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Paperback , pages. Published June 5th by Vermilion first published September 12th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Beat Cancer , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Dec 01, Callie Di Nello rated it really liked it. The step plan to help you overcome and prevent cancer' is a book which should be required reading for everyone, as we aspire towards a more preventative model of healthcare This book is very useful for those who are going through treatment or have finished treatment, although I would personally recommend it as a must-have resource at the point of diagnosis preferably BEFORE you get test results back, so you can enter into discussions with surgeons and oncologists better-informe 'Beat Cancer: The step plan to help you overcome and prevent cancer' is a book which should be required reading for everyone, as we aspire towards a more preventative model of healthcare This book is very useful for those who are going through treatment or have finished treatment, although I would personally recommend it as a must-have resource at the point of diagnosis preferably BEFORE you get test results back, so you can enter into discussions with surgeons and oncologists better-informed.

The authors - Prof. Mustafa Djamgoz and Prof. Jane Plant - have presented the book in a highly-logical, well-presented manner. Considering the subject matter, this book is extremely well-written and easy to understand. The Appendix has clearly been laid out with much thought, too.

It is easy to see that at least one of the writers has had personal experience of the cancer journey, purely because of the clarity of layout - when going through treatment, you need to have things laid out clearly, succinctly. Your brain just cannot cope with anything that is NOT clear and concise! My one very personal dislike is the use of the dark pink colour as a focus colour; although it serves the grey font very well, I feel it could potentially be off-putting to a population that links pink to breast cancer awareness. Especially as one of the writers is so well-known for her writings specifically to do with diet and breast cancer.

Potential readers may not realise that it is a book that applies to EVERY type of cancer, irrespective of age. There is limited use of diagrams, and what is included is very clear and easy to understand. The appendix is very well laid-out in tabular format, too. All in all, Beat Cancer is a highly readable, user-friendly book about an emotionally-difficult and scientifically-complex subject.

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What I really liked about this book was the step way to self-empowerment at a time when cancer patients and friends, carers, loved ones, etc. The book is extremely well-written, giving a healthy blend of science and medical together with the aspects of good health whilst dealing with cancer or living with cancer, or post-cancer and in remission , which are often left unsaid by the medical profession.

It also gives people an underlying basic knowledge of orthodox clinical medical treatments and why these may be offered. If ONLY they could print out just Step 3 when you are handed a diagnosis, it would be such an empowering tool at a time when you feel so very small and inconsequential, a mere body attached a terrifying monster that goes by the broad term of 'Cancer'! I felt a little disappointed even cheated, to be honest by the fact that Step 10 is so lightweight.

For such a hugely-important part of the cancer journey moving on from treatment , I felt 7 pages was far too short. Part of the reason we endure such radical treatments is to try to beat cancer, enabling us to life a full life. Too often, survivors are left bereft of any real support, or guidance as to where to turn to, and I feel that this should have been addressed a little more in Step There are just NOT enough resources to help the huge numbers of survivors to move forward in life, physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am only giving Beat Cancer 4 stars because of the skirting-around-very-important issues in Step I received a paperback copy of Beat Cancer to review for Macmillan.

Editorial Reviews

May 12, Susan Shay rated it liked it. Good for those diagnosed with cancer, those who have cancer in remission or those who just want to know how to better take care of ourselves to help prevent cancer. The authors are both from England so there are many references to the medical clinics and opportunities to find different types of help in the UK. But the information is really good.

The book was recommended to me by my Radiologist who is also British, so I was very interested in reading it. The book covers everything from the basic Good for those diagnosed with cancer, those who have cancer in remission or those who just want to know how to better take care of ourselves to help prevent cancer. The book covers everything from the basic information about cancer cells and how they reproduce to how stress, diet, exercise, environment, affect cancer.

It talks about different types of cancers and how they react to the items above. Great general primer on cancer and how to live with it. Their take on diet is that eating a mostly vegetarian diet is the best way to change and maybe prevent cancer.

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They also talk about the acidic and alkaline factors in our body and what foods increase and decrease both of them. I wish that I had read the book when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer as it would have answered so many questions and helped me to understand things that I should and shouldn't be doing during treatment. But it also has helped me to remember to do and not do specific things around food and exercise. Mar 10, Deirdre rated it liked it. Interesting premise but I'm just not quite convinced, the subtext seems to be that you made your cancer bed and you only have yourself to blame.

Maybe it's just my issues creeping into my read of it. Like another reviewer I had issues with the shortness of the last chapter. This book would have been 4 star if it wasn't for the emphasis on UK medical help, the NHS etc, so for someone like me a lot of the advice was somewhat useless.

Beat Cancer: How to Regain Control of Your Health and Your Life

Jun 02, Joe Sampson rated it it was amazing Shelves: They give the latest science on cancer. They begin by explaining what cancer is and then the steps to prevent or overcome cancer. They explain the therapies available. They recommend a vegan diet, organic food, non-use of plastics inter alia.

The book is well written and should be useful for anyone wanting to understand cancer. Apr 19, Townsville Library rated it it was amazing Shelves: Read cancer wellness books in Townsville.

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Beat Cancer: How to Regain Control of Your Health and Your Life by Jane A. Plant

All listings for this product Buy it now Buy it now. Any condition Any condition. Last one Free postage. About this product Description Description. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, you want to do everything possible to beat the disease.