writing, finding it rich and absorbing. However, I simply find it unacceptable to publish new books before completing a series. To follow this with a further two year delay with no updates at all is a betrayal to the readers.

The series was marketed as being a complete story and readers were told that only editing remained. The unbelievably long delay leads me to believe the final book was not written and I can no longer trust that it will ever be finished. This is a shame as the author does hold so much talent. Sadly, as with any artist, discipline is also required. View all 16 comments.

May 13, Liam Degnan marked it as to-read. But after a year excitement begins to sour" - Kvothe, The Name of the Wind. Pat's words coming back to haunt him. May 18, Bookdragon Sean marked it as to-read Shelves: This is such a redundant update. Feb 24, Solemn rated it did not like it Shelves: Rothfuss isn't the writer he once was. He's lost the surety in his hand and I can't help but find it greatly ironic that he is now Kote. He needs a book that's perfect but that will never come to be because he's a shadow of his former self. We the fans will wait and wait at that mahagony stretch of bar just like Bast hoping against all hope that our Reshi will come back to himself.

Seeing the glimmer in his eyes every now and again as a sure sign that it's just a matter of time. But what we'll s Rothfuss isn't the writer he once was. But what we'll see more often than that glimmer is him polishing the bar, helping the Bentons, making movies and attempting to sell his fans worthless shit. Doing anything and everything he can to avoid the writing process as his eyes grow more and more dull.

And of course the silence will grow, feeding off of his inability. Eventually It'll spread over the lot of us like a cloak and In 5 years or so the people who have defended him all this time will see what the rest of us have seen all along. Patrick is a broken man and sometimes broken things can't be fixed. We've heard it again and again, not all stories have happy endings. In fact some stories don't have endings at all. Patrick has become the embodiement of the character that he sought to create, that's more fitting than a 3rd book could ever be.

If you want to know how Kvothes story ends just pay close attention to the life of one Mr. It is a treasure that has been shrowded in mystery for thousands of years. I may not know what is in it. But i'm reasonably certain of the fact that box itself is made out of wood from the Cthaeh tree. When inspecting the Lackless box Kvothe admits that he doesn't know what kind of wood it's made of. He knows that its old, and has a lot of iron in it and he knows that is smells familiar: It was dark enough to be roah, but it had a deep red grain.

It smelled faintly of… something. I lowered my face to its surface and breathed in deeply through my nose, something almost like lemon. It was maddeningly familiar. This is a quote from when he walks up to the Cthaeh "The wind shifted, and as the leaves stirred I smelled a strange, sweet smell. It was like smoke and spice and leather and lemon. It was a compelling smell.

Not in the same way that food smells appealing. We know that the Cthaeh and the Lackless box smell exactly the same. We know that the Cthaeh and the box have both been around for thousands of years. We also know that the wood from the Lackless box has a high iron content, couple that with the fact that the Cthaeh is supposedly trapped in the tree and things start to get interesting. For the sake of arguement lets just assume that the speculation above is correct. What if the Iron in the tree is whats keeping the Cthaeh contained? Is the Cthaeh one of the Fae? What would happen if an arcanist got his hands on the Lackless box?

He could probably create a decent link right. He might even be able to use it to free the Cthaeh from the tree. Didn't the fact that Cinder was playing bandit bother anyone? The same road that Melaun Lackless would have taken to get from her lands to Severin or vice versa. This explains why Cinder had so many people with him.

He wasn't just playing bandit. He needed enough men to overcome a lackless caravan. I see a lot of people trying to speculate about this. I am almost certain that its Bredon. The games of tak where Bredon and Kvothe size each other up. Bredon saying things like "why would I want to play anything but a beautiful game" and "Setting a trap when you know that your opponent is walking in with a trap of his own.

Maybe the games were just a front to get to know about kvothe. Maybe thats the only reason that he picked Denna in the first place. Maybe Bredon is really Aculess Lackless melauns father and kvothes grandfather. Bredon or not, is involved with the Chandrian So Denna just so happens to be at a wedding in the middle of no where? Why would her suitor want her there? Unless he knew exactly what was about to happen.

Why would Denna's suitor ask her to keep track of exactly how many people were at the wedding? Why would that matter to him? Unless he needed the number to ensure that everyone was killed. Ensure that they didn't miss anyone. Clean Sweep 5 The Skin Dancer is inside of the Chronicler and Bast knows it This is the description that the Chronicler gave when asked about the arm that was just grabbed by the skin dancer.

What better way is there to find what its looking for than to sit and listen to kvothe tell his story -Bast insisted on giving the Chronicler a holly bell crown -Lastly I'd like to mention that the skin dancer wasn't trying to hurt people. It was trying go come into physical contact with them in some way -Chroniclers arm is mentioned several times in the following books while the other injuries are not.

Maybe what they found was really an Urn containing the ashes of Tehlu and Haliax. Would that be a good link? Doesn't smile or frown. What other reason did he have to poison the maer? I speculated that Bredon is working for the Chandrian. Denna mentioned that her suitor had her looking through geniologies but she didn't know why.

Name That Book cont. Part II | Romance - from historical to contemporary | LibraryThing

I speculated that the Chandrian want the Lackless box and whatever it contains. A kid that kvothe meets tells him that in order to open lackless door they need "a son to bring the blood. So one can come to the conclusion that the Chandrian want that door open, and that they are going to use both kvothe and Denna to do it. I mentioned earlier that Lanre wants to destroy everything, after speaking with the Cthaeh.

What better way to destroy everything then to release the enemy from behind the doors of stone? My theory in a nutshell. The Cthaeh is malicious and all knowing. It can see the future, and it can mold it. I think that both the Lanre and Kvothe and Jax are pawns that the Cthaeh is using to get the doors of stone reopened. I think that the Cthaeh wants to free itself from behind the doors of stone. It wants to free Jax who stole the moon, who knows why?

But think about how freaked Vashet was when Kvothe was told his name was Maedre in Hearthstone. A name with the meaning the broken tree If the tree refers to the Cthaeh and Kvothe some how allowed it to escaped I would be scared too. All I know is that in the current story line the doors are open grey stones -the fae run rampant I know that Jax is probably free -There is absolutely no moon in the current timeline I know that kvothe hasn't killed the Chandrian -If he did bast wouldn't fear there name being said aloud after the adem story I know that Denna is dead and that she probably betrayed kvothe cause that sounds like something that she would do After looking at this I can see that It has almost no structure.

That said I made a few valid points. If anyone somehow manages to cobble together a coherent theory or has an idea that I didn't mention I would love to hear about it in the comments. Rothfuss I would like to apologize in advance for firguring your next book out before you had a chance to release it. If you had put it out sooner this all could have been avoided. View all 23 comments. Aug 30, Kaladin rated it did not like it. The only thing worse than Rothfuss is the pathetic delusional fans that grovel at his feet and still defend him despite his attitude.

I honestly hate the author. Not because he's a slow writer, but because of his awful attitude towards his fans. He goes off on fans for asking perfectly reasonable questions. A few years ago someone asked him for an update on the third book, and he got so butthurt he said it would come out in He KNOWS that all anyone cares about is the third book, it's the only The only thing worse than Rothfuss is the pathetic delusional fans that grovel at his feet and still defend him despite his attitude.

He KNOWS that all anyone cares about is the third book, it's the only reason he was ever fuking relevant. And some fans still defend him saying shit like "Stop trying to rush him! It takes a long time to make quality content! The guy is an absolute scumbag with his head up his ass.

Just look at his twitter: He isn't focusing on the book. That's the last thing he cares about at this point. He's writing children's books that noone asked for. He's becoming involved in a myriad of Kickstarter projects. He's trying to make a TV show out of it. He even asked for donations to let people vote on whether he should work on the book or play Fallout 4.

He recently did some twitch stream of him playing No Man's Sky. All of this instead of finishing his long-overdue promised trilogy. He's just milking the Kingkiller universe and trying to get as much wealth out of his first two books as possible. At this point, I'm fairly certain that if the third book actually does get released, it will suck. Especially after reading that godawful Auri book.

I'm not getting my hopes up. And I think he knows it won't live up to the hype so he's buying time. He doesn't want people to read his subpar third book before he milks the ever living shit out of the first two books. Some humility and honesty would go a long way to keep his fanbase. But the man is absolute scum. He doesn't deserve success. I urge everyone to have some self respect and don't give him money for his third book if it ever comes out View all 8 comments.

Sep 24, Elizabeth Sagan rated it it was amazing. I marked it as to-read, but I changed my mind. I love you, Rothfuss. But I do have a pride of my own! Because you deserve it. The book deserves it. Because I love you. View all 14 comments. Feb 28, Robin Bridge Four marked it as to-read. Look it has a cover. Does this mean we will have a release date soon View all 33 comments.

Sep 16, Nicholas marked it as to-read. I'm coming close to dropping Rothfuss and his Kingkiller series from my list of series I'll automatically pick up soon after publication. The post is a bit overblown and take some of Rothfuss' stuff out of context. However, no one who is paying any attention at all will miss the fact that Rothfuss writes female characters like a bit of a douchebag.

That is to say, he markets himself as I'm coming close to dropping Rothfuss and his Kingkiller series from my list of series I'll automatically pick up soon after publication.

Doors of Stone

That is to say, he markets himself as a sensitive feminist man, but in reality he's an ass like the rest of us. This is I road I've also traveled myself. Anyway, Rothfuss reminds me of John Mayer: His prose tends toward mansplaining, his character is always right his only flaw is an inexplicable excess of humility , and the female lead would be ever so much happier if she'd just realize that thinking for herself makes her suffer.

The man knows best. Apart from all this, there is a huge seed of talent inside Rothfuss' work. I enjoy reading his stuff. It is just that afterwards, when I think about it, I'm disappointed. It's the sensitive mask covering up the same old shit underneath that bugs me. View all 34 comments.

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Apr 14, Dreamer marked it as not-published-yet Shelves: Can't wait for this book to come out. Patrick Rothfuss is an incredible writer. We all want Kvothe to get his powers back.. Sep 03, Sean rated it it was amazing. I read a novel a number of years ago maybe between - It likely is medieval England. He takes them with his men. The friend ultimately finds out she is pregnant. One of the hero's knights is married to her. Ultimately the hero and heiress end up together. This is much of the detail I can recall. I would much appreciate the author and title if anyone out there can remember. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hi I'm looking for a book I believe it was a harlequin presents don't remember the title I read it I think 10 years ago or more. The book was about a heiress whose father made a man marry her because she liked him but after they were married he left her alone for years she thinks she loves someone else but her husband showed her he was only after her money.

Sorry it's been awhile but I remember I really enjoyed this book I also believe the cover had a woman in a blue silk dress hopefully someone can help. Hi everyone I've also posted before and I'm getting kinda desperate. The book's title may have the word scandal in it. I can't remember why. I do remember something about a seduction in a chair on the way to London.

Also it was definitely published before Oct 30, , Yes that is the book thank you so much starlight genie it was driving me crazy trying to remember what it was called. I believe that book has a chair scene but I don't remember the rest. Its a long shot but thought I'd mention it. I am new to this site and any help with a title or author would be much appreciated. I read a paperback novel a number of years ago maybe between - He takes her and the friend with his men.

The friend ultimately finds out she is pregnant from the rape. One of the hero's knights marries her. Can someone please help me name this book its been driving me nuts for years! It is right after the Civil war in America. The heroin is of raven hair and they make mention of it that its so midnight black. He plays and gambles away her horse to a rich handsome horse breeder. She runs away but eventually goes to him because he threatens to place her father in jail.

She becomes ill and he nurses her back to health after which she agrees to become his mistress. He then takes her to France and she finds out she is going to have his child. She fears he wont want it after a misunderstanding and so runs away. He searches for her and finds her. He and her then finally reunite at his big house.

I read this many years ago. I want to say that there is a woman with black hair on a horse in the cover but i could be wrong. It may also have the word raven or midnight or dark angel in it.. Hi everyone, I would appreciate the help if anyone knows of a book that I've been searching for a few years now. What I remember is that she has been betrothed already. She's really good with her bow and arrow. When the hero meets her to marry her, she's being attacked at her house in the woods as he meets her.

She believes she's in love with a friend she's known since childhood. But she starts to be really attracted to her hero. She freaks out of how attracted she's becoming of him so she convinces her twin sister to say that she's feeling ill in her bedroom and she escapes in either a rug or trunk I vaguely remember and then goes on horse back to her childhood friends house. Without realizing that's she's being followed and she's the one who's been the target this whole time. Sorry I wrote a super long post.

Hi, I've been looking for a particular historical romance for weeks now. I read it at least 6 or 7 years ago, maybe more. It is similar to 'Flowers from the Storm' by Laura Kinsale in that the Hero is struck down by something that makes everyone believe he has become an imbecile. I think he might be a Duke or an Earl? It is set in England maybe regency or just before.

There is something about all the other family members dying or being killed by the French? I'd be most grateful if anyone knows what this book is. I'm new to librarything and I'm really hoping someone will recognize a book from a very brief description because I can't remember more than the basics of the plot really. Years ago I read a romantic mystery about a cold, cruel twin who convinces her twin sister to take her place. The cold, cruel twin is in a very unhappy marriage and has a daughter who she doesn't seem to care about at all. The nice twin goes along with her plan for some reason and falls for the husband and the little girl.

The husband at first is baffled by her new, kind behavior because he was used to her gold digging, heartless twin and unaware she had a twin. Eventually he starts to fall for the new twin still thinking its his wife. Sorry, that's all I can remember. I know its not very specific. If you can think of any plots that fit, please let me know!

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Check out the old thread "name that book" Allright gals and? I am still desperately looking for the title of a book I read twelve years ago so here goes: Something like temptation or scandal I think this is the most likely please please help. Posting again in the hopes that someone will end my torment! I'm looking for a Harlequin, probably for the 80s or 90s. It's about two brothers and one woman.

The brother the woman is married to dies. The other brother comes back into her life. Turns out the brother she was married to was gay. That's all I can remember. Hi, I am looking for a romance book I believe it may be from the 80's or 90's. It was about a tree sprite or nymph who awoke from a long sleep to a man coming to this very old house in the winter. They end up meeting and falling in love. I cannot remember the name of the book because it has been so long since I read it. I think the title may have had the word rose in it, but I'm not positive. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Or possibly Fires of Winter by same author? I'm going crazy trying to find this book. I think its a harlequin superromance from the 90's. It's about a lady who is pregnant, there are two little kids involved and a surly rancher. It takes place in either montana, north dakota or colorado.

The cover has a lady in a blue dress and she's pregnant. I've read both of those books and they're not the one I'm looking for. I don't remember the name or the author, but I remember that its about a woman who walks in on her husband and he's having a threesome with his secretary and another man. She feels horrible because he was horrible to her and made her feel horrible about herself I think he called her fat, etc. I don't remember what happens after this but eventually she meets this like super hot rich entrepreneur guy, who's like in computer technology or something and she ends up living with him for a bit and they fall in love.

I think it takes place like in Washington, I remember fog and water Thanks! Hello Everyone - hope someone can help me. Last year I read a book and did not put it into my Excel sheet - now it is driving me nuts: Taks plase in England - - or so. Lord X's father dies I think he killed himself Money is very tight so with the help of his mother Lord X opens a gaming hell he is very good with cards No one knowes he's a "Lord" He restores the family money.

He meets a woman, falls in love - but if they marry - he then needs to become Lord X and everyone will know he has two identies. Nov 26, , 3: This is in reply to post 66 cmboyd This sounds familiar to a Sandra Brown novel I read some time ago. However, in the book the heroine was not a twin but a look-alike and she took the evil look-alike's place after a plane crash. I don't know if this could be it The first I do believe is a Harlequin or Silhouette. The heroine arrives from the country to net a husband. She has her old nanny and a younger sister who is very beautiful, but has intellectual disabilities.

At some point, someone tries to kidnap her sister. The heroine eventually gets married to a reformed rake who is ashamed of his past. The second book is actually the first part of a trilogy. It was also an historical set in England. All I remember is that there were three sisters who somehow became separated and they belonged to a theatrical family. The third is more recent and is the first of a trilogy of three sisters.

Also an historical, the sisters are fashionistas and set up their shop in London. This story is about the oldest sister who has a daughter. There is a fire started by a rival that burns down their shop and they move into the love interests home. If so, you might be interested in knowing that the third book in the series is due out this month.

I've been finding this book for years!!! But she went nevertheless, but ultimately she came up and went back to the shack where they made love. There was another scene where she felt someone staring at her from the woods. Please if someone know the book title help me out!! Thank you so much! I think my hero is an Earl. Again thanks - I'll get there yet. Everyone have a Great Thanksgiving!

I've being going quite mad, especially as I'd like to read the sequels. Gonna to ask again. I'm looking for three books now. Is the heroine goes to Dawson city then to the goldfields to locate her father Hero's name is Logan I believe. She ends up marrying him and they leave to go to his claim by dog sled.

She still ends up sleeping with him and gets pregnant. She then ends up being employed by the hero's wife who is also pregnant, making her dresses. The wife discovers the other woman is pregnant and does not know its her husbands and shames the woman. The wife also ends up trying to kill her own child with a pillow but is stopped and I can't remember if they put her in a home or what but the hero ends up with the Heroine and finds out she has his baby as well. This one takes place in Australia on a sheep ranch.

Dec 2, , He is supposed to be engaged to her sister. She offers to marry him in her sister's place. Also they're father wanted the sister to marry the man so he could pay off the family's debt. Dec 8, , 9: Hi I am looking for 3 novels. I think there may be more.

They might be half brothers. There mom has remarried. One of the books there is an art gallery and the woman who runs it gets kidnapped by her brothers drug running friends. The other book one of the sons has a daughter. Hi first I want to excuse myself. I am looking for a novel. I just remember there was kind of a bet about a mansion going on between the hero and the heroine because of the heroes brother. I was kind of just looking through the book, I haven't really read it. Dec 8, , Just found out about this place, this looks great. English not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.

I read some posts from the previous thread and I recognized a couple books that I'm also looking for I think Can't remember the author, much less the title or the characters names. The 1st was posted in It is set in England near the Thames. In the beginning the heroine is a highwayman dressed as a boy and is in charge of a group of orphaned boys. She tries to rob a nobleman and he captures her and takes her to his home to be punished.

When they go to spank her they figure out she is a she and he decides to keep her and train her to be a lady. In the end she ends up being or looking like someone important that they were looking for all along. Some other random things: I think she had her first "tub" bath and compared it to bathing in the Thames. I believe she had long red hair. During regency time in London, somehow the heroine is passing as a servant boy in the hero house, I think that she tried to rob him, but the hero was sorry and gave her a job instead and then the hero some lord starts to have feelings for the 'boy', when he finds it's a girls instead, he makes her his mistress and in the end eventually they get married.

I think that she also was someone important who was kidnapped and got amnesic. I'm starting to feel that I'm mixing 2 stories The 2nd was posted in I think he was drunk or something and she tries to rob him and his friend and he catches her and forces her to marry her. Shes actually suppose to be an aristrocat who got kidnapped when she was young.

I remember then the heros father teaching her how to be a lady and then launching her into society and shes all beautiful and witty and successful. The hero falls for her without realising shes his wife and i remember how she kept visiting the streets to feed some orphans or something and the hero meets her there again asking for a divorce or something along the lines Hi- new member -: I am looking for a futuristic romance from the 80's or 90's. A female pilot or law enforcer of some type crashes on a prison planet.

The decedents of the original prisoners are living there and have formed a somewhat barbarian like society swords, etc. She and the hero fall in love and eventually leave the planet. There is some political strife, as the decedents of the original prisoners were being kept on the planet even though they hadn't done anything. I can't really remember the details. The heroine had a vine tattoo that wrapped from her foot, around her leg, across her back, to "bloom" on her chest. I think she had red hair.

I kept thinking this book was by Elizabeth Lowell or someone mainstream but I can't find it anywhere. Anyone have a clue what book this is? Thanks for any thoughts!! The first book was Warrior's Woman. I know the female lands on the heros planet when her planet is invaded. The hero's planet is a barbarian planet where woman are second class citizens. He ends up going back with her to help her planet out. I don't think she had a tattoo but maybe its another book in the series? Im new to this and its all because im desperate to figure out this book. I do not have a lot of information but it starts in London.

This woman who is living with her aunt and uncle is sent to live with the aunts brother. The aunts brother makes advances towards the woman. She tries to escape and the brother is killed in the fray. She runs from the house and is snatched up and taken to a ship captain because she is mistaken for a prostitute. After that night she goes back home to her aunts and uncles she ends up being pregnant and they make the captain take her with him as he was leaving to America after they collected money from him. He thinks he was tricked and makes it hard for the woman.

She becomes very ill on the ride to America. He lived on a plantation of sorts with a woman neighbor he was intimate with. The neighbor is very jealous of his wife they were married in a quick ceremony before they left london the thought of the murder of her aunts brother follows her and she believes she is at fault. I think there was another character that was rhe brothers accomplice he was a creepy, slight kind of man.

I hope someone can help me and I get the chance to help someone else! Isn't this The Flame and the flower by Kathleen Woodiwiss? I would never have found it. Even the brief description on amazon would not have jogged my memory. I had to try a sample just to be sure. Dec 23, , 3: The boy ran away to sea to become a sailor and have a great adventure. So, the girl dressed up, pretending to be a boy and went to meet their newly appointed guardian.

The Duke, trying to "man up" his new feminine looking ward took him her to a bordello very comical and that was where he found out that he was actually a she!! He ended up marrying her and then had her twin brought back from the ship he was on. I think the girl's name was Alyssa and her twin was Nicky. There is more to the story but any help you can give would be appreciated. I've been looking for this book for a while but couldn't find it. I don't remember a lot of details. It's about a model coming back to her hometown. The book starts with her speeding when she's going into town. The male character is a cop and they went to high school together.

Any help finding this book would be greatly appreciated! I'm looking for a book about a woman who is married with a small daughter. She is hit by a car, I believe, and dies while in the hospital. But, she decides that it's not her time yet and takes over the body of a single woman who was also injured. She recovers from her new body's injuries and finds her husband and daughter to check up on them they end up becoming friends and more. In the end, the husband finds out or she tells him what happened and after a while they end up back together. I believe it was a Silhouette or Harlequin.

I am in need of your help! I have been trying to figure out the title of a book.

See a Problem?

Here is a summary of what I remember of the plot Ringing any bells for anyone? I am a newbie here The heroin however disguised herself as a normal girl and work at a ranch. She likes all the heavy machinery used at the ranch. The hero is her boss and owner of the ranch. He treats her like his other worker and has a girlfriend i think. The girlfriend is very vain and the heroin notice that his girlfriend pretends to be trendy but actually she is not. I have been looking for a specific romantic book for ages. I came across this site today and thought I would give it a try.

I think he has nightmares and the girl tries to help him with that. I am not so sure on the specifics. So some of the above could be totally imaginary. I hope someone can help me! I came across this site today and hope someone can help me. Here's what I remember: The heroine is from France, an orphan, goes to love with her uncle? Her cousin is an heiress. The hero is poor nobility and must marry for money. He visits the uncle's estate with his two friends to court the cousin. One of the hero's friends helps set her up with a shop in London where she resells dresses.

Thanks so much for the help! I'm glad I found this thread. I'm new to posts like these so bare with me. I've been trying to find the name of this book for a long time now and it's driving me crazy. I don't remember much of the plot of the story or the names of the characters 'coz I read this book a while back.

What I do remember though is that this book is kinda on the adult romance genre. The story starts where a beautiful virgin young woman daughter of a man of power - probably a politician gets raped by a fat, short and old diplomat not really sure if he's a diplomat but he scares the girl by saying she can't tell anyone 'coz he has immunity in that country.

After being raped she is kidnapped by the same diplomat but she gets saved by a man love interest 1 but then she gets caught again by the diplomat and after some time saved by another man love interest 2. She then gets abducted by tribal people and she was deemed to be "the one" deity or something maiden or sun goddess because of her beauty. Love interests 1 and 2 joins this ritual and 2 wins and they escape from the tribal people. Going back to civilization she gets confronted by the two love interests to choose between them who she loves most.

She chooses love interest 1 but near the end she realizes, she loves love interest 2 more so she leaves 1 for 2 and they live happily ever after. I forgot most of the scenes and it was a thick book so there were a lot of scenes I forgot I wanna read them again but I just can't remember details that will lead me to the book. I don't know if what I read was already an omnibus or just a very long novel.

New to this, but hopefully someone can help! I've tried searching for this book, but Google is failing me. It's a regency romance novel. He takes her to his country home, and she gets along with his staff. Possibly something about her organizing his library. She gets pregnant, but hides it from him. He takes her back to London, and she continues to hide the pregnancy from him she's miserable in the carriage ride to town -- I think because she's trying to be the perfect ton wife.

Her morning sickness gets so bad that she avoids callers; and then she's still so tired in the afternoon, that she cleverly avoids social calls and stays home to be well enough to go out for evening events tells Lady A that she'll be at Lady B's musical, tells Lady B she'll be elsewhere, etc. When her husband realizes that he is in love with her, he tries to track her down in the afternoon, going from point A to B to C, etc. They both profess their love, he takes her back to the country, and everything ends well.

Hi guys I'm new here! I need help finding this book. I of course can't remember the name of the book or author or even character names but heres what I do remember: The woman moves in with the cowboy, I think she works at a theater, or maybe she's a mail order bride, but the cowboy pretends to be his twin brother throughout the story, who she eventually falls in love with. I remember there was an Indian couple living in the back yard and she helps the woman give birth.

Also, at the end of the book is when she finds out that the guy has been playing as his rough and tough twin brother. If theres any way you can help me it would be much appreciated!!! She ends up falling in love with 'Lucas Holt' who had a twin brother 'Slade Holt'. Slade was brought up by Indians and is the rougher of the two. Lucas pretends to be both Lucas and Slade throughout the book to lure an enemy out of hiding. Hi all, I'm new to the group and the site. Hoping someone can help me with the title or author.

It's historical fiction possibly regency. She literally stumbles over unknown man, drunk, and he proposes. After being chastised again at home she takes him up on his offer. Turns out he is nobility. Jan 6, , 9: Hero needs to marry and produce an heir to secure estate. Her father is getting remarried to a shrew. It seems like both threads are active now!

I'm a noobie, but here goes Medieval setting, published in late 90's or early 's I think --Two or three related books--one has a heroine named Judith, she marries beneath her somewhat, to a fairly impoverished noble family. Her husband had mistresses he called by days of the week and she burned up their bed so he knew she wouldn't put up with it.

The family's name had falcon in it, I think. Another related one same author, some shared characters was about the impoverished knight's little sister, named Zerah or something similar, who had always dressed as a boy and learned to fight like a knight. She is bested in a fight or something, and the other knight knows at once she is a woman though no one else, even her sister in law from the other book, don't know. I hope someone knows these! This is so amazing, how some people know all of them! I had actually accidentally posted in another thread, and someone answered anyway, people are nice: I need help finding the title of this book!

Hopefully someone could help me - you all seem to have excellent memories. Its a fairly recent book I believe. But she has a big heart and is going to school to become a teacher. Things come to head when the sister gets sick. The real story is that the bf tried to have sex with the h, fed up with the spoiled nature of the sister, believing that the kind and sweet nature of the h was more his speed, but she denied him. The bf goes off in a rage and promptly breaks up with the sister, spouting about how much better a person the h is than her, alluding that they had had sex.

The sister runs to her brother, the H telling him how awful her friend, the h, is for sleeping with her bf. He tells her off, yelling about how they took her in and were kind to her, all the while she was a cheating backstabber, etc. Realizing that she had just been kidding herself and would never be good enough for the H, she leaves for a teaching job in Texas? Things quickly fall apart between the H and his sister, especially as she realizes that the was probably wrong and took her anger out on the wrong person.

The sister grows up and decides to become a nurse. Meanwhile the h is teaching in Texas where she is stabbed accidentally by a street kid when she gets in the middle of a fight. The H and the sister fly to her aide and bring her back to the ranch against her will. During her recuperation thats when the h and the H make up. Hoping someone can help me out with this. I read a book as a teenager it might have been either a young adult or a general romance book about a girl who goes out west dressed as a boy.

Unfortunately, I don't remember many details from it -- I think it had a mostly white cover with drawn characters in brown tones. It was probably from the early s, although it could have been the late s as well. It might have been a series book Harlequin, or something similar. The girl is traveling with a group, and she of course likes one of the guys, who might have been the guide possibly on the Oregon Trail.

He only realizes she is a girl when he's helping her up some obstacle, like a hill, and his arm grazes her chest. I read the beginning at the library as a kid and never finished it, but it stuck with me, as you can see! Thanks for any leads. I'm struggling to find the name of this book.. This guy had an operation during which he tied his tubes ergo he can't have children. Then he enters a shop one day, a few years later and happens to look at her screensaver and find an image of a child that looks almost alike to him when he was a child I keep getting confused with storylines similar to this one.

Look for the name and author of a romance i read over 10 years ago and it was an older book then, i'm thinking Romance story that the woman of the book was a reporter and while trying to get an interview with someone she gets bitten by a dog. He has a baby left at his door. It's an old harlequin romance novel i believe 's in which the hero and heroine fall in love but unfortunately before anything can come out of it the hero's adopted father asks him to return home to marry his daughter who does not have long to live. Suffice it to say the hero's wife dies after two years and leaves him with a daughter.

The hero immediately hops on a plane to go back to the heroine however the plane crashes and the hero receives terrible burns and has to undergo plastic surgery.