Heidegger gives us a strong clue in Division 1, Chapter 5 of Being and Time, which is a long, difficult, but immensely rewarding chapter and where things really begin to get interesting.
The central claim of this chapter - which is deepened in the remainder of Being and Time - is that Dasein is thrown projection Dasein ist geworfener Entwurf. Let me try and unravel this thought.
Thrownness - Wikipedia
Heidegger tends to advance his investigation in concept clusters. One cluster contains three concepts: State of mind is a rather questionable rendering of Befindlichkeit, which William Richardson nicely translates as 'already-having-found-oneself-there-ness'. OK, it's not particularly elegant, but the thought is the human being is always already found or disclosed somewhere, namely in the 'there' of its being-in-the-world. This 'there' is the Da of Dasein.
Furthermore, I am always found in a mood, a Stimmung.
Being and Time, part 4: Thrown into this world
This is mood is the strong Aristotelian sense of pathos, a passion of the soul or an affect, something befalls us and in which we find ourselves. The passions are not, for Heidegger, psychological colouring for an essentially rational agent.
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They are rather the fundamental ways in which we are attuned to the world. There are only those cultural observations and changing traditions that reflect a certain political perspective. So, in that sense, I agree with the conservatives. The danger in not knowing yourself and being willing to impose your perceptions.

Taken to the extreme here. When I react negatively to a woman being called a girl, to a black man being called colored or nigger, to a lesbian or gay being called queer although that community has embraced this epithet , it is precisely my point that the world has moved on. Am I right, or correct, in this perspective.
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I certainly think so. Do you think so? Now, having said that, I find the University of Chicago letter to its incoming students both unobjectionable and positive. Retrieved April 1, Thrown into this world". Retrieved May 27, As Jim Morrison intoned many decades ago, 'Into this world we're thrown'.
The Principle of Hope.
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