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The cast is constantly changing so things stay fresh and there are multiple cases that the squad must undertake from robot zombies yep. You just have to get into the spirit of things. Some of its scratchier than others, some give a more cartoony depiction that better fits the material, some go dark and gritty, but the terrible re-designs remain the same. I must say, that even with the art as varied as it is, it was never clear who was the worst or who was the best.

Each chapter looks good and each artist captures a specific element of the series better than the last be it with the sexiness, the violence, or the comedy. But if you want to get a really good deal, head over to Amazon where the book is selling for…wait.

Suicide Squad Vol Kicked in the Teeth review | Batman News

I loved the members of the squad however I felt as thought I didn't really know any of them?! They all felt distant, even characters, such as Harley, who I already know and love seemed empty. There was very little attempt to make the reader attached to the characters which was a real shame. I guess a reason as to why the writers did this could be to show just how disposable the members of the squad are! The dialogue was all really well written and made reading it easier due to how real it felt.

At times the story was a little hard to follow but it was still really enjoyable and gripping! Will most likely continue with this series but I'm more excited for the movie than I am for reading the rest of the series really!! Oct 06, Sam Quixote rated it liked it.

Suicide Squad Volume 1 Kicked In The Teeth Episode 1 Kicked In The Teeth

The book feels a little light as we only really get to know Harley and Deadshot, the other characters remain somewhat obscure. Sep 20, Angela rated it really liked it Shelves: The last half of this book is way stronger than than the first. Jun 20, Christopher rated it it was ok Shelves: I love Harley, but girl can't carry a team book by herself.

Everyone else, especially Waller, can take a bullet. Team books are difficult. Team books with all bad guys are even worse. You either need to make them fake the buddy-buddy, or go all out. This one mostly treats them as bad guys expect when it matters. That scientist who gets off the helicopter and uses his ipad to not turn off their implants, but extend the times?

He'd be dead and that ipad in one of their hands before he knew what ha I love Harley, but girl can't carry a team book by herself. He'd be dead and that ipad in one of their hands before he knew what happened. Then when the guy says he has the detonator? He'd be dead before he got his hand out of his pocket to show them. If Deadshot wouldn't do it, Harley would have. Both of them are smart enough to know they aren't getting out of this alive and would take shots when they presented themselves.

This is Suicide Squad. Jun 20, Carmen rated it really liked it Recommends it for: I wonder where they are going with this? May 14, Mizuki rated it really liked it Shelves: I bought Suicide Squad , vol. The artwork is so damn awesome , the story is fast-paced, finely plotted and entertaining, the main characters are mostly charming and they are all vivid characters, the action scenes are brutal. What more can I ask for? I wish I could read vol. Jan 13, Mike rated it liked it Shelves: Man, the first three pages? Awesome - stylish, minimalist, I got the feeling the writer really know how to expect more from his audience.

The only character who's not a caricature or stereo Man, the first three pages? The Hispanic "Diablo" is sympathetic, but Oy is he a racist stereotype gone wild. Good god it gets worse. Every single issue they name themselves to each other - "What I am is the new leader of Task Force X - the Suicide Squad - so some respect, mate", and we get a bad Hydra knock-off terrorist group - "Hail Basilisk! At least with King Shark around there's plenty of gore to keep us awake.

This plotting is pretty much a Thunderbolts lite ripoff, which just makes me want to re-read Diggle's and Ellis' books. Same ol' repetitive "we hate each other and are only doing this to get our sentences reduced - oh crap he died - oh hell, we got betrayed?! I'm impressed that I give a rat's ass about her at this point, but not sure it's really enough to keep slogging through the next book. Art's pretty good, but a little too much dead-obvious repetition of camera angles eg four panels in a row?

I'm really not sure about the costumes either - Deadshot's codpiece - really, does any badass killer wear a metal codpiece? Or Harley - is she using Krazy Glue to keep that barely-there bustier on her ample boobs? View all 5 comments. Aug 01, Kelly rated it liked it. Deadshot is brutal and Harley is sinister but I just felt the stories didn't flow.

Oct 14, Elena rated it liked it. There is something absurdly appealing about this series to me. I guess it's because it's so crazy and out there. A team of super-villains is selected from the population of Belle Reve, a maximum security prison in the middle of the Louisiana swampland designed to house dangerous meta-human criminals.

They have nanite bombs implanted that will blow their heads off if they don't come back to the prison There is something absurdly appealing about this series to me. They have nanite bombs implanted that will blow their heads off if they don't come back to the prison after the mission is completed, and are sent into missions where their chances of survival are extremely limited.

I haven't read much Batman in a long time queued up on my reading list , so my experience with Harley Quinn is based on watching Batman movies and tv shows. She's seriously crazy and homicidally inclined, but in a strange way, I kind of liked her. I'm trying to process it myself. Deadshot, I think I might be developing a crush on him.

Suicide Squad, Volume 1: Kicked in the Teeth

I find King Shark disgusting. I hope he dies. Black Spider is interesting, although I don't trust him. Not that I trust any of these guys, but he has a sense of superiority because he's a vigilante who likes to kill criminals. A bit of self-righteousness can make someone very dangerous because they are good at justifying even their most questionable actions.

El Diablo is quite a character. An ex-street criminal who felt severe remorse after flaming down a house full of women and children. He has the ability to start fires, and his numerous tattoos are burnt off in the process. There are a few other characters who round out the very fluid team membership. Amanda Waller, warden of Belle Reve, is the no-nonsense command officer for the Squad. She don't take no mess. She is fierce, and lays down the law with the members.

It's do or die for them. I think the creators of this series like the fact that they can go for it. You don't get those moments where the 'hero' wouldn't do 'that' or they wouldn't cross that line. They are pretty much what you think: Admittedly, some have a bit more of an ethos than others. Their first mission is about as crazy as it gets.

Getting dropped in the middle of a sportsdome full of people infected by a technovirus. Yeah, I must keep reading this series. Sep 27, Michelle Morrell rated it liked it Shelves: A group of supervillains, forced to work together with the promise of reduced prison sentences for succeeding and death for failing.

Lots of strife, backstabbing, mega violence and humor, of course. Those were well done. And I'm always happy for more Harley Quinn.

  1. Comin’ Thro’ the Rye.
  2. A Brief Guide to Taos. Where to Eat, Shop, Work Out… and More!
  3. Review: Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Kicked in the Teeth - ComicBookWire!
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  6. The Rolling Stones: Incorrigible - Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones @ 50 and counting, tours then and now, Crossfire Hurricane, Monkey ... Rock (Ellen Sanders Classic Rock Readers).

But I think it did her a disservice. She's supposed to be hyper intelligent, not just insane. And dude, King Shark? Not even in my nightmares, please. Jun 26, Teya Agnese rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was action packed from start to finish!

See a Problem?

The squad started together, some died, some betrayed others and Harley Quinn attempts to find and take her revenge on the joker, who she assumes is dead. The best parts about this one comic was that is contained issues My favourite issues for me were 6 and 7 the search for Harley Quinn. The ending though, I mean, WOW!!! It just makes you need to read the next comic.

The joker creates his own new Harley Quinn, and Harley has been shot right at the end but she can't be dead can she? Shall have to wait and see May 16, Amy Other Amy rated it it was ok Shelves: Why yes, I have retreated into comic books and fantasy pretty much entirely! I am fending off what has turned out to be a rather impressive case of the blues five months and counting and then I saw the Star Wars movie and it has triggered all my worst nerd obsessions, so I am catching up on superhero movies and fantasy series and generally ignoring all those serious books I normally intersperse in here.

I'll get back to the weighty stuff as soon as I can manage it or f Hello there, Goodreads! I'll get back to the weighty stuff as soon as I can manage it or finish reading that lovely book on cetaceans I've been chipping away at , but in the meantime, I read this Also heard horrific things about almost every series in this reboot from a feminism standpoint--lots and lots of fridge girls, apparently. I don't typically let feminism guide me too much on what I read, but it happens that I do think the comics industry in general is a giant train wreck of misogyny, so it pays to heed the screaming around here if you hear it.

But, you know, so many superhero movies this year! And this looks so good Let's just say I hope the series gets better after this opening collection. Didn't love the art. The stories had the right premise but fell short in the execution. Too many point of view jumps, too many bit villains sliding in and out, not enough stardom to carry the ensemble performance there's definitely a reason it already looks like Harley Quinn and El Diablo are stealing the show in the movie's trailer , too many moments of stupid a super villain does not generally forget what his powers are when he's in a jam, writers: Maybe the B-team from the author pool got stuck on this?

I honestly don't know. Even Harley's arc lacked a little something. BUT it was picking up at that point. Ooh, and those finishing scenes: So I'll definitely keep reading. In addition, both El Diablo and King Shark are shown to be even more unstable than previously thought.

Suicide Squad: Kicked in the Teeth

Shortly after, the cast discover that the prison riot was all a cover for Harley Quinn to make her escape. This means that, for the most part, this portion of the collection is an origin story with bits of modern day action in between. The biggest problem throughout the book is the infighting between members of the Suicide Squad itself. One would think that a team constantly being thrown into fights would not have enough time to fight each other. This is not the case for members of the Suicide Squad. This infighting is especially bad when it comes to the issue of who leads the team.

This plot point is uninteresting to begin with but becomes downright annoying by the end of this book. Hopefully the second volume does not continue to repeat this mistake as it brings down an otherwise enjoyable comic. The artwork in this series is done by a couple of different artists, including Federico Dallocchio, Clayton Henry, and Cliff Richards.

Overall, the product is nothing special and nothing to really write home about. This also means that the only thing which could set this art apart is exceptional quality, yet that is definitely not present. All in all, the artwork here is not bad, but not great either. Kicked in the Teeth starts a new version of the Suicide Squad series. The story here is continued in Suicide Squad Vol.