As the executive head of this business, I ask you to write me personally if you should ever feel dissatisfied in any respect. If the service is not what you, as a sportsman, think it should be ; if the quality or wear of goods does not fully meet your expectation, or if you find that what you get is not what you thought it would be, write me and I will see that you are satisfied. Please feel that you are dealing with sportsmen who fully appreciate your point of view. These goods have all been made for you with your point of view in mind.
That is the quality that makes them the recognized, thoroughbred sporting goods of the world. I personally know every piece of merchandise in these pages — it couldn't get in if I did not. We issue at seasonable times other catalogues on sporting sub- jects and we shall be glad to supply you with such of these as may in- terest you. Reserving the Right to Revise Prices THE prices quoted in this catalogue are given with the good faith which always has governed the transactions of this house. They are cor- rect at the time of going to press.
Owing to conditions created by the European War, the costs of materials are changing with unusual rap- idity, and we must protect ourselves and you by reserving the right to change these prices at any time without notice, to conform to any increase in cost. Wherever prices are thus necessarily changed, it will be done with the moderation required by our interest in our customers. Camp- ing out is the thing after all. Whether a man be after a bird or bear, trout or caribou; whether his weapon be rifle, shotgun or jointed rod, the cool, clean four walls of his nomadic habitation embrace all the best moments of his playtime days.
The camp, the tent, the bit of shelter in the middle of a great silence, with the ocean-wide possibilities of the wilderness all around it — that is where the plans are made, the quarry gloated over, the day's sport re-lived, the stories told, the friendship cemented.
That is where the real big blissful moments of the truant-time freedom are drunk into the very soul. Camper, hunter, fisherman, canoeist, all are tent dwellers — all are campers first — all follow their chosen sport as an incident. First of all they camp out, live — really live — in the clean, wide, free sweep of an unbounded horizon, breathe an untainted air, limitless as the sky itself, and revel in a freedom that nothing else can give — a keen, stimulating, uncloying pleasure that thrills to the bone, and then builds bone, sinew and muscle, and makes blood, strength and fire, repairing the waste of months and years of toil and worry.
That is why the most famous physicians use the tent and camp life as their favorite prescription, giving happiness and lengthening life thereby. Get out in the open — live in a tent and save your life — take the tonic that Nature put for you into the wind, the sky, the sunshine, the smell of the earth, the rain, the spices of the pine and hemlock odors, the salt of the sea, the ozone of the great out of doors, which no contrivance of man can duplicate, or even imitate.
Take it — it's yours — a king can have no more. There's a bit of Paradise, only one mile, or five miles, or ten miles at the most from the cramped little spot where you sit at this moment breathing an air tainted and burdened with the worries, fears and bitternesses of the past few years. Your trials, your sorrows and disappointments are ground into the walls around you, stamped into the floors you walk on, woven into all the too familiar things you see every day.
Run away to this bit of Paradise, pitch your tent there — and live. The soft, warm air from woods and fields will soak into the kernels of your being as you loaf before your tent door and watch the little forest creatures which come to the edge of the clearing to investigate your camp. A steady flow of strength, of warm, pulsing, revivifying, fluidic electrons will rise from the warm earth beneath you and give you a new vitality.
You, who sleep badly now, will drowse even in the daytime. When it rains you will nestle dry and warm in your blankets, hearing the quick patter on your canvas walls, on the leaves outside, and feel the added freshness, the sweet, wild unrest in the air that makes you years younger as it makes the growing things younger and more vigorous and more beautiful.
And when the soft black night comes, you sit outside your tent and smoke an old pipe, while the shadows melt together through the lofty arches of the trees and form a dusky, protecting curtain which rests your eyes and brain and soul. Then some one lights a big, yellow moon for you and it sails grandly up the sky over the tree tops.
The little stars peep out and twinkle funny, friendly eyes at you, and all the little night noises begin soft and confidential, and whisper of a peaceful world that has been for years just waiting for you to take your proper place in it. The crickets sing, the big pines croon an anthem — away off yonder a hound dog sends a note ringing like a bell across a valley for you to hear and revel in. A night bird adds a minor note that brings up all the clean, foolish, almost painful thoughts that you used to tingle with when you were twenty and when you knew that you would reach out next year and take your heart's desire.
You are cleansed down to simple, uncomplicated manhood in an hour, and there are no prob- lems, no questions, no doubts. You have absorbed the mighty, irresistible Peace of Outdoors, the most splendid thing in the world, and you crawl into your sleeping bag, soft as a feather bed, and sleep as you were meant to sleep, all in a childlike, untroubled happiness. You don't have to shoot or fish. The camp, the tent, the big rim of the horizon, the trees, the grass and the open air, that's all you want.
If you don't know quite what to select, write and ask us. Tell us just where you want to go and when — we will suggest a suitable and inexpensive equipment. Your bit of Paradise is always within reach if you only knew it. The best part of it is that it is less expensive than staying at home.
Or you can be as sinfully luxurious as you like. The main thing is to go — go out into the big air spaces — wrap your lungs about the life-giving gusts of sun-flavored ozone, which the sky pours down for you — drink it in through the little capillary lungs of your skin, seize on your birthright of earth contact — strip the rags of custom from your soul and take time for once to know yourself as you really are.
Each of these five varieties of the movable camp call for a somewhat different equipment, particularly as regards tents. We make these divisions according to the means of travel which the camper intends to employ, because they are the most commonly in use in this country. The char- acter of equipment of these two latter divisions varies so widely, according to the purpose the sports- man has in mind, that it is difficult to name a special outfit to fit all purposes. We have a fund of in- formation in reference to these sports and will be glad to give the benefit of our experience in the prep.
Those seeking health or rest can find no sounder foundation than camp life. A camp may be made almost a permanent home, all sorts of camp furniture, chairs, hammocks, etc. The bulk of the outfit need not be seriously restricted by transportation reasons since only two trips have to be made, one in and the return trip out. Whether the camp be permanent or nomadic, the first thing to be considered is the Tent, the house, then food to be carried or taken along, the sleep- ing bags, fourth the cooking outfit, camp furniture, axes and other simple camp accessories.
CANOE In canoe transportation the choice of the outfit must be determined by, first of all, the kind of water- way to be, traversed. The second consideration is the length and number of the portages or carries over land between passable waterways. Third comes the amount of duffle, or camp and personal equipment — this dependent again on the objective and the duration of the trip.
The first essential is the selection of the right canoe. Lake travel calls for one model, river work another, both must be modified by the amount of equipment to be carried. On getting exactly the right canoe largely depends the success or failure of the trip from the standpoint of pleasure. We particularly pride ourselves on being specialists in this branch of sport. Our canoes are comprehensive of all types and models which have proven best in the various locali- ties where the paddle reigns supreme.
There is a specific model for each purpose and there are sound, absolute, definite reasons why that sort of canoe and no other must be used, for that purpose. This is not the result of guess-work, but the experience of the best-known canoeists and guides. The locality for a canoe trip may be easily selected.
Maps of such localities and information concerning them are furnished by Passenger Agents of Railroads and Steamship Companies. We have ourselves a vast fund of data on trips over the well-known waterways and the little frequented lake and river trails. Our cus- tomers are constantly adding to this new and most interesting matter, which we will gladly furnish you on request. Practically the entire continent is open to this form of adventure and its variations are wide in the extreme. His data on the various oufits and what Not to take is most ample.
Our pack-horse outfits are famous among Forest Travelers. White himself, and the most noted hunters and explorers, all have visited us for supplies, and have themselves contributed to the extent and perfections of the articles and accessories made exclusively by us for this purpose. These are de- scribed and illustrated in subsequent pages. The former comprehends walking tours through foreign countries as well as in this country, the traveler carrying all his baggage on his back, but stopping at the nearest hotel or inn wherever night overtakes him.
This recreation is in itself a splendid sport and opens vistas of wide possibilities to those who wish to cover a country thoroughly, becoming intimately acquainted with its physical details, the habits and characteristics of its people. It is particularly popular with clergymen and college professors of whom we outfit hundreds every year for tramping tours through our own and other countries, and the pedestrian needs but his walking suit, which, however, must be carefully chosen for the purpose, a change of underwear, a few toilet accessories and a waterproof garment all carried in a ruck sack, which he packs on his back.
These we catalog elsewhere as well as a wide choice of garments made especially for this purpose. Tent, food, sleep- ing bag, cooking outfit, axe and camp conveniences must be carried on his back and as an added weight comes the gun of his choice with ammunition. This weight he must bear day after day, often through almost impassable country where the effort necessary to going forward alone is a quite sufficient strain without that of a single unnecessary ounce on his shoulders. His tent, his home, must be chosen with scrupulous care. It must be exactly right, the tent for the country he will visit ; a mistake may mean sickness, surely discomfort and a trip spoiled.
His clothes must be the right weight and texture, depending on the climate. The selection of food is a serious problem. Too much means discomfort and fatigue — too little means hunger, perhaps privation. We solicit correspondence on this subject. The fisherman has similar problems which interest us equally as much. We catalog light, convenient and easily carried articles of camp equipment, for one or more persons for various lengths of time, and the best forms of clothing for forest travel. We catalog automobile tents, sleeping bags, cooking outfits, food outfits, in a word, complete automobile camping outfits which will enable the owner of a touring car to take a party for a trip completely across the continent without being dependent on hotels or even stores for accommodation or food supply.
It is a splendid sport and the mobility of the motor car gives a marvelous travel range to those who engage in it. We will mail, upon request, a catalogue, "Automobile Trekking and Camping," which will give you a comprehensive idea of the necessary equipment. These two materials are exactly alike, except that one is dyed a khaki color and the other a deep emerald green.
Tanalite and Emeralite are exclusively our own, sold by no one else, made by us and subjected for the past few years to the most severe tests that can be devised. The dyeing process is the same as used by the government in making their khaki and colors are guaranteed to stand the regular government tests as to fastness. Both colors are absolutely waterproof, very light in texture, will fold perfectly and have great tensile strength.
Tanalite and Emeralite are made of extra long staple sea island cotton. This strength makes heavy weights of material unnecessary. Balloon Silk is not a genuine silk. The name given this material is a trade name, due to the silky appearance of the material after it is made up. The yarn used in weaving it is made of long staple sea island cotton. After it is waterproofed, the pores are thoroughly filled and we guarantee it absolutely water-tight.
It is particularly adapted for small and extra light weight tents. The treatment does not include any paraffine or wax used in Balloon Silk, and while it is not as waterproof as Balloon Silk, it is much softer and more durable and is not affected by heat or cold. We recommend its use in extra hot or cold coun- tries. Price same as Balloon Silk. We treat the duck by a special process which makes it mildew and vermin and waterproof, in- creases its tensile strength and makes it last very much longer than the plain army duck.
The yarn is iouble and twisted both ways, as in the Defendo Duck. It is the very highest and best grade of duck on the market. It is dyed khaki color to conform to United States Government standard and is then treated with a special treatment which makes PRO- TECTO DUCK waterproof, sunproof, mildew, rot and vermin proof and if one is not considering weight, we recommend it as the best, most service- able and satisfactory tent material made. It is made with twill weave which is tighter than the regular duck weave. The ma- terial is then waterproofed so that it can be used without a fly.
This material will give a greater pro- tection than regular Army Duck with much less weight. You will note, however, by comparison of the weights of the finished tents, that it is the inter- mediate weight between army duck and balloon duck — our Tanalite being lighter than any other material. To those interested we will be pleased to forward samples and prices of these, together with any of our other materials. We will gladly furnish estimate on any style tent built on specifications and designs furnished by customer.
This not only makes a perfect seam, but selieves a great part of the strain from the cloth itself, consequently making the tent much stronger. For the same reason we use narrow widths or breadths of cloth which also serve to hold the tent from sagging and stretching out of shape. For the eyes on ridge and for all stops, beckets and guys we use only steel rings, galvanized to prevent rust, set in and sewed by hand with waxed thread.
We have discarded them entirely and use our patented metal slide, rustproof and unbreakable see page except on "Tanalite" and Balloon Silk Tents, on which we omit them and save weight. We will, however, include them if desired without charge. Here the rings and eyelets are worked in, the beckets adjusted, guys attached and stops put in — all by hand and by the most expert workmen. Afade of Defendo and Protecto Duck in 8, 10 and 12 oz. This duck is the grade used by the government— the best made and water, mildew, rot and vermin proof — and should not be compared with any cheaper grade. For full description jf these ducks see page 5.
The Protecto Duck is particularly comforting to the eyes where the tent is erected in sunnv locations. As you will notice by the illustration, the "fly extends a liberal distance over the eaves which gives pro- tection to the side walls in a driving rain. Color is guaranteed fast in all our Protecto Duck tents. Openings put in tents 14 feet] deep or over at both ends without extra cost. For tent windows, sod cloth or ground cloth, etc. The angle of the roof is such that it reflects the heat from the open camp fire downward. It is an ideal tent for timber country. Many sportsmen use this tent with a mosquito front during the time insect pests are troublesome — taking out the netting in cold weather and enjoying the open view of the camp fire blaze.
See page 5 for full description of this lightest tent material made. The general shape and size of this tent is exactly the same as the Baker tent, but it has a front wall, which hinges at the two front corners and is caught in with snaps and galvanized steel rings along the ridge where it joins the fly. With this method of construction, the entire front can be unsnapped, and opened out, and snapped into rings along the outer edges of the fly — thus increasing the depth of the tent about one-half.
In hot climates where insect pests are constant, part of the front can be left open and mosquito netting or bobbinet inserted in the door. We will attach the front permanently to the tent, if so desired, without extra charge. Price includes 3 4: PERS' TENTS , j This type of tent is particularly adapted for easy shifting; the absence of side wall does away with the staking out of guy ropes and when the floor is pegged down, and poles are inserted, the tent is ready for occupancy.
All tents of this style are equipped with tape ridge, making it possible to erect the tent without poles by attaching a piece of rope to the tape loops at the end of ridge and stretching tight between trees. This style of erection is shown in our picture of Baker tents. V tn o Size! Width zn Depth Height Lbs. Is designed for Trappers and fire rangers who move camp constantly, and must carry light shelter. Every well managed lumber company now appreci- ates the necessity of having their limits patrolled during the summer and fall by a well organized corps of fire rangers.
This tent is preferably adapted for this work as rangers can travel in pairs and use the tent assembled in two sections, as illus- trated below. Each ranger can carry his own tent. In case of separation each man will be pro- vided with his own shelter. The flap shown on the single tent is used for a hood to make the peak water-tight and wind-proof. For de- scription of material, see page 5. The cost of this outfit is double the cost of the single tent. The single pole is erected well forward leaving the floor space entirely clear or the "ridge" type can be used without a pole.
The rounded front need not be pegged out in clear weather, in which case a guy rope should be thrown over the pole peak to hold the tent. Prices are the same for either style. Each tent fur- nished with the necessary guy lines and equipped with waterproof ground cloth sewed to tent, with 9-inch sill in front, ventilated at peak with small window covered with bobbinet, with outside hood. Tents are equipped with necessary steel tent pins and Noepel telescopic tubular tent pole.
Packed in brown waterproof tent bag, the poles and pins being in separate bag. Furnished with a brown waterproof ground cloth, a telescope steel pole and window in rear with outside waterproof covering. We call special at- tention to guy ropes which are fastened to the tent at the point where the fly hinges. The strain of staking out the front flap has caused these tents to tear at that point, and we have added guy ropes to obviate this trouble.
Weight complete, 30 lbs. Price including stakes and standard bag. The slant of the roof throws the heat of the camp fire directly down upon the sleeper. It is a tent used for night shelter only, and has its greatest advantage in lightness, for, without exception, it's the lightest shelter made. Hunters carry this tent, which weighs only 3 pounds, in case they are caught out overnight. Regularly made with sod cloth and tape ridge.
The slant of the roof reflects camp fire heat into the back point of the tent, while the greatest amount of head room is in the front, where the greatest width is available. The weight of tent, compared to its size, will recommend it to many sportsmen. Made in all of our waterproof materials.
The ridge is shortened to three feet in all sizes and the ends rounded out to give floor space. There is considerably less material used in this style than in the "A" tent, and therefore a noted saving in the pack burden. This is an excellent type of tent for one or two men "going light.
Telescope or jointed pole nay be carried or one cut en route. This miners' type of tent has always: See page 5 for full description of this lightest tent material nade. A x 8H 8 11 It is the lightest and most compact tent made and sim- ple and quick to set up. It is made with ground cloth sewed in the tent — also has a bobinet front and a window on each side — in warm weather there is plenty of ventilation and in cold weather the windows and front can be closed for protection.

The ground cloth is made of our famous Emeral- ite and the top of Verdalite. The windows are 8 inches square and covered with bobinet. The floor plan is triangular, it is only necessary to use 3 stakes in setting this tent up. There is plenty of room for one man to get a good comfortable night's sleep. When rolled up it makes a roll 5 inches in diam- eter and 12 inches long. Its special features are its extreme lightness, com- pactness and simplicity in erecting. Can be set up anywhere in two minutes and it only requires 4 stakes to peg it down — a rope attached to the peak and thrown over a limb of a tree and the tent can be pulled up to the desired height.
Tent is complete with ground cloth sewed in — bobinet front and 2 windows, giving perfect ven- tilation. The ground cloth is made 01 our famous Emeralite and the top is of Verdalite. When rolled up it occupies a space 18 inches long x 6 inches in diameter. One side is made so as to continue out beyond and around the front, lapping over the oppo- site side as shown in the illustration. This form al- lows of perfect' privacy and ingress and egress is effected without the bother of flaps or curtains. The walls are made five feet high on all sides and the roof is raised in front for ventilation.
Prices include Standard tent bag. Defendo Duck White 4 A 10 oz. Defendo Duck White 4A 12 oz. Defendo Duck White 4A 8 oz. Protecto Duck Khaki 4A 10 oz. Protecto Duck Khaki 4A 12 oz. Style A shows front attached to the sides and walls, made extra long and full, equipped with adjustable rope Which raises and lowers the mosquito-proof curtain. This opening is made extra full with a pucker string. This makes an absolutely tight insect front that is always permanently in posi- tion, and is advisable in tropical countries or where the pests are beyond any other method of control.
Can be supplied sewed in or made detachable and prices are figured on the number of square feet in the front of the tent. Unless oth- erwise ordered they are placed in rear wall of tent and are made as follows: An opening of the proper size, varying somewhat according to the size and style of tent, is cut out and strongly reinforced around the edges with tape. The opening thus formed is then filled with fine mesh English bobbi- net, which is strong and durable, and this is also re- inforced across both ways with tape as shown in the illustration.
Above the opening is placed a wide flap, of same material as the tent, and so arranged that it may be either raised or lowered from the inside by simply pulling a cord. The curtain is perfectly wa- tertight. It is also valuable in cold weather as a preventer of draughts and a great aid in keeping the tent warm. Recommended for a traveling or cruising trip where the tent must often be pitched hastily and perhaps on wet ground, in which case it assures a dry floor and clean bed, and is, besides, a protection to the tent when rolled up.
We supply them either sewed permanently to the tent or separate, and in the latter case the tent should have a sod cloth to insure perfect protection Made of heavy brown canvas, tough, durable and perfectly waterproof. Separate ground cloths have rope loops for corner stakes. No storm could possibly get through this roll of canvas when it is well rolled and tied. Can be worked from either outside or inside. Such a stove is also very handy for use in bad weather for the prep- a ration of simple meals, drying out clothes, etc.
We place stove-pipe holes in any tent as follows: An extra piece of the material is sewed to the tent as a rein- forcement, in which is inserted a specially made wide stove-pipe collar of asbestos. This thoroughly protects the tent from scorching or burning, and as it is quite flexible will roll up snugly with the tent. At the opening is placed a wide flap, of the same material as the tent, which is rolled up and tied with tapes when pipe is in use.
When pipe is not used, the flap is lowered and tied in place with tapes, ef- fectually closing the opening and making it thor- oughly watertight. Always placed at right side looking in unless otherwise ordered. This lining is a separate piece and can be used apart from the tent if desired. The problem of a portable canvas house combining strength, simplicity and durability is solved in the KHAKI WICKI-UP, which makes a handsome, attractive house, easily erected by anyone without the use of any tools, nails, bolts, screws or tacks.
All openings in the house are screened — only the best material is used. Frame is made of well-seasoned clear-selected Pacific Fir, stained khaki to match canvas cover. The different parts of the frame are fitted with rustless castings which slide or hook together by unique interlocking device, the last piece locking the whole frame. After the sills are leveled the entire frame can be erected by one man within 30 minutes, without the use of any tools whatever. Each section can be easily car- ried and placed by one man. Roof is made of ounce Protecto Duck, U.
Army standard, khaki color, waterproof, mildew and verminproof. In erecting the roof is unfolded over the ridge, the eave poles are slipped through the side pockets, eye bolts are placed through the opening in the canvas and through the holes in the eave pole. The spring and turn buckle furnished are attached and the turn buckle taken up gives the desired tension.
This makes a roof that is always taut and requires no further adjusting. Side Walls are made of ounce Protecto Duck, U. Army standard khaki color, waterproof, mildew and verminproof. All window openings are covered with rustproof mosquito wire and adjustable khaki curtain. To place on the house, the canvas is opened up and laid on the side of the house, starting on the hinged side of the door. This is pressed into a groove in the frame, a wooden button turned, and the top of the canvas is securely in place.
After the top edge is placed around the entire house, the bottom edge is placed by pressing the canvas into groove with wood strip, which is held in place by button, and a small strip of canvas which acts as water table covers up the lower series of buttons. Q0 14 Xl9 Nest closely in packing. Weighs less than wooden pole of the same diam- eter and is stronger; made of the best grade of seamless drawn steel tubing — all joints brazed and reinforced with electric galvanized satin finish to prevent rust.
Telescoping Upright Poles 3 A up to 8 ft. Made in two styles for guy ropes and for beckets. Its one principal advantage is that while the bag, when made up, is absolutely tight, wind and water- proof, it can be easily and quickly opened up the full width of the blankets, and aired. The whole bag can be taken apart for cleaning and put together again more quickly and with far less effort than found in any other bag in the market.
The blankets are so arranged as to prevent them getting bunched up around the limbs when the sleeper twists or turns. The cover can be quickly untied and thrown off, thus preventing condensation when the bag is used under cover, and when in the open the cover is arranged to close and make bag absolutely tight and waterproof. The sides and bottom of the cover are brown wa- terproof canvas. The top is made very full of Tanalite. The Fitch bag comes equipped with headflap or hood which can be used in the open for shelter. At each corner of the cover is a sleeve loop through which stakes may be driven to hold the sides taut, and prevent the bag shifting or slipping.
Blankets can be quickly added if increased warmth is re- quired, or detached if a lighter weight bag is desired. Weight, 21 lbs Weight, 10 lbs Weight, 5 lbs 8. Fitted to any of the above bags. Fitted to any of the above bags These bags are made on the principle that a num- ber of layers of thin all wool blankets give more warmth than the same weight in heavy blankets, the air spaces between the blankets acting as a non- conductor. The special features are its extreme lightness for the amount of warmth procured — perfect comfort for the sleeper as there is ample room which is prop- erly distributed.
The bottom of the cover is made of brown water- proof material which keeps all dampness or draught from reaching the inside of the bag. The top of the cover is made of Cravenetted Tanalite. This mate- rial is not absolutely waterproof but is as much so as any cover for a sleeping bag should be made — it allows the moisture which the body throws off during the night to escape. We use special quilts in these bags which are lined with lambs' wool and covered with a woolen material — these quilts are strong and give the maximum amount of warmth with the minimum weight. These quilts are much warmer in proportion to their weight than the very best grade of woolen blanket.
It is a very simple matter to take this bag apart for airing purposes and it is also easy to put it together again. There are a series of buttons and buttonholes down the side and bottom of the cover and each quilt, and to take the bag apart all you have to do is to undo the buttons — the quilts and cover each have the tapes placed at intervals around the bag and when these are tied to one another it keeps the quilts in perfect position so that they cannot become disarranged during the night.
This bag has been used and approved by several of the leading sportsmen and physicians. An ideal bag for use on the sleeping porch as well as camp use. Bag with one quilt is sufficient for a temperature as low as 40 degrees, 2 quilts is enough down to 25 degrees, 3 quilts is enough down to 10 degrees. Extra quilts should be added where necessary. The cover of this bag weighs 4 pounds and each quilt weighs 5 pounds. Made to order only at price equal to cost of two bags. To supply any of our covers with the necessary grommets, etc.
Opens down the front and about 18 V' ' inches up the back. The 1 v suit covers the body entirely, leaving only a portion of the face exposed. It is far warmer than the old Johnson blanket bag and so constructed as to be absolutely wind and waterproof. The special grade all wool blankets are made up in bag forms, which are made to fit snugly within each other. The inner section is furnished with two long cords at the bottom corners. These cords are run through grommets of as many sections as are required, then through the cover and held taut. This holds the bag in place at the bottom and makes it very easy to assemble and open.
Where the grommets come through the cover a flap is at- tached, which makes the bag waterproof. This method affords an equal covering of blankets all around, and is very warm and comfortable. Cover made of close woven brown waterproof canvas. Has large flap to be used for head covering when sleeping in the open. Size of bag, 7 feet long, 3 feet wide. We recommend 4 thicknesses of blanket for summer, 8 thicknesses for spring and fall and 12 or 16 thicknesses for winter.
We will make up blanket bags from blankets fur- nished by purchaser at a cost of 50c. Made to order only, price equal to cost of two bags.
Harland Miller Archives - Two Coats of Paint
Outside case made of "Wearproof" duck and lined with felt. Cover fastens with snap buttons and has hood or head cover for use in the open. Air bed covered with felt. Has an air pillow, size 11x16, covered with felt and attached to bed with snap buttons. Pump for inflating sent with each bed. These bags are not as comfortable or practical as the Fitch or Johnson bags, but where weight is the first consideration they afford warmth and protection, and are practical for ordinary tem- perature down to freezing.
Made of long Australian wool, color Heather Mixture. Suitable for person up to 5' 3" in height. The outside bag is made on the closed cover principle, having no opening other than a short top opening where the sleeper enters. We do not consider this bag quite so handy and convenient as our Fitch and Johnson models, but it is warm and serviceable, and the simplicity of its design makes it moderate in price. Cover made of heavy duck fitted with pro- tective flap for head covering at top.
Outside case made of balloon silk, coated with rubber compound. Lined with wool felt and fastened with snap buttons. Air bed made of special fabric, coated with pure Para rubber. Covered with fine wool felt. Has "pillow- stool," size 5x12x18, used either as a stool or pillow. Made expressly for us and of proper sizes. They are, in fact, the heaviest blankets made, all wool, closely woven and recom- mended to those who desire a blanket of great warmth and able to stand hard usage. Absolutely pure wool and beautifully made.
Color Dark Fawn, brown trimming. Very soft and pleasant to the touch. Army Blankets 3A This blanket is at present used by the U. Guar- anteed all wool. Size, 66x84 ; weight, 5 lbs 7. Excellent for general use. Size, 70x80; weight, 5H lbs 7. Light Weight Blanket 4A This is a new blanket adopted by the Government as the "light weight" standard. Made in Olive Drab onlv. Made of guaranteed all wool in Olive Drab.
Single, color Blue-grey, trimmed with black. Size, 66x84 ; weight, 5 lbs 3g 5. A good blanket for summer Use. Color, Khaki Mix- ture with dark Khaki border. Siz,e, L 60x84 in. Excellent as a "bottom blanket" or "bed roll. Only the very finest materials enters into the construction of this mattress — strictly hand made throughout. With proper care one of these beds should last for years.
Covered with Khaki Jeans. Coated with the best quality of live rubber. Stays are of strong heavy tape and they will not break. They are very carefully made from a high grade of rubber, strongly stayed and reinforced, and covered with a removable and washable Khaki slip. Long Wide Weight Each 3A 6 ft.
A Khaki cover is vulcanized to the rubber — only the best grade of materials being used — strongly stayed and reinforced. When opened flat everything is accessible and rolls up like a steamer roll. For steamer use steamer blankets can be placed inside — for camp use camping blankets. At night, by untying 8 tapes, the center wail pocket can be taken out, blankets spread and cover can be used as outside sleeping bag cover. The outside straps and handle make it easy to pack and carry as hand luggage. The center wall pocket has three tiers of pockets of different sizes, each with flap and tie tapes to pre- vent articles from falling out.
At the top are loops for inserting tooth brush, combs, etc. Made of brown waterproof canvas, bound through- out, wall pocket and pockets made of Khaki. Size overall 7x3 feet. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Time for a vacation - Mar. Making time - Mar. Back Online - Mar. The Bluffs Marina — Jupiter, Fla. Old wooden boat tools - Apr. Getting sick abroad - Apr. Officially moved to the new Blog - Apr. Graphics and bow thruster - Apr. Yachts, cruisers and guns - Apr. Saint Pierre The town - Apr.
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